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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Oh, and by asset concealment do you mean that one share given to him as a gift, for a cooperative that went bust ages ago? Wasn't it, per chance, the work of the NCCC team put in by Thaksin in revenge for 2000 indictment? The team that was booted out for corruption themselves (or giving themselves illegal payraises)?

    If I recall correctly there happen to appear shares in his name, connected to the scandal ridden

    "Suratthani-Cooperative-Ltd-CO-OP" located in Phun Pin.

    Does anyone remember the shooting on April 10th. 2001 of Withayut Sangsopit,

    the Chairman of this very Coop for disclosing "irregularities"?

    Beside that he was a bsuinessman, he was a Journalist and a presenter of a program on Fourth Army Radio.

    Link to Article:

    very interesting piece of information!

    Chuan insisted not knowing about this fact, being a shareholder in this very Cooperative!

    Which was used in a non confidence debate against the democrat led coalition, targeting Chuan.

    As well as the "true value" of his house was supposedly around 100.000 ThB higher than his financial statements declared!

    How high was the value of the shares Mr.Thaksin "forgot" in his "honest mistake" to declare?

    With what intention someone would try to whitewash the hands of this man soiled all the way up to his armpits and

    try to justify this with a simple "he is a nice guy, never did anything wrong,

    did a lot of good for the nation and has been framed by Royalists and his enemies in the army?

    What about Samak got kicked out of his PM post for moonlighting as a cook which he has been doing for years (before he become a PM). Is that such a BIG crime. Does he deserves that too? This was a laugh for the BBC, CNN, etc.

  2. Just had a meeting with clients (an MNC) on one of the industrial estates. Got taken aside by one of the management to have a coffee at the end of the meeting.

    He asked me my opinion about the situation, at which point I diplomatically stated it isn't my business since I am not Thai. He then drew me what he believed to be the structure of British politics from the top to the army. He then drew the Thai equivalent and explained that he was an ardent UDD supporter and pointed out where he believed the problems lay.

    He stated that the people now know what the real problems are with the structure and that he will be off to protest tonight. The word appears to be spreading, and these are not all "lower" class people protesting. What astonished me was how brazenly he pointed out where he believed the problems lay.

    Your client must be Ms. Koo.

  3. Its too bad the people who proposed the survey and the ones wasting their time putting numbers together did not read any past surveys on individuals time watching the idiot box. This has been concluded many times since the introduction of tv. Reckon the same could have been said for radio when it was in its hay day.

    And watch will they say about internet in the future?

  4. Whats so surprising about this?

    It's the same all over the world , Internet and TV dominating most of our time.

    Books are history . I do all my reading online.

    I agree.

    Technology change, so must we. I find nothing wrong with that.

    When monkey start coming down from trees, some monkies complain that monkies now live more in houses than trees (which is more environment friendly).

  5. While Koo's real identity has come into debate, that is not the point. the point is that such rumor mongering is not acceptable on this forum and further such posts with no real proof of anything at all will be deleted and the poster warned and suspended.

    Remember when Koo claims that some police was with the Red and have Red headband (or ribbon or whatsoever). Every one laught and damand proof from the lunatic Koo. So did I. Apparently Koo now is having the last laugh.... Read this by tha Nation


    Officers supporting red shirts to face action

    By The Nation

    The Metropolitan Police will investigate and take possible disciplinary measures against police officers who publicly displayed their support for anti-government protesters, a senior officer said yesterday.

    Pol Maj-General Suporn Phansua, a Metropolitan Police spokesman, said yesterday that officers had the right to show their political preference when they were not in uniform and outside of working hours.

    "It's very improper for them to join [a political protest] in uniform," the spokesman said, adding that a police officer's duty is to keep law and order at a protest site and are required to stay neutral.

    Suporn said the Metropolitan Police Bureau would identify which officers took part in the protest while in uniform and would urge their supervisors to take disciplinary action against them.

    Many policemen recently participated in the protest outside Government House and queued up to receive red T-shirts, a symbol of the anti-government rally.

    Natthawut Saikua, a co-leader of the red-shirted protesters, said that as many as 1,000 shirts and 500 headbands had been distributed to police officers sympathising with the movement.

    He said the organisers also received requests for red shirts from soldiers guarding Government House. He added that the number of protesters increased in the evenings because police officers joined them after finishing their jobs.

  6. Police to face disciplinary probe for supporting red-shirts

    BANGKOK: -- The Metropolitan Police will investigate for possible disciplinary action police officers in uniform who publicly displayed their support to the anti-government protesters, a senior officer said Tuesday.

    Police Maj-General Suporn Phansua, the Metropolitan Police spokesman, said yesterday that any officer has the right to show their political preference outside of working hours and when they are not in uniforms.

    "It's extremely improper for them to join [a political protest] in uniforms," the police spokesman said.

    He added that police have the duty of keeping law and order at the protest site and are required to stay neutral.

    -- The Nation 2009-03-31

    I always thought that Koo was joking when she said that some Police was with the Red. Now I believe her. You are such a hero.

  7. Civil Court orders protesters to stop blocking officials from entering Govt House

    BANGKOK: -- The Civil Court Tuesday evening issued an injunction for the red-shirted protesters to stop blocking officials from entering the Government House complex.

