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Posts posted by barrybike

  1. nice beachs....not much to do there just sit around and relax..accommodation is fairly basic hut style...mosquitos and sand flies alot....2 nights was enough for me.......koh chang was better i thought for everything.....

  2. i never had any problems leaving money in a safe behind the front desk.where you have you own key to lock the box and then they lock it in a safe ..then you sign every time you take money out...some hotels have a seperate room for this ..well secured.. ....keep to hotels you are familiar with and you should be ok....travellers cheques are very safe but i never use them,heve to go out with passport and back to hotel with it again is bit of hassle.....i have often left the amount you are talking about too but be discreet when you are taking money out keep it in an envelope and bring it below the counter out of the staffs eyes when you are handling it...ive seen guys putting all their money on the counter for all staff to see ,stupid.....

  3. There is a well known non-commercial Bankok gay nightlife district mostly for Thais where there have been reports for years that they require a passport for foreigners, no exceptions, no excuses, no copies, no drivers licenses. I am not sure if they are sending a unwelcoming message or they have a police problem, but no, I would never go to a nightclub with my passport. Who wants to steal a passport? Well a western passport is worth perhaps 10,000 dollars on the street. And then you could lose it, damage it, get it wet, etc. Its not worth it.

    go to gay forum with this stuff jingthing were not interested in knowing about the gay scene here.even in topics about restaurants you refer to the restaurant being owned by a gay owner .are you trying to tell us all something here :o

  4. Outrageous SBK! You know dayum well Thais are extremely racist against the Burmese. Similar?! You know how mad you would make ANY Thai for saying they were essentially similar to Burmese? LOL!! I'm still flabbergasted, go ahead and ask your husband if Thais are racist against Burmese. He sounds like a smart guy so will probably give you a straight answer.

    Indeed... what a poor insight... As admin he should know better. I'm speechless.

    It's astonishing to see how easily people can drop total non sense, like this, with a doctoral tone...

    you said as admin he should know better ......well its she not he in this case............admin or not dosent mean they are correct on everything..........

  5. i suppose there is ass holes no matter where you go ..if i met these guys id suss them out in a few minutes and i wouldnt even bother talking to them and go on about my business else where........it costs nothing to be nice.......

  6. Do luk krueng, dual citizen, males still have to become soldier these days? How can they get out of it? Any plans to revoke this archaic law?

    take it up with the man himself see how far youll get with this question..... law is here to stay .....pity some other countries wouldnt do the same .it might straighten out some of those un controllable,hoodie hoodlums in todays society,,,wasters

  7. Not bad pics Baz.

    I like the reflection one.

    Chopper city and more chrome than chromeworld but where are the sports bikes?! :o

    jk you know the score at thai bike weeks ..........sports bikes are minority at them........thais love their custom bikes ,,,,,,,,, :D .you cant blame them they are so much more interesting to look at , many hand made one off designs......brilliant stuff...the thai custom bikes are up there with the best in the world..........by the way jk you said you like the reflection pic ,well it wasent a reflection it was straight through the wheel ...those wheels are see through bullet proof glass/perspex type wheels....very expensive..........

  8. im 35 my wife is 31 ....we should not have to answer to a hotel receptionist if we want to stay in their hotel...they should be glad of getting business in these recession times...who do they(owners) think they are !!! i personally wouldnt even attempt to stay in this dingy old style shit hole..i like a modern ,clean,friendly hotel any time dealing with people who are glad to get your business........my wifes sister is a reporter with tv5 thai army television and she is going to check out this place......and the audasity of the owner who was married to a thai woman in the first place....not all thai women are sex workers and not all tourists are sex tourists....come on what century are we living in............

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