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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. Another loss ratcheted up for the country. This was extortion and kidnapping by any standards and Kate Dullard should be held to account personally. Problem for the couple in this is that many from the West look down at a man with an Asian wife. Some sort of clever reverse discrimination they have concocted over there. Get packing Kate as we want more from our embassy that you can give us.

    Trouble is that Thais are like gambling addicts, they revel in the few tiny scam successes and don't take head of the massive losses when they occur. The country will lose a thousand times this amount with the bad publicity, but they will still marvel at their sucess at extracting that 8,000 pounds.

    At least a good percentage of the Expat community have now seen this on Thai Visa. This means us, our families, any friends and subsequently any of their friends will verbally be warned off going into these places.... If they decide to come after this latest debacle.

    KP and the Thai authorities will blame this on the foreigners (the Sri Lankan) make a song and dance and business as usual.

    Suppose the TAT could always run a campaign to encourage more sex tourism. About the only thing they have left now they have shot their bold once more with the high end market. Well TAT, you get your bright young professional couples on hi incomes and this is what you do with them!!

    Over 3,000 views already. If only we have seen this and only we take action that could be 3,000 customers lost.

    I think many peoiple have a misunderstanding what an embassy or consulate can do for you. They are not the police and can only direct to the local authorities and assist with finding a lawyer.

    Offers to contact the Thai authorities in this case were declined by the couple themselves.

    Wrong, sorry.

    Embassies can and do provide shelter and refuge in times of great need. This was a kidnapping and the couple having been held by a gang that obviously had police involvement and maybe more took place with the bail hearing (we don't know this) probably made the right call in not getting involved with any more Thais.

    It was the Embassy sending them back into this situation that caused the money to change hands. IMHO

  2. Another loss ratcheted up for the country. This was extortion and kidnapping by any standards and Kate Dullard should be held to account personally. Problem for the couple in this is that many from the West look down at a man with an Asian wife. Some sort of clever reverse discrimination they have concocted over there. Get packing Kate as we want more from our embassy that you can give us.

    Trouble is that Thais are like gambling addicts, they revel in the few tiny scam successes and don't take head of the massive losses when they occur. The country will lose a thousand times this amount with the bad publicity, but they will still marvel at their sucess at extracting that 8,000 pounds.

    At least a good percentage of the Expat community have now seen this on Thai Visa. This means us, our families, any friends and subsequently any of their friends will verbally be warned off going into these places.... If they decide to come after this latest debacle.

    KP and the Thai authorities will blame this on the foreigners (the Sri Lankan) make a song and dance and business as usual.

    Suppose the TAT could always run a campaign to encourage more sex tourism. About the only thing they have left now they have shot their bold once more with the high end market. Well TAT, you get your bright young professional couples on hi incomes and this is what you do with them!!

    Over 3,000 views already. If only we have seen this and only we take action that could be 3,000 customers lost.

  3. Can someone explain to me what the Bed Supper Club is ?

    Up-market, it seems, but why ? What does it offer ?

    Usually, it means posers, the pretentious, a no smiling policy, no fun, lots of looking down noses, guys wearing clothes that are two seasons two hot for Patong, sweating in their vain attempts to be seen as superior to the great unwashed outside. Light rocking to and fro to endless Euro/jazz/fusion pap and the chance to pay the equivalant of two bar fines (im told) to get in then at least double the price for all your drinks. Nah, it'll never work.

    Patong is what it is, funny, messy, smelly, cheap and above all FUN. Look round this past few days with the yanks in town. Smiling faces on both sides of the bars, joshing in the street, cheeky passes going both ways. A new generation of sailors and soldiers voting to come here and learning some of lifes traditional lessons uncluttered by woolly PC thinking. Even the sailor girls appeared to have totally let their hair down and got stuck in.

    Patong is full for a week in the middle of a dire low season and thankfully most of the money injected into the place has gone to the cheap fun sois that people so love to visit on holiday. Everybody looked so happy tonight, bar owners, girls, customers and the few tourist couples that are here all seemed to make the place come alive for the first time in months.

