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Posts posted by BugJackBaron

  1. Mcdonalds breakfast menu from 5 to 11am :)

    Do any restaurant's have on their menu SOS[shit on a shingle] Also, do any markets have chipped beef? :D

    Well ... sort of.

    MoonShine Place on Soi 4 serves creamed beef on toast but the beef is ground beef, not the kind of beef Americans would expect in creamed chipped beef, namely the chipped beef.

    This place is run by an American who also offers Tex-Mex food and some southern cooking specialties such as chicken and dumplings.

    I haven't tried this place but some posters have said good things about it over the years. The times I have sniffed on by there are never any customers and that doesn't encourage me.

    That's soi 4 on Jomtien right?

    I used to pop on down there at breakfast for their waffles which were

    the real deal.Unfotunately real maple syrup is something

    no restaurant will do as it would raise the price considerably.

    But what they had seemed better than the average.


    Though it was good, I thought it was bit cheap(and strange) that coffee was not

    included in the breakfast special which already was around 100 baht.

    Yes, not that many customers,

  2. There's a Coffee World/Subway across the street and closer to the BTS. Not sure if that one has wifi. Perhaps they're on both sides now.

    One restaurant that may not be there anymore is called Basil, between soi 3 and soi 5. It's around those hair salons. Raja Mansion used to have an open wifi in the lobby, but you had to be in the lobby to get a signal. Or you could hang out in the parking lot I guess. I only ever used the wifi on my cell phone there. Not sure if they'd kick a non-customer with a laptop out. Think that was passworded last time I tried, but perhaps not.

    Coffe world Sala Dang has it. Last week I checked out Nana Coffee world.

    "Broken" I was told.

    My guess is they just dont want the business there.

    Soi 8 coffee house? A RIP-OFF! is that the one where they say it is free but it costs 100 per hour to

    plug your laptop in!?

    If you don't mind pubs, The Hunter's pub basement of landmark advertises free wifi

  3. Arachnoid(a debian package) and other SDL games

    she may enjoy. As an added bonus this is actually

    a game that does not work well on windows at all(unless you download

    and patch a lot of DDLs)

  4. I use Ubuntu 9.04 (now officially upgraded all computers and notebooks) and switching to Thai language is now very easy. And connecting to a wireless network is also no problem, it was so easy that I first, by accident connected to the neighbor his router...

    Well I guess linux is getting there..

    It's been about a year since I've used it(sold the desktop before I came to Thailand).

    I wonder who worked on the Thai input as this is though not a difficult problem it would be

    probably rather cumbersome.

    Love your avatar.

  5. linux is all fine and good but it is the LITTLE things (that are not so little)

    that make me use windows or OS X.

    Thai input? I am not thai but maybe I want to look up a word.

    What linux distro can get thai INPUT working. I know display of Thai is

    no problem.

    There are a bunch of crappy solutions that usually don't work.

    Or some work for GTK apps but not Qt ones.

    This is the problem: a mess of conflicting APIs .

    Another example is ALSA and OSS. Now we

    have the bandaid called pulseaudio which may or may not work.

    Personally I give FreeBSD 8 (when it comes out)or OpenSolaris a better chance

    of being a full desktop replacement than linux.

    But I still like to tinker with linux(bluewhite64 or debian especially)

    and other free OSs

  6. For between 500 and 700, try the White Orchid Hotel. It's in the soi across from the seven eleven on

    soi 1.(sorry for bad description). What I mean is its about 3 streets behind Nana plaza and more or less

    across from Annie's DODO bar.

    It is clean - unlike the places on the arabic side of Nana - quiet, and has a friendly

    staff. It is where I first stayed as a tourist some 4 years ago.

  7. Has anyone else seen that map with possible

    new subways lines: STS, BTS whathaveyou lines?

    I saw one with about 10 in addition to the two we have now.

    Seoul has about 10, and needs them all.

    If you look at the geometry of the city you can see why there

    are so many bottlenecks. Victory monument has arteries going in many directions,

    like to Dusit. This is often blocked. A subway line down that way would

    be a godsend.

    So what is needed is a stable government and lots of money to build these

    new lines :)

  8. What a load of crap. Thai food is MUCH cheaper than anything in your home country and so are hotels and ladies of the night. What else does a man need? :D

    And what part of "like for like" do you have trouble understanding???? :D


    All of it actually. We don't use that phrase where I come from. However, whatever it means, Thailand - in general - is still cheaper to live than any Western country and many items (electronics, cars, etc.) have always been more expensive here. Thailand is not a cheap version of Disneyland for traveling misers. It is a real country where some things are inexpensive and some are not. :)

    Agreed.......some things are more expensive, some things are less expensive. But in the not so distant past almost all things were less expensive.

