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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. It is going to depend a lot on how complicated you want to make it.

    I got my CBR done for B2000 but it was a single color and I brought him the pieces. I did the graphics later myself.

    It is the airbrush portion that is a mystery to me, but I am also curious, so if you find out airbrush prices let me know.

    Photo please...and who did the paint for you, where? I have an old vrr150 that could use some paint, mostly on the tank, black would be fine. Maybe some silver or black on the frame too.



  2. I believe very strongly that this amounts to a type of terrorism,........
    I don't think he should be jailed. He shot be shot along with every other perp in on it.........

    Dear oh dear!..............children, children, can we please stick to sensible discussion.

    Okay Brainiac, here's the definition for you, so you can compare it to the topic at hand and the actions of those involved. Not to mention the effects of being held in a Thai jail facing false criminal charges. Do you need me to also post the definition of coerce, or do you think you can manage some understanding?


    1.the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce.

    2.the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

    Main Entry: ter·ror·ism

    Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m

    Function: noun

    1 : the unlawful use or threat of violence. esp. against the state or the public

    as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion

    2 : violent and intimidating gang activity

    Got it now, DAD?!

  3. Issaquah Press (Washington state, USA) / 2009-06-23

    "In another 2005 instance, Bradford asked a male employee to marry a female relative who wanted to bring her two children to the United States. Bradford paid the man $10,000 to $15,000 for the marriage, the documents said."

    Did that include the sinsod? :)

    All kidding aside, it's pretty ridiculous to see rather petty offenses like this pursued and prosecuted, when the US southern borders are absolutely overrun with tens of thousands of daily illegal entrants, many of whom are seeking little more than to get on the dole, work in the drug trade, or rejoin their gang-banger buddies.

    Seems pretty obvious that this is a case of some bureaucrat looking for a political scapegoat to make it look like someone is actually doing their job. Thais get the book thrown at them while Latinos get a pass. Can anyone say discriminatory law enforcement and prosecution? Meanwhile ... Rome burns .... and Nero fiddles.

    <deleted>? They should prosecute and deport anyone and everyone involved in illegal immigration, especially of this type, and including those married individuals, as it is well known to drain resources, jobs, and other rights of citizens and legal immigrants down significantly. I have been involved first hand in seeing the wanton disregard and lawlessness of people who enter this way. I too used to think it wasn't a big deal. BUT IT IS!

    Anybody understand what events first initiated metal detectors at places like courthouses? Geez.... yeah, obvious.

    Double for the Ani-burgers of this community!

  4. I believe very strongly that this amounts to a type of terrorism, by definition, not just extortion, and that everyone involved should face severe penalties. Maybe even as someone else suggested, "a crime against Thailand" or even a crime against the countries of those terrorized.

    If Thailand doesn't take a strong stance against the perpetrators, including police involved, I can assure them extensive coverage of every incident of this type in the U.S. media.

    This Sri Lanken criminal should be easy to find and jailed just on what he has already openly admitted.

    I expect to see that in the media soon.

    abc News

    edit: remove unecessary formatting commands

  5. It is a bit silly to use a case in Seattle to instill the fear of god, or the Federal government, into the US based Thai population

    Its a bit silly to think that is the case.

    As Thewalkingman surmised, the FEDS didn't go looking for it, it came to them and dropped in their lap. If they don't investigate and this fact is revealed it is grounds for an IA investigation (of the FEDS)

    The Thai media love it because here are Thais oppresssed by other goverments immigration laws.

    <deleted>? Oppressed?

    I'd like to know how blatantly conspiring to breaking the law in order to take advantage, yet again, of the U.S. is oppressive?


  6. I still think it's a big deal when these line-jumpers contravene those going the fully legal route and who must wait months and months for approval and expend lots of time, energy, and money in the lengthy process. As the Immigration officer in the news videolink says it creates a lot of problems for those that want to enter legitimately.

    Well it would also help if the U.S. immigration system wasn't broken beyond repair. If keeping people out is the main purpose of the system, it's no wonder many are trying to circumvent it.

    I don't have a solution either, sadly, but the fact is that there are many people who try to enter legally and are rejected, and so they try to enter illegally.

    As if the Thai system could even be compared!

    I could vent on this topic from any angle all day long. But the main point I can make is that people who enter the country illegally, tend to start off thinking doing things illegally is okay and just the way things are done. Sorry, but that has been my extensive experience I am dead sick of it and hope when they are caught, they are punished severely. That in mind, I don't know how severe is possible in this case, as prisons in the U.S., especially most women's prisons, are a vacation getaway compared to Thailands prisons, and even a substantial increase in living standard for most Thai's.

    Bitter? Me? Nooooo...

