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Posts posted by joncl

  1. A few free dloads via the synaptic package manager that spring to mind;

    1. Miro - for internet TV, podcasts etc, A complete solution

    2. Ktorrent - for torrents

    3. Elisa - as a Media Center - a tad better than the MS Vista Media Center. A complete solution

    4. Wine - as a ms windows emulator (will run many things - but no where near all things)

    5. Kopete - a an instant messenger (or aMSN as mentioned above)

    6. VLC - the best media player on all platforms

    7. GIT - if you are into source codes/cdk/svn programming

    8. SVN (Subversion) - as per line 7

    and many more baby tools I am sure you already use.

  2. As I said, I cannot do an installation so I never have a 'Completed' XP installation.

    /dev/sda1 I got from gParted. How can I tell XP to install where I want it, I am afraid it might overwrite Ubuntu...


    You could always run XP in a VM client in your linux, I do and it works just as fast and for compiling too.

  3. A simply copy and paste works with the default Rhythmbox on most Ubuntu releases to my ipod works perfect, but I also agree Amarok is fine too if not better.

  4. He Ben10,

    I have no idea if BitDefender or Clam AV is better, but surely I need to say that 'BitDefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices' is the better looking application..

    I use avg here - which runs as a service or in the foreground in a KDE GUI (I am sure there is a gnome gui but have not tried it)

  5. Question.

    If my Condo supplies me with SAT TV, and all cabling has been done, can I just attach the box to the antenna socket supplied in my condo and use a Dreambox to gain access to other channels?

    Would welcome any answers.

    How about cards, I have seen them advertised for sale locally, is this legal, and could I use?

    I'd also like to know the answer to this, can anyone please post some info? thanks!

    The simple answer is no, as the condo will in most cases will only feed RF signals via its MATV system, not the satellite IF signals you need for your DM box.

  6. I normally run PClinuxOS rather than ubuntu - but been running ubuntu in a vmware player here for a week on one of the Vista Ultimate notebooks and it works well, it suprised me how well the drivers just worked on this Asus notebook even when run inside the vmware player.

    However I must say I prefer KDE over Gnome :o

  7. True confirmed to me via phone that Wikipedia blocked SOME of their IP addresses. Mentioned starting with 124. They can not reach Wiki's webmaster is what I'm told. Of course I told them to fix it ASAP.

    True = False. Unfortunately no alternatives for me.

    I too am on the TRUE 124.x.x.x IP range and never had a problem with Firefox, Chrome or IE getting to wikipedia

    ping en.wikipedia.org

    Pinging rr.pmtpa.wikimedia.org [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=314ms TTL=44

    Reply from bytes=32 time=311ms TTL=44

    Reply from bytes=32 time=314ms TTL=44

    Reply from bytes=32 time=310ms TTL=44

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 310ms, Maximum = 314ms, Average = 312ms

  8. For a real home media net experience.. The dreambox can now be used as a tuner win vista media center providing a full epg, recording, pvr / dvr, etc etc etc.. Also of note is it will stream the feed out via MCE extenders like the xbox to bedroom nodes from a central server etc..

    Check out DVBSBridge..

    Not that a vista product is related to this Linux sub forum :o

    So as some of the PLi team had personal contact with Pavlo who developed this and after reading your note I decided to try it here on one of the Vista boxes. I must say I was excited after reading your post and expected to see something more than what I use now (PC to LCD TV and the DM's multi-webifs - 6 boxes on one screen) In outcome in short for me was, what a disappointment DVBSBridge turned out to be.

    I know it is still under development but when you have over 260 channels in your active bouquet list on your DM box box (in this case I tested it on a 7020 running Jade2 with over 400 active channels via a multiswitch) DVBSBridge simply ignores all the other channels once it reaches its 260 channel limit. You can not select what channels will be added to it, and after 20 minutes (not the 5 minutes MCE says) you are left with less functionality than what the normal E1 & E2 webif's provides.

    So even though I asked for a free copy - tounge in cheek - on the PLi-images site, forget it, as I will stick to Linux, the E1 & E2 DM Webif and VLC and Mplayer as it delivers so much bang for your buck.

  9. Always glad to see someone liked it. There is will be another E1 release shortly so stay tuned :o

    We released last week;

    PLi® Jade2 Enigma1

    for all Enigma 1 boxes

    [22-03-2009] PLi® Jade2 Enigma1 images released

    A new Enigma1 PLi® Dreambox release is available for download.

    The Original Enigma1 PLi® Jade2 suite contains the following images:

    * PLi®-Jade2- DM500(regular and maxvar)

    * PLi®-Jade2- DM500+(Plus)

    * PLi®-Jade2- DM600

    * PLi®-Jade2- DM5600/5620

    * PLi®-Jade2- DM7000

    * PLi®-Jade2- DM7020

    Use the downloadsection on our website to be sure to download our original PLi® images.