    At least there will be some second hand bargains when it closes down next year. It'll be good on the opening night for the customary free food they give away at such bashes. Then when they try to run it as a business ie. put the prices to 120 for a crap beer, the driftwood will be blowing accross the dance floor as in so many other high end joints that reared their head here.

  4. If it threatens the govournments position then nothing will come of it. They didn't have a coup , ban a party , ban a load of MPs and then finaly shoe horn Mark and co into the driving seat just to have a silly little thing like a constitution spoil the show. Constitutions are ripped up wholesale here so they'll have no trouble doing a bit of tinkering with the rulebook to save peoples bacon. In Thai politics ,rules are what you beat over the heads of your foes and bend to suit your friends. :)

    PM Samak was booted exactly because of this with his little TV cooking show.

    Already case law on this so why don't the Dems resign as Samak did?

    Election looming for next high season so better get it out of the way now me thinks.

  5. Hope it rains on saturday then.


    These Red Shirts just never learn to do they.

    What they should do is hold it indoors, somewhere dry, like an airport perhaps. Never seemed to cause much disruption and the police, army, PAD, their supporters on here, the Courts who refuse to act against them and certain unelected ministers seemed to enjoy the "fun".

    Apparently, if you listen to those I listed above, there was no disruption caused, no adverse affects on tourism, no tonnes and tonnes of flowers and fruit rotting in containers, nobody beaten up and hardly any PM's overthrown as a result.

  6. I didn't say this. Forbes did:

    "After taking power, Abhisit was criticised as an opportunist who would have gone nowhere without a helping hand from the military and the anti-Thaksin People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD). He failed to condemn the PAD when it occupied Bangkok's two main airports in late November. Since then, Abhisit has vowed to prosecute those responsible for the airport closures, but nobody has been charged so far."


    Tut tut tut, mere detail. The council of propagana has decreed that, coups, life bans, election gerrymandering, government financed brainwashing before elections, half sail democracy, overthrowing three elected pm's destroying the economy and tourist season by shutting three airports and occupying governemt house are mere details. The Army turning out last year just to make sure the Police didn't remove the PAD from Government House and the Airports, leaving them free to bring down the Government was noticed everywhere in the world and in all serious news outlets.

    The result being we now have some of the greenest politicians in the top seats of power being controlled by one of the most ruthless experienced (in Thai politics) Thai Politicians of our age. Abhisit is no match for Newin, and if he wasn't the Army's poodle he would be Newins. There is nobody on this planet that Newin would not support to keep his snout in the trough.

    How dare the elected and overthrown red shirted supporters be angered by this three year long all out assault on democracy?

    How dare they react after clearly winning every election since 2000 and having them overthrown. How dare they be angered that anybody that speaks for them is barred from politics.

    How dare they not acknowledge the superiority of their elite and of the PAD, of the high minded apologist falangs on here etc. etc?

    What gratitude! They were told not to vote for anybody other than Democrats and yet they ignored all the great minds on here. What plebs!

    I'm printing out all SRJ's Plus's, Animatic's posts and arranging them on the flight path to Swampy to read "Welcome Back Thaksin", so at least they have not posted totally in vain these past three years.

  7. No I am not but as far as I know is that I see at least 3 people in one picture considered to be criminals.Yet none of them have served 1 day in jail.

    Actually 4 if you consider that Mr. Happy Toilet (raising his hand to speak) held down the policeman while his older brother Duang (next to him) shot him in the head.

    for sure? please provide a link to a reliable source that proves exactly that what you have said.

    and what is the crime of the others and how many years in jail they exactly got?

    You must understand that supporters of coups, dictators, election overturning, insulting Thias by saying they are too stupid to vote.. unless they vote for Newin and PAD are allowed to run posts like this.

    I am in agreement with you that this is at best a risky unproven allegation to be bandied about even on a web forum.

    Expect more sour grapes as you are posting stories that are awkward for some on here. Corruption, nepotism and infighting after six months of squeaky clean Government ha ha, well knock me down with a ladyboy's false eyelashes.

