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Posts posted by FatherF

  1. I find it amazing that the last few governments of this country where conflict-avoidance and keeping face means so much has so little clue of public relations and such an abundant ability to make themselves like complete idiots.

    Trying to reprimand the UNHCR and a goodwill ambassador so obvious in the center of the public eye without backing it up with hard facts that nothing bad happened to the boat people must be one of the stupidest things the Thai government currently can do.

    I nearly get the impression they actually try to sabotage their country intentionally, as with the airport closure.

    And loosing face in the process!


  2. Well, its food for thought anyway. You never know! Tnx for the info.

    Was curious to read other members opinions on the subject, but seems most are having too much fun using the thread as an excuse to come out with the same old tired cliches regarding Asian men and western women.

    Anyway, hopefully its not an accurate/correct survey and alls well. If it really is a problem, wonder if the same problem could occur from riding a bicycle.

    Well, i guess it depends on the saddle (or lack thereof!)

    FF :o

  3. I my opinion most people writing here have no idea what is happening in the country they are living in.

    The Gay Pride Events have from the beginning been organized by Thai people. NGO's working in the field of AIDS, trying to bring equality to LGBT.

    They succeed much more than participants here know, but it is in a quiet Thai way

    Not the usual loudmouthed white hetrosexual male manner of I know everything. This attitude is already dead, though someone needs to tell them.

    Like the racist attitudes against Blacks in America, the same stereotype comments abound.

    One person talks of objective research, but only brings up heresay with unsubstantiated facts.

    Gay Pride is open to all LGBT groups, but first and foremost to Thai groups who used this event to build community consensus and, well.... pride of being who they are.

    It;s a no small thing to stand up and claim your own human rights if you are differerent from others. They do not make room for you at the table easily. If some of the expressions of gay pride are a little too much, then consider them as a reaction to years of oppression and denying of human dignity.

    Yes, it appears that gays are more accepted in Thai society. However, when you look deeper into the fabric of the culture you will find many restrictions on how one could and should exercise one's life.

    This deeper understanding of Thailand takes years to understand a little. What is happening here is Gay Thai are taking the western model of Gay Pride and trying to adapt it to circumstances here.

    Gay Pride happens all around the world. It is an expression of the joy of being. If some people are offended by parts of the presentation, well dont look. Many things in hetro

    society we find boring and turn to another channel. This does not mean that we do not respect you as individuals. No, we see the hetrosexual majority in dissaray, trying to cope with a world order falling apart before their eyes. The issue of gender and what makes a man and a woman is changing before our eyes. The old ideas of masculinity and feminity have changed. There is no control now on how much of either is right. For centuries, perhaps millennia this question of what;s right and wrong has plagued humanity. Well enough!

    What does it matter that someone presents him or herself differently to the 'normal' equasion. All that does is to cause everyone to reexamine themselves. Since it is too disturbing to most people to question themselves, they hit out at what they perceive to be deficient in others. We could all benefit from turning inward and seeing own atttudes for what they are, constructs of our culture, definitions from parents and elders.

    I suggest to you that gender identity is something that changes over time and people go into more feminity or more masculinity all the time. So to deny someone's shift of identity only points to your own fears. Gender is not fixed.

    The ridiculous comment about condom display is innane. We live in an age of AIDS. Promiscuity is a danger for all. We're not Victorians after all.

    A very well written and presented post! Maybe some other posters should take note!

    Good luck


  4. I wonder what was illegal about what these people were doing. They appeared to be all adults, they used condoms (wonderful), they used viagra which is not an illegal drug, and they were executing their activities not in public but in a room with the door closed (I hope). Can anyone tell me what the charges were? And why were only the men arrested? What did the police do to these poor fellows? Did they put them on a boat and tug them out to see and had them drift to Indonesia?

    I guess now I have to flush all my condoms through the toilet and send my 13 naked dancing boys home and have unprotected sex with my husband who can't get it up without viagra. Poor me.


    Haway pet, i'll be round in 20 mins!



  5. Thanks for that Baan Kiki (J).

    After reading some of the crap from certain posters,they should get a life and STOP making wild and STUPID assertions on a subject that you know NOTHING about, GET the facts before opening your GOBS.

    1 There were three rooms on this occasion and normally three bathrooms.

    2 All were tested and searched for drugs and as is the norm, ALL NEGATIVE RESULTS.

    3 The ladies in question are NOT prostitutes, they don't get money for enjoying sex and a cuddle,

    they enjoy more than anything, to be respected and treated like a lady should be treat,they enjoy affection from a caring partner.

    4 There are always piles of condoms around for the obvious purpose of use.

    5 The place is always cleaned up totally by the girls before checking out.

    6 The youngest girl that I've ever seen there was and still is Twenty (20) years of age.

    So now , you have the basic facts, I'm very interested to hear what you have to say to this KNARLEY OLD FARANG ???????


