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Everything posted by Jimbo53

  1. He seems to know more about what's happening inside Thailand from abroad,than the resident Thai Government ????????????????
  2. Old adage...if it aint broke..it don't need fixed!! I would have left it alone! Half or more of those alerts are BS..
  3. Bangkok Bank,its the quickest for receiving any monies from.abroad,as all overseas transfers go through their central office in Bangkok
  4. I hoped in March 2020 that i would be able to fly to LOS in Nov 2020...here we are in 2022,and going nowhere until all the BS Bureaucracy is over with..Good luck with March!!
  5. Not really..Have a look on the Youtube Vlogs at the young American guy's that were born in China,they speak fluent Mandarin etc! Then look at the size of the population,they only need a fraction of that market place,and they get tens of millions of viewers!
  6. My concern is that i get it on the plane,and my A$$ is hauled away when i hit the tarmac! That,along with all the BS associated with getting a visa stops me from even thinking of booking a flight.
  7. They will be honing their scamming skills on each other while the country is almost devoid of foreign tourists with tea money to be extracted????
  8. I feel a tune on the old violin coming on lol......????????
  9. My Thai GF is 54, and she looks 74. That's not just my opinion, other men can't believe it when I tell them her age....But...There are always exceptions lol.
  10. Yeah..LHR a bit slow to get on the gravy train..It's been £4 @ Glasgow Airport for ages!! Rip off merchants!!
  11. Yes...It is good to see that the previous adverse Government articles regarding foreigners skipping the country with unpaid bills should now cease,as the bills will be covered by this tax....Yes...those pigs are airborne again T.I.T.
  12. And on that note....Goodnight Vienna to the 80 Baht !!!????
  13. Correct,my immediate thoughts! If anyone knows the area,the Railway road at certain times is like a speedway,with quite a few Railway junction crossings that are not controlled by traffic lights,i think the guy has been speeding along the side of the Railway road,the lady has been coming out of the side road on the junction on the way to market with her child/grandchild,end of story!! RIP.
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