    Your exposure and humiliation of the great "sic" Plus was a nice piece of work. Even brought the gang back together in time for the fall of the house of Abhisit!

    Never mind, if they hate democracy so much and Abhisit or PAD don't get elected by the Army next time, they can always find another country. Burma is the most accessible Militocracy! No chance of the plebs there voting for the wrong man eh!

    Abhisit. Not only is the Honeymoon over, but the wife (Newin) appears to be making his way to the Divorce Courts for a 100% share of the spoils. He looked like he could manage the Eton Tuck Shop on a good day, but to keep this charade going for much longer is too much.

    Army, PAD, EC, Constitution Court going to impose this lot on us again now it has turned to sh1t?

  8. Wow. Surely this should be in the news clippings section.

    SRJ must be spitting feathers. Did he really miss this?

    And me thinking corruption was a thing of the past, or at worst, restricted to the Thaksin hordes.

    Things will certainly hot up as the only way out seems to be a general election. We have a goverment that was unelected, installed, is failing and now appears to be as corrupt as everybody else in government over here.

    Did I hear the Thaksin suitcase coming out of the wardrobe and the passport(s) being reddied? Can't be long now.... can't be long.

  9. Thaksin Smaksin, as they say in Yiddish.Ain't you sick of him

    Sure I am.

    But we are always reminded that the majority wants him back. We have another mass this weekend when worshippers from all over the country will gather and Sanam Luang and chant their mantras.

    a cleansing trauma may still be just what's needed in Thailand

    How big a trauma you are talking about?

    Say ten million purged? Or would one million be enough? Where do you proposed to build re-education camps for them?


    It isn't a very smart proposal, you know.

    This proposal is much nearer to the PAD aim of educating the part of the population that voted for Thaksin. Sorry that you should have used such an hysterical term without realising it was an aim of your own party.

    4 out of ten approval rating, a real hammering in a by election and still, no sniff of a success story. All this after attempts to brainwash the country and turn them against Thaksin.

    Sorry guys but if they are not as popular as Thaksin now... they really never are going to be. I think perhaps you may be in the wrong country if your views are so at odds with the populations. Thats the wider population, not the PAD supporting falangs of Thailand population :)

    PS, SRJ has frantically been cut and pasting articles from BPost and Nation that seek to harm Thaksin. Why was he caught napping here?

    Thanks Hagenvontronje.

  10. So a wife of a guy caught for buying votes wins an election, and Thaksin makes personal phone calls - what a day for democracy indeed!

    Will these people ever learn anything?

    Nope - all they want back to power and here seem to be a bundle

    of people who support these de facto thieve clans!

    just looking at some of the evidence, hard to imagine why!

    What evidence for what?

    Why not stay with the truth? The husband, Pongsak Boonson, of the winning candidate Anurak Boonson wasn't caught with vote buying. that is not true.

    Pongsak was red-carded for "making defamatory remarks about the Puea Pandin Party during his campaign."iconexternallink.jpg Ohh, what a crime!

    On a sidenote, Pongsak was also part of the so called 'Friends of Newin' faction in the PPP, until september last year.iconexternallink.jpg

    Now look here, Hagen, how dare you post the truth about the reason why Pongsak Boonson was red-carded! :)

    How can dear old Plus and Animatic keep on with their hoary old mantra of "They weren't elected - they bought their votes!" if you start giving the facts?

    Whenever the Dems or their bedfellows lose an election you can be sure that the claim of the winner having bribed someone will spew forth from the usual suspects. No evidence is ever forthcoming of course.

    Now I see that Plus and Animatic are having a field day over the fact that 1/3rd of the electors didn't vote for Anurak Boonson! Eh? You mean 2/3rds of the entire electorate did vote for her - a figure that I think many MP's anywhere in the World would be quite happy to achieve. If one discounts those that didn't vote at all, poor old Newin's proxy must have made a really dismal showing.

    All grist to the mill.

    There was almost enough anger in April against the powers that be and this whilst Abhisit was enjoying some sort of honeymoon period.

