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Posts posted by kmj

  1. "Police checked the CCTV but no footage had been recorded. They suspect that the robber or robbers gained entry through a balcony window. They have not ruled out that it may be an inside job or the work of foreign elements".......or maybe even just a blatant lie????

    Why would it be a lie?

    As anyone who regularly reads this forum will know, it is not unknown for Indian visitors to falsify burglary claims in an attempt to defraud their insurance.

    I've read this forum for quite a few years now and can't recall indians being specifically mentioned for insurance fraud! like to back this statement up? I'm going to bet not...

  2. From the photo the car is an absolute wreck. Makes you wonder what kind of speed the driver was doing?

    Nissan Navara's always look pretty tough to me. I guess it doesn't matter what car you are in, if you are speeding and have an accident then you haven't got that much chance really.

    Throw beer into the mix as well and you can only expect the worst.


    Reading the article looks like 2 collisions the second one hitting the already wrecked pickup.

  3. RIP

    Think there is a lot more to this story. but unfortunately it will most likely never get investigated properly.

    I am no CSI but that crime-scene look staged and suspect. normally one would not be able to "hang" one self like that unless drugs and or Alcohol involved


    Wrong, hanging often is from a low position and not jumping from an objevt with a loop around the neck.

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