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Posts posted by Alwaysright

  1. What you are saying is that to fight corruption with police officers taking money, they allow them to take equal amount of money even if they force the drivers to pay the full 'required' amount (at the station, not in hand). So the officers gets the same amount, the drivers pay more and the government gets more in revenue. Interesting... fighting corruption by still allowing them to take the same amount...

    You cant fight corruption when you pay your cops a scandalous salary !! Is this a joke ?? As en ex-cop, my state gave me a salary high enough so I did not want to be corrupted.

    Do you think getting a 5000/mo to take care of a family is enough while they can make so much money easily, of course the practice is hatefull but this is life and no one can tell me the government do not know about that... I even think the government is part of that corruption deal with the police...

    I agree my police pension alone is worth more than any police officer makes in this country.They are way under paid and have to make it up somewhere.YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!!! :o:D:D:D

  2. Hi there.

    Just wondering if anyones had any experience with getting a visa (non-imm O) in Kathmandu, Nepal.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


    When I used to have to do a Visa run I would trek in Nepal and pick up a double tourist Thai visa on the way out.Did it many times but they would NEVER give me a non immi O,I don't know why but I do know that Thailand does have differant rules in each country it comes from the "I am a Thai big shot mentality" :D:o:D:D I haven't needed a visa in years though.

  3. The highway system exists to connect the countries but you would have major difficulties with obtaining all of the necessary visas and permissions, dealing with poor road infrastructure, payoffs for police and public official corruption and the likely need to procure the services of a 'fixer' in Bangladesh and Myanmar, where irregularities occur all the time and vehicles can be impounded summarily. There is also the risk to your physical security in this part of Asia, where you and your belongings can vanish at the drop of a hat. Park your car or cycle overnight and it could easily be gone the next morning. Perhaps a good way to begin your quest would be to visit the embassies or consulates of each country that would be egressed from, transitted through or arrived in (Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand) where you currently reside to get their views and recommendations. With sufficient advanced planning and funds to overcome all obstacles, such a journey is certainly possible. Good luck.

    You could go North from Thailand through China,and Tibet but the Chinese are still in the 15th century regarding tourists.The Chinese are afraid of losing their hold on the people. :o:D:D

  4. Police officer allegedly cheats peers out of Bt1.2 million in traffic fine rewards

    CHIANG MAI: -- Some 50 traffic policemen of the Chiang Mai head office Friday field complaint against their peer, alleging him with cheating them out of Bt1.2 million in traffic fine rewards.

    The policemen filed complaint against Police Senior Sergeant Major Thanawat Sinpieng, 47, at the Muang district police station.

    They said Thanawat was assigned to withdraw the money of traffic fine rewards for December from the Krung Thai Bank's San Pa Khoy branch in the Muang district on December 29 but he disappeared.

    The money was for sharing among 150 traffic policemen, they said.

    They said Thanawat was earlier assigned to withdraw the money several times with no problem.

    He has disappeared with his family.

    -- The Nation 2009-01-09

    Look for him at the Casino :o:D:D s.

  5. ..............edited.....usually the master key may be avalable to every person on duty....

    But then it could hardly be called "safe"!?

    I also prefer, either Boxes at the reception, where I and the reception each has one key, or one main safe or I take of my stuff, myself!

    Particular these "press a number" digital safes, seem to be NOT safe at all!

    For every person on duty I mean the one in charge of security/money/etc at the reception...

    So they are not the usual stuff and normally means day shift /night shift, 2 person...

    Anyway i traveled for work and vacation for 15 years outside Europe and i never had more than 100$/100E in cash with me.

    Cash is simply too dangerous, going around with 1000$, no way.....in some country they kill you for 10 times less :D

    They assume all tourists are carrying money,usually right. :o:D:D

  6. I wouldn't mind it delivered by a couple of the young lady shop assistants there as long as the Mrs was out.

    And then what you will do with a COUPLE of shop asistants,I think more talk then action.

    Talk turkey?

    gooble,gooble :D:D:D:o

  7. Just noticed on the Bloomberg ticker that Thai Airways are looking to delay the delivery of the Airbus A380 due to cash shortage

    I wonder how long we will have to put up with the old 747's that run LHR-BKK

    Answer 1. Until they fall out of the sky.

    Answer 2. Until people stop using the airline and force them to change. Why use Thai ? tired old equipment and overpriced.

    You just don't like Thai because they charge more,just admit it.They are a fine Airline. :o:D:D

  8. I get all my 1000s from the ATM machines of SCB. I don't even look at them. If I accidentally passed a fake, what would the merchant do? Just refuse it or call the police? Assuming just refuse it, will the banks believe you if you bring them back a fake?

    The answer is (same as you) I don't know.

    However I would be nervous of returning fakes back to the bank for fear of wrongful arrest and punitive searches of my apartment block and confiscation of all my electronic possessions. (This does happen).

    In the US they releave you of the note and give you a receipt. :o:D:D

  9. Don't buy any expensive Helmets. I have a black 150 Baht Helmet and i schratched the color all over. This helmet look so ugly and i have it now for 2 years. Nobody will steal it.

