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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. I need an adventure. I've no climbing experience and I wouldn't know where to start, but I'm having thoughts of climbing Everest. Any climbers, advice, links relevant for my proposed expedition? Anyone want to join me even?? Thanx in advance for replies :D

    I say 'Go For It!'.

    If you were to wake up on your 50th birthday and you looked back on your life, what do you want to be looking back on? Saying to yourself 'I should've done this' or 'I should've done that'.???

    Go ahead and do it. Even if you don't succeed at reaching a particular level or point of Everest then in the future you can say that you at least tried. :o

    I got a short time to live...but a long time to stay dead. - Ry Cooder

  2. I hate that music too but love listening to the reactions when my in-laws are watching it. Everytime a boxer connects with a good blow my in-laws cry out with a 'UH! UH!' as though they're the ones who're being kicked in the stomache. :o

  3. I don't really go in there much - it's too much fun and controversy but if anyone wants my VIP pass it's theirs for 500 Bht.

    I'd like to know what's in the VIP room just out of curiosity. Send me the password and I'll fax you the 500 baht. :o

  4. I speak Thai really well... it's just that no one can understand me :D

    That's funny that! Just like me. I'm bloody fluent (to me anyway) with what little I already know. And my pronunciation is <deleted>' perfect to a T.

    But often people can't make head or tails of what I'm saying. But 'Johnny Sexpat' who'll make me howl with laughter at his feeble attempts with his badly, Italian accented mis-pronounced Thai, gets understood perfectly. What gives? :D

    Maybe my wife is trying to tell me something when I ask about my Thai speaking skills, she'll make robotic arm movements while speaking Thai in a robotic voice.

    But what the heck does she know? :o

  5. Last time that I went back to England it was after living in my wife's village for 18 months. Arrived back in my home town in the evening and I quickly headed to the chippy and ordered Steak & Kidney Pie, Chips, Beans and Gravy.

    Bloody 'ell, I only got half way through the meal and I was absolutely bloated. It took a while to get used to not eating Thai sized meals. Also when receiving my change I accidentally thanked Johnny (the chip shop owner) by saying 'Khoop Khun Maak Khap', although thankfully he didn't notice my slip.

    A few days after returning I had an interview with a 'Careers Officer' who asked me what kind of work I was seeking. I replied something like "Any work is ok. I just want make BIGS money". Luckily I noticed my mistake and was able to explain to the officer why I was speaking like a 4 year old. :o

    Sometimes it's just hard to switch off the Thai influences.

  6. My pick up insurance is due for renewal in a couple of months and i want to find another insurance company.

    Does anybody know of a good one?

    Don't forget. You have to renew insurance policies at the same time as renewing your tax. This was posted somewhere on the forum not so long ago.

    Compulsory vehicle insurance

    BANGKOK: -- The government has announced that any vehicle without insurance will not be allowed to re-register.

    This policy came into effect on 1 September, and will be strictly enforced, the Director-General of the Department of Land Transport, Piyapan Champasut, told TNA.

    The measure is aimed at increasing the level of compulsory vehicle insurance.

    Only 67 percent of the country's 20 million registered vehicles have entered the compulsory insurance system.

    More than 90 percent of passenger cars are covered by compulsory insurance, compared to 55 percent of registered motorcycles.

    Anyone seeking to renew their vehicle registration must have a valid insurance policy to coincide with the whole of the registration period, otherwise their application for renewal will be rejected, Mr Piyapan said.

    -- TNA 2004-09-04

  7. Please remember that I want a chopper...not a stock bike, suitable for roaring around the local central Thailand environs

    the welding for the frame is the most important bit...

    Try this link for a list of shops selling HD's.


    If you want to stretch the neck and fit extended springers or telescopics then you'd have to buy an almost stock bike first anyway in order to customise it.

    The only shop that I know of that would have experience with raking heads would be V2 Custom in Pattaya.

    The best shop to actually buy a bike FOR customising would be Siam Speedway then take it to V2 in Pattaya. For parts and servicing I go to Jammer as they have ###### near everything in stock.

    V2, Big Twin, V-Speed and Siam Speedway may possibly have an already customised bike for sale. Or check out the 'Ride Thailand magazine's' website(in Thai only)

  8. BTW, my dad and a work mate of mine both had really severe stuttering problems. They never stuttered when singing though. I think it's something to do with hearing.

