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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. When Tienaman Square in Beijing hosted the big protest (11 years ago?) the Chinese politburo brought in troops from far away provinces to restore order. I'm certainly not in favor of what happened there then, but the concept is interesting: the outside troops had no compassion for the protesters, so were not afraid to do their assignments.

    Compare it to Bangkok: The security forces within Bkk are nearly non-functional. Time to bring in troops from outside. If they're local boys from southern provinces, you can bet they have no love for Thaksin and the Reds who support him (and are paid by T).

    Suggestion to Abhisit: shut off the power and water to Thaksin's SC Park Hotel which is providing free room and board to Red leaders.

    Also, I spoke with a Thai lawyer a few years ago and he claimed there is no Thai law which outlaws 'harboring a fugitive.' That worked for the General who harbored Chalerm's youngest son who was on the run from murdering a cop, and it can work for whomever is harboring the Red leaders during these troubled times. Time to adjust the law perhaps?

    If you look at the Demographics, you will note that they would be

    A massively outnumbered by "the boys from the North"


    B, split along religious lines between those who perceive themselves and their families to have been oppressed and killed by the Army from Bangkok and Non-Muslims!!!

    I had a dream as well..... but thats another story!

  2. As I said in the other closed thread....

    Don't any of the security forces own a Helicopter???

    Why wasn't the arrest and capture carried out by landing a Helicopter on the Roof???

    Why weren't these guys taken out by AIR so as to avoid any confrontation with the crowd?

    Why aren't all these incompetent watermelons FIRED immediately???


    Ok I'll type slowly.







    Only a few at the top want to do the Governments dirty work. Big loss of face again for em!

    Fine.. I can accept your answer...

    But why doesn't Aphisit just FIRE the whole bunch of Disloyal Traitors?

    Enough is enough!!!!!

    How can anyone take anything to do with Thailand seriously again? Who would want to come here to visit or do Business??

    FIRE their 2-faced asses and get someone with a little bit of Brains and Balls to do the job!!


    Granted.... but who? The Burmese Junta?

    Many in the forces will sit this out as they will want to be part of the next Government (Red, Yellow, Blue) ... Some may even be hedging their bets by making half assed raids on hotels then using the old "ve vere only obeying orders, but we not do it properly boss"

    Regarding Business, it has never been much different to this. Not for long periods of time any way. The difference now is that the rural poor are not being pushed over and killed as easily and annonymously as in the past. Back in the early 90's, these clear outs of awkward opponants of the Elite took place whilst the population were treated to military music on all TV channels. Everybody towed the line then.

    This is different. The Yellows only fought for the Status Quo against any ideas of modernisation. They did it under the banner of somebody who has always been above this kind of thing, but it did prevent the Police and Army kicking them out the airport.

    This is your real grass roots, majority in the provinces outside Bangkok rising up. Three deposed pms in 2 years, a Coup, a judicial coup and a gerrymandering into position of the good looking mark.

    To the Bangkok Falangs. Outside of Bangkok, nobody gives a damm in rich people cannot shop in Gaysorn or Siam Paragon or MBK. They can freely shop and move around the entire country and do as they wish. This is well targeted at yellow backers and their lackeys. All the street traders in those areas pay "Insurance" money, which now cannot be collected!!!! This is possible why some in the Forces are showing a bit of resolve to end this.

  3. As I said in the other closed thread....

    Don't any of the security forces own a Helicopter???

    Why wasn't the arrest and capture carried out by landing a Helicopter on the Roof???

    Why weren't these guys taken out by AIR so as to avoid any confrontation with the crowd?

    Why aren't all these incompetent watermelons FIRED immediately???


    Ok I'll type slowly.







    Only a few at the top want to do the Governments dirty work. Big loss of face again for em!

  4. Cretins.

    The Government has managed to find a few top cops that will obey its rules.

    The rank and file however are having second thoughts.

    Like the Italians in the last war, they are capable of more fight than this. Trouble is, the rank and file are mostly red, their families are mostly red.

    So much for the offer of talks. No more talks I say, starve the business community out now. All the yellow supporters backers are now loosing big money.

