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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. This is outrageous, it is well known that the army selflessly protects the Kingdom at great personal cost, there is no way known that the military would be involved in any form of corruption whatsoever. Aside from that does the PM want another coup, isn't he going to New York soon?

    What is he talking about (Abhisit). Hasn't he forgotten that corruption began and ended with Thaksin. As the army is the sole reason that he has the PMship rather than Thaksin must make them beyond reproach.

    Next he will be accusing the army of staging coups and being the enemy of democracy and demand free and fair elections.

    Perhaps he is beginning to believe he was elected in some bizarre way!

    Ah well, nothing like letting power go to your head.

  2. This found on NineMSN site in Australia:


    Are you worried that your holiday to Asia will consist of lurching from one overpriced, over-touted tourist destination to another? It's an easy trap to fall into, but with our insider's guide you can maximise the time you spend exploring unique cultures and lazing on deserted beaches. No more sweaty tour groups!

    THAILAND: Phuket vs Chiang Mai

    Phuket the cliché commercial destination of Thailand's south is overpriced, overcrowded and full of fat, loud Brits. Instead why not head to Chiang Mai to take a hill-tribe trek, ride an elephant and absorb yourself in authentic Thai culture. Your photos will give you social kudos as an intrepid traveller not a lazy git.


    (Photo: Lonely Planet)

    Only a PC backpacker on his/her first trip away from mummy could write drivel like that.

    Those photos are all staged and most of the tribes jump in the 4x4 when the great unwashed have left, drive into town and get sloshed. It's all about money and little authenticity left.

    Elephants beaten into submission pounding the same circuit week in week out.

    No, your photos will set you out as the attention grabbing saddo of the Student Union when you get back home.

  3. 'Red Shirt leader-training schools Network for systematic campaigns'

    Day 1

    Propaganda 101

    Obfuscation for life

    Information Dissemination and Regional Control Stratagems

    Obstructive Netiquete

    Hide The Funds; A hands on tutorial

    When is a Puyai not a Puyai?

    Democracy for Fun and Profit.

    Controlling Your Area; Win and get paid

    7 Ways To Be More Like Our Dear Leader

    Be The System, Love The System, Live The System

    How Red Though Art; instructive Tales of our heros


    With Chaiyasit calling for a coup, Jotuporno saying 100k will show and "spill over" into Prem's,

    and Abhisit away and symbolically speaking, the ISA is a very logical move.

    These days as long as you have money, anyone even hoodlums can hire publicity agents and be told how act to create best situation for any events.

    West do it why no the RED Shirts

    Falang PAD lovers training school.

    Day one - brainwash (quick rinse in most cases)

    Day two - instruction on how to post without thinking, with increasing shrillness and pointlessness on matters you don't understand.

    Day three - how to appear smug and self righteous at every turn. Espescially against those uneducated Thais that oppose you views in their millions.

    Day four - Prayers.... All sin is attributable to Thaksin. No corruption existed before him, nor does it exist since the coups of 2006 and 2008. Forgive PAD their trespasses as we dont forgive anybody that disagrees with us. For Sondhis is the true rule, the elite and the army forever in power we pray... amen.

    You *** should remember that the right to protest was enshrined by the very people that are trying to take it away now. Good enough to get Abhisit the puppethood, but not permissable to use it to get him out.

    This is merely posturing and testing the waters for what they are going to do when they have to call and election. An election they will certainly loose if it is fair and and election they are currently gerrymandering again.

    How long before they realise that their money will be better invested in Thaksin? Just pay him to keep their elite snouts in the trough.

  4. Shinawatra family, the true bastion of democracy. :)

    These are the same people (Red Shirt) who are pretending to push for Democracy, and since they don't get their way, ten let's have a coup. Amazing :D

    Looks like the best option after 70 years of coups aimed against anybody the ruling hi-sos take a dislike to. By that I mean poor people that are "too stupid" to vote for the right party (democrats).

