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Posts posted by barrj46

  1. I think most people would agree with you fishhooks. The one difference with other countries is that they (US for example) have contributory pension schemes where Australia does not. Your pension or your parents pensions are paid from general revenue paid for by the current taxpayers. In the US, you pay your taxes, plus you must pay pension contributions on top of your taxes. I don't agree with it, but that's the way it is unfortunately.

    Superannuation will make it all irrelevent in the future in any case, in which case you have paid for it and can have it paid to you and spend it where you like.


  2. Rules relating to the payment of Australian age and invalid pensions have changed repeatedly over the years, commencing in the days of the greek migration scam back in the late 1970's. Currently age pensions may only be paid overseas for a maximum of 12 weeks. You must be considered an "Australian Resident" to qualify for payment of pension. An ex Australian resident who returns from overseas simply to claim pension and return overseas will not be entitled to payment.

    Some people who are currently receiving payments of Australian pensions overseas, may have qualified for payments under previous legislative provisions and now be subject to "savings provisions", others may simply not have informed Centrelink and have somehow escaped the data matching against your immigration card that you complete when leaving and arriving in Australia.

    Plenty of case history available on the website of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal - www.aat.gov.au or the Federal Court - www.fedcourt.gov.au

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