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Posts posted by spiderman2

  1. Dont worry about the "Pound" Flash Gordon and the BOE have got it under control, they slashed interest rates last week to give the consumer money in his/her pocket by way of mortgage relief, and to lower interest rates by 1.5% to get the most indebted consumer on the planet borrowing even more money.

    With this extra cash we can buy lots of imported foreign energy and the cheap Chinese products, there is nothing to fear the UK economy will be booming in no time,

    When we combine these with our thriving industrial strength and lack of dependency on a banking based economy, i think we will be ok.

    Oh, hold on a minute...........

    It's easy to be cynical - so the correct answer is? BTW, the strength or lack of in the Pound is not an issue.

    Theyre cynical facts.

    Correct answer is to have an economy not reliant on debt to purchase foreign goods, the housing market, and the banking sector (City of London), the answer is a far better education and tax system so we can lead the way in the new economies, as well as having a solid manufacturing base.

    We're a service based economy its in our interest to have higher interest rates, unless Gordon and Merv are intending to bring back manufacturing.

    The strength of the pound will be in issue when i and many 100s of thousands come to LOS next month and cant afford to spend like drunken sailors. Meaning restaurants and agogos laying off staff as i'll have to cook at my apartment and only be able to afford to short time lady coconut.

    Anyway im ready for a downturn in the pound, ive been learning Indian so i can get a job in a callcentre when they export these jobs to the UK.

  2. Dont worry about the "Pound" Flash Gordon and the BOE have got it under control, they slashed interest rates last week to give the consumer money in his/her pocket by way of mortgage relief, and to lower interest rates by 1.5% to get the most indebted consumer on the planet borrowing even more money.

    With this extra cash we can buy lots of imported foreign energy and the cheap Chinese products, there is nothing to fear the UK economy will be booming in no time,

    When we combine these with our thriving industrial strength and lack of dependency on a banking based economy, i think we will be ok.

    Oh, hold on a minute...........

  3. stelling's a force of nature spidey, an absolute legend. apparently one of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet too.

    favourite presenters of mine are mike ingham on bbc five live and james richardson on the guardian and setanta. pundits, it's hard to look beyond david pleat for expert analysis of games, notwithstanding his inability to speak english.

    you ever listen to 606 with danny baker on bbc radio five? that's how football shows should be, sheer fun.

    Never listen to 606, id like to slap the callers.

    But this will make you laugh -


  4. In addition to many good expats living in LOS, a great many of the farang expat population consists of misfits, drunks, crooks, perverts, anti-social types, or people that have escaped to LOS to take advantage of the the cheap housing, women, and whiskey. I think most farangs with any common sense tend to be more guarded and careful in choosing who they socialize with due to the vast number of losers and western society rejects living in LOS.

    Its expats like you that i cant stand, the ones who like to boast about other farangs being as youve said to make themselves look better.

  5. Id legalise most drugs to bring the price down, hence people would need to steal less to pay for them and you wouldnt need to mix with criminals to get them, then all the free spaces in the prisons could be used to give violent people longer sentences.

    Make any crime committed whilst drunk or on drugs punishable by doubling the prison sentence.

    Have mandatory 5 year sentences for carrying guns or knives.

    Create a decent education system keeping them in it until age 18 to give people alternatives to being thieving c...s.

    Then id pass a law making me a dictator.

  6. I`m here for sex, but no one fancies me.

    Are you male or female?

    I`m male and if you are female, I`m yours.

    Thats the great thing about Thailand you can pull as easy as that.

    I'm devastatingly good looking, make lots of money, am extremely generous, have a personality that men aspire to and women can only blushingly admire, am renowned for being a great lovemaker and am so very modest.......yet still i find it a pain in the ass to get a sweet slim feminie size 8 aged about 24 in the UK whereas in LOS i dont have these problems.

    Saying that id prefer a perfect looking English girl to a Thai one, but it means putting in more work and i really cant be bothered blowing smoke up some chicks ass for the small possibility of a bunk up.

  7. I am a total layman when it comes to these proteins etc..., but for a boxer who needs to lose wight before a fight wouldnt protein shakes be the best thing for him as the amount of calories gained in the food needed to get the right amount of protein would add 1000 of extra calories, when all a boxer getting down to the right weight wants is pure muscle.

    For me in LOS im going to need something even if i wasnt training as my diet out there is at best dreadful due to not having any cooking facilities and my dislike of Thai food. I can only eat so much chicken and tuna on its own before getting sick of it and all vegetables as in carrots, brocolli, cauliflower and peas in Pattaya restaurants are stewed to <deleted>.