    What if you happen to hit the tarmac,with your cheap helmet?.Me thinks not to good for your skull!

    If you have a 150 baht head--no problem. :D:o:D

  10. Next time you make the visa extension (TM7) just make the re-entry (TM8) too.

    It is only 1000 baht ( one re-entry) and in case of leaving the country you are covered.

    I did the same already 4 times and I only used it once,but it gives me a safe feeling (in case of e.g. emergency)

    Good advice I always get my re entry on the f :o irst 90 day reporting.When I get my extension I don't have the patience to do both.

  11. visas for thailand are a joke ,the non im b if I understand it is for one year but you have to leave the country every 3 months ,so really its a 3 month visa that can be renewed.what a pain in the hole !!!!

    my thai wife lives with me in Sydney and glad she doesnt have to get out every 3 months .one day I would like to go and take our kids to live in Thai for a year or so ,to go to school ,learn to read and write Thai,the wife and kids have Thai and Oz passports ,but me 'dad' has to Pee off every 3 months .

    and if I understand correctly ,a Thai bloke can bring his farang missus in no probs .

    Lets just hope they change this stupid law for all the hubbys out there,but I wont hold my breath.

    thanks ,angry aussie :o

    A joke you say,how about the joke trying to get a visa from other countries.Thai is a piece of cake.How about a Thai trying to get one for your(all readers) country.Look how the U.S. :D:D:D treats visa seekers,that is a horror story.

  12. My eye lids have become a bit droopy in recent years and I wonder if anyone has experience of surgery to alleviate this in bkk.

    I am not interested in major cosmetic surgery but it seems to me that tucking up the eyelids would be easy and not too risky.

    I would appreciate any advice.

    many thanks.

    Yanhee hospital Dr. Greechart :o:D:D

  13. Traffic light cameras and speed cameras are a good thing and will make the Thai government untold Millions of Baht a year.

    Good on Thailand for following this lead.

    Speed Cameras may slow down Farangs in Fortuners doing 170 Kph on a 90 Kph speed limit road.

    Then again maybe not as 1,740,000 drivers where convicted by speed cameras in UK in 2006..........

    A step in the right direction nevertheless. :D

    The problem is the red signal is too long,3or4 minute red signals is why they jump them and run the red light.60 second cycles is what they use in the states. 30 seconds red 3 amber 27 green.This keeps all directions moving. :o:D:D

  14. Ashaa,

    There have been many. many threads on this over the year (some specific to facelift and some more general on plastic surgery), you can use the search function to find and read them.

    For facelift the doctor most widely recommended -- and who did mine about 3 years back -- is Dr. Amorn Poomee at Bumrungrad. He is board certified in US and Canada and practiced there for many years before rturining to Thailand. Conservative in approach and produces a very natural looking effect. I am very happy with the resukts and so have many other TV members been. Downside is that he costs slightly more than other docs at the same hosp (entire package, all inclusive used to be around 175,000 baht but may have gone up a bit -- so basically, around $5,000 - $6,000) and tends to be fully booked far in advance (3-6 month wait being common) which can be a real disadvantage for peopkle coming from aborad and wanting to schedule within a short time period. Although I think it is possible, if you attach photos, to get onto his schedule in advance of your arrival.

    Dr. Preecha at Bangkok Nursing Home Hospital is also very eminent and well regarded. For which reason, probably also need to book far in advance with him.

    One member has given a favorable report on a Dr. Charan at Bumrungrad.

    Many Thais patronize Yanhee Hospital, which tends to cost less. Although I have seen posts from people happy with results of plastic surgery at Yanhee I dio not recall a specific doctor name.

    Good luck

    Dr Greechart at Yanhee. :o:D

  15. :D:D:D:o

    I would think the best place to find it is in America, not Thailand.

    Reminds me of one guy I saw sitting in Ozzie BBQ restaurant at Siam bit*hing to the poor waitress, "You don't have Budweiser, why not?!"

    yes well food alone is not reason enough to live in america. and while i do enjoy eating thai food i miss quality food from my home country as well. i'm not bitching that they don't have quality food everywhere and widely available. but take a thai person to any foreign city and if there isn't at least one good thai food restaurant and supermarket there they will be a very unhappy camper.

    congratulations on being so emmersed in the culture that you eat nothing but pappaya salad and grasshoppers, take a non aircon bus to work, drink sangsom, send money to isaan and do all of your clothes shopping at chatuchak.

    :burp::D:wai::P :jerk:
  16. TG reported a loss of $300 million in Q2, more than $3,000,000 a day in losses. I haven't followed TG's revenue since then, but I am sure they are still in the red.

    That said, I doubt they will file for Chapter 11 anytime soon, so our miles should be save.

    They sure the hel_l won't be filling for Chapter 11 because they are not a US company!

    I would think if they were to go bankrupt the government of the day would come to their rescue. In countries like Thailand having a flag carrier is just too important to let one go bankrupt.

    They are not a US company but even so if they where there wont be able to use chapter 11 because very soon the whole of the usa would be on chapter 11,thanks to Bush.

    Why blame Bush it is the peoples fault for borrowing too much and buying foreign products.NOBAMA will destroy the country. :o:D:D:D

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