  7. When you mess with something that falls within the US Fed's jurisdiction, things can get serious quick.

    'marriages of convenience' have been common in the States for many years, and most of the time they're not a big deal for either the man or the woman or a big deal for American society as a whole. One of the drawbacks could be coerced sex for the woman. Taking a payment for brokering a marriage is, as far as I know, not against any US law. The Feds are acting on the premise of 'illegal immigration' - which is rather silly, when you consider tens of thousands of Mexicans slip illegally in to the States on any given day.

    Yeah, sure, right. Immigration Fraud is a very big deal, especially compared to a migrant worker crossing the border to work illegally. And when they are caught by immigration, they sit in an immigration detention center until they are deported. They don't get released on their own recognizance. This particular offense cost me an enormous amount in the U.S. when I got involved with someone who was in the country in just this manner and would do anything to remain. I'm still cleaning up the mess. Besides, I think reciprocity should dictate that Thai's in the U.S. should have to submit to same immigration nightmare we face here in Thailand, married or not.

    Not to mention I am from Seattle and Washington and I know these restaurants. Too bad for them, but considering what I lost for not breaking the law, I think they should end up being much worse off than me. Som nom na, right?

    That's my cent's worth!

  8. Hey guys, I've been shopping bikes lately and so I've checked into a lot of the ads on thaivisa, I believe this one is a scam and I don't know where to report it. I've pasted the emails between myself and the "seller" (of air) so you can decide for yourself if this "too good to be true" really is. This guy isn't even very good at his scam, nothing he says makes sense.

    here is the link: http://classifieds.thaivisa.com/automotive...sale-26315.html

    And here are the emails:

    Hello sir

    there is no link available now because i registered the bike to the eBay shipping

    --- On Mon, 6/29/09, John E. Fallis <[email protected]> wrote:

    From: John E. Fallis <>

    Subject: Re: M/C for sale

    To: "Claud Success" <[email protected]>

    Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 2:09 AM

    Fine if the bike is listed with ebay, what is the link? What is the location of the bike?

    From: Claud Success <[email protected]>

    To: John E. Fallis <>

    Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 8:29:43 AM

    Subject: Re: M/C for sale

    Hello Dear John

    happy to read from you and nice for your question because its good for you to know more about my bike,the bike is presently with the eBay shipping since i registered it there and this is why i asked for your address so that i can forward to the eBay motors for them to contact you with more information and the payment regarding my bike,now they act as the middle men because my bike is like insured with them and this is to protect both i and the buyers
    for now am waiting for your information as follows for me to give the eBay to contact you with more info regarding my bike .i think it will be more good hearing from them than i .so i need your information as follows

    your names



    zip code

    as well as your phone number and also your nearest airport to your location.

    Waiting for your reply

    --- On
    Mon, 6/29/09, John E. Fallis

    From: John E. Fallis <>

    Subject: Re: M/C for sale

    To: "Claud Success" <[email protected]>

    Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 12:48 AM

    Claude, Where is the bike now? Do you have the link for the listing on ebay? Green book? Thanks, John

    Claud Success <[email protected]>


    Monday, June 29, 2009 5:08:03 AM

    Re: M/C for sale

    Good to read from you regarding my motor bike.. i am selling it because i will be moving to Canada to take over the post of my colleague who is not doing doing well at his post.for all i can tell you about my bike is positive as well as you can also see, the bike is very strong,strong wheels,strong engine,well safe and beautiful tank for fuel, and more to that a Harley Davidson creation(popular).And i have only used it for 9 months.From now i have just 2 days to live the country and that is why i am selling the bike for $3000 .for now i have registered the bike at the eBay shipping company since i will be leaving the country in two days time and so you will have to pay a deposit of the bike to the eBay shipping company and that will be $1500 and when they send the bike to you,then you will finish the remaining $1500 when you receive the Bike. So you will have to make the deposit to the eBay shipping company and they will ship the bike to you and you will have 5 business days to test the bike and if it is not what you want then your money will be given back to you.But i promise you that the bike is in a very good condition and you will have no problems with it because it is still like new.So just reply me with your full address which i forward to the eBay shipping company and they will contact you soon and let you know how the payment will be done and when the bike will be shipped to you.

    Waiting to read from you soon.

  9. USS New Orleans amphibious transport vessel with just over 1,000 crew members, about 10% of whom are female oficers.

    When asked why Phuket was chosen as a port of call for all five ships, Mr Davies explained that Phuket was the destination of choice among crew members due to the island’s diverse options in entertainment. That sentiment was confirmed by other crew members who said that they always receive a warm welcome from the locals in Phuket.

    Has anybody confirmed the above - or that in fact this vessels are men of war - oops, men and women of war.

    So the ship's company decide where the ship goes? How very democratic. Where shall we go next lads? Tahiti sounds good, at least Fletcher Christian and his mates thought so. I'm now wondering what American admirals and their staffs do for a living?

    Does this new freedom extend to the US army? If so, how long before they up sticks from Afghanistan and Iraq and poodle off somewhere more amenable? Barbados is good.