    So glad that you newbies have such a handle on Thai politics. What would we do without your wise words! :D

  5. In many countries including my own, they may have been shot, and the people would have applauded it.

    And exactly what banana republic do you hail from? :)

    That would be the United States of America and don't even think about throwing projectiles at our esteemed president, you will be sorry.

    Those shoes would have never had a shot except in Bagdad, in a theoretically secure briefing room.

    Sadly Bush had faster reactions.

    In the USA you would be pick up, or picked off, before the laces were loosened.

    The wouldn't be allowed with in a onions throw distance of POTUS without

    a THOROUGH body search, metal detection and C4 sniffer scan.

    So, no double standards here. It is apparantly ok with Animatic to throw things at PMs. Stick to the kool aid mate. You are so full of liberal bs that you type it time after time with no thought of what you are saying.

  6. Beat me too it. Bravo!

    Two issues

    1 Somchai was not respected by that branch of Police in all likelyhood.

    so couldn't use them for his object lesson in talking back to yout PPP betters.

    2 The brought in loyal but ill-equiped for the job outsidetroups that

    would teach a lesson enough, it was thought to make PAD fold up tents and slink away into silence.

    My how they misjudged their adversary.....

    Which all goes to show that the meddlers who are the PAD masters gave them free reign to close government house and the airport.

    In any country of the world (including here when it is not under military rule) the actions behind the scene to oust somchai and samark are treason. The PAD had no need to slink away as they were protected by the ones who see themselves as the elite.

    Perhaps in a few years time when Thaksin comes back and they are convicted as such, you will be as keen to see them behind bars. Of course at this stage they will be convicted felons which seams to matter a lot to you pious paragons of virtue!

    Why don't you fully demonstrate you naivety again by stating that this Government were not gerrymandered into position!!!

  7. After taking a 6-week course in reading and writing, and feeling overwhelmed by all the rules to remember while reading, I was relieved to discover that Thais themselves are not thinking through the tone rules when they read. Many of them have only the foggiest idea that these rules even exist. Now I do what they do, which is ignore all the rules and remember the tone based on spelling. Even if I haven't seen the word spelled before, I can usually pick the right tone as there is only one pronunciation that makes sense in that context. If I'm unfamiliar with the word entirely, well, knowing the tone by rule wouldn't help me then anyway, since I'd still have to look it up.

    You are right. My missus teaches me and cannot name the rules as such.

    Thais learn when young and it involves so much repetition and rote that systems to explain/remember it are not required.

    Ability to remember is not a problem if you read regularly and do the chanting repetitive excercises in thai text books. It's usually the case that we try to learn all the tones in one go, or in too big a batch.

  8. [it could in theory get so bad i'd have to leave; something like not allowing Thai wives of farang to own land

    They only changed the lw in 1999 to allow thai wives of non-thai to own land. But this new law is unpopular with the likes of PAD and other ultra-nationalist- it could be revoked.

    One of the things with knee jerk nationlist statements is that they are just that... hot air. They are made by small minded morons and usually don't get as far as policy... usually.

    Should a serious policy ever come about along those lines, Thailand would sink.

  9. maybe thaksin can move to england or the u.s. and

    have his own reality tv show

    They should put this guy on an island on water and bread, cause of him and his red shirts, Thailand tourisme is way down and we loose a lot of income

    Which brainwashing cycle did they have you on?

    I seem to remember the airport closures as being at the start of the high season, shattering all our hopes. The Songkran problem was much later, far to late to cause the damage to the country on a similar scale to the PAD.

    If you think you lost money because of Thaksin, you are obviously not a business man and will undoutedly loose much more until you and many more like you wise up.

    If you want to see damage to the country just wait until Thaksins parties win the next rigged election and the current coup plotters have to coup in the open... Thats when Thailand will loose money on a grand scale. They do not qualify for money from the US at the momemt, but as they have disguiesed the coup as a Democrat government, they are getting away with it for now.

