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Posts posted by seancbk

  1. Face - foam shave with the 2 blade disposable razors approx every other day, sometimes every 3 days. 

    I don't mind a bit of stubble on my face.

    Chest and abdomen - about once a week.  I dislike having hair on my chest or belly. 

    Balls - trim about once a week, close shave with soap and a razor when I can be bothered. 

    Haven't enjoyed any female contact in about 5 years, but like to keep things tidy just in case!  

    Added... also check ears, eyebrows and nose for errant hairs and pluck them daily.  

  2. 23 hours ago, Genix said:

    Doing Thai only hire initially (due to 1:4 expat rule) for our new beauty ecommerce brand and I'm looking at online sides but it seems the prices are given much higher than what Thai folks suggest.


    1) Personal Assistant (A smart one who speaks English to make this whole thing easier)
    2) Telesales (better than average, as there will be upselling required)
    3) Support Agent (messenger/line/shopping support)
    4) Facebook/Ad Video Editor
    5) Influencer Outreach



    A good English speaking personal assistant will cost you 30-40,000.

    We pay 40,000 for a graphic designer, Thai, speaks good English.

    We have a young Thai guy, who went school in New Zealand and does coding - he's on 25,000.

    We have an English speaking Thai guy who does some online customer sales and upselling, but in Thai. 
    He looks after most of our local marketing and he's on 45,000 I think.

    Our Facebook ads guy on close to 30,000.

    Support agent if only Thai speaking you might get for 25,000.



  3. 23 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    To get Thai citizenship, I had to make charitable donations. I made to Rotary club. 



    Is that the club where they rotate around a pole?  

    • Haha 2
  4. On 6/10/2021 at 3:33 PM, Kinnock said:

    Both Supersports and, oddly, B2S in Mega Bangna have the low cost surfskates.


    Unfortunately the skateboard area in Mega is currently closed due to COVID.


    Central Village near the airport is open, plus I use the 'green' cycle path that runs between Lumpini and Benjakitti Parks.


    And Bangsaen has many good places.

    Cheers Kinnock.   All good info. 

    • Like 1
  5. 45 minutes ago, berrec said:

    The say "Age Really is a State of Mind" or "You're as Old as you Feel"


    I am 75 and in excellent health with no known medical conditions (that I am aware of) except for the old BPH, to be expected at 75.


    Still have all my hair (very ..  very little grey), my own teeth and shades of my boyish looks.


    My father and most of his family lived to be over 100 years.


    But, I must say over the last 12 months for the first time in my life I have been feeling the physical and some minor mental symptoms of old age.


    I walk, swim and do weights every day (swimming currently on hold with COVID pool closures) but I have lost that zip in my step.


    Always been very active my life, tennis, squash, cricket, football, cycling, running, aerobics, triathlete, surfer and golfer.


    My golf game has gone downhill lately, my sleep patterns are like a dog's breakfast, my spontaneous attitude to life has diminished and I have developed a low tolerance for mixing with friends now that are loud and crude.  


    I actually prefer my own company with a quite glass of red wine along with my gorgeous Thai wife of 20 years.


    Never thought I would ever get old in life.........foolish I know.




    I'm really interested in the mental changes.  You are perhaps a little too old to answer this directly, but I think you'll get the point. 

    I'm 54 and in my 30's I loved going to clubs.  When I was clubbing there must have been guys 10, 15 or even maybe 20 years older in the clubs.  We all (presumably) loved the music.  Take the tune 'Sandstorm' by Darude.  An absolute belter of a tune that I still put on now when I'm getting ready to go out and want to get in the mood for a big night.   But those guys who were older and are now 65 or 70 or even your age, do they still love that tune or any of the music from back then?   It seems from what I see, hear and read that they don't like those tunes and I'm wondering why that is.

    Same goes for other things, it seems that some older guys lose their lust for life.  Just because you can't dance anymore doesn't mean you can't tap your toes or bob your head!

    Here is the Tune!! 



    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, habuspasha said:

    Got my first gray hair at 16 and turned  30 when you couldn't trust anyone over 30.  But after that I drifted through cycles of lethargy and energy, usually related (I see now) to changes in my weight and love life.  I turned the corner in my 70s.  I met a gorgeous Thai in her 30s (who I could trust).  In the last couple of years I've dropped 40 pounds and become much more physically active. Today, days before I turn 80, I feel younger than I did at 40.  She complains she is getting old, having just turned 40 (by Thai counting).  We feel the same age.


    That's great.  Good for you and I hope you keep feeling that way!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, BenDeCosta said:

    I started feeling old when I began gaining weight from my usual diet, which was just eat whatever I want whenever I want. When I was young I stayed slim on this diet for many years but at the age of 37, I actually had to start controlling what I ate because my weight went crazy.


    So my answer is 37. Another factor was when I couldn't call the waitress "phi khrap", but had to start saying "nong khrap".

