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Posts posted by Alwaysright

  1. A guy on Silom once asked me to change 2 photocopied $100 notes. They didn't even look vaguely real. I told him I was calling the police and he had better start running. He just gave me a creepy smile.

    I was in a bar in Belize talking to an American soldier.He was in a military band and was told on short notice that they were leaving.Turned out he was broke and wanted to have a good time.I cashed a check for him($100.00) and a month later I put it in my account and it cleared.

  2. Perhaps Thailand is just trying to catch up with the US, in terms of insane gun violence.

    People from little countries always say that,the US has never and will never be conquered because of the guns,unlike most of the countries that the US has saved.The reason they are the only Superpower in the world. :o:D:D

  3. A shoulder MRI is what they are going to give me. I think it can show up pinched nerves or tendons. I'd say it's worth a try. I don't know if anyone in Bangkok knows how to do proper trigger point massage - the PTs at Bumrungrad certainly can't. There is a book called The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook and also one called Trigger Point Therapy for Headaches and Migraines. I got the first one but found it too much hassle to do.

    Come to think of it, there was a farang in the queue of the PT dept a few weeks ago saying the needling in his neck was the only thing that helped his pain. Maybe that was him. I guess posture while working or sleeping could be a factor, but I'm sure the docs would have checked that.

    Thanks a lot for the 2 links camerata!

    I printed this thread out for him to read. He says that Thai doctors are pretty useless when it comes to treating patients suffering from myofascial pain - he says they're incapable of diagnosing where exaxtly he needs to be injected.

    He's insured and wants to travel overseas for treatment for his very painful condition. Anyone know a good hospital in Europe or Asia that has a GOOD pain / trigger point clinic?

    Not in America. His insurance doesn;t cover.

    I would try Arcoxia for a few days first.

  4. Well, as a couple of recent threads have told us, even the UN considers the Thai Police to be organised criminals, so this story comes as absolutely no surprise to me.

    Anyone who defends the Thai Police is truly deluded.

    I recently met up with a couple of farangs who were arrested in Pattaya and spent a few days in a police cell. They told me that while they were treated quite well, the Thai prisoners in the adjacent cell were constantly screaming and yelling out as they were being beaten by the police to extract confessions.

    I have no doubt that it is true.

    I am one of those truly deluded ones. :D

    The problems of Thai police is not entirely the fault of the police, but has to be seen in context.

    It is easy to accuse police of corruption, because we see it every day. But, what we do not see is that the police budgets are a joke. To be able to perform investigations, officers often do have to pay from their own pocket petrol and/or hotels. They have to buy their own computers, or surveillance equipment. If they want internet, they have to pay themselves for the connections. They have to buy their own weapons and uniform.

    Police stations get budgets for basics like electricity and such. The remainder the stations have to organize themselves in order to be able to operate.

    The article mentioned the competition with army. Army constantly interferes in police turf, and forces the police to compete. What we do not see is that army is at least equally corrupt, but has, especially since the military coup, much larger budgets to play with. Police is now, since the Democrat takeover, under intense political pressure after having been almost dismantled by the co-conspirators of that power grab.

    Anybody is allowed now to blame the police for anything, almost a free for all. The police though is only a symptom of a completely dysfunctional system, a presently politically convenient scapegoat that allows far more harmful corruption of the system to pass almost unnoticed.

    The justice ministry? Have you read some of the recent interviews and statements of the justice minister? Some of what that man plans has very little to do with justice under an aspiring democratic system, and is more at home in a dictatorship.

    The bottom line is they don't pay the police enough.In most countries you pay the police with taxes,so you pay one way or another but you do pay. :o:D:D

  5. I read many months ago that Blue Cross/Blue Shield had subcontracted with Bumrungrad for some levels of care, presumably on the basis of cost - the NHS in the UK apparently does similar things with European hospitals. It would therefore make sense for hospitals outside the US to be used by Medicare on the same basis - apologies that I have no pointers to the article I refer to here but references can surely be found if anyone is interested.

    Blue cross/Shield is subcontracted to most major hospitals in Bangkok..

  6. I also noticed that in gate D6 there are now two new computer stands with keyboard/monitor/ball-type built-in mouse offering free internet access. That is something very unique in any airport in the world.

    Free internet access at an airport is unique? Not really. Try Singapore for starters, a lot more than 2 access points, even free terminals in the budget terminal as well as free wi-fi everywhere.

    Seoul too.

  7. My girlfriend is "forcing" me to go to Chiang Mai for Songkran, because she thinks it will be amazing. Then we have to do it all again in her hometown 2 days later. Seems it's not just the tourists who get excited about Songkran, the Thais do too.... must be the heat!

    It IS amazing, if you are not a wet blanket, but I have to admit that there have been far less tourists the last few years. :D

    Bangkok is the place to be,no traffic,smog or people. :o:D:D

  8. To recover significant loss of revenue from this year's shortfall in visa-holding tourist arrivals, as well as to underwrite those who do arrive on the 'free' Tourist Visa scheme, a one-off emergency tax on all categories of Non Immigrant 'O' visa extension starts today, 1 April.

