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Posts posted by Lee4Life

  1. darn just found some info on a wiki that they are asking 50 baht but it is all minivans. no buses from either Udon Thani station. hmmm

    The locals bus was either 40 or 45 baht when I rode it eighteen months ago, I wasn't aware that it was discontinued. The problem is that it only goes to the bus station in downtown Nong Khai, then it will cost you a tuktuk fee to get to the border, so it's really not cost effective compared to the vans anyway.

  2. why didn't his insurance cover his expenses?


    maybe because of marshal law

    Marshall Dillon was out of town, so not that.

    Marital law was not pursued due to his not being married.

    Martial law had cleared streets and man was able to travel to hospitals and airport.

    I believe he was referring to the fact that some insurance companies will deny claims by people in countries under Martial Law.

  3. Vile stuff. I think I'd rather eat a turd

    Don't think I fancy turd I will leave that to you.

    A couple of years ago a new restaurant opened up near Vientiane. It was built over a pond where they were raising Carp fish to sell, they put up a sign out front in English that said "fancy crap sold here" !

  4. I have to admit that this display by the farang tourists is in bad taste and inappropriate. If you want to perform some nonsense like this in a Buddhist site AT LEAST have the common sense and respect to first determine if it is acceptable. To me that is just common courtesy but I think courtesy is not a strong character trait of many young people today, farang or Asian.

    I agree, there must be other places they can do their exercises...just left their common sense at home I guess. On the other hand at least they aren't dressed like Nazis!

  5. So they are paying BT 2 billion a month storage but they are unwilling to sell the remaining rice at a discount to just get rid of it. Makes perfect sense

    I would have to agree...at those storage prices how long would it take before they would have been better off to give it all away? Especially if such a low percentage is actually sellable.

    As far as their new plan goes, I'm having a little trouble envisioning them being top world exporter and also "selling for a high price", I'm not so sure that goes hand in hand. If Vietnam is already vowing to take the number one exporter spot, then it's probably going to take some doing price-wise to keep them from doing that.

  6. Some insurance companies do not insure people driving motorbikes in Thailand and it voids there insurance

    Then don't drive motorbike on your holiday. how difficult is it??

    He played the lottery and lost. And now the family expect others to pick up the bill .

    It never ceases to amaze me how heartless some of the TV posters can be, I wonder what your life really looks like? Are you really in the position to throw stones?

    You had better pray that others have more mercy, love and understanding than you seem to have if something ever befalls you.

    Lee4Life ... are you from the UK ?


    Not even close!

  7. Some insurance companies do not insure people driving motorbikes in Thailand and it voids there insurance

    Then don't drive motorbike on your holiday. how difficult is it??

    He played the lottery and lost. And now the family expect others to pick up the bill .

    It never ceases to amaze me how heartless some of the TV posters can be, I wonder what your life really looks like? Are you really in the position to throw stones?

    You had better pray that others have more mercy, love and understanding than you seem to have if something ever befalls you.

    • Like 1
  8. I find the drivers here excellent. Must add I don't drive here. In AU, the drivers have this attitude about " i was here first" and very upset if someone merges into their path. Hence lot of road rage.

    Thailand has a much calmer approach. Especially given the roads are not flash. I find the drivers very good

    The drivers here remind me of Henry Wadsworth's writing about the little girl, "and when she was good, she was very, very good. And when she was bad, she was very, very bad." I have seen very courteous conscientious drivers, but I have also had to go to the hospital and pick up my wife and niece after they were victims of a hit and run driver.

    Even though there are some excellent drivers here, your statement seems to encompass all drivers here, including me, and I am far from an excellent driver.

  9. I find the banking security procedures more secure in Thailand than some western countries...sometimes to the point of annoyance...like joint accounts can only get a single ATM card. I have had millions of baht in multiple Thai bank accounts for years and never lost a satang


    Actually many people have been royally screwed by Thai bank "security" and the bank never took responsibility even when withdrawals where fraudulent made from withing the bank.

    I would certainly advise for anyone having trouble with their income declarations to just put a few million in a Thai bank and be done with it.

    Small detail, not everybody has millions.

    I beg to differ...most screwed themselves...not enabling SMS security services, giving out passwords to friends and girlfriends/boyfriends, using dodgy ATMs, etc.

    I'll stand by my 15 years of experience using Thai banks without any problems.

    If someone doesn't have a few (or many) millions of baht equivalent to deposit in a local bank what is one doing living overseas?

    Lets see....maybe the answer to that is that they are aid workers, or teachers, or maybe they just feel like living overseas and don't believe that you should have to be rich to do so. The fact is that the law does not require people to have "millions of baht", It stipulates that they can have proof of a decent income...which is what this thread is about.

  10. Does anyone have a clue how many Americans vacation in Thailand compared to Aussies and Europeans? I don't see that many when I'm there.

    China's economy including exports is struggling. The Russian Ruble has crashed. Japan's economy is struggling.

    I think it's currency values and economies that are doing at least some of this. Also, Thailand has become expensive. For people on a budget there are alternatives.

    I have been here for a while, and it's pretty rare to meet another American, whether living here or vacationing here. I can't speak for all of Thailand, but up here in NongKhai and Udon I would say that probably one out of every ten foreigners I meet are from the States.

    As far as the OP's question, I think the reasons for people to choose other destinations are many...but I think security plays a huge role. People all over the world want to feel secure, and most will pay more for that feeling or sacrifice their number one choice if it comes to that.

    • Like 1
  11. Please don't believed in such polls, it's not true and fake. I born in Malaysia the education systems are bad the University place only reserved for 75-80 % Malays the rest of the races have to go overseas or private . Compare with Thailand where everybody have a opportunity to study for University with affordable price.

    The survey maybe rank on English, that is undeniable but the rest Thailand are still the best.

    Are you really trying to advocate that they based the comparative study on the students English abilities? The excuses you make illustrate the worldwide problem of failing to accept blame and admit that improvement is needed.

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