    When I first moved here I tried to figure out some Thai and be watching I figured that girl was Phi and guy was Nong.  For a while I used Phi and Nong in that way until I made some Thai friends and discovered I had it all wrong.  I still think addressing people based on apparent age and social level is daft.  

    • Confused 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

     My waist at best was 38". I am 6 feet and 90 kg, can balloon out to 100 kg in Australia.

    I suggest you Google the term "somatotype" before making ignorant comments again.


    I'm sorry if you disagree, but people can lose weight.  How do you balloon out to 100kgs in Oz?   By eating! so don't eat as much as you won't.

    When I see a fat kid it makes me sad because they are being programmed by their parents to believe they are big boned or that is the way they are always going to be.  I've seen lots of very large guys slim down to from well over 100kg down to my sort of weight and waist.  

    The skeletal structure of a person who becomes overweight doesn't start off different to that of a person who stays slim.  Although people who are overweight for a long time will develop thicker femurs.  

    Thing is staying slim requires sacrifice and we all know that most people would rather eat the cake than go without.  I'd rather eat nothing than put on any extra weight.  Food is just a means to an end, I don't have to enjoy it and if I could somehow not waste time shopping, cooking, eating and cleaning up afterwards but stay healthy you can bet I'd quit eating in a heart beat.   I stopped drinking 17 months ago to help ensure that as I get older I don't get fatter.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think work is not the problem

    I like my work and if I wouldn't get paid to work with computers I would still play with computers.

    Personally I think it's important not to stress ourselves with work we don't like and responsibilities.

    I make less money than a top manager. And I have a lot less stress. I have time for long lunches and coffee breaks and I take it easy. No grey hair and no ulcer.

    Even if I would have an accident today I could think in my last minute that I had a good life.


    I work with tech and I plan to keep running my businesses until I die. I will probably stop going to the office everyday once I get to 60 (maybe earlier if my crypto investments take off in that time), but I won't be closing my businesses or selling them.  I'll just hand over day to day operations to other people.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, ABCbangkok said:

    Physically I was doing great until early 60s and then the juice just wasn’t there. Slowing down physically has been good though as there is less stress about performance and image and keeping up. 

    However cognitively I’ve never been better. So much so that I have a theory that the mind (not brain) never grows old. At 65 I’m working towards a PhD in psychology and philosophy. Deeply serious <deleted>.


    Unless the brain breaks down due to something beyond my control I’m going to continue the challenge of learning something meaningful on a personal level. 


    ( At 92, my Mom still has all her marbles and knows how to play them. She’s still lucid, reads, and is still giving her three boys, all in their 60s, motherly advice as to how to navigate life. ???? She simply never gives up.)


    That's fantastic!  Great about your mum too, I hope she makes it to the big 100!

    I lost my father to dementia 5 years ago and my mum, who's 84 is basically just alive but non functioning because of dementia.  It does worry me a bit that I'll start losing cognitive abilities like they both did, but fingers crossed I won't.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    My waist is 40".

    Assuming you get to my age, you will realize the waist gets bigger, and the bum shrinks.

    The problem is easily fixed, I just buy bigger towels.



    The waist doesn't have to get bigger though, you've just decided the effort to stay at a 32-34" waist was too hard.   Each to their own I guess, but being even slightly overweight bothers me.  I'm 6'1 and 78 kgs which is actually a bit heavy, I try to keep my weight under 75kg.

  12. Just now, EricTh said:

    Is this a 'you look old but I am younger even though I am genetically older' bragging thread?



    It not about how you look genetically, its more about how you feel and if feeling old makes you give up on grooming and being fashionable.  

    At what point does a person decide to dress like an old man in cargo shorts and those fugly sandals or fake crocs?   Screw them being comfortable, I wear nice jeans and nice shoes because I want to look good.   

    At what point does a person decide that being 10 or 20 kilos overweight is a good look and they are just not going to bother trying to keep their waist at the size it was in their 20's?    

    I see guys who clearly don't bother tweezing their eyebrows, ears of nose hair.  I don't want to think about what they do with the rest of their body hair but I bet there is very little trimming going on down below.  I look for errant eyebrow hairs every morning and the rest of me is nicely shaved or waxed.   I am guessing that at some point these guys cared about their appearance, so why did they stop caring?   I want to leave behind a smart looking corpse and I don't want the coroner seeing a disheveled mess on his slab!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  13. 2 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    They are great fun and good excercise too.  Low impact compared to running (unless you fall ????) and they help with balance and agility.  I can put on my trousers without falling over now ????.


    Yes, bought it here, and then my wife wanted one, so now we skate together.


    I started with a cheap Chinese one from a skateboard shop - it was OK to learn on, and I see Supersports now stocks them.


    Then I ordered a Yow Malibu - nice and long which suits my height, and it's more stable if you hit a bump.


    And surfskating has toned my wife's legs too!




    Fantastic thanks!   I've not been to Mega Bangna in a while, my next question was where do you skate, but that pic answers that question!


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