    Obama was so concerned yesterday with the Thais running round screaming "Terrorist" that he held a press conference.... and announce a mission to Mars!

  5. Why has colonel Sansern taken over my TV he's on every channel.

    Amongst others, he showed the following clip:

    A Songtaew full of injured soldiers on the way to hospital (having been shot in a soi) attacked by the red mob. They pulled soldiers from the back of the Songtaew and started beating them over the head with sticks and poles. They then pulled the driver(s) out, attacked them, chased them, cornered them and beat them some more.

    Is he the next hero from the desperate elite rearguard?

    Talk big until he sees only the 5% of the army in his immediate vicinity are likely to even think about killing innocent protesters.

    Brits right. If they sent the Army in, they would fight each other before they shot the people. They (army constripts) are the people after all.

    Then Thailand would really be in schtook with the free world. It's only a matter of time. They cannot cling on for ever.

  6. "The most common question I get when I go to her village with her is

    "Can you find me a Farang"" Ozzieman05

    Oh my, she asks YOU this? Must be quite uncomfortable!! :)

    He was telling us last week that he had taken her and her mate to live in Oz! Now she is leading him around Isaan by the nose again... by all accounts.

    Then he says he is from the West! So either Oz isn't where it was when I was at school or he has made that up as well.

    I'll buy her some trousers for xmas next year, as its obviously her that wears them in his house.

    Where is it next week?

    Back OT. The Government were not making much of the Army assault earlier in the day which Bulmerke posted photos of. Many chances that the fleeing army left guns and equipment behind that later showed up in red hands. This is much more likely than hordes (one or two) of terrorists roaming the streets and frightening good folk.

    The Democracy monument really see a fight for democracy last weekend. Hope there are further plaques added.

  7. Thai wife is in good form tonight

    She has the perfect solution to get rid of the Red shirts in Bangkok

    Invite thousands of Farang to go to Issan and supply free beer

    Put on a big party and let protestors know their wives and girlfriends have farang to keep them company back in Issan while they protest in Bangkok

    How long do you think the protestors will stay


    Never underestimate the cunning of a Thai lady

    I hope this post doesn't get pulled as we need to see what revolting condescending ideas people have of Thais.

    You insult the entire north by suggesting they would be romping with falangs! I hope your wife is more cunning when she skins you.... which she eventually will. Thais love thais and your insulting ways are likely to extend further than this purile, post.

    Good luck when she fathoms you out mate... if she hasn't already.

  8. Blurting out and accepting off the cuff definitions of terrorism is just what certain elements in power and media want the general public to do - it has the desired effect to greater or lesser extent on public opinion - - I'm sorry these are threats reported by the media in ways that let them insert or use the word terrorism - To understand what is happening one needs to uderstand at least a little bit about the language of media and spin.

    In fact these actions if we choose to label them with this meaningless and emotive word would make a lot of "freedom fighters" in history terrorists too.

    to accept the use of this word in almost ANY circumstances - especially with regards to the current situation in Thailand would be very gullible and naive.

    I hope that most posters would see through this unsubtle ploy.

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... it is a duck

    If it acts like a terrorist, is armed like a terrorist and shots off guns

    and grenades like a terrorist ... it is a terrorist

    Kindly remove your head from where ever it is lodged and get back to reality

    Nobody else who matters believes they were terrorists.

    Sorry you Bangkok falangs won't be able to wander the malls this weekend.

    Imagine, no malls, no businesses, no well paying jobs, and you might just be starting to imagine the life of Thais outside of the Bangkok elites. I don't mean Bangkok as it is full of servants, virtual slaves, maids, sold women from the north. All of whom will be mighty glad to see some kind of power returned to the people.

    Rest of the country seems to be functioning ok outside the Malls of Bangkok!!! Maybe Bangkok is not that important at all, other than to the rich who make it their home.

  9. What era are you people living in? This is not good old Europe of 1052, nor is it the Warsaw ghetto and you do not get to barricade in people and then gas them.

