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Posts posted by Foreverford

  1. On 5/14/2017 at 9:36 PM, matador007 said:

    The mini van hub is now down Soi 51 on left side, opposite TH Beach Hotel.

    Alternate options are the Airport bus to BKK Suwanapum, (very comfortable) ; then take airport link to Phaya Thai.
    This one departs from Hua Hin near airport/Soi 3 on east side.

    Otherwise main bus station in HH (Near Soi 96) ; takes you to Mo Chit 2 bus hub, then you gotta taxi to Mo Chit BTS or so.

    Safe travels whichever way.

    Ok I was surprised (it had been a year since my last trip) the minibus didn't go to Victory Monument but the way to do it now with the Soi 51 vans is to go to Mor Chit but tell them to drop you off at the MRT station of Kampheng Pet. This is the underground and the station is very easy for them as it is an easy stop immediately after they get off the highway. You can transfer onto BTS anywhere along the line that it suits you. I prefer the Airport bus but with the change i didn't buy a ticket and there were many available the day before I was going and next time I checked on-line they were gone in the time I needed.

  2. On 1/18/2017 at 9:13 PM, wigan said:

    Does this mean they run a free shuttle bus from depot to clock tower, and visa versa?

    if so how often?

    definitely they have from bus station to clock tower as I did it yesterday June 2 but don't know the other way

  3. Dr Junjira Dermatology Clinic-093-859-9246

    She is only open on Saturdays from 10-4-near the Avis sign on Petchakasem and a large repair shop where I parked for 20 Baht.

    She speaks English eloquently and is very professional and busy as the lines early are long. She I believe is working on her surgery license so that is the reason of being open only on Saturdays.

    She recommended liquid nitrogen but does not have it. The good doctor did not even charge me! She wrote me a note in Thai recommending that for another MD or Hospital.

    The Kanchanok Clinic on the 3rd floor at Village Market took it off with a laser!

    Thank you Puller of Sleds. That is exactly who I was thinking of and couldn't remember if only open Sat or Sun or both. Here is the map and has a photo of her shop next to Avis bracketed by B Quik car repair shop and Haefle hardware shop.


  4. There was a topic on this that was very recent and I contributed to it. It discussed the Clinic at Market Village and also a Doctor who is near Haefle north of the Palace. I believe she is only open on weekends but not sure if she is still there or keeps those hours. My search of this topic only links to things from 2011 and 2009??? This topic was discussed less than 6 months ago, where did it go and any info would be appreciated. I know Bkk Hospital has a Derm Dr but they are becoming so much a cash hog that for simple things i don't want to use them if not necessary, Walking in the door now is almost 1200 baht to say hello. Thanks for any info.

  5. Hey There Long Uncle Loong

    I remembered that "saved" also and was sort of the reason I reached out to see if there was a way to bring it back on the Thaivisa "saved" mode that is new to me but alas it wasn't there before or after your post or at least I couldn't get it to do its thang. So how 'bout a song to kick it a bit and then maybe i'll live up to my word in regards to trying to come up with a solution to the pollution for the Felix Cat.

    Forever Farm Ford music

    Okay now in regards to these Gop (froggities) Felix Cat, I think the ideal way to deal with the little ribbiters is to make a system similar to what Issan Aussie created for his hogs. One of your situations is the fact that you need to conserve water so I think this will give you multiple options (dry and wet season care).

    What i would recommend is putting in three small septic tanks (plastic or make your own in concrete with rings or blocks and have a sump pump in the last one.

    Earlier you tried putting the EM directly into the water that you had your frogs in and it tainted the flavor of the meat and I can understand that, as I once hiked to near 10,000 feet on the back side of Yosemite to get into some of the fattest biggest Brook Trout I had heard about and then nailed to the barn. I cooked them up that day and they were the foulest tasting trout I have ever eaten as the high Sierra lake was rather shallow and grass could grow on the bottom in the short high altitude summer season of warmth and the flesh tasted like grass.

    Soooo my suggestion is to let the frogs enjoy their palace with nice clean water but when it is fouled by key (that's Thai for shit as you probably can't say shit here in writing) you drain it off to your first tank and add the EM to that tank periodically. Overflow from that tank goes into the second that can be treated much less frequently with lesser amounts of EM and the overflow from that tank goes into the third with the pump.

