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Posts posted by joncl

  1. Ah, I see. I downloaded the trial version. It did the job but had an intermittent 'water mark' in the middle of the screen. I then downloaded 'free studio manager' which did the same job without the watermark. 'free studio manager' also does a lot of other useful tasks like converting to i-pod, downloading from Youtube etc. Very good.

    If you still have a linux box then download and install acidrip as it will do exactly what you tell it to and free of course in 99% of all distro's synaptic or apt.

  2. I would think if there is one of the AMORN shops in the area they might carry the cap also and for sure the heat shrink

    In fact they carry in all their shops across the country in most cases, or can here it for you next day.

  3. I purchased a Dynasat Package 6 years ago!!! I have a 6 Foot Dish with two (2) receiverd Dynasat IRD-7100!!! I moved to a new house in Korat and decided not to reinstall since we have cable, but I am moving again and want to know if anyone is successfully receiving Dream TV from the Phillipines without any problems!!! I have heard that they are now scrambling hourly or very frequently!!!


    The Dream TV network have changed their encryption to stop people from stealing it, but you can alway get your 7100 upgraded with the new channel list there are some video howto here so you can do it yourself, and watch many other satellites. The Skywave network on AsiaSat 4 from Hong Kong has been free for over a year now (no codes or anything funny - just free) so you watch that just fine.

    Good luck

  4. The Golf Channel Via satellite or a smaller cable operator? Many thanks for yoru help.

    It is on the Astro TV Network from Malaysia via satellite.

    Thanks joncl,

    That means I would have to go the satellite route, eh? Would you happen to know a reputable satellite installer/dealer? There are a lot out there and would prefer someone with some positive feedback and first hand experience.

    Thanks for your help!

    A good starting place might be here

  5. Is this guy trolling? In a sense looking for a fight?

    Why post the same, off-topic message in every linux thread?

    the micro$oft messengers can not help themselves, so ignore it like I do.

    RE the OP items;

    #1. Use System:Preferences:Display app to sort it out

    #2. The app is called - NetworkManager Applet (under custom application launcher in the add to panels function)

    #3. I just use the 904 release on my Asus notebook and it works out of the box

    #4. already answered above by another poster.

    Reading all this, you are well on the way to being a power user rather than an appliance operator, so good luck and save the $250 (smile)

  6. Blocked by the ICT:


    เว็บไซต์นี้เป็นเว็บไซต์ที่มีลักษณะเข้าข่ายหมิ่นพระบรมเดชานุภาพ หรือเป็นเว็บไซต์ที่ไม่เหมาะสม

    จึงขอระงับการเผยแพร่ชั่วคราว จนกว่าจะมีคำสั่งเป็นอย่างอื่น

    Google translate says "

    This site is a site that looks a lese-majesty The site is appropriate or not.

    Requested a temporary suspension of the distribution. Until the command is another"

  7. Couldn't find any usenet programs on that osalt.com, they don't list nor windows nor open source clients.

    why would you want it to when things like Evolution / thunderbird and many more are already included in many Linux distros (read most of them).

  8. Yes I know what it means but I wonder why I have it. 7:00pm was fine. After a nap I woke up only to have some crap error like this show up. Just when the truevisions care office was closed for the night. Service has been crap since the mechanics came to change the faulty smart card last sunday. It was fried after a blackout on saturday.

    most likely the wrong card for the box you have, or the wrong box for the card you have from truevisions or a faulty card reader in the box you have, at an educated guess.

  9. BBC World Service is free to air but BBC Entertainment is a pay channel only available on subscription through service providers such as TrueVisions, Astro or Multichoice.

    Australia Network is also free to air but I have been told by those who know much more about satellite TV than I do that it is hard to receive directly on a home dish because the satellite is low on the horizon and obstructions can block the signal.

    I live in a bungalow in a built-up area so I'm stuffed. If I lived high-up in a condo I would probably be okay.

    BBC world service the radio network, but is also there on satellite, but I suspect you mean BBC world, and the oz network can also be used on topup tv on the same satellite as truevisions (who [truevisions] are one of the 20 odd Thai satellite network providers)

  10. Wine sucks and leaves much to be desired. Two programs I use often are AutoCad and Garmin Map Source. I can see no advantage for Linux unless it is the fact that it is free.

    www.osalt.com provides a list of opensource options for your windows apps, i.e. autoCad can be seen here

    Wine does its job but is not windows and in some cases I have to use win7 in a VM to run some tools (read 1 of them but this is more to do with being to lazy to learn the Linux versions which there are many) I can not do in Linux, but the same applied to the MAC so I have to it in a VM for 3 apps I use, but all run from Linux not the other way around and with dual screens on the notebook here it is great to have one OS on one screen and native linux on the other.

  11. Little Pattaya, on the Srithon Resovoir has been there for a long time already. It is a collection of restaurants that are in the water. Sometimes they are under water. In a past thread about that area I posted a picture with one of the restaurants with just the roof above water. It is directly opposite the sattalite station.

    And that is exactly when it started, just after the CAT ground station was finished (getting on for eight or so years now). I have a place about 2km from it behind the CAT dishes.

  12. Why not install the 2009.1 release fresh like any ubuntu release would be done.

    ! do not / did not want PClinucos 2009 else I would gone down that route.

    Also, if they did this now to 2007, they might do it in the future and I do not want to go through this saga ever again for the want of synaptic space on their repos. Until this happened I used to be a pclinuxos champion, but not any more.

  13. There are 3 very good desktop operating systems here - I have used them all extensively and they are all bulletproof.

    Latest is 2009.1 which is what MDV shoulda done, 2008 is a superquick mini distro, on roids, 2007 is my absolute fav - no-brainer, lazy, big block V8 - big power, solid - enjoy.






    Be very careful with this one as it has caused me no end of grief lately.

    We have used 2007 here and minme since it came out on the http, smtp, pop, dns, samba etc servers and on the notebooks etc, for the company, but now in 2009, when you do a apt-get upgrade it installs the 2009 distro over the 2007 distro, and frankly screws the 2007 distro totally. So we are now moving to ubuntu for everything (notebooks and servers)

  14. In BKK the other day they asked for;

    1. The bank letter dated the same day as the immigration visit (no exceptions) - started on the 12APR09

    2. A new form from your district office called a Kor Ror 22 as proof of marriage either in or out of Thailand, and will most likely involve a trip to the local Thai Foreign Office for vaidation of the certified true copy of your foreign wedding certificate - started on the 12APR09

    My two pence worth..

  15. I do like this distro as a client (not as a server with their server image), I now have OSX, WinXP and WIN 7 all running in VM, you have to love it.

    It does not like split screens though, as on my DELL 17" flat screen it will not give me more than 1024x768 where the notebook happy works in 1280x720, but that may well be down to my onboard vga card in the Asus notebook.

  16. On none of the satellites you'll find premium channels for free (i.e. un-encrypted)

    Except for the Skywave network on Asiasat 4 Ku band from Hong Kong, which has been free to view for the last 10 months (so no card or hacking required) on a 75cm dish in Bangkok north.

    Some of the free premium channels include;

    Nat Geo Adventure (A1)


    BBC World

    Channel News Asia



    Fashion TV

    etc etc

    Enjoy as we have been.

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