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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. On 4/2/2017 at 1:21 AM, Jaymk said:

    Can anyone recommend a humidifier/air purifier on a budget - and suggest where I can get one near CMU? First burning season in CM, and I'm feeling it bad.


    Last weekend was really good, so if you're feeling something, please visit a doctor; it's very likely unrelated, or an allergy, etc. 

  2. When the oil price was high, most gas stations had biodiesel..  And then very quickly the world found out that biodiesel at any kind of scale is devastating to the environment. :)  At current oil prices it also doesn't make financial sense, thank God.

  3. 28 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    The problem is most of the dams are up north. So if it doesnt rain there there will not be irrigation water or drinking water available later in the year. 


    Watchyaguys talkin bout?  


    It's the dry season.  And as of the end of February we were above average in terms of rainfall, with March being normally dry anyway.


    No storm happened this year so far but that doesn't drop significant rain to affect overall yearly precipitation.

  4. On 3/19/2017 at 9:57 AM, Trujillo said:

    The OP says:  "...locating our physical body somewhere at altitude high enough to be much more now."


    You need to be at "altitude high enough to be much more now?"

    What is "much more now"? 

    Do you mean "naao" (หนาว)  as in cool? 


    If that's the case, then Chiang Dao, as nice as it might be, will not be any cooler than where you are now (unless of course hike and stay at the very top of Doi Chiang Dao.)


    By the way, this thread seems to have been hijacked into a Songkran thread rather than a, "Where to go to avoid it" thread, which seems to be the OP's intent. 


    Lots of off-topic stuff here, unfortunately. 


    Yes, starting with a semi-incorrect language lesson for no reason;  let's add to the fun by adding a more accurate one while bringing it on topic at the same time:


    หนาว (Naow)  does not mean cool.  (That would be 'yen'), it means 'cold', as in discomfort: feeling cold.   A cool breeze or pleasant coolness is never 'naow', also an inanimate object is never 'naow', such as a block of ice:  to stay on topic, when you get a bucket of icy water dumped on top of you then you may feel 'naow' afterwards, but the bucket didn't feel cold.


    * The OP seems to have clarified that he never intended it as a 'where to go to avoid it topic', just as a question on where he might find cooler temperatures during this time at high heat.  To which my own answer would be that April 12-15 are by FAR the coolest I feel in Chiang Mai; walking around wet all day has a predictably cooling effect.  So to be coolest: join the celebrations. 


    On 3/17/2017 at 8:41 PM, Thaidream said:

    It has nothing to do with age. I remember Songkran in 1967- a gentler and milder time but fun. There is no fun now- people trying to cause others to fall from motorcycles; drunks everywhere; ice thrown at car windows; people who do not want to participate forced to endure. 

    1967. .... YOu mean this 1967?




    Or this 1967?




    Or this one?




    Yes very gentle. 


    Or maybe we can go further back.. let's rewind further back to see how tranquil it was..  


    oh.. wait.



  5. 13 hours ago, jobin said:

    Pray tell Winnie, exactly how will tossing water onto my neighbors bring rain, big harvests and general happiness?  Oh right,  Songkran is truly 'superstition time' in Thailand.


    Superstition, religion, same same.  


    It's tradition just like the Christmas/New Year/Mid Winter/Yulefest we have where I'm from.



  6. 12 hours ago, naboo said:

    Rain and strong winds forecast for tonight. Anyone seen any sign of it?




    Yes.  Clearly different weather today;  if the afternoon temperature goes up really high then we'll see some fireworks in the evening.. 

  7. Having your own transportation is vastly more convenient.  Especially at night, public transport options tend to dry up and get expensive.  Plus it's much easier to explore around the countryside, stop where and when you want, etc.


    Try not to kill yourself though.  And you'll need a motorcycle driving license + International Driving License, or a Thai driver's license or else the fines will get expensive.

  8. On 3/22/2017 at 0:16 AM, amexpat said:

    There was a time when this was called the Chiangmai forum. A few years ago it was changed to Chiang Mai forum.  I don't think it was ever called Chiengmai forum but what do we know. 

    Showing results for chiang mai
    Search instead for chiengmai


    When I first got here in 1911, Chiengmai was the most common spelling.   Chiengmai Gymkhana is still called that. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, EL159 said:

    Thai Visa? Its now nothing more than a corporate entity!  Used to be independent, now tied to The Nation,  you cant criticise advertisers/ sponsors, and if you have a perfectly jusifiable ad blocker ( anyone in their right mind has one), you cant enter the site until 30 seconds has passed by!

    There is a plugin for that.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

    Having said that, there is no other viable source for immediate, man-on-the-ground replies to questions you might have than on ThaiVisa. 



    Oh really. :)  


    Hint: it's the site that everyone around the world is on.

  11. 4 hours ago, Nowisee said:

    There's a lot that can be said about what the Chinese are doing regarding renting/buying in western cities...it is changing the real estate landscape for many, including forcing some people to move.  Times are a changing and its predominantly one culture doing it.   Reason #1 I don't own/rent out property. 


    LOL, What?  :)  How is the former related to a reason for not owning/renting out property?


    BTW I forced people to move just 2 months ago.  (And I'm not Chinese)  It's the way of things.

  12. 20 hours ago, idman said:

    According to Travel Titbits reporter Karnjana Karnjanatawe in todays Life Travel section of the Bangkok Post this expansion of the Airport will not start until an environmental impact assessement takes place and work would begin in 2019. What a load of twaddle, work on the project has been ongoing for the past six months at least as anybody can readily see for themselves if they drive/ride by the southern part of the Airport on Hang Dong road or even better the soi that runs on the west side of the runway. Just another typical example of a Thai reporter talking out of their <deleted>?? Or more than likely since TIT, sod the environmental report, it isn't going to stop what we have already started and plan to finish.


    No.  You may be confusing regular maintenance and small improvements with a major extension.


    I really hope work starts soon, and in the current location.  I don't suppose any of you have looked at the plans, but there are new access roads too.

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