    In a year with plenty of water you can then use the water in the third tank for irrigating your lovely garden. When, like now, the water situation is critical you can pump that water without any applications of EM back into your frog's palatial estates. Issan Aussie has a new highly specific line on microorganisms that will be specifically much more efficient for septic systems than old EM-1 but still EM-! will function. (time for a song break even if it isn't broken we'll fix it)

    If you feel that your third tanks water isn't exactly as pure as you want for your ribbiters then you can sterilize it by using pharmacy grade hydrogen peroxide. Now days they only sell 3% solution at about 30 baht for a half liter. Here are numbers below that I have for making drinking water from suspect water in your tanks for domestic use. Note in the old days we used to use simple house bleach in our wells and tanks to clean them up but thank buddha et al that this H202 recipe got popular as old Calcium tetrachloride was a scary and desperate method. So below is the spec's to purify drinking water and can be applied at different rates depending on what you think of your third tank water quality.

    250 liters of water you add 60 ml of 3% H2O2

    So as Issan Aussie, i think, said before you can filter the water with a home made carbon filter and in regards to this I think the place to put that kind of filter would be now at the end of your three tank system after the water is pumped and before it enters the palace. In abundant water years you may want to take the water (by hand mechanical pump or some such) from the second tank and use it as a fertilizer around your established trees and bushes in the rainy season or by watering it in.

    this is a bit involved but as i see it you could forego the purported closet you were going to build for your frogs to put their cashmere coats in for the cold season and maybe attempt this instead. That or maybe just have their massueses come only twice a week instead of four times.

    Hope this makes some kind of sense and helps and now to figure a final tune.

    hell this one fits for Forever Ford's Feelings of Frustration from finding final copy of last post got gobbled in the goodddddittit damdadded cyber space out there.

  6. After receiving these reply and the actions of the beast I think that they were probably remoras as someone from Pattaya experienced them while scuba diving and their actions towards me would be indicative of that kind of fish as they came to my body and wiggled and moved along very rapidly when I tried to touch them with my hands.

    Box Jellyfish which can be deadly are the ones that were referred to in Koh Samui and a few other places. One person was hit here in this area but have only heard of about a half a dozen incidences in Thailand, if that, as Thailand is not usually where they are located.

    I swim at 6 am so no worries about foolish kiters or boaters. as in all of life, timing is everything.

    Thanks to all with their replies. If I wasn't able to get info from locals both here and in Pattaya i would have attempted to use the Koh samui Forum to try to find an answer as I have always been able to get extremely competent info in regards to all the questions I've needed answering through the many and various Forums here and sometimes the jokesters make it an interesting journey also. peace and love

  7. If you are wanting to know what fish you saw in Hua Hin then best to post in Hua Hin, Pattaya really has nothing to do with it.

    Really i thought it was all the same water in the gulf therefore there may be links. You might say Jerry Garcia isn't a Blue Grass music player because he was part of a San Francisco Psychedelic Rock Band but by the replies we have gotten here you might say that you would be wrong on both assumptions. The responders from Pattaya helped in regards to the fish issue. Maybe this might help you in regards to seeing a music analogy.




    So maybe you can see that an SF Electric Guitar Slinger may have something to do and say about Bluegrass AND people from Pattaya with knowledge of the Gulf of Thailand might be able to assist a person in Hua Hin in solving an issue. Seems like the spirit of the Grateful Dead in music was to incorporate any and all forms of music to get their final product. Here with Thaivisa I tried my best to get an answer and it was obvious with 8 responses here from Pattaya compared to none from Hua Hin that maybe you don't need someone from Singapore trying to tell what the waters may hold.

    Maybe as Dylan said

    Come writers and critics

    Who prophesize with your pen

    And keep your eyes wide

    The chance won't come again

    And don't speak too soon

    For the wheel's still in spin

    And there's no tellin' who that it's namin'

    For the loser now will be later to win

    For the times they are a-changin'

  8. Thanks for the replies as didn't get a thing from Hua Hin Forum and Remoras could be it. Nothing to do with jellies as these beasts wiggled and scooted along quite readily. I often go out to the fishing boats before sunrise at about 6 am and see what they bring up in their nets and the fishermen enjoy a bit of diversity and welcome me aboard. We have no issues with high speed boats zooming around Hua Hin only traditional fishing vessels and the four mighty Naval War Ships, even with the maybe dozen jet skis for a couple of three four miles of beach front that do their business they are basically non-existent 98% of the day and many days you don't see even one doing business.

