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Posts posted by kmj

  1. Due to the rather unpleasant and eco-unfriendly habit of letting the engine run stationary no doubt. Coupled with a faulty exhaust system.

    We live next to a restaurant - unfortunately- and it happens all the time. Thai like their car to be cool when they come back from lunch - who cares about the people living in the soi choking on exhaustfumes - not his problem!

    If it weren't for my wife I would carkey them all.

    In a way it's poetic justice, really.

    Poetic justice that a woman and 5 year old boy dies, you're a class act...

  2. So while accepting the ITU award and all the while thinking ehhhh, ummmm, if only they knew what we have planes for a single gateway so as to control the internet, hehehehe I wonder if they'll want the award back after they find out what we're up to???

    Now that's integrity isn't it, kinda like the BIB getting 2 cash rewards for doing their job claiming the case is solved and it's no where now solved...


    Maybe President Obama gave him some contacts in the NSA to help snooping without the need to move to a single Internet Gateway?

    That would be too sensible for these idiots... but no they prefer to brute force a single gateway.
  3. automobile experts from King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok


    KMUTNB is a reputable University and quite capable of providing these experts.

    Do you think they should be brought in from the Toyota team in Japan?

    They should use computer modelling like every other competent crash investigation team, sorry as I type it I see the problem with my comment 'competent'

  4. scary idea that this moron was carrying a weapon.

    I wonder how many unregistered guns are in circulation.

    My message is....don't count on a gentlemans fight ever downhere it is eighter 'wack with a pack' or gunned down.

    Careful now - you might wake up the Gun Lobby here. They will tell you that if the girlfriend had legally owned an assault rifle (and carried it around with her) he would not have dared...so it is really her own fault for not protecting herself.

    Forget the snidy about the gun lobby; you saying she bears no responsibility just because she is the victim ? She knew about his temper and his gun yet she kept at him. She knew what she should be expecting when she got him that wound up. She could have tried to cool thing down before they got out of hand.
    That exactly the attitude of a woman beater to justify their actions... "why did you make me hurt you"
  5. At least he has the balls to publicly announce and admit his urge and need to be the unopposed dictator. I like his chutzpah.

    It's better than corrupt proxy leaders in other countries using NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. to intimidate individuals while trying to make the masses believe they have the power to vent through opposition.

    Instead they try to make race wars to distract from the fact that their country is bankrupt and needs more debt and war to continue functioning.

    Disclaimer: If this post offends anyone, I will delete it. No need to ban me for a few days or give me points for stirring things up.

    Thank you for speaking the truth about the US and the General.

    I was living here when a MEGLOMANIAC named ThakSin bought votes outside of Bangkok and became the PM.

    I could see a lot of trouble coming and left in 2005 to wait for his departure before returning.

    Waited 10 years and because of the courage or "chutzph" of a guy named Prayut, have finally been able to return and can see that thee is a RENIESANCE happening here.

    We need to do everythig we can to encourage this and keep the WRONG people from interfereing.

    It appears to me the he is genuine and read in the paper that the King of the country agrees.


  6. So, this is a conman ?

    Okay, have you heard the story of the Australian man in Thailand ? He talked to a Thai lady and told her that he would take her to Australia, and he paid for a few drinks and food for her. He said that sex between the two of them would greatly improve the chances of him taking her to Australia, so the lady went ahead with various sexual acts with him.

    In the end, he never took her to Australia. The police were never able to punish him with any court case or penalty. And there are rumours that he did this with three different women.

    I take your point....the difference though, is the women the Ozzy took advantage of were out to take advantage of him, too, and the Ozzy did not charge them thousands of baht. The victims in the OP were not, they simply believed he could help them and they paid the conman cash,

    So, if a woman has sex with a man in order to improve whatever life she has, that's called taking advantage of him ??

    Yes, the Ozzy never charges thousands of baht, but he does get sex though. That's worth at least a thousand, more like two thousand baht, per day, right ?

    The women 'cheated' by the Ozzy paid in sex, they also believed that the man would help them into a new and improved life.

    The British landed gentry used to send convicts to Australia for a life of slavery for stealing a loaf of bread to feed their supressed families too.

    They were sent by the court, it wasn't slavery and a sentence of life was never given for stealing a loaf of btead, but apart from them facts you're correct...

  7. Maybe David and Hannah´s families would have liked another Division in the Policeforce to have taken over when it started to go into a Circus-show but of course they are not thais and not billionaries ... Sad sad country for sure ...

    But you see how even billionaires struggle when others with power have different interests. That makes it sad, still love it here but realize that the corruption makes live hard for many people.

    ... and easy for the powerful...

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