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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. - a Thai relative of my wife and who talked to a lawyer about a divorce from her abusive husband and she was replied that Thai courts ALWAYS instruct the lawyers to "compromise" first

    - after two years of suffering this relative left her husband ...but she cannot sue him for alimony

  2. It's well known Putin has for years been providing funds to rightwing political parties throughout the European Union. Putin for instance "loaned" a million to the fascist Marine Le Pen who nonetheless got beat back just months ago in France.

    Putin and Russia are the Number One strategic adversary of the United States to include Nato which includes EU.

    It is in fact long past time this occurred. Allied intelligence and national security agencies already had been monitoring these subversions. It looks as if a serious integrated allied response is in the making.

    In dealing with the Chekist Putin,the more serious the better.

    Please do not confuse NATO with EU : Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta and Sweden are EU countries but not NATO countries

  3. Good. I hope it happens. The world needs the reset button.

    The dinosaurs never amounted to anything.

    Mammals just made a huge mess.

    Let the insectoids have a go. I'm pretty sure they always felt it was all theirs in the first place.

    Not all mamals made a mess, only our species i.e. the "homo sapiens" ...before homo sapiens arrived the Neanderthaler lived on our planet already 250.000 years

  4. Sending EURO sums by T/T from my EU account BNPParibas to SCB bank ...I always indicate that all expenses will be paid by my EU account so that I can verify more easily where the "bank fees" are applied.

    I always get exchange rate which is average 1.5 Baht per Euro less than the T/T amounts indicated on the website BNPParis as well as SCB bank (on day of transfer)

    Why this bad exchange rate ?

    What is the experience of other TVF members?

  5. I still cant understand why politicians have allowed migration of Muslims to western Countries , I hope the PC brigade is happy with the outcome , maybe its time to start returning them to there countries of origin.

    There are no special problems in Belgium with Muslims of Turkish (a very large community) or Indian origin

    The problems are within the Arab speaking community (mainly of Moroccan origin) who is a target of Arab fanatical media with lots of money resources around the Gulf.

    The special problem in the suburb of Brussels (Molenbeek) has something to do with the fact that a socialist politician was lord mayor of Molenbeek for 20 years and also Minister of Justice (and head of the Immigration Police) : this lord mayor has facilitated many thousands of Moroccans to settle in Molenbeek regardless the fact that they came ...not to work but to milk our social security ...he was also supporting a "fast lane law" to give to those Moroccans Belgian citizenship so that they could vote for him and his socialist party.

    This is of course a sad story for the majority peaceful Muslim community which must be starting to worry about its future.

  6. In Islam there is similar situation as in Christianity

    - in Christianity you have Catholicism with a leader (Pope) who has authority to tell the Catholics what they should believe and do....and you have Protestantism without central leadership and many kinds of preachers - some appoint themselves - some of them are some peaceful and some of them are hateful (you remember the preacher who in Texas burned the Quran which caused the death of Christians in the Middle East?)

    Regretfully some of the Popes have abused their authority severely to generate violence and to increase their own power (but this is not the case at present)

    - in Islam you have the Shia branch with a leader (Ayatollah) who has the authority to tell the Shia's what they should believe and do....and you have the Sunni's without central leadership and many kinds of preachers - some appoint themselves - most them are peaceful but some of them are hateful (the Sunni Wahabi version of Islam is full of hate)

    Regretfully some of the Ayatollah's have abused their authority severely to generate violence and to increase their own power (and this is the case at present)

    The ongoing violence is a power struggle between violent and peaceful Islam and the violent believers get plenty of money to advance the political agenda of their leaders who think they are exclusive administrators of Allah on this planet : it will take many years - the end oil money in the Gulf - to stop this violence

  7. No true democracy can exist if the same person (or his cronies) rule the country for more than 20 years : the first signs of oppression start usually already at the second election cycle (after about 10 years)

    Sam Rainsy and his wife Saumura Tioulung had well paid top jobs in the French financial sector but for the first - UN sponsored - elections in 1993 they decided to return and serve the country where they grew up : they are great people !

  8. ...if Ben Carson reads every word in the Bible as the word of God than I conclude that Moses inspired the modern tactics of Boko Haram and ISIS


    NUMBERS 31:7-18
    7 They attacked Midian as the Lord had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. 8 All five of the Midianite kings—Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba—died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.
    9 Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. 10 They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. 11 After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, 12 they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho. 13 Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. 14 But Moses was furious with all the generals and captains[a] who had returned from the battle.
    15 “Why have you let all the women live?” he demanded. 16 “These are the very ones who followed Balaam’s advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the Lord at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the Lord’s people. 17 So kill all the boys and all the women who have had intercourse with a man. 18 Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.


  9. 1. AVOID caffeine. Maximum 1 cup first thing in the morning, no more. Absolutely none (including chocolate, colas as well as coffee/tea) past noon). The tendency is to get into a vicious cycle of too little sleep --> tired --> caffeine ---> can't sleep etc

    2. You can try melatonin, works well for many people. It is important to go to bed as soon as the sleepiness from it takes effect, if you don't it may pass.

    3. Exercise as others have said.

    4. If it still persists need to look for cause. Usually if not due to caffeine, it is due to anxiety.

    5. Valerian and tryptophan also help some people, as does chamolile tea or celestial seasoning's "sleepy time tea" which contains it.

    6. If you drink, cut down. People think alcohol helps them sleep but actually in the long run it hinders normal sleep.

    7. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Read until you feel sleepy.

    Do not take any sort of benzo (xanax, valium etc). They are highly addictive. They will also stop working after a while. If you must take something, take atarax or other antihistamine but do not do this every single night, just once in a while and don't mix with alcohol. If atarax dose can be anywhere from 25 -75 mg, start with 25 first and see how you do. And as mentioned, only occasionally. While not addictive, it too will stop working if used regularly, and safety of long term use at sleep dosage has not been established.

    If I have an evening or night with difficult sleep I start to read a book : reading seems to take more energy than you think and makes you tired

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