    I'm also wondering what advantage is gained by making a ship appear smaller. If a missile can hit a fast moving aircraft 20 or 30 miles away ......................


  10. Hi countryman, a Yamaha Nuovo will be a very pleasant solution, strong engine for a more sportive style of driving (for you) and very convenient and easy to handle for ladies bc of the scooter style, we have a big topbox which easily carries our familyshopping, although we have 2 Kawasaki 250cc for long distance touring we love our Nuovo for the go around town trips. Normally when the bike is on stock you can drive away with a red license plate and all the registration and insurance stuff is done by the dealer, you just need your wife's IDcard and of course the payment.

    I concur with this information also. This is a perfect combination of bikes for Thailand without spending too much. Although I prefer the 72,000 baht Tiger 250RS price to the Kawasaki's 200k range. For what you are doing spaceman, you should do great with 2 nouvos in the situation you described, or even 1 nouvo and 1 Tiger for only about 20k baht more if you think you might need a longer distance bike too.


  11. Hey Spaceman,

    I've been here for nearly a year now and have relentlessly been reviewing the pro's and cons of which bikes for which purpose. If I am right to assume you don't have any tight limitations on budget, then the best bike by far for what you are describing, is the Yamaha Nouvo Elegance. It's 135cc watercooled automatic, big enough for you and the use you describe, as well as for her and 2 kids. Be aware that you cannot buy in your name without at least a non-imm visa usually, but you should be able to take them the same day, and even have them trucked or sent by train or bus, or even through the post office (yeah, I know, cool huh?) to wherever you are going. If you tell me where, I might be able to make a better, more specific suggestion. Everything else you asked about can be accomplished easily pretty much as you described.

    Where are you now?


    Thanks for the reply.

    Going to Sisaket and from my experience so far the roads are pretty good and no hills to talk of, there were a a handful shops selling bikes but I have no idea about the availability. About 50K Baht per bike is my limit and registering them in her name is not a problem for me I knew this from the beginning. Problem is there are no rental places in town so we have to get at least one bike the first day to be able to get around.

    But 125cc and up should be good right? Her an kids weigh less than me so whats good for me will work for her :)

    Yeah, definitely should be able to negotiate 2 Yamaha Nouvo Elegance for about 100,000 baht if you buy 2 at same time. 110,000 maximum for the mag wheel model. Depends how a good a negotiator you are. It should work perfectly for the situation you describe. The other nice thing about having 2 the same, is you only have to get familiar with one bike and can swap back and forth easily. This bike will work good for you. No shifting, good power, easy and comfortable to ride. Nothing else even comes close in my opinion. And the price is reasonable. I prefer the model with mag wheels/tubeless tires, otherwise there is nothing else to chose except colors. If you can buy in Sisaket, then you will likely have better relationship with the dealer/shop there. I would suggest you look what is available there and if you can't get the colors/models you want, then go to the next nearest town and check. Many many many dealers in Thailand.

  12. Just curious because their website is lacking.

    Is it good / costly / over and above the normal package>

    Any thoughts for those who have it?


    Don't buy anything from TRUE, unless you absolutey have to have it, and cannot get something else that will work from someplace else.

    Their customer service is non-existent when it comes down to the root of very simple serious issues, they just don't do the right thing. They don't care about their obligations or the expenses incurred by the customer in trying to resolve THEIR responsibilities to the customer. "F-you, pay me anyway, even when nothing works for months" is their basic policy. I could write pages and pages of the crap I and others have been through with them, but they are not worth discussing that much as it might lead to thinking it possible to actually resolve something with them.

    The issues were so numerous and so bad that my building manager had a wireless system and Internet from Max-Net installed in the whole building so that everyone could dump TRUE. Now we have great service for about 1/4 what we each paid before for something that didn't work, although they would tell you it did, even when you have numerous daily speedtest reports printed out to convince them otherwise. Unfortunately our cable TV is still TRUE, although the building now buys one connection and a couple hundred of us share it, also taking a chunk of TRUE's income away from them for being so worthless otherwise.

    Enough said?


  13. Hey Spaceman,

    I've been here for nearly a year now and have relentlessly been reviewing the pro's and cons of which bikes for which purpose. If I am right to assume you don't have any tight limitations on budget, then the best bike by far for what you are describing, is the Yamaha Nouvo Elegance. It's 135cc watercooled automatic, big enough for you and the use you describe, as well as for her and 2 kids. Be aware that you cannot buy in your name without at least a non-imm visa usually, but you should be able to take them the same day, and even have them trucked or sent by train or bus, or even through the post office (yeah, I know, cool huh?) to wherever you are going. If you tell me where, I might be able to make a better, more specific suggestion. Everything else you asked about can be accomplished easily pretty much as you described.

    Where are you now?


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