    The UDD protestors are not going to surrender if your bankrupt strategies are used. Only patience and sincere negotiations will resolve this now, or else the uprising that will ensue will find you all cowering under your beds. Let them pull back in peace. The bottom line is that one area can now be pacified without the further loss of life. These people were already in the other area. Get it through your noggins that these people cannot be forced into submission. They are tough bumiputra. Unlike the typical PAD member they can live rough without wilting. They will not go away no matter how many are shot in the back, gassed or disappear. General Prem must step back and let honest discussions start.

    Honest discussions might start if the UDD were willing to discuss anything. To date this has not been their position.

    Why would the UDD negotiate with an illegal entity? They (UDD) are more likely to be working behind the scenes with Army etc. as to the way forward.

    Whilst you have the FM running to the USA effectively saying, "mummy, mummy, mummy, some bad boy had a gun in my country. We were only invading a rally site with the entire state apparatus and this TERRORIST stopped it!" Big push on the terrorist angle must have been for home consumption as noboby will have batted an eye lid about these absurd claims.

    Even the Nation seems to be slowly turning sides. Despite their horrific bias, they must surely employ some journalists that disagree with them and they will be clamouring for more coverage. Editorial to day against Coup included a photo of a police/army unit with a gun poking out of it being fired horizontally.

    Looks like the "terrorist" was just collecting weapons and moving them to display on the stage. Had more credibility to it, looking at the man, than him being a terroist.

    To the newbies asking what Thaksin did. It's not for this thread and a trip to Chiang Mai and the north would perhaps open your eyes. If not, who cares what you think!

    Neurath, you really need an education into how the system works here. Nuf said.

    Also the newbies can see what thaksin did to the south of thailand there's the killing of muslims, no one south of Bangkok got a nice Night safari, but maybe you have shown that the reds only care themselves and there hometowns, rather than what is best for the whole of thailand.

    So, no problems in the South before Thaksin and certainly none now. Surley after this evil mans departure 4 years ago, the Government has persuaded the South that the killings can stop. This problem has raged on decades, since it (Pattani) was given to Thailand by the British after the war.

    Zoo's. Perhaps if you gave a list of all Zoo's south of Bangkok that could hold a light to Chaing Mai Zoo, they could make a case for a night safari!!!

    And every Government before and after Thaksin, decided that Bangkok was the place to develop and grab the resources. Understand just this sentance and you may be on the way to gaining a grounding in Thai Politics and the anger behind the rest of the country.

    Another failed attempt to besmirch Thakisn.

  10. I'm surprised that a man like you finds this poll important....for whom and what ? You think that anyone cares?

    And, "all the yellow double posters" :D

    I think you know the most frequent banned returning poster of all, certainly not a red one. I think he has done more damage to other correct members, stripping them, than anybody else, ever, on this forum next to his more than likely influence on polls because of his countless alter ego's :D

    I wonder how many votes he created on this Poll :)

    Maybe you know?


    Ohh. Another mystery.

    No mystery here. LaoPo it seems is still haunted by ghosts of old.

    Time has come to move on or seek help with your issues.

    I wondered that. Over 1,000 votes but only 600odd replies. Most posters are mulitple posters at that. Animatic, Me, Lao Pa, Rivalex, waytoomuch, JD etc are posting a good percentage of the posts.

    Soooo, 500 or 600 people could be bothered to log in come and vote, but not express an opinioin!

    Maybe they should set up a company to stage elections. Reds and Yellows would be beating a path to their door.

  11. Grandpops, please let me know where I can get information on what Thaksin did to improve infrastructure and education in his 5 years as PM.

    what about:

    * the Chiangmai zoo and restaurant that served endangered and illegally procured animals?

    * reaping huge 'donations' from Insurance companies for establishing the 30 baht health scheme (scam)

    * firing the Minister of Education just after taking office and then doing nothing

    * wholesale killing of innocent people, children also who got in the line of fire

    * firing just about everybody who wasn't family or friend or ass kisser, aka nepotism

    * filling his own pockets with questionable ill gotten funds and those of family, friends & ass kissers

    * illegally selling the telecoms satellite to a Singapore magnate

    * downgrading land around the new airport so his wife could by it on the cheap

    * spending billions to upgrade Chiangmai, his birthplace with little regard to the rest of the country

    * allowing his driver to produce and sell bootlegged CD's and DVD"s

    * etc., etc., etc.

