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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 1 minute ago, Jip99 said:



    You are dreaming if you think Corbyn's credibility is higher than Boris'.


    Labour are currently enelectable, Corbyn knows it and that is why done an enormous U turn.


    No bottle indeed.

    Oh, I’m just looking at the facts. What Corbyn does is in line with what he says. What Johnson does is not in line with what he claims. Again, no surprise here. We know him. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Just to make it clear to you as you seem to be hankering for an arguement.


    When I said parliament that is exactly what I meant, at least the Lib/Dems and the Greens have been openly honest about saying that they would not honour another referendum if leave won again. But this brings us to the other duplicitious MPs like Grieve, Soubry, Cooper and Letwing, Benn and all the other deceitful MPs who cannot be honest with themselves or the electorate for that matter, these people want to stymie Brexit and have no interest in democracy whatsoever.

    So you don't need a political degree to see this, it is parliament!


    And when you start calling my posts lies, it is the end of our conversation, don't forget what Socrates said "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.



    If you don’t want to be called a liar, don’t lie. It’s that simple. You claimed parliament said something it never did. Now you admit it was only two minority parties. 


    You lied and I’m calling you out for that. And as long as you and other Brexiteers keep lying, you better not cite Socrates and talk about how to have a debate. 

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  3. 33 minutes ago, vogie said:

    I have news for you, the Greens and the Lib/Dems belong to parliament, it is not "false information" just because you say it is, anyone who calls for a second referendum wants to stifle the first referendum.

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    Now away with your nonsense, I'm not interested.

    You didn’t say “the Greens and the Lib/Dems”, you clearly claimed “the parliament” has stated it would ignore a new referendum. That’s a lie. 






    how about the public taking Parliament to court for proroguing 3 years of not respecting the wishes of the majority vote.

    I’ve asked this question Brexiteers before but never ow got an answer. So tell me: why are you not going to court instead of all the moaning and whining and ranting? Because you know very well that the referendum wasn’t legally binding, parliament is acting according to constitutional laws, and only Brexiteers are breaking them. Ever since all the lies and false promises, the whole of Brexit is built on exactly not playing by the rules. And that’s the only way it can survive. 







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  5. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

    Don't you mean listen 'to' yourself.


    There are several entries on Wikipedia relating to ‘The Establishment’ and a book called The Establishment And How They Get Away With It.


    If you're unfamiliar with the term it refers to a group of elite, wealthy and influential people who have the final say about issues that affect our daily lives.

    I have to disappoint you. Laws apply to everyone, even Johnson and his wealthy and influential Eton buddies trying to have the final say about how politics work. It’s good that there are courts that uphold the rule of law and stop the Elite from putting themselves above the law. 

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