    The extra charge applies to all foreign passport holders applying for a 12 month extension of their visa, and is calculated based on the length of the foreigner's previous period of continuous stay. The 'tax' is payable at the time of the foreigner's next visa extension application. The actual amount is 1,000 Baht for each previous year's extension of stay.

    So, for example, if you have already had ten previous consecutive visa extensions you will pay 10,000 Baht tax, on top of the usual 1,900 Baht extension fee.

    For someone who has already had two yearly extensions, the extra 'tax' would be 2,000 Baht. There is no upper cut-off point, and no 'grandfathering' for very long stayers.



    1 April

    They don't need any new revenue ideas. :o

  9. I know that the Thai government have been issuing tourist visas at no cost, and will do for another 2 months.

    I'm coming to the end of my 2nd stay on a double entry tourist visa (60 days) - I understood when I got this back in November that it could be extended for 30 days (in Thailand) at a cost of 1900 baht, but was wondering whether this cost is waived at the moment or not.

    Please if anyone can give me an answer to this I would appreciate it so much.

    I'm from the UK.

    Nothing is free inside Thailand. :o:D:D:D

  10. It's almost that time of year again when I must spend that dreaded day at Bangkok Immigration to renew my retirement visa. Is it possible to use a service company to do this for you? Has anyone ever used such a service? What kind of charges?

    Thanks for any information

    You do not apply to renew Visa, It is a years extention you apply for. As Lite Beer said if you are living in Jontiem you apply there. It should be quite easy.

    I think you can use a service company. I also think they are rather expensive. If you look it up on Google you will find plenty there ready to ake your money.


    You renew your extension. :o:D:D:D

  11. i suppose there is ass holes no matter where you go ..if i met these guys id suss them out in a few minutes and i wouldnt even bother talking to them and go on about my business else where........it costs nothing to be nice.......

    Everybody has an ahole,some people have two.You find them all over not just Thailand. :o:D:D

  12. I made it quite clear why your post was closed. Blanket statements as you made are inflammatory and trollish.

    If you are suggesting people are "racist" against your girlfriend because she is from Burma, then it seems a bit odd since essentially, they are quite similar.

    Perhaps your term "ultranationalistic" is more appropriate in this case .

    keeping it to specifics rather than blanket generalizations over who is the worst will find your thread remaining open.

    Outrageous SBK! You know dayum well Thais are extremely racist against the Burmese. Similar?! You know how mad you would make ANY Thai for saying they were essentially similar to Burmese? LOL!! I'm still flabbergasted, go ahead and ask your husband if Thais are racist against Burmese. He sounds like a smart guy so will probably give you a straight answer.

    He is the one that told me they are essentially the same. personally, he thinks it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with nationalism. :D

    I guess towing the boat people out to see wasn't racism,just brotherly love. :o:D:D

  13. never realised water was a separate charge.just looking at the unit cost of electricity tells me its by a private company rather than govt. supply which is usually around 3baht to 3.5 baht a unit.

    On 6 baht a unit i think you could look at 1000 baht upwards per month for electricity alone.So at 18 baht per unit for water,the cost would depend on how many showers per day you have and for how long.

    Figure air con is 80% of the electric bill.

  14. I've got a small humidor setup that I've been using for quite a few years but recently I noticed that it was time to change my humidifier.

    What I'm looking for is either pre-made humidifier solution or propylene glycol (to make my own solution). I'm also open to other suggestions on how to keep the humidity.


    Try the very excellent cigar shop in the Oriental Hotel

    Put them in the frig.

  15. I would n't mind betting the USA would go to war if others tried to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency,in fact the USA's difficulties would be well sorted with an international incident that led to a war,its happened in the past.building industries,munition industries,auto makers,food production and clothing would all benefit,and the money thr FED prints to fund it would actually be used constructively to get production going again,instead of being consumed down a black hole which is happening now.my 2 cents worth.

    They already have two wars.

  16. i dont get your post? ....
    I want a window air-con in addition to my bedroom split air con

    so you want one of these units?


    I am 35 floors up, if anyone can steal it they can have it.

    you want to get rid?

    Yes I am looking to buy one,the comment was for someone that is going to say they are easy to steal.

  17. I always thought you could do stuff around your own home without any problems....for example working in the garden or painting something. Am I wrong?

    The other day I was shoveling some stuff around the yard and the BIB cruised by, stopped & chatted with me.....they didnt say anything but were rather amused that a farang knew how to use a shovel....they told me they thought that back in my home country that I would of had thai people digging holes for me :D ....they were highly amused when I told them that in farangland we actually build our own houses, paint, work in the garden, clean etc.

    To make matters worse, I'm not actually living in the house yet because we are making renovations etc before moving in.

    Is someone suggesting they might come back and arrest me for what I was doing :D ....you've got to be joking, right?

    I also clean my motorcycle regularly, clean the house....as I am sure most people do?? Whats the go?

    If he rents out his condos then he is working,he should have kept his mouth shut,stayed off the board and not made anybody mad.


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