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Posts posted by seesip

  1. Apparently the discount at BK Hospital is through the end of this year as a Grand Opening kind of thing. I've been a few times, the prices are higher in general but they definitely have a higher level of customer service.

    Regarding MRI you might look at the MRI clinic in Mae Rim, it's near City Hall. Called "Chiang Mai PC Imaging Center" or Goolge MRI Thailand--their website will direct you to the CM location. Never used them before but it might be a good place to get another price.

  2. I am coming into this one pretty late, in Australia my local doc would give me 2 b12 shots a bit apart every so often and give me a dose of pills, he only ever told me I was deficient in vit b. I have felt totally run down now for quite a while, lethargic, memory getting a lot worse than normal(and I dont drink/smoke!), mood swings, dizzy spells etc and thought it was caused from the chest infection I have had for around a month, I even went to a heart specialist last week for more tests that were normal. Today I finally typed in the symptoms I have had in google and lo and behold it came up with vitamin b deficiency, described to a tee exactly what has been happening with me for a while. It also went on to sat that it can be caused through medication for diabetes as well as another one I am on, it also said that it can also result from major stomach/intestine surgery which I had to undergo 20 years ago. What I find strange is that none of my doctors told me about this and it explains my problems exactly as they are. I am going to get some complex vit b tabs and b12 too and see if it does make a difference. Never realized just how serious vit b deficiency can be till I looked it up

    I think getting a diagnosis depends a lot on the doctor. I was tested years ago in LA and the results were low, so my doc told me to follow up with sublingual supplements. When I got retested last year in CM, the results substantially lower, but the local doctor was indifferent and told me to take a One a Day and stop worrying so much! If you are deficient, a b complex is not going to have enough b12 to make a difference. The highest b12-only supplement I could find locally was 100mcg from the pharmacy--better but not by much. You may be better off either getting injections from a doctor, or ordering some of the sublingual tabs online.

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  3. Seesip,Hay Billy ...Oh please why do dogs have to be put in cages.If anyone feels that way simply do not have a dog because you obviously don't understand their needs. I haven't lived in my home country Australia for quite a few years but I can never remember a dog kept in a cage unless it was in a factory compound and used at night as a guard dog.

    Can't believe the ignorance and lack of compassion in some of these posts to the OP's concern.Dogs are not animals to be caged, it mentally degrades them,you just don't get it and you think you will hear from the owners as to their reasons,yeah right,ridiculous comment ,don't hold your breath.

    Read again what Nienke is saying and if you don't understand the views of a practicing, professional carer of dogs I sincerely feel sorry for you.

    Do yourself a favor and search Google for the opinions of professional dog trainers, the Human Society, etc. regarding crate training for dogs... before lamenting the ignorance in this thread.

  4. There is an ongoing assumption that these dogs are not getting enough exercise, which is pure speculation on the part of the OP. Unless he is monitoring his neighbors 24-7 which I seriously doubt--he can only base it on what he does see. Which is two well cared for dogs. The original post, which clearly implies a criminal offense, is way beyond an innocent request for feedback. He's standing in front of their house taking pictures, and offering to send their personal details by PM. How many people on this forum would accept that kind of scrutiny from their neighbors? And on top of that... seven years in Thailand and don't speak enough Thai to have a reasonable conversation? What else is there to say.

  5. I'm not sure that would be considered cruelty to animals. A lot of urban dogs are stuck in small apartments all day, but they get along fine taken out for walks etc. These two appear to be well cared for. Local dogs that are free to run around get serious wear and tear from car/motorcycle injuries, bites from other dogs, etc. Also imho maybe not the best idea to be taking photos of the house and posting online.

  6. There is a Chinese foot reflexology place, I think it's on Radjadamnoen in the old city, but not certain. I think you'd find it on google or maybe searching on thaivisa. I've heard good things about it but it's also a pretty intense massage.

  7. Don't you just luv em; JT took off in her Private Plane to an undisclosed destination? Was JT flying the plane?

    She does a lot more than others do, and she works on a mirco level by adopting some childern. Not much said about trafficing, but then again needs to get out of the country?

    If people have time, go to one of your local services in Thailand and spend some time there as a volunteer. You may make someones life better for the day, and may change your life. Just a thought. All of us need to do more selfless acts, me included.

    Can someone explain to me the difference between child trafficking and adopting some foreign children and dragging them to the USA?


  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Stopped by today and was very pleasantly surprised. It is the first Vietnamese restaurant in Chiang Mai, that I know of, to serve one of my favorite dishes: Bun thit nuong!

    I ate at Pho Anh Saturday for lunch.... My first visit with more to come. The food and service was excellent.

    Not knowing street names here's my take on directions to get there:

    Take the middle ring road east past the super highway like you are heading towards the Promenada mall. Do a U turn at the first intersection (going over the first underpass) and head back west on the ring road. Pho Anh is located shortly after your U turn in a group of townhomes/stores on your left hand side (south).

    BTW, I had the beef noddle soup and egg rolls....... a good first choice.

    Any way to get a google map reference? Is it the last uturn before you get to Promenada?

  9. Fantastic new place - owner is Vietnamese but run as Lao restaurant...upscale place near phayup U on middle ring road near that big home furnishings store shukipan?

    Very crowded at lunch to the point where RSVPs being made...customers were mainly thai chinese as i was only farang there. Seating in and outside. There is also Isaan noodle rest upstairs...both modern lanna style architecture

    How long has that been open? I went to a Vietnamese place somewhere in that area about 6 months ago, but it was an all-Vietnamese menu, not the best quality. Wonder if this is a different place? They have Lao and Vietnamese on the menu?

  10. I have three children, the youngest just turned 2 and I educate them about snakes and remove them as previously mentioned if dangerous. I've removed Cobras and a Malaysian Pit Viper, which kills the most ppl. in Thailand, that climbed out of the outdoor shower drain while my GF and baby were showering (the video of me removing it is on Youtube in anyone is interested) in Hua Hin and just last Wendseday we saw a Temple Viper, one of the world's most venomous snakes, in a tree just above all my kids and I in Khao Sok National Park. We took picture and moved along. Here in Chiang Mai my dogs sometimes kill the snakes but they don't know better, we do! So as for kill first and learn later theory I think my "If it doesnt kill you it will only make you stronger" school of parenting when dealing with dangerous snakes makes about as much sense

    Youtube link?

  11. The Laos visa charge depends on which country you are from (ie What passport you are traveling with). Aussie and Kiwi pay US$30, Canadians US$35. Not sure about all the other nationalities but if you check the internet under Vientiane visa fees Im sure you will find out more.

    As has been stated, make sure the notes are crisp and undamaged. They at immigration dont like defaced, wrinkled or torn notes. Also be aware if its a holiday or you arrive before 8am, they charge you an extra US$1 fee for working övertime¨

    Gd luck

    Not sure if you mean all visa fees need to be paid in US dollars? Or can be paid in Thai Baht?

  12. No problem. I have taken that flight twice--and arriving at Friendship Bridge, found the border wide open. You should be at your Vientiane hotel before eight in the evening.

    Good to know. I'm also just realizing that the day I need to leave (13th May) is a Buddhist holiday. Will that effect the border crossing situation? Thanks.

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