    Nice to see that the PAD, ASTV and The Nation didn't totally waste all their time and money on propaganda. Pity you wasted five minutes of your life regurgitating it, but it's your life, your time.

    PS in your haste, you actually wrote something good that he did do. I was there before, during and after, and believe me, it was money well spent!

  12. What era are you people living in? This is not good old Europe of 1052, nor is it the Warsaw ghetto and you do not get to barricade in people and then gas them.

    The UDD protestors are not going to surrender if your bankrupt strategies are used. Only patience and sincere negotiations will resolve this now, or else the uprising that will ensue will find you all cowering under your beds. Let them pull back in peace. The bottom line is that one area can now be pacified without the further loss of life. These people were already in the other area. Get it through your noggins that these people cannot be forced into submission. They are tough bumiputra. Unlike the typical PAD member they can live rough without wilting. They will not go away no matter how many are shot in the back, gassed or disappear. General Prem must step back and let honest discussions start.

    Honest discussions might start if the UDD were willing to discuss anything. To date this has not been their position.

    Why would the UDD negotiate with an illegal entity? They (UDD) are more likely to be working behind the scenes with Army etc. as to the way forward.

    Whilst you have the FM running to the USA effectively saying, "mummy, mummy, mummy, some bad boy had a gun in my country. We were only invading a rally site with the entire state apparatus and this TERRORIST stopped it!" Big push on the terrorist angle must have been for home consumption as noboby will have batted an eye lid about these absurd claims.

    Even the Nation seems to be slowly turning sides. Despite their horrific bias, they must surely employ some journalists that disagree with them and they will be clamouring for more coverage. Editorial to day against Coup included a photo of a police/army unit with a gun poking out of it being fired horizontally.

    Looks like the "terrorist" was just collecting weapons and moving them to display on the stage. Had more credibility to it, looking at the man, than him being a terroist.

    To the newbies asking what Thaksin did. It's not for this thread and a trip to Chiang Mai and the north would perhaps open your eyes. If not, who cares what you think!

    Neurath, you really need an education into how the system works here. Nuf said.

  13. I'm surprised that the business owners in Ratchaphrasong don't start constructing metal gates on the ground floor of their buildings. If they were able to make the ground floor of all the buildings into a wall of steel, the leverage of the protesters would be gone.

    This being a magic gate that lets customers and clients only in? And presumably guarded by an agency with more power than the combined Police and Army to enable free passage for the elite business people but not the scruffy, flip flop wearing farmers!

    Wake up, the population of the country have come to Bangkok to let them know that Bangkok is but another part of the nation, NOT the Nation itself.

    We need more policies like Thaksin had where resources were spent in other parts of the country, to improve infrastructure, education etc. We don't need more exectutive sky trains, undergrounds, Pizarrias and shopping malls. How does the country benefit from high end shops selling foreign goods to foreigner? And I said country, not "how does Bangkok benefit from tourists shopping at foreign owned malls for foreign brand goods"

    I see desperation has set in on the PAD Falang side. We are talking about Anthrax attacks, caging protesters in with magic barricades, giving them 100k each to go home. If nothing else, it shows the shallowness of the argument from the Anti-Democracy side on here. Keep it up boys.

  14. Some 500 facebook's anti-red page gather at Victory Monument

    BANGKOK: -- Some 500 fans of the anti-early House dissolution and anti-red shirts page of facebook gathered at the Victory Monument at 2:10 pm Tuesday.

    The fans of the page organised the gathering at through the page to show their support for the government and oppose the red-shirt movement's call for early House dissolution.

    During the gathering a group of red-shirt motorcyclists rode past the group and the two sides hurled abusive words against each other with no violence.


    -- The Nation 2010-04-14



    THE NATION: Facebook fans of anti-House dissolution page will gather at Victory monument again at 2 pm.

    This could turn nasty ...

    I can't get away from the idea of 500 Dwayne Dibblies!! Now where is that pic?