    Can't enjoy swimming laps and miles in swimming pools. That said I decided to stay closer to shore today and take a break until a little more feedback. i do have two different jelly fish suits but no issues (not many) this time of year, though other times unable to enter the water due to the quantity. One purported and first incident of Box Jelly around here this past year but what is worse those odds or the odds of putting yourself on ANY motorcycle in Thailand.

    Again thanks for the responses as the remoras (or some other kind of sucker type fish) seems to be a good possibility as most smaller fish never attempt to go after the body of a bigger beast in the water.

    note i do a very slow and even breast stroke as i choose to not put my head under the water in the gulf. This also helps to sight Jellies during the beginning of their season. Always a pleasure over the last decade and a half to see the sun come boiling out of the water over near you folks on the other side of the gulf and maybe it isn't a mile maybe just a kilometer and a half. yuk yuk

  9. I was swimming this morning in Hua Hin at a very sandy beach area and had the experience described below. Has anyone experienced anything similar in the Pattaya area?

    I was swimming about one mile out from the beach today basically across from the Bangkok Hospital. I ended up being somewhat molested by some strange type of fish. They were rather slimy type of fish similar to maybe an eel or a snake. they ranged in size from about 3-4 inches long to almost a foot long and one seemed even longer than that. They came to me instead of me swimming into, say, a school of these things. I swam to shore and then thought maybe almost just my imagination so just stay docile in the water and again a few would come to my body and wiggle and proceed along. It almost seemed like they could have been some kind of lamprey eel type of sucker fish eel or whatever.

    I have been swimming in this area for nearly 15 years and have witnessed many jelly fish of all shapes and sizes and schools of small fish but nothing even close to something like this. there weren't more than a few dozen that i came in contact with but they were there as if following me all the way to very shallow water and then the contact stopped.

    I talked to kite surfers and they didn't know what it might be or have experienced anything similar.

    Anyone have any ideas?? Thanks for your thoughts. peace and love

  10. I was swimming about one mile out from the beach today basically across from the Bangkok Hospital. I ended up being somewhat molested by some strange type of fish. They were rather slimy type of fish similar to maybe an eel or a snake. they ranged in size from about 3-4 inches long to almost a foot long and one seemed even longer than that. They came to me instead of me swimming into, say, a school of these things. I swam to shore and then thought maybe almost just my imagination so just stay docile in the water and again a few would come to my body and wiggle and proceed along. It almost seemed like they could have been some kind of lamprey eel type of sucker fish eel or whatever.

    I have been swimming in this area for nearly 15 years and have witnessed many jelly fish of all shapes and sizes and schools of small fish but nothing even close to something like this. there weren't more than a few dozen that i cam in contact with but they were there as if following me all the way to very shallow water and then the contact stopped.

    I talked to kite surfers and they didn't know what it might be or have experienced anything similar.

    Anyone have any ideas?? Thanks for your thoughts. peace and love

  11. Thanks long loong for your reply and as you know it's been a while and you are 101% write and left about creating your reply outside of Thaivisa as this was an ongoing problem in the years past when i would reply and as you see the post I got entered was something that I tried to post twice but was smart enough to have it saved outside of TV and it appears that this one was pulled t=from the depths and posted but alas the long and hopefully informative reply to this link appears to be lost and I will attempt to respond again after a bit of Crciket Sixes in Hua Hin and hopefully dial in the Fine Feline Felix from Fords FFFFForever

    ps this was attached to my response and maybe more relevant now

  12. I just posted about 45 minutes of typing and this is what I received for all that effort

    There appears to be an error with the database.

    If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database, or we are over capacity. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again.

    You can try to refresh the page by clicking here

    Return to the index

    Does anyone know how to get what I tyoed back as when i refreshed the page my script was gone. Very sad and I am off into the ocean. is there anywhere that Thaivisa might automatically save my posts and did I go wrong by reloading the farming forum and posting this. Quite a waste of a grand morning and I'm off to jump into the gulf and swim out as far as I can if I become fish food I'll welcome it

  13. Hey Russ from Aus there are couple of factors to consider. Obviously you know how to operate but with a Cat dozer you will need to have Hydraulic rippers, if not pretty useless.