  10. Plese accept this ass my aplicattion for prof reader and editer at the natioin.

    I'll run it through google translation and see if I can get it back in English.

    Mark should be careful as he is only on the winning side by a small margin. Thaksin is quite capable of coming back and satisfying the elites trough requirements and having him (Mark) and PAD thrown in jail!!

    Careful what you wish for.

  11. read a small article in a UK newspaper that there was a confrontation between a group of marines and a jetski operator trying to extort money for "damage" to a jetski. Guns were involved.

    Anyone know about this? The jetski operator's name is JJ.

    There is a thread on a local web site at the top of the phuket forum. Few pics as well.

    I am amazed that anybody in this day and age with all the warnings still go out on these things.

    Which paper did you see it in? It should be forwarded to all the travel sites like lonely planet etc.

  12. Criminal charges for doing their job.

    If only they were so thorough in ensuring punishment for the yellow shirt paramilitaries that took over an international airport, laid siege to Government House for months and that cost the country billions in lost revenue and reputation.

    For clearly OVERDOING their Job!

    Don't want to refer to the 3.Recih, some have been

    "doing their job" there just as well, some have been hung and shot

    immediately after they got caught and it was understood what they had done!

    Chavalit went into monk hood immediately after things went out of control on 7th October!

    "Doing their job" means maiming and killing innocent demonstrators Mr. Oberkommando?

    Ever heard anything about responsibility, accountability, respect and venerability?

    isn't it part of the reconciliation process - or are in your view the PAD protesters "not worth it"?

    Once they brought the country to its knees they were not worth it.

    If they were such a mighty organisataion with such popular support, how did they manage to lose the rigged elections that put Samark and Somchai in place?

    They are a stain on this country and a disgrace to the colour they wear on their shirts.

    If they had been dispersed and the Government left in place we could have had a good high season and some stability. The PAD and their army masters could have gone on with plotting to win the next rigged election but that was not enough. They decided their masters snouts could not risk being out of the trough for another 4 years.

    I think they were treated lightly considering what they did. Think an idiotic mob like that would have got into the Whitehouse, Houses of Parliament or the Kermlin.... Ballcocks!

  13. Three young men who will spend many years being nervous everytime they bend over in the shower.

    Which is much preferable and more avoidable than it would be for us to meet some of their smashed customers going off their heads on the way home late at evening.

    I hope the courts take into account how many innocent people (not the scum who take it btw) might be affected by these drugs and hang them.

    Perhaps, facing death and possible consequenses in the next life, they may reveal Mr Big thus ensuring an easier ride next time round.

  14. let's first wait for the high season to start....

    Like last year!

    We waited, we watched, we saw Bangkok grind to a halt as a Government was being overthrown, we watched airports being closed and our customers being turned or scared away.

    It's pure spin and they cannot possibly record lower arrivals this year as the muppets are not at the airport this year. They will be back though if democracy is ever restored!

    I think now the elite must be suffering badly as their high end hotels and resorts stand empty. Thousands of unfinished hotel rooms and condos lay open to the elements. Som Nam Na. Thailands poor cannot suffer in this as they are just as poor and oppressed as ever.

  15. So PM Abhisit should have polite policy talks with the criminal fugitive leader of the red shirted factions that have tried to assassinate him? OMG, that Thakky has some big old cajones. He imagines himself as the indispensable savior of the land. Bring on the psychiatrists, please.

    He is closer to this my friend than Abhisit is to being either the rightfully free and fairly elected PM or having any say in how things are run!

  16. After the disastrous rigging and gerrymandering following the 2006 coup when they lost the election, they must make dam_n sure they win the next one.... sham that it is they are going to try and maintain a pretense at democracy as the Dems are going to have to call an election in the next couple of years.

