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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. PTP are now almost manic, this constant obsession for an election is just insane

    The must have some serious sh it to hide from any sort of investigation if they were forced to stand down

    I honestly think that they are going to have the decision made for them very very soon

    The turning point will be when the Constitutional Court rules that the supposed nominated acting CTPM has no authority to sign a Royal Decree and he is not officially any sort of CTPM PM or anything other than a leader of PTP which they have every right to have but that's as far as it goes - that single decision ends the stalemate as PTP will have absolutely nothing else they can do

    - not having the authority to call an election will end this debacle and force PTP to step down and join the process that will follow - all inclusive talks and reforms

    I think PTP are the most democratic part here, they want an election. What`s wrong with an democratic process called election ? Some parties do not want to attend, but tahts their democratic rights. OK.

    • Like 2
  2. I don't believe it's a coup. Prayuth has been very reluctant to go this far and shows no inclination of wanting to take full control. It's pretty measured and while not welcomed, at least it gives some security to the situation and should enable the govt to get through to an election.

    Im pleasantly suprised..........THAT is a sensible post...............NOW if you can just agree that we have a FAIR election with no bribery, vote buying................voting for people abstaining and bullying where ALL parties are allowed to stand in ALL areas of thailand and without interferece from Dubai we will be on the same page!!

    I think the armed forces, not only General Prauyt, has the right to do this now as the Thai society is messed up. People are killed randomly, and also hurt randomly. The armed forces does this by one single reason. The safety of the people. It will make the ground for a new election without any violence, hopefully. But I think the voters should think really with their harts and brains, do they vote for politicians capable of carrying guns in public places. Politicians like that do not have any place in a democracy, only in gangster organisations. I hope the situation also will catalyse the abolishing of non-elected senators. I think after all it will end peacefully :-)

    • Like 2
  3. convenient cameras eh?

    Makes no difference if drunk or not, if anything its worse to do it if he was drunk, and how was he driving anyway if drunk....although that could explain the cone hitting, but then that was bad visibility due to rain.

    Do you often hit things when driving a car in the rain? There is more to this story. Information we will probably never find out..

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Sometimes people hits this plastic shit they call traffic cones. They spread this plastic shit everywhere on the roads and it`s impossible to not hit any of them sometimes.

  4. The Pheu Thai administration is indeed wounded and this AFP article is right to put quotation marks around the word " rally " when describing whatever the red shirts are doing. The UDD has been struggling to try to gather as many of their members as possible for weeks now. They may indeed miss the train, because events have now taken much more speed. Pheu Thai is losing the airwaves. CAPO no longer is able to transmit on Channels 3, 5, 7, and Thai PBS. They still transmit on Channel 9. They were able to get on Channel 11's signal momentarily through a circuitous route but that was apparently short-lived. CAPO's increasing surreal announcements are therefore reaching a diminishing audience. The Pheu Thai administration ceases to function in any conceivable and practical sense. They selected a man through the cabinet, but that holds no constitutional weight as a prime minister can only be nominated through a quorum-filled parliament or through the Senate in the event of a quorum-less parliament. Pheu Thai has half a cabinet, no legislative power, no parliament, and no public mandate. They even can't have an election. For three reasons - 1) the unrest on the ground is as disruptive if not more than before the last election. Everyone outside of Pheu Thai acknowledges that. - 2) Pheu Thai wanted the EC to include a provision in the decree that would allow the EC to postpone the election again if there were difficulties with the poll. That is something that could be successfully challenged constitutionally. There is no precedent for that. You simply can't have a decree that includes a clause that allows the discretion for a movable election date. - 3) As the man Pheu Thai has chosen is not through constitutional means, he would therefore not have the authority to set an election date. The Pheu Thai administration is - in effective - frozen.

    And your suggestion is ?

  5. If it takes a civil war for the majority of the population to retain their civil rights then so be it.

    The majority of the population do not want a civil war. Just a few nuts who are mostly on Thaksin's payroll.

    Funny guy. The majority do not want war, but the facist movement led by the little faci suthep want war, and they will get it sooner than they expect, and more violent than they expect.

    • Like 1
  6. It's tragic that we have to read such sad news practically on an almost daily basis. The violence of teen gangs and other lowlifes in this country has taken on unprecedented proportions.

    In addition to to the fact that a lot of Thai people are extremely short-tempered and can go off like a lose cannon in the blink of an eye, more citizens than we care to admit seem to have stashed away one or several illegal guns - and do not hesitate to use them at any inappropriate "opportunity".

    It's about time all these myriads of guidebooks out there lyrically waxing on about the mild manners and gentle attitudes of the locals would finally care to update their forthcoming editions and let unsuspecting travelers know what's really ins store for them if they're not careful enough - or are at the wrong place at the wrong time, as this unfortunate actress appears to have been.

    And the Royal joke Thai Police do not have any clue about how many weapons there are around or who the owners are.

  7. “ It’s an act that violates the ethics decreed under the Constitution "

    CAPO must clearly be referring to an administration that has been directed through skype by a man in Dubai who was not elected prime minister through constitutional means. I'm sure that's what Khoasod really meant to say, but they just couldn't find the words. After all, what could possibly be more of a violation of the constitution than that ? What could possibly trump that ?

    CAPO is now in the business of circulating private correspondence, and Khaosod is in the business of publishing it. They are really made for each other. But that's not all. Somehow CAPO is able to imaginatively tie this request for a private security detail ( and given an administration like this, who could possibly blame him ? ) of an Administrative Court official - somehow CAPO is able to tie that into the Constitutional Court's upcoming ruling. After all, these two courts are only separated by two letters in the alphabet.

    This is what we call Pheu Thai soiling their pants. It can't be called anything else. That's how desperate this is.

    Your lost.

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