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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. On 8/30/2019 at 2:40 PM, Matzzon said:

    And whats the problem. Just give them what they need and pay the bill. Why must everybody make a hay stack out of a straw. Beginning to believe that most of the population gone haywire.

    Because it's none of their festering business. By using their shop to pay bills I normally buy a few things whilst I'm in their, which I assume is why they offer the bill-paying service. Snooping isn't part of the deal.

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  2. Seems to me that the big problem has gone now from not being able to get the embassy letter for your extension based on monthly income to not being able to prove that your transfers came from abroad. It appears that you either have to make a swift transfer which is expensive over the 12 months, or rely on TransferWise and hope that all the transfers are made direct to Bangkok Bank and don't come via TMB or Kasikorn. My plans were ruined by my July transfer going via Kasikorn, luckily I had a contingency plan in place by having 400k in the bank so I could reluctantly opt for a married extension. It wouldn't take much on the part of TI to show a little latitude in the case of one or two transfers not coming direct to BBL and accepting a printout of the TransferWise dispatch notice. But there again, less people would be forced into the hands of the agents in that case. It's all about money in the long run.

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  3. 2 hours ago, amykat said:

    Well, what I mean by asking for help, is there is a way to get a discussion about a bribe going.  The officer is not going to demand it straight out.  But it might be cheaper than 25k to an agent.  The boss has some discretion and can let this go, the agent forwards money to do that.  Can I pay a fine to overlook this problem this time because I am sick and can’t travel??  Blah blah??  Have wife call and ask??  


    So maybe for 2000 baht, or I don’t know the price, he will let it go?  Some Thai people know how to start these discussions, some Westerners do too, try asking your wife or if you have a male friend who is better at those things.  I’ve been wondering if many people could make these small problems go away, if immigration wants more corruption, is welcoming it, but we are too stupid to get it??


    I think that is why the boss lady followed up, what are you going to do, and then laughed at your answer ...like you are too stupid to offer them some money and do all that work and pay more??  Think about it.

    I have seen a couple of posts on here of Jomtien immigration suggesting just that to people whose application has been turned down. Might be worth asking them if they'd like a donation to the benevolent fund.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 56 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    sometimes that works.


    but then you get the io lady that's vexed because you didn't sign all the papers beforehand, throws you out of the cubicle to sign elsewhere, and invites the next applicant in.

    I must admit that on my 12 retirement extensions I've always signed beforehand and never had a problem. It's just that I seem to remember someone posting fairly recently that he went to Jomten with his copies already signed only to be told to sign them all again over the stamp that the IO put on. Another poster said that the signatures had to be in blue ink. One thing's certain, unless I catch the IO on the day she's had a new perm and pedicure, whatever I choose to do will be wrong by her.


    • Haha 2
  5. 16 minutes ago, pookiki said:

    The embassies announced the cancellations of the letters in late October, 2018 and Thai authorities didn't address what had to be done in the absence of the letters until late December, 2018. Therefore, if 'leniency' is applied (as it should be) showing your deposits beginning in January, 2019.452721024_ImmigrationMemoForIncomeProof(ENG).pdf

    1112337993_Policeorder35-2562changeof327-2557clasue2.22(Eng).pdf 217.77 kB · 0 downloads

    That's true and it also took me a month to open a BBL account after loads of faffing about, so mine began in February. Academic now that I've decided on the 400k in the bank method. Hopefully, they'll be happy with that, but you never know these days.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, scotsman said:

     https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-embassy-bangkok-to-stop-certification-of-income-letters    because the letters were stopped in Jan 2019 we had to put 65k or 45 k in every month starting from what date? Jan 2019 or the date of your last visa extension. I have to correct a mistake in my post that may have more bearing in this matter as I am very tired due to lack of sleep.  The date he pointed out in my Bangkok bank first 6 months statement in yellow was not 10.01.2018 it was 1.10.2018 October so I only put 37 k for that month but all the rest were 40k including Sep 2018 and one had 65k but in total I had 11 transfers of 40k not 12. 

    Now if you count it from the police order on Jan 2019 I would have had 7 so with the grace period 11 or 7 I still should have got my extension passed over to Bangkok. 

    sorry for the wrong date easy to miss when i have not slept in 3 days insomnia. 



    Understandable that you're exhausted dealing with that lot. So it looks like they aren't showing any leniency with the monthly transfer method, on marriage extensions at least. What with the TM30 nonsense and now this, it's become a lottery whether or not you're going to get your extension no matter how much you try to attempt by the rules. Obvious to me that it's all about either forcing us to use the money in the bank method, or to use agents. Probably both.

