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Felt 35

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Posts posted by Felt 35

  1. It will be interesting to see if this becomes universal practice. Many lifestyles will then change around here.

    What if you take with you all the documents which are compulsory (to Immigration) when you apply for a 1 years exstension based on marriage and supporting a wife.

    Included passbok from bank and proof of income which cover the minimum income/wage.

    But instead hand them over at the embassy/consulate when applying for a multiple visa , okay let`s say Penang.

    What then! Still only 90days?


  2. What do we want?

    Often many comments on Thai visa about First & third world country.

    With a "mai pen rai" attitude in many of the situations mention in the posts above we will be good fuel for keeping things as they are.

    Do we want “mai pen rai” attitude when we look for a construction company to set up our house or when the land officials are checking the land documents.

    Should I accept any deal I get, good or bad, because it’s usual with a “mai pen rai” attitude here?

    Most things in life are in relation to another, so with “mai pen rai”


  3. IWas just in and looked at the website to MFA.

    Regarding the different visa’s and qualifications. Is this new or old regulations?

    Why I ask is because I can’t see anything about persons married and support a Thai citizen on that page, or the regulations for that category. Only the regulations for persons above 50 Years of age.

    BTW. I went through it fast so can be I did not see it, or have they already left us out!

    "Maybe I have got a visa I don’t deserve"! :o

  4. If they really wanted to make this Visa comedy clean and straightforward they could easily do. Then we had to apply for both work permits and resident visas from our home countries, married or not, and they could easily check if we where acceptable.

    Just as most of the Thais have to do when they immigrate to another country.

    But how should it go with the corruption then, and the impolite, parasitemoneyslobbers behind it! :o

    Just fine without us!

    Well it wasn’t just fine without us in 1997.

    “But that’s forgotten and now we ride high on the horse again. Well I hope they fasten the saddle better this time.”

  5. I have Insurance through my country’s National Health Insurance for citizens living abroad.

    That one is fine if you have to stay long in a hospital because it’s cover pr. night,

    but for expensive surgery where the need to stay in hospital maybe is limited to a couple of nights, it will of course cover less of the actual expenses.

    If someone has practical experience with a Health Insurance, which is possible to buy in Thailand and really cover all expenses, would I be grateful for info.

    I see have seen some "popup" from "Goodhealt" here on Thai visa and also the ad from "pha ex-pat.com". Anyone who has experience with these ones?

    Thanks & Regards


  6. Call the International Law office. Ask for Friedrich "Sam" Fauma.

    They have an office in Patong( Rat-U-Thit 200 pee Rd), and also in Phuket City. (Chaofa Rd, near Suan Luang Park) 076 340731/ 076 222191.

    I have consulted them every time I have bought any vehicle. The law have changed was the last they told me.

    If you have no work permit, you will need a notification from the Immigration to confirm your address in Thailand. If a friend of you, or girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/partner have a permanent address where you buy the car you can use a copy of their house- registration and Id- card, if not maybe your landlord can help! It takes five minutes at Immigration. Bring with you the documents from your friend, your passport and a copy. You shall not pay any fee for the document.

    Usually the car dealer takes care of the Insurance, different dealers use a few different Insurance companies, but you can of course choose the company you want. Remember driving licence.

    Get it in your own name.

    Good Luck :o

  7. If you pay cash, a tourist visa is ok. (Well things change here fast, but at least it was okay two years ago.)

    If you want leasing through a finance company then you probably need 50-60% downpayment or guaranty from a Thai if you want it in your name.

    Good Luck.