    ON ON R


    I'm guessing it was from this craigslist ad. I have been wondering how long it would last......

    I have seen that posting for a while and sometimes it includes photos of some knarley old skinny falang in a hot tub with his face blotted out. I kinda wondered how long it would last before they got busted.

    The bib always have a camera at the ready so I suspect it will not be long before photos appear somewhere.

    I know that Knarley old skinny falang and out of friendship and FEAR I would not call him that to his face. :D

    That said, reportedly, the police were quite friendly and were looking for drugs which the did not find.

    Knowing my pal, they were herbal viagra, these old crocks have to watch their hearts. :o

    ON ON

    More power to you mate!


  6. Wouldnt be much fun if you were on the Vinegar stroke and the BIB broke the door down!!! How Rude :D .

    Whats wrong with people these days, havent the BIB got better things to do....by the way we all eventually got let off with a small fine....the guys with the bigger members got larger fines :D

    I only had to pay with satang :D

    Ha ha ha, if I had of been there, they would have had to pay me! (Well it is -2c here at the moment!)

    FF :o

  7. Jokes aside,sounds like an aids fest to me..... :o

    Ever heard about condoms ?

    Ever heard of condoms breaking?

    Yes of course....and unfortunately, this happens even when having sex anywhere else than a Swinging party.....So, in my opinion, not more "aids festival" than any other kind of protected sex...

    And what did they all do ten minutes after the blokes got there? A wipe on the curtains then back down to the local pub? :D

    And you know this because.....................................?


  8. "Crime" without victims at least. The invitation on craigslist is written pretty decent. An erotic night out with a "No means No" policy? Where's the problem?

    I this the Police did a great job. And want to thank them. My wife ( who is 43 years younger than me) and I can slept better tonight knowing that perverts are not welcome in Thailand.

    We can not believe people will do this in Thailand or for that matter anywhere in the world.

    Another Troll?

  9. FatherF,

    thaicbr started another thred because he had an off last nite when a pickup driver pulled out in front of him. the pics are on another thread. hes one luck or unlucky boy depending on which way you look at it.

    I was actually refering to your "G/F Pink Bicycle" episode..................


  10. Yes, we are running short on face plant stories, perhaps Allan could list a blow by blow description here of his account.

    Sounds like dave-boo is the only honest one here....l hope i dont have to post about falling of my g/f's pink bicycle the other day :o

    Now that one i got to hear! :D:D

  11. Vato, good write up. If you find yourself being left behind on the take off by a 5 year old Raider, cheat and put a smaller sprocket on the rear.

    Not wishing to sound "picky" but you are completely wrong! if you wish to improve acceleration (get off the line faster) you need to INCREASE the amount of teeth on the rear sprocket (or decrease the amount of teeth on the front sprocket) you will loose on top end, but will definately be faster off the line!


  12. ^ Father....it certainly pays to wear a good LID!

    It certainly does Neverdie, i always buy a new lid every year, highest spec i can get, just got the Arai sinister grey, very nice helmet, if you register it with Arai, they will service it etc free of charge while they are over for the TT, and not bad at £390.00 (19,500 Bhat) including spare visor, wool lined carry bag, visor carry bag & maintanance kit!


  13. It is about time that Thaksin return to declare War on Drug II.

    Yeah, let's send the police, army and any other vested interests out to kill thousands of at best low level drug users, and at worst, totally innocent people including children.

    As I understand it what you say is absolutely correct. However talk to Thais and they will tell you there was a marked decrease in the drug trade and its associated negative side effects. Needless to say things are back in full swing again these days. I suppose it is a matter of debate as to which was the lesser of two evils.

    Why not deploy the army to destroy the poppy fields? this would keep them gainfully employed, AND keep them well away from politics......

    just a thought.


  14. Overall though, I think TV is doing pretty good. Oddly enough, I am living in a box (sort of) right now ! An 8'x20' ISO accommodation unit, with protective concrete barriers around, and 10,000+ armed guards ! But only for a couple more days ! :o

    What? has the PAD over run swampy again? :D:D:D


  15. FF,

    I'm now back in your site, actually reading what is written there....obviously I was just lookin at the photos before :o ....I'm a simple kinda guy!

    Truely tho, some great pics there for those who want to take a look...YOU need to put that link on your profile page ff, so people know where to go.


    The link should now be on my profile page, (Let me know if it dosent appear) also, if you go to the Race Dates page & click on one of them, you should get a commentary of the races as the 2008 season un-folded, this will be repeated this season as well, i am trying to put together an "Isle of Man" F2 Team this year, there will be a link to that site on my "Links" page as soon as it is up & running., there will also be a forum on that site (for IOMF2 club members) and a Blog with race commentary.

    Watch this space.............


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