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  7. 14 minutes ago, spornb said:

    So very true


    In reality if you have not got a spare 400,000, for marriage and 800,000 for retirement extensions, you are substantially increasing the chances of hassle on renewal, and probably can not in reality afford to live here


    I am married and choose to live here, and so have to accept their jealousy and unhappiness at us being here


    This attitude by officials drives more to the illegal agents and benefits the officials colluding with them 


    Keep smiling it is only once a year, if this were the greatest problem I have I would be a very lucky man, which in any case I am

    Yes I'm doing the 400k in the bank method, although I'd prefer to do the 65k monthly for the retirement extension, Unfortunately, that got beggared up by my July Transferwise transfer to Bangkok Bank going via Kasikorn. Figured it'll be easier to do the marriage extension than a.rS.e about with Kbank. Next time, hopefully, I'll do the 800k in the bank method, if I'm still here.

  8. 1 hour ago, easydoor said:

    Dr OP,

    your posting is case of lot of confusing to some people.

    First off all: where do you make the conclusion IO will not accept payments starting in January? You were not in this case and even did not ask for it. So that is a conclusion you just make by yourself based on NOTHING: guessing. With guesses the readers of this forum are not helped at all, just making them scared.

    About your last month you were missing. What do you think is the most important month is this case? The first or the last month? If you just think a little logic: the LAST month !!! If you are are missing the last month it can means: the payments STOPPED. So also here the IO was complete right and you wre wrong and wrong thinking.

    I keep myself busy for many years, on another forum, and see the same things passing by: because no right thinking, wrong interpretations, making own conclusions.... always knowing better: a lot of wrong information making people scared and confused.

    "We went back to immigration at 2.30 pm and when we gave our documents to the young officer she was happy about it, but the boss lady looked at for a few min and said not enough you have to go to kasikorn bank and get the statement from them that it came from outside Thailand."


    What he's saying is that his application should've been accepted with 11 months of international transfers under the leniency rules, without having to beggar about with Kasikorn. Therefore, if his application wasn't satisfactory, what chance does anyone stand with only six months of transfers?


    It'd be helpful to hear if anyone has been shown leniency at Jomtien and how many international transfers they made before their extension.


    • Like 1
  9. Thanks for your very informative post. Few questions if you don't mind:


    Did you have to take a witness?


    How recent does the kor ror 2 have to be?


    Did you sign all copies beforehand? (I saw a post a while back advising not to sign copies because they stamp them and you have to sign on the stamp AND in blue ink). It'll save time if I'm able to sign at home.


    It's my turn in the mincer in a couple of weeks and I want to be as organised as possible, even though I know I'll be picked up on something.


    Before anyone suggests asking someone in immigration, the last time I politely asked a perfectly pertinent question of an IO I got bawled at (because he didn't know, but didn't want to admit it). Instead of putting my fist in his face, I had no choice but to eat humble pie and leave. 



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  10. 15 hours ago, scotsman said:

    I know about the Kasikorn bank tranferwise problem with the code but as I said in my story it was my last one that had this transaction in July.  I had 11 more from the Bangkok bank one year statements that I got from my bank that highlighted all the 40 k transactions for her and the young officer also highlighted them in yellow so there was no need for the other form in my photo above.

    Also having 11 transfers up to June I would have though that should have been enough to get this done, unless because it was my July transfer my last one and it has to be every month she wants me to show this one? 

    If i was applying for my extension in July then probably this transfer from Kasikorn bank would not be a problem until next year as it would only count as the first transfer in that year that is my theory.   

    I also had the tranferwise PDF receipt she was not interested in it just wanted one from Kasikorn yes i am luck we have one in pattaya. 



    I feel that TI refusing TransferWise transfers to Bangkok Bank via Kasikorn is as important an issue as the TM30 fiasco. The TW PDF notice should be sufficient proof, as in most cases it only comes via another bank once or twice in the whole 12 months. I'm able to do the 400k in the bank method, which is fortunate because my July transfer came via Kasikorn, as did most TW users' transfers I gather. It's plain to see that TI are trying to drive people into the hands of agents, for obvious reasons.

  11. a)   How many photos of wife and me are required in total?

    b)   What's the minimum size per photo?

    c)   How many to an A4 sheet?

    d)   Can they be copied onto normal A4 paper, or do they have to be on photographic paper?

    e)   Do I need to take a witness to immigration along with my wife?

    f)   Do I sign photocopies in blue ink or shall I leave them unsigned?


    When they make a house visit, how intrusive is it ie do they start opening cupboards, drawers etc? I have nothing to hide but I do value my privacy and although I realise the folly of it, I can see myself getting a bit pear-shaped if they go snooping amongst personal stuff.


    I've done retirement extensions for the last 12 years and this will be my first marrage extension. What a flaming pallaver. So far, I have a file of paper about two inches thick! I haven't finished yet, still have to get the Kor Ror 2, Bank letter and copy of bank book and the photographs at home. If the objective is to drive us into the hands of agents, I must admit that, although I'm resisting it, the thought is very attractive. 

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