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Posts posted by Centrum

  1. I have no idea how the Thai law determines such a thing but in Europe you are only 'in custody' when you have been booked at the police station.

    Perhaps a more apt charge would be making the police lose face.

    Australia uses the Westminster system and Thailands legal system is also based on it. Once you have been arrested you are in custody. This guy had a warrant on him, the warrant was executed and he was taken into custody.

    I thought the "Westminster system" was a political system not a legal system.

    Now be fair, chooka is Australian and to Aussies, anyone in a suit is either a politician or a lawyer. biggrin.png

  2. every journey begins with a small step... keep it up

    The torturing monk is currently opening up Chaeng Wattana government complex to 'allow' government workers return to work there.

    PCAD fascists lose, who would have thought, no doubt tomorrow's March will be declared as another victory by the corrupt, fascist Palm-Oil man.

    Let's see...the protesters are in Bangkok, mostly on the streets.

    Thaksin is in exile...

    Remind me again, who's losing?

    And, if you describe Suthep as the corrupt, fascist Palm-Oil man. How do you describe Thaksin? giggle.gif

    The corrupt fugitive leader.

    Why? Are you just another idiot who immediately decides that others have to be one side or the other? I guess so. Don't worry, you've plenty of idiot company. sad.png

    So we balance Suthep as the "corrupt, fascist Palm-Oil man" against Thaksin "The corrupt fugitive leader." and you're trying to say you're not on one side or the other?

    Fugitive leader of what? The fascist red shirt thugs? I mean that must be OK to you, after all, you're on the fence, aren't you?

  3. every journey begins with a small step... keep it up

    The torturing monk is currently opening up Chaeng Wattana government complex to 'allow' government workers return to work there.

    PCAD fascists lose, who would have thought, no doubt tomorrow's March will be declared as another victory by the corrupt, fascist Palm-Oil man.

    Let's see...the protesters are in Bangkok, mostly on the streets.

    Thaksin is in exile...

    Remind me again, who's losing?

    And, if you describe Suthep as the corrupt, fascist Palm-Oil man. How do you describe Thaksin? giggle.gif

  4. This takes delusional to a whole new level. Stunning arrogance. She is better suited to her previous role: handing out free calendars featuring nude women promoting Singha beer. An RP accent does not substitute for a brain

    I think they've stolen PTP's strategy.

    Put an attractive woman as your PM candidate, no need for brains or experience, a few tears and everyone loves you.

  5. The list has not been published yet. The fascists are getting very worried and trying to muddy the water by making up sham lists.

    You guys really love that f word, don't you?

    Funny that fascism is now a slur for anyone standing against corruption.

    Even though Thaksin has used the nazi tactic of taking a disenfranchised section of society and promising them a better life should they blindly support him.

    And we know how well that went, don't we?

    In Italy, the supporters of Mussolini eventually turned on him because of the ruin his policies brought to their country.

    I look forward to the day that the Red shirts turn on Thaskin because of the lies he sold them as promises of a better life, while he enriches himself and his family illegally.

    • Like 1
  6. "a man with a gunshot wound was found near Gate 4 of the Government House"

    So these thugs shot their own and just left him there to be found?

    Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, boys.

    Have a feeling this is going to be a very short topic thread from the Suthep apologists side.

    I just hope his followers realise what they get with Suthep. that being.

    Do everything instantly and unquestioning or you will be beaten to a pulp or shot

    Never think for youseld of you will be beaten to a pulp or shot.

    Beat anybody to a pulp or shoot them if they ever query the slightest detail, or you will be beaten to a pulp or shot.

    This is no pic and mix. You get PDRC warts and all or you get shot!!! Period. There will be no marching around town calling for Suthep out if he ever gets in.

    Hysterical reply from the uber-fan of Thaksin and his red shirt thugs.

    Pipkins' take on the nightly gunshots and bombings, the tortured and murdered PDRC suppoter, the assassinated leader?

    "Protest against Thaksin and you will be beaten to a pulp or shot!"

  7. So if you can't beat them legally in an election, trump up charges and run them out of office if not the country.

    She may have been a supporter of this stupid rice pledging, but I seriously doubt (with everyone looking) she had her hand in the cookie jar. As someone else said, this is just a judicial "coup".

    For sure.

    The expel 'em from the country purge monger posters still have not separated themselves from the former Ultraman Suthep and Co who want to throw out of Thailand the Thais they don't like or approve of.

    Then after that's done and over with, purge from the country all _______ (purge mongers are invited to fill in the blank with the name of the next group after that to be purged from the country).

    And then after that, to purge the ______ (fill in this blank too) and then to throw out those awful ______ (you guys know the drill by now)..

    Hard to imagine anyone would seriously support such a gigantic scam, ripping off both the farmers and the taxpayers, but here on TVF, we do actually have posters who do.

    Of course, it's no news to anyone who's been here long enough that the place is rife with boiler-room scammers and time share salesmen.

    Scum who pride themselves in stealing other people's money.

    No wonder Thaksin is their hero.

    I hope every scumbag involved in the rice pledging scheme is tried, found guilty, sentenced and their assets seized. As I would hope any decent member of TVF.

    • Like 2
  8. If the thus far quiet Isaan crowd join the fray, that'll be the end of it.

    The Reds are very deeply embedded up there though, and every single improvement to infrastructure etc they have seen has been accredited to Thaksin and PTP. Although I am not saying this is entirely untrue, it has been grossly exaggerated, and the money has come from hardworking taxpayers such as myself, not Thaksin himself.

    I think the Isaan farmers have been paid first as the PTP know what would happen if they didn't get their money.

    Crafty strategy, keeping the cannon fodder of Isaan and Chiang Mai on side while the rest of the country erupts in protest.

  9. Humans shud always join up coz we are mankind not a man, when the world can all join and hold hands there will be oneluv and peace - when I see said news in these forums I just go to the church and pray to God harder that he give us better days

    Ahh....yes...the meds, the meds...

    Actually, I was going to pose the question, Wasn't Chalerm going to do the arresting?

    Wasn't he going to dress in disguise and sneak up on Suthep?

    • Like 1
  10. The PAD/Yellowshirt/PDRC organizer should take this as an opportunity to spread his message of "Democracy". He'll have a captive audience at the detention center. He can give speeches and motivate the impoverished inmates. I am sure they thirst for the message he will bring. He will only be a "martyr", if he gets shanked because his speech goes on too long and he bores the other inmates. However, I anticipate that he will be in the VIP wing, complete with his own ladyboy servant to attend to his every need. Not to worry. He'll be just fine. After all, he is a "martyr".

    I guess he should be thankful he made it to prison alive.

    A change of police tactics, I presume. May be too many witnesses in a shopping centre for another assassination.

    • Like 1
  11. what a pisser this would be, fancy poo being shown up by the farmers, this would leave no doubt in peoples minds just how stupid she really is when the farmers could outwit her. She would have no idea what to say to them or how to answer any unprepared questions like "what is 1 + 1", cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    The crocodile tears would be enough to melt the hardest rice farmers heart.

    "I feel your pain, sob, but you must understand it's that nasty Suthep who stopped me from giving you your money, sob, sob."

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