    I was talking with a Thai friend the other day and she told me that she thought prices for most things in Thailand were now HIGHER than in Australia.

    I thought, impossible..........maybe not. It is odd.......and I think we possibly can agree on this......that prices in Thailand seem to go up as the economy declines.

    An average dump hotel three years ago cost 350 to 500 baht in Pattaya-Jomtien........now that same room cost 800-1000 baht. Makes no sense to me.

    I'm not sure what hotels you mean but I STILL find Pattaya a bargain for single-men hotels that

    are bug free and reasonably comfortable.....

    I can name at least two good ones in Pattaya city proper

    and one in Jomtien with rooms for 500 to 600 Baht(where I just stayed)

    Yes 300 now will get you a fan room at most...

    Now Hua Hin on the other hand WILL get you a dump at those prices..

    So while there has been some inflation, I do think there is also a lot of exageration.

    Try buying a bottle of beer for less than a buck in a 7-11 in Canada some day..

  9. Recently I had dinner for the first time at Cabbages and Condoms restaurant in Pattaya. Apart from the great food, atmosphere, and the whole story of this amazing place, I was intrigued by the absence of mozzies. To those who haven't been there, the restaurant is on about 2 rai of beautiful terraced tropical gardens leading onto a beach. It has a sophisticated high pressure misting system, to keep the rainforest environment and lawns very green. But not a single mosquito !!! The misting system was not on all the time, there was not much breeze, and it was a warm evening. It also doesn't seem like a place that uses too many if any, pesticides.

    There was no one about to ask, but given my ongoing battle with mozzies, I would be interested to hear opinions. To pre-empt some, I don't think it's got anything to do with the hundreds of (unused) condoms decorating the place.

    I think C&C uses pesticide in that mist :)

  10. While the new central was an improvement, in my opinion

    some things like books and yes, cheese are still best done

    in Bangkok.

    Emporium supermarket is probably the best - with its real OLD cheddar from

    France and Britain for example.

    Not cheap but all cheese of any merit is imported here and

    will always be expensive....

    I would get some ice and a good car and make the drive...

  11. im not sure if i have this right......you spend 4 days, afternoons, sessions it the gym each week and ur concncerned with eating "healthy". and dont really mind spending good money on quality food...

    is this why after doing all these metabolic tests in whats right for ur body.....no wonder u need to hit the gym after cosuming 30% in fat in ur daily food intake....

    big english breakfasts are known for their fat, especially the bad fats that clog up ur arteries ....this blog seems like a bit of a piss take actually...

    i think u need to do some reading up on whats really good for ur body, heart and liver rather than what ur metabolism wants...thast wat processes the food and id hate to think of the battering ur metabolism is taking....

    as for good food u may want to try some of the local top hotel chains...they do class buffets and u can savior them over a few hours for around 600baht per person or less.

    as for causal food most pubs being of the ferang variety offer standard fare at good prices...one good one being the down under bar in soi 23 suk....

    i live in ratchada and i cant escape the places where i can score a god quality meal...and i dont break the bank either

    The only really bad fats are transfats as they are not usually found in nature.

    That being said, it is not so much the meats but the carbs which cause weight

    gain and other problems....you could lose the chips or eat no more than a handful.

    Sure do some reading but don't stop at the readers digest articles that tell you

    about the food pyramid...

    600 at top hotels??? In Chinag Mai probably true. In Bangkok I can only see this as possible for their breakfast..

    but prove me wrong :)

    Viva the English Breakfast!

  12. Always find about the same price for the past 5 years...80-100 baht, be it Phuket, Samui, Bangkok or Hua Hin...depends how many, some are buy 5 get a freebie others buy 10 get a freebie...some are proper boxes others plastic bag...considering the price for a real one 80-100 is perfectly fair I would think....have noticed my latest DVD player dosnt like the copies though :)

    I have noticed cheaper DVD players will not play pirates.

    At Tesco they were helpful - a Sony or Phillip's in the 2200 Baht range will play anything.

    If you have a computer with a nice screen , VLC is the way for software...

  13. The popular website for farang teachers has an article regarding a shortage of teaching positions being offered, I am wondering if there are less people needing these positions. The university department that I work in advertised recently and only received 3 applications; a Master degree was stipulated though people rarely let that stop them applying. A university position has a lot in its favour, for example no need for a teaching license, no culture course, no kids.......

    I have noticed that there have been fewer positions advertised therefore I assume there must be fewer people interested in teaching in Thailand. Korea's exchange rate has made that a less attractive alternative ..........

