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Posts posted by xenophon

  1. If anyone would like a copy of Alan Carr's book PM me and I will send you a copy.

    It is a very good book but it did not work for me.

    Me neither, I tried it 3 times from front to back,just did not click with me.

    Anyway,onwards and upwards, 6 and a half hours to go....i'm surprisingly quite excited about quitting, wonder if I will still have that opinion in 24 hours!!

    Me too. It was only on the third reading plus the webinar (awful marketing-speak!!) that I finally got it. Then it worked.

    Good luck. Hope you do it.

    Remember there are no real benefits to smoking. As J P Donleavy wrote, it is a cruel trick played on our ignorance.

    • Like 1
  2. Reading these letters is enough to put the frights in anyone,apparently harder to kick than Heroin,but you gotter do it,don't wait till your lungs collapse. Wish anyone giving up success .

    This is untrue and illogical. It is easy to quit but it depends on our attitude. For example, we all quit on a long flight or when we are asleep without going into a heroin style withdrawal. Even the long flight withdrawal is fairly mild compared to speed, heroin, etc.

    Unfortunately, it is extremely easy to get addicted and very quick. Therefore, if you quit, you have to stay 'quitted'. Otherwise, it is back to the old nicotine addictive merry-go-round. And, I never want to go back there.

  3. Tried everything, and I mean everything!!!! The Alan Carr Easyway worked for me - sensible, no tricks - and you can smoke while you give up. Watch the various youtube videos from people he helped.

    You can download the book (pdf) free from the web and I found investing in the webinar (about $150) also helped.

    Barely any physical withdrawal and I have never wanted to smoke again!! I had been smoking for 40+ years!!!

    • Like 2
  4. Why are Brits so insensitive about what the rest of the world thinks. They let their royalty dress up like a nazi. Have they learned nothing. I don't understand the Brits. Seems tame compared tot the Thais (nice isn't it generalizing putting a whole nation down for the faults of a few)


    As I recall he was rightly slammed by the media, family and society in general for his unthinking crass stupidity. I also recall very public apologies and no attempt to defend or justify such appalling insensitivity.

    As some of you probably know, the british aristocracy has a long history of both overt and covert support of hitler, franco, mussolini et al. Mrs simpson's royal hubby was a real embarrassment and cost the 'firm' a fortune in hush money for media. Harry, (who does not look like his father?) is simply carrying on the tradition.

  5. I wonder how may other countries posters have lived or worked in, aside from Thailand. Thailand is a breeze.

    Rip offs? Scams? Dishonesty? Lies? BS? Try working in India like I did for a few months. Remember flying out of Delhi and looking down, thinking: 'they deserve each other'.

    To top it off, I later had a wonderful and very funny Indian neighbor who advised me to never do business with Indians. When I reminded him that he was Indian, he simply replied that that is how he knew it was true.

    • Like 1
  6. I discovered Thailand in 1975 while still in school and moved here two years later at 23 years old. I have recently started to think that people like us, in some odd way prove the point that Thailand is really hard for many people, rather serving as an example of how good or easy it can be. The things which make it easy for me could also be seen as the reasons others have a hard time.

    I didn’t come here with tones of baggage from a past life. I took 20 years to learn the language and explore the various levels of Thailand’s class structured society before I settled down. When I finally married, I already had a life here and I knew more about Thailand than my wife did. I was able to share my Thailand life with her rather than depending on her to explain everything to me.
    Someone who discovers Thailand as an old man simple doesn’t have the luxury of time that I had. So I tend to look at those of us who have been around forever as anomalies and not necessarily as good role models.

    Very astute reflections. Definitely rings lots of bells with me, including taking forever to learn Thai.

    • Like 1
  7. I rather concentrate on what Thais like.

    Their own language spoken by a foreigner. Generous tips. Chatting. Being introduced to other Farang. Hiring them to work on a faring house. Seeing Farang attending the temple and giving rice to the monks. Seeing you participating in daily activities. Seeing you enjoying Thai food. Sharing an occasional beer. Seeing you abstaining from alcohol 90% of the time. Seeing you respecting their cultural practises like fae kimah , spirit dance, blessing a new house or an old house. Seeing you at Thai funerals with full participation. Seeing you at thai holidays with you participating. Being kind to their children by giving them money or a kanom. If you do all these things and more, Thai people will not be offended by your little indiscretions.

    Well done Greg. Now there's a bit of good ol' commonsense - very unusual for this site

    • Like 2
  8. It's good to look around and listen to the factual comments regarding fixed term investments. I suppose the simple and short answer is ..... If you see something reliable that you are happy with, that offers above 8% for a ten year investment ..... Take it.

    Remember to deduct the tax from the declared interest.

    I am getting 9.76% tax free on a ten year investment. I am happy with that.

    Be lucky.

    That is impressive, Bill. I am currently averaging 8% over 10 years through a superannuation account. If you are willing to say, where are you getting 9.76%

  9. Sounds like you're willing to live with it for the moment and may have little experience of alcoholics. Eventually, it will wear a bit thin or there will be some incident.

    BTW, how does this affect your wife's behavior? The reason I ask is that everybody in the family has a role to play - otherwise alcoholics would die a lot sooner.

    Agree with others .. with an alcoholic in the house, protect yourself at all times, including financially

  10. This has been shockingly informative. I had no idea the stuff was so dangerous!! I have been taking 0.5 mg xanax each night for sleeping for years with no apparent ill effects. I never use it at any other time and never more than 0.5.

    Is my current level and use dangerous?

    However, after reading this stuff and Sheryl's sensible advice, I am wondering what I should do. The idea of faux heart attacks and strokes does not appeal. Would I be best advised to taper off over a year?

    Any sensible suggestions?

  11. have lost AN over the past week (no signal). Have spent afternoon off work waiting for the CTH company to come around to fix (appointment made). No show. No answering of any of their phone numbers. Bunch of w++kers!

    Although many have been dissatisfied with True, I am going over to them.

    CTH and their contractors have far more bs than the normal thai company and that's saying something. Have spoken to the office here and they say lots of people are getting the same lack of service and bs from CTH, including one guy who has thrown his box out the window in frustration.

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