  8. I know im Joey Bartons cheerleader, but he is getting so much sh7t for nothing more then playing football competitively.

    Martin Oneil who is a calculating devious fcuker and a very strange man IMO has strung this along all week getting as much press headlines as possible, for them then to say we arent pressing charges, as they know full well it wasnt a racist comment.

    Barton allegedly called him big lips in a little scuffle that happens several times in every single game, now IMO to call someone big lips is on a par with calling someone a ginger b***rd, fat c***, bald **** or something similar, its all part of what gets said on a football pitch 100s of times a game.

    Nasri tried to do Barton on his return after Barton won the ball fairly and squarely from him, and look at how this predictable bald Jock pr7ck starts his piece of lazy journalism.


    I still sense an unacceptable risk in allowing Barton on a field – he is at Fulham today – because his contrition seems barely skin-deep.

    On his return at Arsenal, remember, the Newcastle midfielder gave a provocatively prolonged, hard eye to Samir Nasri, while against Villa, after being yellow-carded for an over-the-top tackle, Barton was at such a distance from reality that he protested to the referee.

    So we are past the stage where it is reasonable to blame Barton alone. Should another of his interpretations of the competitive urge seriously injure someone, culpability would have to be shared by the FA-appointed panel who let him off with a ban of just six matches, with six more suspended, for beating up Ousmane Dabo during a Manchester City training session that preceded his incarceration for another assault.

    Don't get me wrong: I hate racial abuse. I just think turning a chap's head into a puffed-up ball is pretty bad form too. Football, as part of its role in a society gone so soft that (we were informed last week) teachers are constrained from disciplining three-year-olds, should get properly tough with all misbehaviour.

    That said, it was awful to hear Bernie Ecclestone claim the Spanish fans who insulted Lewis Hamilton's family by dressing up as caricature blacks were having a legitimate laugh. I couldn't care less about standards in motor-racing, that irksome celebration of noise and fume pollution, but Ecclestone is involved in football with QPR and that makes his idea of a joke perturbing.

    Surely we have been patient enough with the Spanish sense of humour.

    Not that colour-blindness is helpful either, as Stan Collymore explained the morning after Barack Obama became President-Elect. "Obama should never be described as black,'' the striker-turned-media analyst told me. ''He is either African American or of mixed race.

    "There are hundreds of thousands of people in the US and UK officially recognised as of mixed race and that is how I am proud to be known. I am not white and I am not black.''

    A friend who, like Collymore, had a white mother and black father once told me she considered herself black because that was how society tended to behave towards her. Collymore's perception is reassuring. Let's hope race, in the Obama age, becomes a subject less simplistic but more approachable – except, of course, by racists.

    Shola Ameobi got elbowed deliberately by a Villa player on Monday after Shola had accidently fouled him, not one mention has been made about this piece of violence, id sooner be called big lips then get on elbow in my boat.

  9. i hate that fuc_ker but i agree with everything he's said there. the dumbing down of football coverage, mainly by sky but also by the bbc, is shocking.

    Jamie Redknapp, Andy Gray know what they are talking about, but Sky have got to fill a 24 hour news channel hence the crap you get, Paul Merson is the worst, he knows nothing, he cant handle his drink, drugs or gambling without crying and he's thick as pig sh7t.

    The BBC are a joke with that Asain guy who knows absolutely nothing about football coming along and murdering the institution that is Football Focus, he got the job purely because of his skin colour.

    Hansen, Lawrenson and Dixon say the same thing every week and are boring and why Shearer goes on TV with his personality is beyond me, if he wants the Newcastle job he should go to a smaller club and get some managerial practice in, nepotism shouldnt be enough to get such a job.

    As for Roy Keane he couldnt be more brutally honest if he wanted to be, some of the things he comes out with are absolutely fantastic and are the best p7ss take lines you can get, but IMO he wastes a lot of money on below average players who could quite easily get him the sack which would be a pity as he is in football for the love of the game not for the money, which is unlike most.

  10. The program starts at 9PM Eastern Time, i believe this is 2am UK time so thats 9am Thai time.


    Ive got to go for Calzaghe on the basis im biased and havent seen Roy Jones fight for a few years, the last time i did he was a shadow of his former self.

    Calzaghes always been good at picking his fighters hence his undefeated record, he avoided Jones, Hopkins and the like when they were at their peaks.

  11. All this is simply yet another attempt by the Govt to garner more "sun headlines" and appeal to the less savoury side of the uk electorate. In 2007 more people left the uk than arrived but of course you dont see this.