    Just need a few more byelections and the courts overturning them again for such things as farting in a public toilet, phoning a friend on Who wants to be a millionaire, not having boyish good lucks, having once been in the National Stadium at the same time as Thaksin drove past etc. etc.

    So sad that 66 percent of the eligible voters does not constitute a majority in the minds of some great falang minds on here. The only alternative being that Animatic, SRJ and co are saying the Thais involved are all stupid. Either way, they are well wide of the mark and as bang out of order as usual.

    Some elections in the uk were won with less than 30 percent of the voters turning out, bear in mind that 30 - 35 percent can win an election if more than 3 people stand and you have elected councillors elected on around 10 percent of eligible voters.

    Just admit it. There is no interest in Democracy from the Democrats or their masters or apologists on here.

    Edit, results of local elections 2002 England http://www.parliament.uk/commons/lib/resea...02/rp02-033.pdf

    A. The results

    Estimates suggest that the Conservatives won 34% of the vote nationwide, compared to

    33% Labour, 27% Liberal Democrat and 5% for other parties. As elections did not take

    place in all areas, these figures are not indicative of possible General Election vote shares.

    Turnout was estimated to be higher than at previous local elections, at around 34%.

    So by this recogning, the leading conservative party polled around 10 percent of elegible voters!!

  11. April turmoil deflates volume

    Passenger, cargo and aircraft traffic through Thailand's six main airports continued to decline in April as political turmoil heightened by rioting in Bangkok dashed hopes for improvement.

    Total passenger throughput in the month contracted 12.1% year-on-year to 4.43 million, cargo shrank 25.9% to 82,727 tonnes and aircraft movements fell 9.9% to 30,433, according to statistics compiled by Airports of Thailand Plc (AoT).

    Traditionally, April is one of the peak traffic months as Songkran revellers take holidays, but troubles spurred by pro-Thaksin Shinawatra demonstrators dashed hopes for arresting the traffic free-fall that began last year.



    -- Bangkok Post 2009-06-23

    Nice balanced report this.

    John, are you saying that the trouble in April caused less disruption at the airports than when the PAD actually closed them? All that rotting food in the cargo bays, all those tourists stranded inside and out, all the business meetings that didn't happen, all the events cancelled/curtailed etc.

    April, if you don't know, is at the END of the high season and therefore, could not possibly have been a part of the cause for the tourist numbers collapsing in December, January and february.

    Or, are you saying that the the red shirts caused this as all our incoming tourists had ESP and saw it coming?

    This Government with it's hi-so backers has brought the country to it's knees even quicker than I thought they could do. It's their only success to date :) and for their apologists to miss-represent facts as such has last, desparate ya boo sucks ring to it.

  12. Why do they say they want to liberalise now?
    Cause they are so stupid to think there's still someone so foolish to trust them.

    Thing is that half the Government says liberalise, but the other half have enacted a witch hunt and spread panic and killed off the already temainally ill housing market.

    More nationalistic cant about Thai wifes being nominees etc.

    The Thaksin years are about to be viewed as a purple patch in Thai history!! Will they let him back though before they run the country down past Burmese levels or will they have to be ousted after the next general election.

    A general election that they will undoubtedly lose again on votes but be let in again by the army.

  13. My local friends have a selection of TOT and TTAT packages for which we pay a variety of prices on various promotions.

    We printed out speed test results as low as 17 and 22 kbps downloads (on 4mb connection in my case). Might as well have printed out the Magna Carta in Latin and presented that for all the understanding (read blank looks) we received.

    They are all crap, the entire system here is crap, always was and always will be.

    Noboby cares (unless you dont pay the bill) and nobody ever does anything about it.

    Anybody can advise on a connection via satelite that bypasses this third rate IT set up could achieve hero status.

    Can it be done? what does it cost?

  14. Hi All.

    Thaksin is a convicted criminal , How can the PTP be legal when their spokesman Chalerm openly tells the whole

    Nation that Thaksin is the real leader, Banned from politics, Surely this party should go the same way as TRT PPP.