  15. Kasit is the most stup*d guy I have ever seen.. I saw his interview on the aussie ABC channel last year when the red were on the street. He called the red terrorist then and when the interviewer asked what he was doing at the air-port with yellow.. he simply had no answer and simply ignore the question. Ch*cken! It is a shame that thailand has such a foreign minister. :)

    Well hel_l does any high ranking official in politics/army/police "need" brains or ability????? LOL

    He should be careful what he wishes for.

    Just think, he could push through a treaty to have renegage Thai Politicians rounded up and shipped back to Bangkok....... just as he is leaving the country with Abhisit and a ton of warrents in pursuit of them.

    Is it possible he could be the first to be deported under his own agreement? Darwinian award anybody!

  16. Rainbow crowds? Gay friendly groups!!! :)

    That'll mark them as targets for the red shirts violence as LCM51 group has and verbal ridicule from Thaksin as he has.

    Yeah, the reds, all about freedom and democracy. Tell a big enough lie enough times and you get an angry brainwashed mob ready to overthrow a legal government with raw violence and intimidation. Of course, it doesn't hurt that they are PAID to be there.

    How many posts have you, JD and Animatic made for the yellows? I have not see any converts to your PAD cause yet!

    I just hope that when the remnants of TRT are elected again for the forth straight election victory, that other minorities (espescially elitist minorities) respect the election.

  17. Good post about the 100,000 thais at the top of the pile having all the spoils. Only have to watch TV to see it in action.

    Also, this debunks that insulting Falang proverb about Thailand "money number one".

    It will soon be over. The Army has changed sides, (many it appears during the push against the reds), the EC has changed sides, the opposition coalition are changing sides, the population are definatly more vocally red this time. Many felt pinned down during the Yellow tyranny by charges of not loving the one that they all do love.

    Not this time, those too shy to stand up against the PAD are now there in full force.

    I hope the Reds don't blow this chance. There is chance now to bring the country forward from its feudal system and for the population to through off the oppressors. Just think how hard it is going to be now for the Police and Army mafia to collect their tea money from businesses! Or is it the businesses that are part of the problem by roling over and paying it? More spine needed at the middle and top of society me thinks!

    I'm not holding my breath, but there is a chance now.... just a chance.

  18. How does this affect Thai people? I do not know and cannot generalise, but I can tell you that last night my wife finally cracked. She was in tears for a long time saying "How can they [the reds] do this to our country when the father of our country [the King] is ill and old and frail. I love my country and I love my King. I will go to see these people and kill them myself. I hate them what they are doing to our country. I love my country" and so on. We have paid for business class tickets to the UK for the whole of May. She is now refusing to go ................................................................................

    ................ Her relatives, previously Thakskin supporters now hate the very air that he breathes.

    This is just one family out of millions. I just wonder how the mood is elsewhere..................

    I'd say that my wife and her family have similar feelings and they are lifelong citizens of Surin.

    Perhaps we should just issue two ballot papers then as obviously nobody in the country feels differently to these two women.

    Perhaps the reds are just a mirage?

    Is it really beyond people on here to realise that there are differing points of view?

  19. About the comments of being shot from long range, the facts would appear to be different. Yesterday on the Nations Tweet , there was a statement that the Police Hospital Autopsy report states that most of the victims were shot from behind, one at very close range as there was gunpowder on the body.

    Which could mean one guy walked in front of his neighbor just as he fired his pistol.

    And the others were taken out from above and well behind by snipers on THEIR side.

    Sacrificial lambs to help give the impression of army gone mad,

    and stoke up their friends into a frenzy on the ground.

    War is not fought with fair rules by all players.

    In the clip shot by the deceased camera man, you can clearly see Red Shirts with their hands in the air, backs to the troops, calling for calm.

    Is it also not possible that at some stages, some of the reds turned and ran.?

    It was also obviouse that in the side streets, there was overlapping of both sides. Therefore anybody turing 90 degrees would also have had his back to soldiers.

    The footage on CNN and BBC on Sunday morning also showed soldiers on overpasses firing downwards.

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