    You broadsheet reading superior people ought to get your facts straight before criticising others.

    The UK population has risen by 2 millions in the last 7 years, and this doesnt include the many non registered living here estimated at 500,000 -1 million.


    If you import millions of cheap workers the wages of the indigenous workers will suffer, but dont let a horrid right winger like myself blow your delusion out the water.

  12. ok....i still think thats a hel_l of lot of leg work to do everyday.....u got your cardio that involves mostly legs then weights on them for 3 days in a row. please remember that the muscles repair themselves while at rest and your legs wont get much rest which leads to overtraining which means less results.

    if you want then give me an idea of what you want to achieve and il give you a rough idea of how to get there(im a qualified instructor/trainer,worked in gyms for 10 years plus and trained for over 23 years myself.

    1. OK i dont want to gain any mass on my upperbody just to get more cut up and gain stamina strength, not the strength that is gained from lifting 10 x reps of 100-120KG

    2. To be able to run 3 mile in 25 minutes and for it to feel like a stroll.

    3. Gain mass and strength on my legs and calves.

    4. Get to a point where i am looking exceptional on the punchbag and pads, and hitting extremely powerful, for the boxing im looking for power not stamina as im never going to fight in the ring, hence i was thinking of doing 60-90 second rounds.

    5. And to get a lot more agile all round.

    Basically after 7 weeks to be as all round fit and healthy as i can get in that time space.

    just to point out that what you call activities is what others would call exercises :D

    I forget the correct terminology, i holiday in Pattaya <deleted> that alone must show im not an academic.

    ps could i suggest on days off you drink and chase young girls and at least chase young girls even on training days as you have time :o

    Good idea, i'll bring my wallet to catch them, itll save having to chase them.

  13. I don't think anyone is doubting that you feel you are 100% free of blame in this. However, I have rarely if ever seen a Thai resort to violence against a farang as a random thing.

    I was walking to my hotel in Jomtien last year about 9pm and there were 3 Thais drinking from the back of a pick up, they seemed like your wealthier well to do Thais and they started questioning me in a threatening manner about where i was going and why im in LOS, i could easily have got into a fight for doing nothing more then walking home alone.

    You honestly believe these two Thai guys were finishing their whiskey and said, hey let's go kick the crap out of that guy for fun? This may happen in the west where guys go looking for fights, I doubt this happens in Bangkok between Thais and farangs.

    Thais have drunken fights amongst themselves all the time for no other reason then theyre drunk, their inhibitions towards Farangs are almost non existant now so it is likely to happen now and then.

    Something you did (either known or unknown to you) is the reason why you were attacked.

    Mistaken identity - I would guess less a 3% chance.

    You sound like a bargirl speaking with the 3% comment, you werent there so no need to speculate.

    Hope you get well soon.

    No offence OP but you got a good hiding with no permanent physical scars, youve just got to get on with life, worse things happen to people, and not have these soppy anxiety feelings and fear of going places, it aint go to do you any good and nor is getting victim status.

    All it calls for is a bit of good old fashioned British stiff upper lip, try doing some martial art or gym routine so you feel physically more able to defend yourself....or maybe running.

  14. To be quite honest with you Old Trafford is probably one of the least atmospheric grounds in the country! Particularly with a game such as M'boro.

    Do yourself a favour taking the Stoke v Man U game and if seeing OT means that much go and do the tour of the ground they do everyday. :D

    I probably would do as you say mate, just that over 100 quid seems a bit steep to get into grounds like that. No offence, but it's not exactly Wembley is it? :o

    Its better going to away games and Stoke is meant to have a good atmosphere, you dont get as many whinging fcukers attending away games and the atmosphere is always better, but i wouldnt think it would be possible to get tickets for an away game when Manure only get a few thousand tickets.

    Besieds im sure the mrs will be wanting a few pics of her at Old Trafford to impress her friends.

    If you cant get a ticket in the Manure end call the Smoggy's ticket telephone hotline if theyve got one, those interbreads never sell all their tickets, just youll not have to jump up when manure score.

  15. Here are the answers to your questions -


    Id give them a call to get your membership number and explain your not in England and see if you can get it sent online or any other way.

    Type in Manchester United on this website to get the landline number -


    Such a rip off that youve got to become a member to buy a ticket but it seems 1 member can buy 2 tickets.

    I went to Newcastle v Villa on Monday and bought on the night, see there are advantages to your team being crap, and it was a good atmosphere.

    Im now about to clear my web browser history to get them filthy manure websites from infecting my computer.

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