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Posts posted by barrybike

  1. I too, saw the fellow (after a description I was told it was certainly him) in Central Silom having a loud, animated argument with some invisible person. It kind of freaked out the girl I was eating lunch with at the coffee shop. Just seemed completely bonkers and I wondered what he was doing in Thailand and why he couldn't be in his home country getting some much needed psychiatric help. That said, it certainly livened up my lunch a bit to see such a display.

    No tramp. Saw him in Starbucks Suk soi 5, drank 3 coffee's @ 100 baht a pop before i cud finish 1. ( or maybe his friend drank it )

    they should chuck him back to where ever he came from

  2. You probably need to aim at around 1 million USD to give yourself a comfortable retirement in Thailand .

    That is total BS. Typical financial planer scare tactics. Only a small percentage of Americans who will retire will have anywhere close to a US million to retire in the US. They rely on savings in their house, social security, and retirement funds. It is typical for an American to have UNDER 50K USD in their retirement account. People find a way.

    Also a salary of 40K USD is not that bad in smaller towns or lower cost cities like Atlanta.

    Ok let's assume that after cashing in everthing you have 1 million USD at age 44.

    Go to Thailand buy a house and a car spend about 4 million baht.

    That leaves you with about 30 million baht to invest. If you get 5 percent clear after taxes then you are looking at 1.5 Million baht a year which gives you a little over 100k a month.

    That is not bad for now mind you it is not a jet setting lifestyle either.

    But at 44 you might live another 40 years so that 100k ain't going to look very good even in 10 years time i reckon.

    Then of course there is the US dollar , who knows what might happen to the exchange rate.

    So even 1 million is not a huge amount of money for someone at 44 to retire in Thailand.

    are you trying to say he couldnt live well on 2000 euros a month in thailand get real ....there is people living there on quarter of that...some one getting 100 k baht a month would have a brilliant lifestyle in thailand

  3. yes i hate this shit you try to walk past and this hand comes out HELLO MY FRIEND they say .......i just say i dont wear suits..end of story ,,,dont hands shake with them and be stern in what you tell them ...they will get the message......

  4. I have no doubts that if any Farang walked into the Atlanta Hotel with a Thai wife or respectable looking Thai girlfriend of a similar age group, that they would be welcome

    I don't think they would allow unmarried couples there to share a room. Period. Read the website.

    will we have to bring our marriage certificates with us and show them the rings too ....what a load of crap this hotel sounds like ..i wont even darken the door of this place

  5. my wife was an assiastant manager- customs officer in laem chabang port ..she had brand new honda city..salary was 35 k a month .. ...now she works as a waitress in a 4* hotel here in ireland and gets 80,000 baht a month/40 hr week plus 5000 a week average tips...and overtime........she is happy but it took her a long time to adapt to this kind of job...going from office work to serving people in a hotel restaurant

  6. If this is the restaurent directly opposite the back of Royal Garden on 2nd road, i ate there a few years ago - delicious.....

    No, different place entirely:


    Really, oh, sorry about that, but anyway the one i mentioned was very nice indeed - I forgot the name of it.

    el toro is the name of this place your thinking of ...yes very good ...on left entrance on the way into royal palace hotel...

  7. roi et bike week 4th april ....phuket bike week 9th april.....hat yai bike week 7 th june....1 st national h.o.g rally khao yai national park 2nd december ....hua hin bike week 11 th december ...bang saen bike week on around november ....buy ride thailand magazine tom and it has most dates in it sometimes..but if you live in pattaya area keep in contact with some local clubs they will have the know of whats going on ....if you are going to use the bike in all weathers i wouldnt bother with the open primary //more for show than go...i wouldnt like rain getting in around it.......barry

    thank you for the information i am going to get ride thailand. i am actually located more from Udon, Khon Kaen Area :o

    no problem tom ...any time your looking for info ...be glad to help you out cheers barry

  8. Barry Bike.May i ask you two question's.did you use the tins exchange or colour shop fof art work,and question no. two,Are you from wexford by any chanse

    dyna bob ....sean egan painted the bike for me ...ya im from wexford,ireland ...you probably guessed from the number plate i suppose..do you know wexford ya ???? you were saying you want to put on a screaming eagle tyre ,i had one on and fell off the bike in the wet one night going to a rally ,,those harley tyres are crap in the wet,really dangerous .i use sports bike tyres on it now ,some diference ,and harley tell you the 180 fits as a kit but its really a hard walled tyre and pulls in on the rear wheel ...the rear wheel on mine now is 5.5 inch wide and i didnt have to go near swingarm or primary ,i just got a few spacers made up..i can post closer pics of paint job for u to see ,it has to be seen up close to be appreciated..it was real clear but i didnt like that much and i sprayed a red candy over it last year..looks better now.........cheers barry

    Hi barry,i know wexford well i'm from waterford,but have lived in thailand for about 4yrs and hope to move to laos next month,they don't want to leave in bob so have to wait and see.I know sean also ,i looking at the HD colour shop thinking you had used their exchange option ,all i can say sean is world class a long way from behind the manison.Candy red i'd like to see that it really highlite's chrome better than black.I wanted blue denim but was not available here and a respray would be hit and miss.Well man it's a small world.regards John


    hi john ya small world ...im heading down to waterfrod today to harley shop...heard lenny got a bad breaking up last saturday off a street glide...id say you know what i mean when i said about sportster ...i know there is nothing wrong with them but in the biker scene they refer to them as that ..different strokes for different folks i suppose..are you going to live in laos ..send me pm some time sure cheers barry

  9. easy. you'll notice that a single cheap studio(~2,000/month) might be shared by several thais. how much do they spend on accomodation? almost nil. also, they might have a rice cooker and make a lot of their own food, and always they drink water. so, if you want to economize, do the same. not a life I'd want to live though.

    oh, and I think the avg. wage is about 15,000 in Thailand.

    no ive never seen thais drinking anything but water ...come on ....go to any good thai restaurant in bangkok of a friday night i assure you they wont be drinking water

  10. this question is like how long is a piece of string ...not all thais earn the same money .some of them have good jobs too you know ..did you ever look at all the top of range cars in bangkok traffic ......they are not on 10 or 20 thou baht a month ......

  11. the food court on the top floor in the royal garden plaza.my wife is from the south too and she seems to like going there when we are in pattaya on holiday.......also down stairs in the central festival

  12. Yes the specs for the new HD is a bit low, but it is a HUGE step in the right direction for Harley, finally double disc proper brakes and a bike that can ride with Euro and Jap bikes on tours keeping up.

    HD engines is super simple to tune so that is not a worry the weight is more of a clusterfok, 250kg how did that happen?

    Anyway here's some pics enjoy the new HD...



    anyone who is into harleys wouldnt even rate a 1200 sportster ....they have always been classed as a ladies harley...1340 upwards are for the men...........

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