    A big factor with a track layer is that with any work to be done on the rig you have to have the mechanic come on site or transport to them if you can move it onto a trailer.

    Of course everyone knows this is coming but i would say you might want to consider a Ford 6610. There are probably twenty times more mechanics that can competently work on it than a Cat Dozer. There really isn't much side hill mountain work that justifies the safety for roll-over that the track layer will give you. The Ford is Extremely versatile in the fact that you can use all its abilities with the three point system in the rear for your normal annual farming tasks. When it comes time to possibly sell, the Ford will be a much easier commodity to sell and always maintains its value if maintained. It is extremely inexpensive to maintain compared to anything else out there. Mine has a Dozer blade on the front and to split it to put in a clutch the dozer mechanism must be dealt with and when i had a clutch put in it (pulled to the mechanic with an old Ford station wagon and a chain, 20 kilometers) it cost about 6000 baht!!!!!??

    Here's what i did to mine to make it outperform anything that exists in Thailand that I have seen. I built a big (wider than the rear wheel span) box scraper for the three point system in the rear. On the dozer blade on the front I made mounts behind the dozer blade where I could put five huge ripper teeth (removable with pins to lock them in) from Cat 18 Motor Grader. I rip while in reverse and when done ripping I raise the blade and drop the box and pick it all up and put it where I want it. Rip in reverse and pick it up when you go forward, no wasted motion. There is no way you can move earth faster with one operator. With the box you can get amazing compaction that is impossible with a Dozer blade. I've built roads with this box that have been in for years and still shed the water as if it was marble. It still amazes me that box scrapers are not being used almost at all in Thailand. I have found that the combo of a blade in front and box in back is a very good combination and there is a company that has built a dozer blade/loader bucket combo that can be put on a Ford, definitely very heavy but how versatile can you get? Make sure you have excellent 10 ply tires on the front.

    So Russ from Aus a bit of thought Food For your Future and For Fords FFFFFFFFFFFFForever

    ps I also built an extension adaptor for the front blade that I put on to make an angle dozer blade. I just built a couple of hundred meter long levee for an early planting of red hom mali and it didn't take more than 10 minutes, if that and probably a couple of five minutes of shovel work to tidy up the ends. FF

  14. hey all this is an interesting path that Felix has started. Remember well what IA has said about EM needing water. Some of his earlier explanations confused me slightly due to nomenclature. I think a good term for EM is to just refer to it as "Activated". I think earlier it was referred to as EM-A and would assume this is EM-1 that has been mixed with 1 liter of molasses and 18 liters of water.

    I think we can now say and assume you don't want to put EM-1 (un-"activated") on your garden or in your livestock. always brew it first and give away the other 19 liters if you don't need it but activation gets the stew brewing and that is what you want. When I first told IA about the product I was told that it was used for hogs in their drinking water and the fellow added one liter to about 200 liters and didn't get his desired results.His Thai Mom in law told him he wasn't using enough so he went to 3 liters and the results were significant. IA has made a science of it in regards to even different types of EM but it really isn't so necessary as the one liter EM-1 that is found in feed and seed stores throughout the country will suffice for 99% of the people.

    I don't flood fields normally before applying EM but if the if I had a dry field, as was mentioned earlier, with grass, weeds and corn stalks I would spray a strong mixture (20+%) with a hand sprayer on the plot before and after using sprinklers to wet the soil. thereafter I would disc (I have an adjustable two gang 18 blade disc/harrow) as IA has said and then let the grass and weeds sit in the sun the entire day to kill them off. I have also put high concentrations in my encircling klong and pumped it dry to irrigate (sprinklers and flooding).

    We grow predominantly rice in the lowlands of the farm and EM should be applied constantly (higher %'s depending on frequency) on the cut straw and stubble immediately after harvest and bi-weekly until the soil is dry enough so you can get in a planting of sunn hemp (pah teung). When the hemp is growing it can be sprayed topically at 2% solution nearly weekly. IA's formula of 1/1000 requires one liter per square meter and requires the application of a good amount of solution at that rate. I believe the reason for the rate and high volume is to get the solution into the soil so it stands a chance of surviving and growing and working. If it is applied to dry ground and thereafter irrigated to some extent your chances will be good that you are getting benefit. My higher solutions will only work on wet ground and dead plant material or dry ground that will be immediately irrigated in some form or another. Obviously the best time to apply is during rainy times as you an use the rain to dilute your solution and allow higher concentrations to be applied which means less backpacks full of spray. this isn't such a big factor on a one rai plot but can be significant for a plot like IA has that is nearly 20 rai or so.