    Most university positions don't pay very well. Sure, if it's a top-ranked university the pay will be good, but most of the university teaching positions pay no more than 40,000 baht/month. The universities simply aren't being competitive. I recently hired 3 teachers and had a deluge of applications, some of whom were qualified to teach at international schools (I work at a government school). I'm still receiving inquiries, but I've filled all our positions. I may even try to create a new position next month, because we are expanding our program, and there's lots of good applicants out there.

    Wow, which ones do 40,000?

    All public universities pay 27,000 for bachelor degree holders and maybe 1000 or 2000 more for MA and Ph.D


    I am told East Asian U, a private university, doesn't pay very much more than these rates.

  14. If you do not wish to do so then think about this , i shall use USA as a example , 96% of the American population is over weight and as a nation are number 1 in the world for poor health ,

    So do you think low fat diets really keep us healthy ? Our ancestors thrived on traditional diets including many animal organs and fats .

    Before the invention of processed foods many cancers was un-heard of .

    While I do agree with you -- to some extent -- about processed foods, saying that many cancers were unheard of is not really accurate. Today we virtually always diagnose a death, either in advance during the illness stage or afterwords via autopsy. In the "old days" death certificates said people died of "old age" or "natural causes", and those deaths were often caused by cancer that was not detected or yet identified.

    It is important to get the time-line understood here.

    If we are talking about one or two centuries ago in the western

    world of that time then sure the accuracy of diagnosis is not

    as good as it is now.

    But there is another school of thought that really talks about pre-agricultural

    man(Which is probably before they even issued death certificates.

    There is evidence that people were healthier before the advent

    of agriculture. We are not just talking about cancer here but

    also diabetes(which increased in Thailand after the introduction of cane sugar)

    , osteoporosis, arthritis and other "disesases of modern civilization".

    This has been verified by analysis of skeletons at various archeological sites.

    www.paleodiet.com has more information.

    Very interesting. I was speaking of much more modern. I hate to admit I was alive in the 1950's (egads!), but even the degree to which nutrition and general health has changed in that amount of time is fascinating. I remember in the 1950's if someone had a heart attack it was pretty much assumed they would die. Many (perhaps even most) cancer patients were fighting a losing battle.

    It's also tempting to point to the longevity of people back in the mid-1900s and say look, my grandfather ate tons of fatty bacon and eggs and whole milk and.... And mine did. But on the other hand, my grandfather's generation didn't sit at a desk, did much more physical labor through their 50s and even 60s. I think the difference was their un-stylish exercise and work ethic.

    Just out of curiosity, do you have a particular interest in paleo cultures?

    Yes, it's true that modern medicine is getting much better at keeping heart-attack victims

    alive with surgery, pacemakers and whatnot. The question is for me not just

    longevity but quality of life.

    Paleo cultures, as long as we don't idealize them, provide an interesting contrast

    to modern society and lifestyle.

    I think your grandfather may have been eating

    higher quality eggs and bacon as well as having access

    to better air and as you say doing more exercise.

    Does anyone really believe that the quality

    of food in the western world, or anywhere, is getting better?

    In the last ten years I have felt it has gotten a lot worse.

    It's all just marketing and processed crap now ...

    I blame globalization in part.

  15. If you do not wish to do so then think about this , i shall use USA as a example , 96% of the American population is over weight and as a nation are number 1 in the world for poor health ,

    So do you think low fat diets really keep us healthy ? Our ancestors thrived on traditional diets including many animal organs and fats .

    Before the invention of processed foods many cancers was un-heard of .

    While I do agree with you -- to some extent -- about processed foods, saying that many cancers were unheard of is not really accurate. Today we virtually always diagnose a death, either in advance during the illness stage or afterwords via autopsy. In the "old days" death certificates said people died of "old age" or "natural causes", and those deaths were often caused by cancer that was not detected or yet identified.

    It is important to get the time-line understood here.

    If we are talking about one or two centuries ago in the western

    world of that time then sure the accuracy of diagnosis is not

    as good as it is now.

    But there is another school of thought that really talks about pre-agricultural

    man(Which is probably before they even issued death certificates.

    There is evidence that people were healthier before the advent

    of agriculture. We are not just talking about cancer here but

    also diabetes(which increased in Thailand after the introduction of cane sugar)

    , osteoporosis, arthritis and other "disesases of modern civilization".

    This has been verified by analysis of skeletons at various archeological sites.

    www.paleodiet.com has more information.

  16. Our ancestors also lived to the ripe old age of 40. :o

    That's if they were lucky.

    Depends on whose ancestors. North American indians, assuming they didn't die

    of some disease brought by europeans and were not killed in battle, lived

    long and were reported to be incredibly tough. I guarantee you they were

    not eating Cheerios for breakfast.