    It seems it do not count when you lead by proxy. Phupaman

    Sorry to see you have such a dismal grasp on the situation.

    Banned politicians here are banned by an Army Coup installed legal framework, courts and Constitution Courts. The sole purpose of these appointees was to disband TRT and convict Thaksin. How could Thaksin, in this situation ever NOT be a convicted criminal.

    This is why nobody pays attention to the shenanigans. We are still governed by the same people that led the 2006 coup. Ask Abhisit where all the stabbing pains in his back are coming from and why he cannot govern the country. It's not Thaksin!

    I see now that the appointees are rushing to try and annul the result as once again, their prefferred man got beat.

  15. Yes, let's go back to Puea Thai, Thaksin, Chalerm et al who cynically indebted poor people like indentured bond-slave servants whilst allegedly reaping hundreds of thousands of baht in return for each couple hundred baht 'invested' per vote. Thaksin who did diddly squat to improve education for the poor (the last thing this lot would want), announced 30 baht healthcare and walked away to applause without a plan leaving an already poor system in complete tatters. Thaksin who 'perfected' rice and crop pledging 'schemes' which allegedly only enriches cronies, middlemen and politicians NOT poor farmers.

    Let's go back to a Thaksin regime which brought in early closing times, proposed alcohol bans, stepped up pressure on visa-runners, created the 'Elite' program which is now in a sea of red, etc, etc.

    One could go on for days about all Mr Thaksin's past 'accomplishments' (style of which Newin would like to continue as it's a proven self-serving, self-win formula).

    The ONLY good thing to come from this by (buy?) election is Newin's faction may have to at least 'pretend' to heed the Dems repeated requests for transparency in Newin's BJ projects (bus schemes, airport expansion, rice and crop pledging, 'toxic' herbs, etc, etc, etc)

    Suffice to say, despite the Dems winning far more by-elections earlier this year, the Reds/Puea Thai will now be bolstered to really raise Cain in the upcoming rallies in support of the Thaksin family business/party (conveniently just ahead of Mr Thaksin's court date for confiscation of his 76 billion frozen baht;) :)

    Fantastic. I mentioned this expat mentality in previous posts.

    He was right on all counts for a number of reasons.

    Why should Thais work in bars round the clock for slave wages in order that some idiot drunk sex tourists might fancy a grope of them?

    Clamp downs of visa runners are definately a step in the right direction and something this government is running with as well. Proper visas are easy to come by, just that many jack the lad falangs think themselves above being told what to do, pay taxes, contribute to society etc.

    Elite program was ahead of its time and would probably work well if introduced now. Thaksin had the foresight but overlooked just what cheapskate falangs were residing in Thailand.

    Oh and here comes another fantastically well crafted ripost from one of the leading coup supporters in our midst.

    sriracha john Posted Today, 2009-06-22 19:21:11 QUOTE (jumnien @ 2009-06-22 18:38:40) post_snapback.gifLooks like this latest election is ruffling the feathers of our local yellow shirts. Watch for news of airport closures!

    Looks like next week's by-election might ruffle the feathers of our local red shirts. Watch for news of hijacked gas trucks and burning buses.

    Has SRJ not seen the total pigs ear that the Army appointed Dem government has made recently.

    Killed the economy, lost confidence on the worlds stage, let a known mobster organise a militia in pattaya, and then, just as everybody thought the housing marked had been decimated beyond hope.... they send their man down to phuket to put the wind up any prospective investors in Thailand for at least another year.

    Record export drops, record tourist drops, serious crime wave... Well, never mind, at least they are not called Thaksin.

    I bet a vast majority of the country would gladly let Thaksin have his Chump Change if he could fix the economy and bring Thailand back to the heady boom times that he brought about.

    The good thing about the Dems being in power is that they can now demonstrate beyond all doubt what happens to a country when elections are gerrymandered, and people clearly not up to the job are brought in. Make them un-electable for another 5 terms if not longer. :D

    I notice they are trying to overturn this emphatic victory as well on some technicallity. Technicallity being that they garnered more votes!