    So wet soil and rainy times are the excellent conditions to apply your ''Activated" (EM-A) Em solutions. I have always feared that I could kill my seed if i applied high %'s on them so I never do this but I am never reticent in regards to applying 20-30% on a harvested rice field and then discing and immediately in one day seeding and planting sun hemp which is a very fragile seed when wet as it will start sprouting in much less than a half day if you try to pre-germinate it by wetting your bags of seeds with luke warm water. Be advised!!! don't wet the seeds and let them sit more than a couple of hours before planting.

    Ants shall rule the world. I always felt that building a home in the country required that a small canal/ditch (15cmx15cmx15cm) would need to be built completely around the home and filled with water (keep it well dosed with EM) so you could keep ants from crossing and getting into living spaces. Amazingly thereafter i went to visit the old palace outside of Hua Hin and that is exactly what King Chulalakorn did with his palace so it is a practice that has been used and obviously does work. It could be incorporated into a landscape system with waterfalls etc to keep it from looking so clinical but with ant infestation ANY solution is a good solution and think cinnamon would be a grand fix and will wait to see how others fare.

    With the Bullfrogs I would take the water you think is stinky and you will replace with new water and put it in a similar or smaller vessel and have three frogs in that water and start to add EM at least 10% but even 20% to that water and see what results you get. i don;'t knowif EM is able to create impossible tasks as you may just have way way too many frogs in way way to little water and space but if anything can prolong the life of the water I think EM is it as i saw IA's hog operation and septic systems and ponds and it was as sanitary as could be imagined and I believe EM was the determining factor after the knowledge or when and how to use it on his excellently designed operation. Remember the original fellow who turned me onto the EM was using almost 2% solution as drinking water for his hogs so I think frogs could survive and do well in a solution of 5% and higher especially with so much feces and urine and unconsumed food to work out the EM. I hope you can do an experiment with your frogs and update us. Choke dee peace love and Fords FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFForever

    ps hey Issan Aussie i thinks these two songs might be just about right for you as i think you are airborne about now and heading north to us in the land of smiles today!! Welcome home!!!

    substitute Australia for LA Freeway in this song

    gee but it IS great to be back home And Tone they have our photo on this link too

    one more as this should bring it all home

  15. OOps and sorry about the commercial link as I wasn't sure if it was ok or not.

    Just an update that everything went perfect and would not have happened without all the above people's help and posts. My passport was kicked out at check-in at Don Muang but without asking me (I had shown letters for visa from visa agency with stamps from the Vietnam Immigration Department) she consulted another person and came back and told me in the future i should have six months on my passport but gave me my boarding pass and there were no issues in Vietnam with the visa as we paid an extra $20 US to have them meet us there to do all the paperwork with Vietnam Immigration as we just sat and waited (I figured with my situation it was best to spend the money though not necessary as "theoldgit" referred in his post).

    A good lesson was learned, that hopefully everyone else in a similar situation will also learn from this one, and that is never let your passport get to within six months of expiration and actually when my wife and i return from the US this year she will have a little bit more than seven months left on her passport and I have told her she will need to renew it immediately as you never know when you may need to travel.

    ALSO I could see thai immigration spent considerable time with my passport and discussions ( a very nice and friendly officer who was joking with me in introduction) with another and i am sure it was due to the limited validity of my passport but the passport had ten years of extensions for Non-Immigrant "O" and they let me go without saying anything but they really spent time looking at it.

    Again renew before you passport gets to six months from expiration and again thanks to all of you that helped. And boy was it cold and foggy in Hanoi. peace and love

  16. Issan Aussie is the wizard for this and he could write an encyclopedia in regards to the many different types of EM he has used and nurtured. His soils and farm operations were tops in Thailand due to primarily the use of EM in his entire process.

    I believe I might have been the one to turn him onto this almost a decade ago as I was knowledgeable that it stopped the smell of hogs when you used it in their water. IA took it to a level that may never be approached again as he bathed his hogs and pens and manure and compost and soils in the solution in many and different varying forms. I purchased some of his composts and they were amazing.