    In colder climates people often succumbed to starvation and infection but

    those who lived long lived long and healthy. So it was no picnic and antibiotics

    would have been welcome even then. The point is to take what was best from the past and use it

    together with what is best from the present - which is certainly not our diet.

  17. Sadly like i thought , no idea about good quality food ,

    Having had my body Metabolic tested to attain the correct food groups for my Metabolic type i am a Protein type which basically means i have to eat more meats then carbs , Meats being protein which makes up 40% of my diet intake ,, the other being 30% fat and 30% carbohydrate , now as i attend the gym 4 times a week a Engllish breakfast is what i require hence i was asking about a good quality English breakfast which for me has to contain quality pork sausage ,bacon fried egg and low sugar beans , Toast and good quality butter which for any Pattaya experts can be found at Yorkies restaurant on the Jomtiem Beach Road .

    So if anybody with any knowledge of food and is not happy to eat the rubbish to be found in most tourist establishments , your helpfull comments will be most welcome , for the rest of you early posters on your cheap processed food diets good luck in the cancer wards !


    So let me see if I understand this -- bacon, sausage, and eggs are key to preventing stomach and intestinal cancer. Hmmmmm. Funny, I NEVER heard that before.

    Well...I have hung around vegetarians all my life and believe me they are not any healthier on average than

    the rest of the population..

    Not sure about the bacon., however the OP does have a point about finding quality MEAT at reasonable prices

    in Bangkok. This is not Canada where prices are more or less the same whatever part of the city

    you are in. Bangkok is EXTREMELY price sensitive so my advice would be not to try anywhere

    on the big tourist trap trail of Sukamavit. Woodstock bar off soi 55(15 baht motorcycle ride) gave me

    the closest thing I have had yet to a real cheeseburger at a very affordable price.

    Note too that in Phuket and Chiang Mai and even in parts of Pattaya you can get better value

    for your money than in Bangkok

  18. Remember Bali ?

    One massive bomb that killed how many? 200 people?

    A few years later, again in Kuta, another bomb which thankfully only killed a few people.

    Did tourism suffer? YES!

    Did it die? No way!

    If Bali, and specifically Kuta can survive something like fundamental Muslims carrying out bombings, then Thailand can certainly ride out political battles.

    Europeans in particular are pretty pragmatic. A few political protesters on the streets is a normal situation to us and we're made of sterner stuff than most. It doesnt tend to bother us as much as say the Koreans or the Japanese whom i notice, according to reports, have canceled their holidays because of the red-shirt fiasco.

    Their loss as far as i'm concerned.

    But they will be back. Just like they came swarming back by the tour-bus-load just 6 months after the tsunami.

    From what I understand tourism in Bali DID die - down as much as 99%. But that was clearly because in that

    case tourists were the target. In the case of Thailand it is quite different and like you say tourists do come back

  19. I want to make a special point to NOT recommend Oliviers in the complex. Their buffet included with dinner LOOKS very impressive but TASTES very salty and cheap. Their French style main courses are nothing to write home about either.

    Not my experience at all. The all you can eat buffet is a good deal with or without the entree and overall this restaurant I rate as a good value. Oivier's is one of most popular restaurant's in the JCC area.

    Its popular because its cheap and a massive buffet with a set meal is an easy sell to TOURISTS. In my experience expats are not commonly regulars there once they get to taste the SALT BOMB that is the buffet. It is NOT fine dining at the food level, not even close.

    True. Fine dining it definitely is not. But this place has a strong French customer base and is not exclusively tourists. It is still a good value especially when compared to the Poseidon next door, home of the 100 baht Diet Coke.

    I have to agree with JingThing here. Patte cannot be done cheaply and what they

    offer is a joke. You can tell just by looking at it.

    There are some slightly better French places behing dot com. Better value for money anyways.

    Funny how these threads keep on repeating!

  20. It has been known for quite some time that red meat is crap and it sits in your intestines for weeks before getting fully digested.

    Speak for yourself!

    What all these "Red meat" scare studies ignore is the confounding

    variables - variables that could be the cause of the findings.

    In particular, cooked vs rare or raw meat and the presence or absence

    of carbohydrates and other foods in the meal. How do you know

    it wasn't the fries and not the burger that caused the high cholesterol?

    I believe in science too. There are quite a few doctors and scientists

    however that do not believe these studies constitute good science.

    Here is one


  21. Try the Ritz in Jomtien Complex for dinner. Manhattan's is a rip off. The chicken wings are so good at the Great American Rib that it's worth going there just for them.

    Is that the one run by the elderly Brit? Quite good if I remember.

    There are one or two others inside the Jomtien complex worth checking out..swiss or german

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