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Posts posted by rick75

  1. I guess we all look at Thailand from different perspectives, I am in my early Thirties work and spend most of my time in Australia, I just happened to have met a Thai Lady that I took a fancy to. I like Thailand and most of its People, the country is beautiful, but i have only been traveling there for 4 years and am not yet at the stage of being able to turn a blind eye to the inequalities of the country, if you live in Thailand you have no choice but to accept these things or it will do your head in.

    So to you, I seem like I am bagging the country and to me, You seem like you are apologising or are oblivious to its problems.

    The simple statement of if you don't like don't come is not really fair

  2. I live in a smallish country town in Australia, its common to give a nod or hello as you pass by someone, I first noticed the difference between Cities in Australia many years ago, in Brisbane in a lift people will often say hello, in Sydney people will not, when I am in Sydney I purposely strike up conversations just for a laugh, the look on there faces is hilarious, when in Thailand I sometimes say hello sometimes don't I have had plenty of people ignore me, once I was in a small country Town not many Farangs around and said hello, I was surprised he did'nt even acknowledge me.

  3. I would take that 1.3mil and put it into the kids education, English tutoring etc while they are young and furthering there education as they get older through Uni etc.

    I would say the falure rate of business ventures on here seems to be 99%, give the next generation the opportunity to feed themselves.

    Just my opinion

  4. The article states they are 20% down, but then also states they have 20% occupancy, does this mean there usual occupancy is 25%. If this is the case how do they survive under ordinary circumstances, In the West I was led to believe that they needed 60% plus to break even.

  5. I went to it last year in Rattanaburi, I was surprissed no one was killed, great day out sitting back under the trees enjoying a few beers and the rockets.

  6. Wanted to book a Bkk-BNE flight online for a friend at the Thaiairways site, get to checkout, it states, you must be present at check in with your credit card, I call there brisbane office and say whats the deal?, due to credit card fraud you must present your card at check in, I say this is not possible, can I come to Brisbane office and verify the card, answer no, you could however buy your ticket through our office, online ticket $1450au in there office $2450au, they say there is no way around it. I say to guy this makes no sense, he says "its a Thai company we get a lot of that".

    In the end i booked it through Thai Visa travel and this fixes the problem.

  7. There seems to be way to many relationships which turn to crap here, for that reason I could never be so blindly optomistic about a relationship with a Thai, my girlfriend says she loves me blindly, but the rules are different here its a thrid world country, survival is number one.

    Ta22 I am happy for you but be honest, don't you have a little niggle in the back of your mind that says it might not be 100% real.

  8. Handholding is a weird one for me, when in Thailand my girlfriend wants to hold hands when walking etc, I know its against Thai culture and tell Her its not on, she is against any other affection in public, I am not sure if she has picked up this handholding thing in Australia, I can't figure her out.

    As for the night club its not unusual to touch someone on the arm to get there attention or to have your hand around there back while talking, you are after all only an inch away from there ear otherwise they can't hear you.

  9. None of them are winning, they all should to be taken out back and shot, the yellow shirts were disgusting in there actions and now the red shirts are following there leed. If any of them actually had an ounce of decency and love for there country they would shut up shop go home and fight this the right way through the courts or at the ballot box. The only agenda either side seems to have is the destruction of there country. Shame on the lot of them.
    What if the courts are currupt and the ballot box is denied ?

    Red shirts are just asking rogue Abhisit to step down and call for elections.

    Rogue Abhisit is well aware he's been appointed in spite of people's vote and will never do that, unless forced. All disruptions and possible violences are rogue Abhisit's responsability, not Red demonstrators who are just trying to get back the voting rights they have been robbed of.

    Have any of the issues been tested in court? (that is a real question), if the Thai courts are corrupt what about international courts.

    I don't have a side in this, I think the actions of all sides and there power brokers are disgusting.

  10. None of them are winning, they all should to be taken out back and shot, the yellow shirts were disgusting in there actions and now the red shirts are following there leed. If any of them actually had an ounce of decency and love for there country they would shut up shop go home and fight this the right way through the courts or at the ballot box. The only agenda either side seems to have is the destruction of there country. Shame on the lot of them.

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