  16. One hotel owner told me that travel agents 'simply dont market Thailand anymore' and that 'there were just so many alternatives.' Another said there was no sign of there being 'anybody here' for the foreseeable future.

    Of course, rather not market Thailand than answering "What happens if I get stranded at a Thai airport" with "You are on your own. unless or until Oz government sends C-130 Herculeses to evacuate you".

    This plays such a huge part in it and it's something the Thais cannot do anything about.

    Simply, the agents in England, US etc. will not risk incurring the wrath of their customers if they are caught up in one of the miriad "bar closure weekends", regular bouts of airport closures and rioting.

    The Travel shops in the west simply are not interested in selling trips here and are oblivious to the wild desperate ramblings of the TAT and the lame duck government of the day!

    A friend who lives here had trouble buying a ticket back. He told me last xmas that the travel agents not only tried to talk him into going somewhere else, they also had a notice printed up stating they were not responsible for the ongoing circumstances in Thailand.

    Add to this the horrendous customer care levels (albeit with a smile) and the corruption... my friend a long term expat was still taken to the travel shop on the phuket bypass road by the taxi driver and interrogated about where he was staying. Whilst there he said two mini busses pulled up, decanted all the passengers there and charged them 200- baht to continue to Phuket Town or Patong! After telling them that their hotels of choice were closed, no good, filthy or none existant.

    You get the level and quality of tourists you deserve in a country. And this country at the moment just about deserves a few hundred overweight sex tourists, which is exactly what they are getting in Patong at the moment.

  17. Fractional Ownership in principle is exactly the same as time share or vacation clubs.......typicaly you would buy one tenth of the value allowing you to stay in the property for 30 days each year, nine others would do the same as you, and the developer would rent the property for the remaining two months.....do the figures and they dont match up....it is a waste of money and remember if you are stupid enough to proceed to check any maitenance fees etc........I worked in the business....timeshare in Thailand isnt too bad, it is easonbly cheap but F.O. is not good value at all....

    The old adage "there's one born every minute" is clearly well out of date and these people realise that there were at least nine born every minute. I don't know how, but these schemes work and there are plenty of fools here only happy to be parted from their money.

    Quite rightly you have pointed out what they will never mention. That is, there will be massive repair bills during a 30 year period. I know many buildings here that had and entire lifspan of less than 30 years. Despite having only been here 17 years I have seen buildings built after my arrival, fall down and be replaced. Service charges, cleaning charges (nobody ever cleans these places properly when they leave) decorating every two years or so, upgrading of intercoms, security systems, re-covering car parks, communal lighting and gardening costs..... The list is endless and you can take that from somebody who really does know what they are talking about on this subject... (for once :) )

    It's really time to stop feeling sorry for these dupes. If they are that stupid, lets have their money rattling round in the Thai economy, as they would surely lose it sooner rather than later in another country.

    Those of us who "bought" properties with our wives ten years or so ago for less than one million baht are starting to look like so many suntanned, beer-bellied, balding, hair-dyed, medallioned Einsteins in comparison.

  18. Thailand has a very strong brand name with 12m+ visitors per year. Sure there will be the occasional dip in numbers, but I think that Thailand will always be a big draw.

    True true, I dont know of anybody being put off coming here. Much as I railed about the Airport closures, everybody I knew and customers I expected to come all came as normal. Some even came early thinking it would be cheaper and stayed longer.

    There are many more tourists/expats around in this low season than there were in the low seasons 15 years ago.

    Part of the problem is that if tourist figures are hovering around 12 million a year, Thais and falangs are building hotels, guesthouses, restrauants and bars to cater to twice that amount. Most of these businesses built on sheer hope and having no contingency for a low season that lasts 7 months at least down here.

    I think there is a fair bit of tourists being spread ever thinner these days.

  19. Lets also take note that she pleaded GUILTY ! Everyone who says she didnt do it can now see that she did. You were all wrong ! She pleaded guilty to theft in a court of law (although not the laws of a country that you would wish for).

    Why didnt she just admit it straight away instead of causing all this trouble ?

