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Posts posted by rick75

  1. I don't think the international media is for either party all they cover is the goings on, before it was airport closure and demonstrations now its demontsrations and road blockades, they don't talk about the why or the players involved, no one really gives s**t outside of Thailand, its a second rate country run like a nut house, thats what the average Westerner sees.

  2. I should say we were happy with the tong tarin only because its location was great, but i beleive others like the majestic are better value, also the night life in Surin does not kick of till around 10pm which sucked, but it allows you to get a feed and a few beers before hitting the strip.

  3. We stayed at the Thong tarin in Surin, I think 1000bht, not a bad spot, right next to all the bars and clubs, a must is to check out is the Tawan Deng, its a club alongside the Thong tarin a really great night out, traditional Thai club. Would suggest checking out the farang connection site, also outside of Surin there is a large lake, fishing restaraunts etc apparently really nice but we ran out of time.

  4. Yeh, but air asia are crap, no responsibility for connecting flights as I found out a month ago had to rebuy two tickets from Kl to Bkk, I would use them for one off short flights where you don't have connecting flights otherwise I will avoid them in the future.

  5. Head over Thaksin bridge along krungthonburi rd, up to Soi 1 krungthonburi head up soi 1 to the end, all around that area between krungthonburi rd and Charoenrat Rd there are hundreds of sellers of fabrics and alike, if you can't find what you are after there you won't find it. Hope this helps

  6. So to keep things in perspective below is an exert from a Brisbane newspaper from Today look at the behaviour of this lady, she abuses a judge in a court and government officials, she gets 4 months jail, if the lady had not behaved like a pork chop in court and only made threatening and abusive comments to Government officials she more than likely would not have received and Jail time.


    A Japanese law lecturer who bared her bottom to a judge and had to be removed from her own trial for incessant screaming has been jailed for contempt.

    Brisbane District Court Judge Stuart Durward on Friday sentenced Megumi Ogawa, 41, to four months' jail for her "disgusting behaviour" during her trial.

    Judge Durward charged Ogawa with contempt just moments after a jury found her guilty of two counts of each of using a carriage service to harass and using a carriage service to threaten to kill Australian Federal Court officials in 2006.

    During the trial, the court was told Ogawa, who is a lecturer at Lismore's Southern Cross University, sent 83 emails and made 176 phone calls to Federal Court staff.

    During some of the contact, she made threats to kill registry staff.One staff member said in a victim impact statement, he was so affected by stress because of her actions that he had started going bald.

    Ogawa was on Friday sentenced to six months' jail for those four offences.

    She refused legal representation at the start of her trial, electing instead to represent herself.

    However she was repeatedly kicked out of court for screaming, making disparaging comments about the justice system and wrestling with corrective services officers.

    She also flashed her bottom on one occasion when being dragged into court.

    Barrister Paul Smith took on the case two days ago, and on Friday made an application that Ogawa not be present when Judge Durward handed down his sentence.

    Judge Durward read out his full sentencing remarks in Ogawa's absence before the screaming lecturer was brought into the court room so she could be told her fate.

    Ogawa had to be carried into the dock by three corrective services officers who had to hold her down as she was sentenced.

    She will be released on a good behaviour bond in September.

  7. Yeh that is spot on earings for a large percentage of Bkk workers, start by living in a unit where the rent is 1500bht-2000bht a month, no bigger than 20sqm, share it with 1 or 2 other people and you are on your way to savings.

    Travel everywhere by local bus,

    Work 6 days a week so you have no time to spend any of the little money you earn, are you getting the picture.

  8. I am not defending Heng, but seriously give the guy a break.

    He gets in the middle, the Farang doesn't believe him tells his wife, Heng ends up with a bullet in his back for messing with a Thai hooker.

    He tells the guy, he still has no legal standing, she finds someone else to do the deal.

    I feel for the old bloke it is not fair but neither is life, he gave away the money/house.

    So many bleeding hearts on here today, I understand all you guys who have done the same thing are now fearfull of the future, but don't blame Heng.

  9. There is no difference the world over, publicans feed you piss, you get drunk, you get rowdy, then they act surprised that you are getting rowdy and take it to heart and provoke the situation. If you don't like rowdy drunks don't serve them doubles tell them its time to leave, if you are happy to take the money deal with the consequenses in a respectful manner. It is gutless to get people drunk and then go to town on them.

  10. I don't judge them for the choices they make, but I do have admiration for the girls like my girlfriend who go out and get a job and work hard, a friend of hers was a BG and married a Farang, my girlfriend told me once she thought about working in a Bar but could not go through with it. This surprised me I never thought in a million years she would even contemplate working as a prostitute but the allure of meeting a Farang is a huge draw card.