    The court issued the injunction after the PM's Office filed a lawsuit against the protesters.

    -- The Nation 2009-03-31

    If the Yellow can ignore a similar court order, why can't the Red. Unless they both live in different countryies, under different laws.

  8. I agree with you. I think Chuan have no intension, and should not be punish for it.

    Mark, like most Chinese escape army, it is a VERY common thing in Thailand; IMHO should not be punish for it.

    BUT please set the same standard.

    All I am saying is that

    Why should Samak be punished for such a small offends, moonlighting as a cook?

    Can you please provide your view on this matter?

  9. 2,000 volunteered red guards have no weapon and not covering faces.

    In most case I do not quite agree with Koo. However I must agree with him that the Red gurads do not have obvious wespons (I don't know if any is hidden) and do not cover their face.

    This is unlike the guards of the Yellow, who mostly cover their face, and openly handle weapons such as golf clubs, base ball bats etc. Unless you are telling me that they are playing balls.

  10. Chuan is regarded as not corrupt and had after his term as PM less money than before. He repaired the 1997 crises in which Thaksin was also involved. The only thing you can complain at is that the Chuan government was slow.

    Why was Chuan found by the National Counter Corruption Commission to be concealing assets then?

    And the Chuan government was plagued by corruption scandals. It's where he got his nickname of 'the painter'.

    Shows just how little you know about Thai politics pre-Thaksin.

    Additionally, Thaksin was appointed in the cabinet after the government sparked the crisis by refusing to devalue the Baht.

    So get your facts right before spouting off nonsense.

    I recommend to search the internet a little bit.

    The corruption cases of the democrats in the total 60 years are less than in one year of Thaksin.

    Chuan had "undeclared shareholdings in a rural cooperative", not really a big thing.

    That the 1997 crises was a big dirty game in which some made a lot money, is well known, if he did something himself is not clear but it was the group of people he belong to.

    I agree with you that Chuan had "undeclared shareholdings in a rural cooperative" is NOT a big thing.

    Mark escape the army. Is this a BIG thing? Mark try to hind the fact.

    What about Samak moonlighting as a cook. Is this a BIG thing? Samak openly apprears on TV.

    The law is the law, no matter how small or stupid that might sound. That's why Thaksin have to go to jail for giving concent, while his wife have all the rights in this world to bid for the Rachada land.

  11. What has happened now that the big hail storm has hit? Breaking news in thai is that many protesters left after being hit by large sized hail, 14 vehicles were badly damaged.

    Can this be a premonition? The Lord Buddha does not approve of the DAAD. Or maybe he is just sick of his followers' infighting.

    Black magic by PAD to send in the hail storm?

    Quick ladies, please donate your used Kotex, Tapons, etc to anti the black magic.

  12. Let's imagine for one minute that the reds win, Thaksin comes back, his slate is cleaned, he runs for, and wins, and becomes prime minister. What will happen to Thailand? Protests will continue - and escalate - he will not be able to solve the matter of the economy any time soon, he tightens up on freedom of press, he persecutes everyone who has been against him, he insults the monarchy, he kills more drug dealers (and innocent bystanders), and Thailand goes up in flames. Surely no one wants that. Abhisit is not perfect, but he is perfectly good enough for now...considering the alternatives. At least he is no hardliner and is doing his damnest to heal the divide. You think for one moment that Thaksin will let bygones be bygones? His return would be wrought with vengence. Scary.

    Let's imagine for one minute that the reds did not win, Thaksin did not comes back, his slate is uncleaned, Mark remains the prime minister. What will happen to Thailand? Protests by the Red will continue - and escalate - Mark will not be able to solve the matter of the economy any time soon, he tightens up on freedom of press, he persecutes everyone who has been against him and those insults the monarchy, he allows more drug dealers and underground lotterys, and Thailand goes up in flames. Surely no one wants that. Thaksin is not perfect, but he is perfectly good enough for now...considering the alternatives. At least he is no hardliner and is doing his damnest to heal the nation economic problem. You think for one moment that Sondhi/Chalmong/Prem/Nawin/Suthep and least Mark will let bygones be bygones? PAD returns would be wrought with vengence. Scary.

    A coin has two sides.

  13. If the Abhisit government seized 76 billion Baht from Thaksin, what are they doing borrowing money from the International Monetary Fund? Why not use this money, or Thailand's own reserves to get the economy on its feet again? By borrowing they will have to end up paying it back from the reserves anyways, not to mention the interest.

    If someone seize the money, it is for themselves, not for the country. The country have to borrow anyway.

  14. In the last few decades, why is Thailand ruled by Chinese (pure or almost 100% chinese blood)?

    good question....I would also think 80-90 % of the business turnover.....

    Ironic isn't it. Why is the Chinese (Mark, Sondhi, et al) fighting with the Chinese (Thaksin et al) over Thailand.

    If the fighting is between the Thai and the Chinese, or the Bargirl and the Farang, or the Budisht and the Christian, or the black and the white, or the men and the women; I can understand that. But the flight is between the Chinese and the Chinese over Thailand? I don't understand why?

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