    Personally I would jail her for lying about her mates playing a prank !!

    Maybe she was having a "joke" with the court that would be fun wouldn't it!!

    Pleading guilty in any language means the same, with all the legal back up she was in contact with if she had a defence surley the lawyers would not have allowed a travestery of justice to happen with so much media attention their reputations could be in tatters!!!

    No. Most of you are still not reading the articles and keeping up to date. Also you do not seem to realise that pleading guilty is the only way to get out of this country fast and it is proven by the fact that the Governer of Phuket says very straight that she is not guilty and did nothing wrong, he also paid her 1000 baht fine out of his own pocket and he apologised to her. These are not the actions taken against someone that actually committed a crime.

    You can go on all day about "why" she pleaded guilty, the fact is she admitted guilt. Which makes her a convicted dirty thief ! Was the Phuket Governor with her in the bar at the time ? I doubt he was. He probably thought it better to actually agree with the stupid b*tch in order to shut her up and stop her from digging herself an even bigger hole !

    I am truly amazed at the amount of people on here condoning theft. You all should be ashamed !

    I personally hope this tramp has nightmares for the rest of her life ! I bet her kids are going to be real proud of her for !

    I am shocked they involved the kids. Most sensible non theiving parents would have been so ashamed (even if an unwilling partner in this yobbish behaviour) they would have hushed it up, sorted it out and slunk home hoping the kids never hear of it.

    They will find soon that a wave of press involvement doesn't mean press sympathy. They can easily turn on her now espescialy as she got off scott free, tarnished the reputation of many ozzy tourists, and copped a free holiday in one of Phukets finest resorts. Any Aussies please keep us in touch of how her gravy train turns out.

    I fear she didn't suffer enough for the press and public to really get on her side.

    Lets hope when she does go home she doesn't add Perjury to her list of crimes. On her television circuit next week if she claims she lied in court well....

    And as for the idiot Brumby, he is in big sh1t when he comes here after what he said.

  20. I hope the Aussie bar goes broke we don't need australians like this owner Steve you and your bar are trash

    OK so Steve with a little counseling and the right attitude could change and be redeemed,.....but that bar, now how you gonna deal with that bar, and its an Aussie bar which makes it even tougher to redeem. Its a no good downright dirty rotten Aussie bar and should be bulldozed and replaced with a good wholesome, respectful and healthy,......juice bar, yeah how about that ???!!

    yea thats the right attitude and a few beers and the AFL. just get rid of this steve character and all his thai police mates

    Wow, small as Steve is, he must have really whipped your ass when you miss behaved in there.

    Place is full, I had a text from a mate today. It will stay full and the photo opps are being snapped up.

    We need good bar owners like this. What we don't need are bogans on stag and hen parties behaving like slobs and then behaving like children when they are caught.

  21. After reading the details of this saga, I'm going to boycott travel to Australia.

    At least when we go to oz there's no danger of being accused of going for the women :)

    Slap on the wrist and guilty in a court of law.

    I hope the real victim of this (the bar owner) gets some redress in this. It was a real case of trying to identify a man behind it and going for the jugular. Man involved in PC countries such as Australia automatically means the woman is innocent.

    Glad the lady went home ok though as she seemed ok and certainly not as bad as many of the yobs of both sexes that have plagued the Aussie Bar these past few years.

  22. I've heard the rumor that PROSTITUTION is illegal in Thailand...probably ONLY a rumor. But if that was the case I wonder why they arrest people who steal bar mats. They should go after all the sex offenders in this country.

    And I'll have a guess that there's a fair portion of sextourists or S-Expat's amongst those who post here that she rightfully deserves to be in jail for committing a crime. Clean your own yard first, guys. Most of you are here for the same reason.

    Hey come on! There will be no one outside of jails if they rounded up all those involved in prostitution... Come on... where will all these sex starved foreigners go to unload their rocks! Thailand is the only place where any lady will take any foreigner and do all he wants!

    I would love to hear you say that to a Thai woman. What a prat you are, but thanks for showing us that such blind ingnorant prejudice still exists.

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