    Okay I don't care who says what I would never mix anything off the shelf unless it came from the creator himself in Japan at any other ratio than the previous mentioned 1:1:18. My wife brewed her own EM in a 55 gallon (200 liter) drum but it was a long and ridiculous process as far as I was concerned as we would buy ten liters of EM and of molasses and in a few days could have 200 liters of perfect product. I was shocked once when I went to disc in a bunch of heavy rice straw and the assorted cut stubble and weeds and after the first couple of passes with the old Ford i was looking at what I was doing and there wasn't a trace of straw or stubble to be seen on the extremely sanitary soil. I then remembered we had dumped about 100 liters into our klong that surrounds the farm and had pumped it down with our three inch pump to a couple water canons to get the soil wet to turn and prepare for a planting of pah tueng (sunn hemp). the microbes had done their trick as that nasty straw became luscious soil. This year the wife went out and sprayed with a backpack sprayer a 30% solution over the entire rice field after harvest and before tractor work and again great results. the stuff is better than magic and our ponds always are getting assorted non scientific doses of EM and the catfish just get bigger and water stays scum free.

    Use a 2% solution in a sprayer and topically spray any and all plants as much as once weekly. I have used it where dogs are confined to small areas and there feces and urine is a 365 a day problem of neglect and the smells are foul ofrom much too crowded dogs. I used 10% solution and in a day all odor is gone. IA's pig sties smelled as if you were in a medical clinic as one day i was in the middle of them and I said to him you I can not smell one bit of hog odor at all. Everyone knows going down the road when you are a few kilometers downwind of hog farm you know you are a few kilometers downwind of a hog farm as you don't need to ever see them as the smell will tell.

    I could go on and on in regards to the benefits of using it but again if someone tells you to mix EM any different than we have said go buy it somewhere else or don't listen to them. EM-1 and use 1:1:18 and use as much as you can all the time for any and everything; ground sprays can have much higher %'s than topical though be careful if you have new young plants that you don't have too high %. if my ford was so inclined I'd like to give it some to drink in the radiator but it seems to fine on the diet I have been feeding it so will let well enough alone on that and as the sun sets i say happy trails to you with Fords Foreverrrrr

  17. Time for bed but just saw Doc treelove's info and they talk of Sesbania which is called "Sanoh Africa" and it is extremely troublesome to use as a green manure because when rice fields are flooded it won't die and competes extremely well witht he rice crop and it took us nearly five years to work it out of our rice after only one planting. don't plant it EVER in rice areas is my experience and I think others will say the same. it would be great in orchards as you get many tons of return for plantings but not for rice. Pah tueng, sunn hemp is so easy and so beneficial it is a no brainer. Don I'll read your stuff when i get some time. Thanks and hope you are getting lots of rain but know you are plenty busy

    so it seems like this is right now so I'll nail a retread onto my shoes and pray for better weather

  18. Why does everybody want to hear stories of me nearly becoming human green manure on my tractor? Well anyway this year when planting my Pah tueng (two ehng) ( sun hemp) I was 6 weeks into a nasty case of shingles (get your vaccines you 60 year olds, I had just gone to set an appointment to get mine and got the cursed stuff a few days later) that attacks the face (lucky me as only 4% get in on their face) and blindness can be the result of it there. Still it is a couple daze before New years eve and the mad exodus of any and all to Issan so I need to make hay and get the seed in after putting the rice stubble under. I had the wife really soak the stubble in EM that we brew and olike magic in almost one clean pass the tons of organic residue and newly sprouting rice and weeds are under ground and another pass to really tidy it up and bro0adcast the seed into the dozen rai of the organic show farm and off to buy a few thousand catfish including these fast growing big headed Russian type to put in the ponds and.... you know how ai can make a short story long or is it a long story short but still it was close to 40 some hours non-stop running to make it happen and get out of Dodge before the masses descend on Issan and as I am discing hell bent for leather witht he Ford running ful out in sixth gear crick crack and kaboom and such and the next thing I know the entire roof and sshade structure that bro-in-law had tack welded together and was going to finish (two years ago and was paid for it all of course) comes crashing down on me and fortunately it gets tangled up everywhere but betwen my eyes and a piece of rough cut 2'' angle iron raked in front of my throat by a few inches of making a lot of bone and blood meal for future crops. yick yack and no caddy lee lac I got the twisted wreckage to higher ground and untangled it and me and was back at it a few minutes later and wh cares that my knee was trapped between the fender and a piece o0f the three inch square stock as no time for injuries or at least no time to feel the pain until it was over. i sure felt it today but a alittle over a week ago I turn all the pah teung under with some well over head and then decided to plant a crop of Hom mali 105 red rice seed that i got from surin that was chem free grown. Both our lakes that we put in are very full of water so decided to plant a couple three rai of the red so it will flower and seed when the white of us and everybody else is still in the growing stage so it can be used for seed stock as it is very difficult to find good red seed stock that isn't crossed with the white so it is all up and growing well and now time to start flooding it as we have been irrigating with sprinklers. The Ford was a demon on Fire as i disced the rice under a full moon and howling the entire time and we have a contest between us to see who wil die first and I'll never bet on my Ford Forever. peace and love