    Direct download: http://www.pli-images.org/downloads.phpexternal_link.gif

    See below for fixes & features since the initial PLi® Jade release

    New features highlights:

    - New tuxtxt plugin

    - Tuxtxt subtitling (enable tuxtxt caching to get this feature)

    - Current and next EPG can be switched in service selector using audio key

    - Added "browse" selection in various menus

    - Time shifts can be recorded on a separate location now

    - Selectable remote control channel

    More new features:

    - CVS Repository 11/01/2009

    - PLi® Repository 18/03/2009

    - Update to CCcam 2.0.11 for normal DM500 image and DM56x0 image

    - Default CCcam selected in cam setup for non-maxvar DM500, DM56xx

    - Updated encoding.conf

    - Removed movieplayer in DM500 maxvar image(image became too large, it's downloadable now)

    - Disable AC3, teletext stream recording added

    - web-x-tv: added support for vlc 0.9.x

    - Automatic Linux Extensions correction for cifs mounts. Improves NAS compatibilty

    - Added teletext as programmable yellow/blue button

    - Support for slave hard disk on DM7020


    - Web interface timer menu fixes

    - Let exit key on a DM500 repeat to quit menus quickly

    - Take time start and stop offsets into account if a recording is added using webif

    - Fixed the save button (Green button) if unintentionally pressed in sat config screen

    - Hard disk format fixes

    - Default small silver remote for the DM500 and DM500+

    - Zapstream fixes

    - Solved wrong genre in webif channel EPG

    - "x% in use" updated in file mode now

    - Fixed service selector too near to window border

    - Fixed possible problems if /var is moved to a network share

    - RSS plugin fixes

    - Fixed dropbear plugin

    - Backup/restore fixes

    - MV fix for illegal date/time

    - Remove time shift options for boxes which cannot timeshift


    - Spanish language update by Corvus

    - Estonian language update by Indrek

    - Dutch language update by dAF2000

    - Czech language update by ims

    Known bugs:

    - Picons may not work if a satellite has both Ku and C band channels

    - Unmounting network shares may not work all times

    - Network settings may not be restored in backup/restore

    See our PLi® Wiki for more answers on your questions...

    Many low level changes fixes and other updates...

    Detailed info, Wiki, FAQ's, HowTo's, TechNotes and information about this and the previous PLi® releases can be found on the PLi® Website:


  10. Good to hear from you Jon.

    After checking out the various images I ended up with Pli Jade as the best of the bunch.

    It seemed to give me the best support for the internal card slots, the timer and several other areas.

    Thanks for all the work you and other developers have put in. :o

    Always glad to see someone liked it. There is will be another E1 release shortly so stay tuned :D

  11. I'd like some trace data to a given destination IP from users serviced with CAT, TOT + True.

    If users can note their service provider and paste the output of a trace to this IP : i'd appreciate it.

    securemail.internode.on.net is alive and well but your icmp packets (traceroute) are all being blocked by their box at

    A small scan shows;

    Scanning securemail.internode.on.net (

    Discovered open port 25/tcp on

    all other ports deleted

    So your email port (inbound) is open if this is what you are after?

    But as the name suggests it is secure mail and does not like un-registered domains and IP's by the looks of it;

    Connected to securemail.internode.on.net (

    Escape character is '^]'.

    220-ipmail01.adl6.internode.on.net ESMTP

    220 ESMTP; my.ip.address.changed.here [124.xxx.xxx.xxx] in MTA's None; drivin' into the sunset

  12. Best of luck in your search... Your needs are not very difficult, but just be aware of those that claim to be able to help you. Check their previous experience as well. The world has no shortage of people 'claiming' to be technology professionals and experts.

    Very well said that man

  13. HDTV is broadcast in 1920x1080 so it is a SD TV not full HD.. HD ready only.

    So, What is HD ready.. ? Can it, or will it be able to display HD or not ?

    Totster :o

    Most HD ready TV's will not do the full 1920x1080 from DVB-T, DVB-S2 or the likes .. But will work with a scaled down resolution in the 1200px - 1300px region as most DVB-S2 and AppleTV users have already found.

  14. HDTV is broadcast in 1920x1080 so it is a SD TV not full HD.. HD ready only.

    SD is 480p HD starts with 720p and full HD is 1080p.

    Shows you are a good reader but sorry not on the money, as all the HDTV being transmitted here is in 1920x1080 and all MP4 SD is 756 x 576 (or maybe this is what you call HD). Please feel free to come and see for yourself live HD & SD TV

  15. yeah none of that here, just the odd crash, sounds like your video is low on memory...

    Yes, I thought 1GB sounded a bit on the low side... :o

    I restarted and the problem went away, but then Vista started with some licencing malarky, so while I await a response from M$oft I'm experimenting with Linux :D

    Works fine here and my bowser of choice on any Vista box ..

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