  8. caughtintheact2

    What you are dealing with here is probably corruption. What was said at the time the directive was handed down does not necessarily reflect what might have been said between subordinate and superior before that. As an example, a few years ago, despite the rules calling for a retirement pension of B65,000 as the minimum requirement, and despite the fact that at the time I was grandfathered under the B20,000 per month requirement, I was told that I must do a wire transfer of B72,000 per month. Since the rules were not adhered to, there was no doubt in my mind that someone was looking for a payoff. I managed to get this sorted out with some outside help and without paying any bribes and when I returned to get my stamp, it was for the rest of the one year and I was told that B20,000 per month was enough. I have been here continually since 1982, first as a "dependent of a Thai citizen" and almost ten years now as a retiree. I never paid a bribe during my "dependency" years, and since retirement have had only the one hassle noted above. The Immigration people are bureaucrats. They follow directions from above, so when they do not seem to be following the written rules, they are most likely looking for income enhancement. Thai bureaucracy is composed of client-sponsor relationships, in which people pay to work under a certain high(er) ranking official (sponsor) because that official will take care of the client (the lower ranking official). It is similar in concept to Thai politics in which people join a political party not because they believe in its ideals or because they can do more for the people who voted for them, but because they are promised more for themselves by the party. And one of the ways in which a lower ranking Immigration official can get benefits is when his sponsor is on the take, which puts the client on the take as well. Other officials nearby will not say anything because it is not their affair. When such a situation is encountered about all you can do is try some other officials (tell the official you are ill and come back the next day), enlistin g some outside help (if you know anyone who has a connection)

    Not exactly surprised if the game of the system is like above, however its a little sad because so many of us are a silent contributor to the Country, but in reality will we never get the change to play, but only be an extra!

  9. My experience is that it’s not so much about bank deposits or income or a mix, which counts most, but to creep.

    I couldn’t do this things listed below, but sure this is three unnecessary and inhuman things excepted.

    Rule 1. Spend some money on clothes and gold chains and dress up like someone you not are.

    Rule 2.Go in like a dumb cheep, your woman speaks for you. If they ask questions, “SMILE”, but don’t say a word.

    Rule 3. Make the officer(s) feel big, use shoes without heels, and bend your knees or best creep.

    Congratulations the visa is yours…..wife…..

  10. Three Buddhist temples bombed in South

    Published on May 17, 2004

    Simultaneous blasts injure two despite warnings of possible violence

    A fresh spate of violence rocked the deep South last night as three separate explosions went off almost simultaneously in three Buddhist temples in Narathiwat, injuring two people and damaging the temples' sanctuaries.

    The bombs went off at about 7pm at Thara-korn temple in Tak Bai district, Ratsamosorn temple in Rusoh district and San-ghasit temple in Rangae district, police said. They said they had not yet identified the explosives used.

    The blast at a gate of Ratsamosorn temple in Rusoh slightly injured Kuekul Seangwong, 27, who was making a telephone call at a phone box nearby, and Assah Nge-ngor, 18, who was in front of his house opposite the temple's gate, police said. The two were admitted to a Rusoh hospital.

    The explosion at Tharakorn temple broke a pole of the temple's sanctuary - the part of the temple complex where monks gather for the holiest ceremonies.

    There were no reports of casualties there.

    The rear wall of the sanctuary at Sanghasit temple in Rangae - where there were also no injuries - was also damaged.

    Authorities have been deploying marines to guard many temples in the area. But last night's bombs were put in place and went off before the troops normally arrive, at about 8pm.

    The explosion last night was a significant violence took place in the Muslim dominated region three weeks after the government armed forced killed 108 Muslim, including 32 in the historical Krue Se mosque in attack to several military and police outpost. Five officials died in the incident.The head of the Buddhist Sangha in Narathiwat, Phra Rajkunathan, said that at more than half of 67 Buddhist temples in the province the only person who lived in the temple was the abbot.

    "It's worse. . .perhaps nothing is worse than this," he said.

    He said that he had asked authorities to deploy adequate troops to guard the temples. "I won't ask for troops any more. Let's see if there is nobody to protect the Buddhist religion," he added.

    Fourth Army Region Com-mander Pisarn Wattanawongkiri said earlier that he had instructed security officers to be on high alert last night as intelligence reports suggested a "certain level" of violence might take place.

    Police Ninth Region Comman-der Prung Bounpadung said he had given similar orders to the police, as he had received information that separatist movements would mo-bilise as many as 300 fighters to attack vulnerable targets such as schools, Buddhist temples and officials' workplaces between May 14 and 20 - from last Friday through this coming Thursday.

    Commanders at the Fourth Army Region have been paying |special attention to schools, which will begin the new semester today. Troops will accompany some teachers from their homes to schools, Pisarn said.