    PS After planting the rice made a good run back to Bangkok to catch Carlos Santana and Carabao put it on with Carlos' new wife upstaging them all with an unbelieveable display of drums that had to be the best I have ever seen and words can't describe it.

    So if my memory serves me well this should be just about right for now. What says you Issan Aussie and Doc Treelove (never heard a peep from Bee and phone was a no go)

    and this is from the last time Carlos and the Carabao boys got together. I hope they come back and play again soon

    at 4:44 to 6:66 is the best guitar solos you can want to ever hear. they just rocked it.
  19. Thanks again CNXBKKMAN (and all) for your help and thoroughness. I have my documents (visa letter from travel agent) for my visa from an agent and have printed out my correspondence with them and have decided to pay another 20 dollars to get a "fast track" agent from their company to meet me inside of immigration at the airport to facilitate getting our visa stamp. They appear to have government approval to jump the cue to allow us to get the stamp. I don't need this service but thought if i could present AirAsia with my letter and their confirmation of the service and people there for my visa would impress the person who has been at the counter since at least four am and as you say up way before three am to meet us at 5:30 am for our 7 am flight.

    I called AirAsia and talked to another agent after this info from the blog a few days ago and he said that I need 6 months on PP and I told him I already had visa and info saying ok to come as long as one month left on passport by departure shown in the info I am posting below. He said bring the info and visa letter and present it to agent at the counter. I feel rather confident it will work out with all the documentation and especially with this KLM info that is dated and looks very good. Again Khap Khun Khap and Choke Dee

    https://www.klm.com/travel/us_en/prepare_for_travel/travel_planning/travel_clinic/timatic.htm (thanks again KhunBENQ)

    res_back.gif res_print.gif timlogo.gif

    / 08MAR16 / 0027 UTC

    National USA (US) /Embarkation Thailand (TH)
    Destination Viet Nam (VN) /Visited Thailand (TH)

    Viet Nam (VN)

    Passport required.
    - Passports and other documents accepted for entry must be
    valid for a minimum of 30 days beyond the period of intended
    - When holding a visa for entry into Viet Nam, passports must
    be valid at least 1 month after the expiry date of the visa.

    Visa required, except for Passengers with a Certificate of

    Visa Exemption issued by Viet Nam for a maximum stay of 90

    Visa required, except for Nationals of USA arriving at Phu

    Quoc (PQC) for a maximum stay of 30 days.
    Visa required, except for Nationals of USA arriving at Hanoi

    (HAN) or Ho Chi Minh City (SGN) with onward tickets for a

    connecting flight, on the same day, to Phu Quoc (PQC). They

    are required to remain in the transit area of Hanoi (HAN) or
    Ho Chi Minh City (SGN) and clear immigration at Phu Quoc (PQC)

    where they will be granted a maximum stay of 30 days.
    Visa Issuance:
    - Holders of a pre-approval letter issued only in Ha Noi, Viet
    Nam by the Vietnamese Immigration (Ministry of Public

    Security) or the Consular Department (Ministry of Foreign
    Affairs), can obtain a visa on arrival for a max. stay of 1
    or 3 months at Hanoi (HAN), Ho Chi Minh City (SGN), Da Nang
    (DAD) or Nha Trang (CXR). Fee: USD 45.- for a single-entry 1
    or 3 months visa; USD 65.- for a multiple-entry 1 month

    visa; or USD 95.- for a multiple-entry 3 months visa.

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