    Otherwise, if its free election and Phua Thai get in, there will have to be another series of yellow shirted riots propped up by the army. If that fails it will have to be another full on coup as no way they are giving up their power.

    Seem to remember that when Samark propsed charter amendments, the country was brough to a standstill!! Never mind, it gives the world chance again to marval at barefaced double standards. Wern't they defending the existing charter only last year! :)

    Still, as long as they think they have pulled the wool over the eyes of a few falangs they will be happy. One of which (Abhisits falang fan club) was blaming Thaksin last week for the crackdown on falangs owning houses in Phuket!!! Powerful as Thaksin is, I am sure not many could agree that he was behind that move and the outrageous Nationalistic rants against foreigners marrying Thais to get their hands on land.

  17. And as the nationalists engage in a who has the smallest willy and biggest mouth competition, the money stays away.

    How much would one falang bring to thailand if retiring at 55, buying a condo (remember, he mentioned condos) and having his life savings and pension sent to thialand for life?

    If they havn't put off 1000 retirees and prospective expats with this <deleted> each week, they will be lucky.

    Keep talking boys and keep thailand in the third world for generations to come.

    Looking around the country and on dating websites, there can't be many Thai women not wishing for a falang to save them from this limp dicked mob.

    Also Animatic, remember that FBA and the extreme version that was never enacted, were put up following the coup. It's this yellow mob that will ruin the country and much of this is to recoup their losses from Airport closures and three years of self inflicted turmoil.

  18. of course they are increasing as they approach the "high" season... But compare these current numbers to the same period last year and I would bet that it is down around the same percent as comparing a couple of months ago to the same period last year.

    It must improve year on year.

    Last year all the muppets were shutting phuket airport and then strangling the capital before finally realising their dream of shutting down the countries main airport.

    As yea sow, so shall yea reap.

  19. I've see a stall with all Red papers and magazines at Imperial Lad Prao, outside D-station studio - they all seems to feature Thaskin's face.

    There's also "Red News" paper sold at usual newsstands, I don't think that carries Thaksin on the front page of every issue, though.

    It will be hard for reds to talk about democracy after being obsessed with Thaksin's birthday and the petition.

    Maybe if they came up with some useful ideas on how to run the country or improve Thai democracy. "Let HM the King appoint Thaksin as economic advisor and everything will be fine" is not a useful idea as it's beyond the power of constitutional monarch.

    Sadly, they can't come up with anything better than that.

    Who can trust them to solve country's problems?

    Al Jazeera running an item on censorship in Thailand (today) and the reds use of new media (Twitter, Internet radio, Facebook etc.) to get around the Coup leaders attempts to silence them.

    Lots of shots of Thaksin, tons of red shirts and mention of Thaksin's overthrow in a coup.

    Coup still in place but they are having to resort to more and more Burmaesque solutions to the problem of democratically elected people expecting to be allowed to take their seats.

    I am sure there was a post about the radio station somewhere, but I don't have time to find it. EDIT thaksinlive.com was the radio station.

    What's the frequency kenneth?

  20. Is there a more perfect word than 'Surreal' for all this?

    This surprise has really upset you guys.

    I get the feeling that you and SRJ think the surprise is that he is hiding under your beds and one night will pop out and say BOOOO.

    You worry so much about Thaksin and unwittingly just keep giving him more and more publicity and strengthening his support. Well done lads.

  21. Gave the Falang intelegentsia an opportunity to come and spew on here along with Thaksin Anguish Network et all.

    Didn't even stop to think as usual and all the old favourite cliches were there posted in their "we posted first so we are right"style :D:D .

    Probably did it themselves so when they are anhialated at yet another election (bear in mind, the PAD and Democrats havn't won an election this century, yet are in power for the second time in 3 years :) ) the Army can just keep them in power.

    You thought force was a good thing when it got rid of the elected Thaksin. To your minds, it should be an even better thing if it gets rid of an unelected clique!

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