    Was your work mate called Gareth Gates? :o

    No. It was T.T.T.T.T.Tony Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Radford. :D

  9. In 15 years I've only ever heard one old guy stutter. I hear Thais quite often repeating the same first word of a sentence over and over as though they're formulating what they are going to say.

    BTW, my dad and a work mate of mine both had really severe stuttering problems. They never stuttered when singing though. I think it's something to do with hearing.

  10. im thinking of buying an old motorbike the problem is it doesnt have paperwork so i cant get tax for it,and it doesnt at the moment have tax. the thai just rides it and pays his roadside fines, is there any way i can re-register the bike so i can get tax?

    mort, what kind of old bike is it? If it's a little step-through then I wouldn't bother trying to get a green book for it, as getting one would cost 35,000b upwards.

  11. A convenient thread...in my disgraceful old age I would like to obtain a chopper (chopped H-D v-twin bike). Anywhere in LOS where I could find one? Parts would be easy by post? Better to find an outlaw in California with Dennis Hopper 'Easy Rider' forks on his rig, top him and steal his ride than attempt the same in LOS? Can do almost anything mechanical but am not a good welder as would be required to chop an existing bike...

    Please advise...

    Tutsi, where about in Thailand are you? I ride a Harley and know most of the Harley shops around Thailand.

  12. I still think 'You' or 'Yuu' is the best name. Not because it was my suggestion by the way, but because of the humorous confusion it could cause.

    Like when he asks his wife;

    Penzman - "Did "You" make poo-poo in the garden today?

    Wife. - "No, I go toilet same same all the time."


    Penzman - "Did 'You' lick his <deleted> again today?"

    Wife - "Why you speak no good same same this? I want divorce NOW!"

    Would that be funny or what? :o:D

  13. Try telling some Thais that your name is Gary. If you don't get the tone right it makes you a whore/street walker. :o

    Hence my nickname...Gazza. :D

    Once had a business meeting with a guy named Anton and it was only later in the day that I read his business card properly and saw his full name.......Anton ######s.


  14. Shit, that's ###### bloody hilarious. :o:D

    I clicked on Chanchao's Toyota post and it came out pornalized as this:

    My mother in law is in the market for a ###### new pick-up so I was asslicking her decide between another second hand one or a balling new one, especially since Toyota have their new hi-lux model out.

    I read some rave review of the truck in the Bangkok post, how it was more comfortable and car-like than ever, and that it cost the same as the charvering old model. I also entered at the more high-end 4WD models and was a deep throating lot raunchs impressed. You can kind of see that uncle######s were kept down: The charvering passenger-side airbag is wad pulling, interior looks rather plasticky, especially the cocksucking door-finger######s (didn't top-end wad pulls of the blowing old one have leather (or leather-look) aardvarks?). The cocksucking car now aardvarks a uncle######ing heated rear window (why?) but if you look at it, the gamahucheing wire-mesh is connected with an EXPOSED wire and plastic connector! The ###### connector thingy is floating near the pecking back side of the cabin, pretty much where a gangbanging passenger's head would be. Plows.. I can imagine about two weeks a browning year where you'd need rear window raiding in Thailand, in the North, early aardvarking, up a mountain.. And then if they put this in, why did they do it like Citroen did for their 1968 2CV? Then there's the squirting Toyota stereo that's not in the same color as the rest of the interior, and (of course) the thrusting display lights up in basic green, not the spanking same color as the blowing rest of the dashboard dials. (Yes you can have your own stereo farted of course)

    Finally there's the screwing gear stick. It's HUGE. Seriously, all that's fist######ing is for your granny to knit a little fluffy ball-shaped cover for it and it'd be EXACTLY like those gamahuches used by city bus ballbusts in Bangkok.

    How did reviewers uncle######s these browns when they praised the banging interior and called it car-like? Are car-reviews in Thailand for real anyway? (never mind muff sniffing that)

    Of course there are good pecks as well; like the ######s can be adjusted in height, and the aardvarking wheel can be muff sniffed up/down, if raids not quite far enough up.

    Overall it's probably a spewing fine truck, and interior smoochs won't matter for the cuntlapping basic model that my mother in law may end up with. Then again.. might just recommend to go for a second hand Mighty-X model truck that can be had for a uncle######ing very reasonable 240K Baht. Does anyone have one for sale in that price range? Main requirement is that it has power finger######ing.



    This post has been edited by chanchao on Mon 2004-09-27, 13:09:59

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