    Elaborating, he said soldiers would accompany teachers travelling between homes and schools in Narathiwat and Yala, while security officials would be on patrol along routes that teachers and students often use around schools in Pattani.

    Some schools in sensitive areas need security protection from troops around the clock, he said.

    Teachers have been living in fear since 20 schools in Narathiwat were torched on January 4, the same day that an Army camp was attacked.

    Pirat Wihakarat, president of the Federation of Teachers in Southern Border Provinces, said most of the schools in the deep South were ready to operate today. However, some schools in Narathiwat might not be ready for students as they are under repair or fresh construction since the arson attacks in January and April.


    Police informant gunned down in Yala

    A police informant in Yala who had recently accused police of involvement in the disappearance of two other local informants was gunned down on Saturday night in the southern province.

    Doloh Rohying, 46, was shot in front of his second wife's house in Yaha district at about 11pm and died on the way to hospital, police said.

    Doloh was hit in the stomach, chest, arms and on the left side of his face, police said, adding that 16 spent casings from an M16 rifle were found at the scene.

    Police said they suspect bandits or separatists murdered Doloh because he had been giving provincial police information about insurgents in the area for years.

    However, Doloh had also been in conflict with the police after publicly accusing them recently of kidnapping two other local informants.

    Doloh had accused officers from Bangkok of abducting informants Ya Jehdallah and Wae-arong Rawying in March 2002.

    He had filed petitions with government agencies, including the Prime Minister's Office and the Fourth Army Region, accusing a group of officers from the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) of involvement in the pair's disappearance.

    "I am sure that at least one CSD officer was involved in the disappearance since I accompanied the pair to see the group from the CSD before they went missing," Doloh told The Nation last month.

    He said that a group of officers from Bangkok eager to show their effectiveness had accused the pair of involvement in an attack on Yala's Ban Nangsta Police Station.

    The CSD has denied that any of its officers were involved in the disappearance of the informants.

    The Fourth Army Region is still investigating the case along with others accusing the police of abducting or having a hand in the abduction of a number of residents of the predominantly Muslim provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat.

    Local residents say hundreds of people have gone missing since authorities imposed martial law in the region following an attack on a military camp in January.

    Hundreds of people - including security officers, Muslims, Buddhist monks and civil servants - have been murdered in the restive region over the past two years. On April 28, 108 alleged Muslim militants were killed by security forces in the provinces of Pattani, Yala and Songkhla. Five security officers were also killed in the clashes that day.

    Supalak Ganjanakhundee


  11. I refer to the post about tourist visa and one-way ticket.

    Is this rules straighten, could it be a problem with a Multiple Non Immigrant visa also!

    Have never thought about it, but usually I buy the ticket in Thailand, and on the return, usually 2-3 months later, well then I have only a one-way ticket.

    Have never had problems with this.

    If there were any new regulations about visa and return tickets, would it be great to know.

    Thanks & Regards


  12. "Paithoon" The best in Phuket is my experience.

    Left side, 300m after the intersection in Talang, when you drive to the airport from Phuket City.

    He can get you everything from a city bike to the best of Triathlon bikes. Very friendly and reasonable whatever kind of help you need, included getting you a bike.


  13. I cannot see any changes to the previous rules (except from wanting more money) as long as the individual immigration officers have the power to decide.

    If they really want to change the rules they must imprint it, as straightforward general rule to follow for every immigration office, not make it as your visa depend on the mode to each an every immigration officer.

    Last two years I have been to the Immigration with near a half million on accounts and documentation from my embassy with proof of regularly monthly income at 70K a month.

    I’m Married to a Thai.

    No change. Why? Probably because I meet them with the same approach they meet me.

    Have I offended them? Well not as I know, or maybe it’s an insult to not bribe them or accept their cheating. Problems, no not at all. Have been around for more than seven years and creep shall not stop me from live in Thailand. Only I make that decision.

    Why the government don’t clean up. Well it will come sooner or later but not with Mr. T behind the steering wheel. Too much money involved and to many associates in the police bureau.

    I travel to Perth or Brisbane and it’s a pleasure to be treated as you are. Friendly but correct. There you get a multiple Non O, and by the way it’s great with a short holiday to Australia once a year.


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