  11. As a person in the working age group I struggle to see how financially you would be better off in LOS than in the West, unless you are on an attractive expat deal or work overseas as I know a stack of guys do. I would love to sell my business and move to Thailand but finacially I am better off staying in Australia and having my girlfriend come over here. I think LOS would ware thin on me fairly quickly as well, the lack of social justice and the general view of Farangs by those in power does not sit well with me either. As for owning a house I would never do it, rent or buy a condo that you can own legally.

  12. The heavier the better, make sure it is bolted down, if you are trying to save money you are better of with a solid plate steel safe than one of these cheaper document style safes. But there is no substitute for cash spent, a TDR safe with a solid concrete filled door and a glass relocking device. If going for a cheaper one try to hide the safe as best you can.

    Safes don't really wear out, so don't be afraid to buy second hand and usually the older safes are better than the cheaper newer ones. IMHO

  13. The same can be said for most stand alone barriers. The key is to layer your security and not to forget the human element.


    Yeh not exactly, the more money you spend the more time it buys, I have seen a video on youtube of a safe mob here in Australia getting into a safe like those Leko ones, they use a screw driver to pierce the outer layer than a can opener(yes an ordinary can opener) to cut a hole large enough to fit your hand through, then with a stanley knife(box cutter) and screw driver cut away the barrier material then cut the inside skin again with the can opener.

    I had safe tech out servicing my safes at work and he can open my manipulaion like you see in the movies, I have an ex australian government safe that were manipulation proof, the idea being no one could open the safe and take a peek at governement files without anyone knowing, he is even able to get into one of these.

  14. ... well there you have it: without exception the advise is wait.

    Come back in 3 - 5 years time and tell us the relationship is going strong .........?? my guess is 3/4's of folk, all of whom feel now just as you do, will be divorced/seperated - and if there are kids involved, it can become real messy.

    The fact that i never been single for long periods make me nervous about distant realtionship with her and I that might make me date others back home which i do not want as i have spend more than 1 years dating this lady :o

    Well there you have it

    Go back Home, move on, if you can't keep it in your pants a long distance relationship is not for you.

    ^ you beat me dude

  15. Thai jails are not fun, do a little reading educate yourself, I feel sorry for anybody that has to spend time behind bars in Thailand, the culture of beatings and abuse is well documented and he's supposed to be exposed to this for losing his temper. Wake up to yourselves, anybody that can say he seriously deserves up to two years for his "crimes" must be a few cards short of a deck.

  16. Hi, Is the poster who said he 'deserves it' actually from this planet ? The passport is his and the British Governments property, and is swearing really a two year custodial sentence ? If it was a slang word, the official must have very good English language skills, which I have found nearly unheard of here.

    UKFOOL, :D (How appropriate)

    You were there were you? You actually saw exactly what happen and how this horrible little man went about his business of insulting people, did you? OR are you just going off what our almightly print media is reporting? I thought so..... :o .

    What planet are you from? I do believe your nic answers that question but I thought I would ask as anyway.

    Ohh and you will find many thais that speak reasonable english if you get yourself off Patpong or Kohsan Roads for a few minutes. :D

    For you to say that there are plenty of Thais that speak English is a joke, you must spend all your time in the tourist strips or at the universities, step 2 minutes out of a tourist area and you will be lucky to find someone who speaks more than ten words of English.

  17. You people who say he deserves this, must be nutters.

    Two weeks holiday plenty of wine and women, sun, lack of sleep you are tired and cranky then you are faced with this, all you want to do is get on the plane.

    Its not hard to loose your temper in Thailand, if you know the consequenses you try hard to control yourself, if you don't know the consequenses you let rip.

    I was staying at a hotel in Bkk last week and after being screwed over I let the staff know of my indifference to there treatment of me, guess I am lucky to be not spending the next 2 years in Jail.

  18. I think it is no diffreent than the west, some like to live in the Cities others in the Country pretty simple, I grew up in the City than 4 years ago bought a business in a rural area and now live here, I like it, some of my friends can understand others can't. I don't think there are many Farangs who live 100% as the Thais do, why would they, if you have money why not spend it and live comfortably, I have only had two small stays in my girlfriends village they are about 100 klms north of Surin, I think the pace is a little slow for me but I am only 33, if I was older I could see myself plodding around with a veggie garden and a small fish farm to keep myself occupied. My point is you either like it or not, if you don't nothing anybody can say will make you understand.

  19. Thanks for the reply onni4me, its something that I could see impacting heavily upon businesses, especially in retail outlets that are known to be owned by Farangs, down in Pattaya for instance I am sure every man and his dog comes through every other month to issue on the spot "fines".

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