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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Don't blame the Thai. Blame the Americans. They set the rules.

    If you don't want others to profit from it, empty it.

    I had a sore thumb and have a small tube of medicle gel. The officer say so, so I squeeze empty the tube into the bin, messing everything in there.

    I am thinking, have no courage to do it yet. Find an empty whiskey bottle. Fill up up with pee. Bring to the airport. Security say no. Empty the smelling stuff into the bin, messing everything else in there. ;-)

  2. The picture above is outside the National anti corruption ... office. Unless there are more than one it is between Siam Square and Rachathewi BTS. Does that mean people are protesting in central BKK??

    Just got back from a lunchtime jaunt down to Govt House.

    There is also Corruption Office to the side road of the Government Building, which the photo above shows.

    Probably so the Govt can easily pop in for some advice on corruption.

    Interesting stage set,

    a cross between a launch party for Cherry Coke and a 1950s Soviet birthday parade.


    I'll bang up some more in a wee while

    (If someone can tell me how to get pics in the posts

    without having to do links can you please pp me)

    Nice photos. Also nice photos od your wife/gf family. Pls remind her not to wear that YELLOW t-shirt if she want to appears near the RED protest site.

  3. 1 million baht copany is ok as long as the land is not valued at more (obvious reason).

    These days you need only 3 shareholders not 7, though you can have 7 if you want.

    Up to you as long as the majority are Thai. The company should be registered to engage in businesses that falangs are allowed to be in, there are Thai-only businesses so avoid them. Ask Sunbelt or your accountant/lawyer.

    They are now looking more closely at the shareholders and if they have the actual means to buy shares in the company. This means the noodle lady has a more difficult road to the top of the corporate heap as a company director.

    Shareholders may have to produce bank books showing they had the capital required.

    The company should have turnover, sleping companies attract attention so make sure the company files tax returns and pays some tax if need be (think of it as a cost of doing business).

    Thanks , I ask it here to people who have done it like this.

    So 1mlj is the minimum? Land outsite of cities and tourist area's is cheap.

    I didn't know about the only 3 Thais.

    I hate lawyers, making a company, quotes are from 6000 to 60.000 B. And then they want 10.000 to 20.000 a year

    to do the books and so that I can pay some taxes!

    People work here 26 days a month for 5000B, and those f.. lawyers get 20.000 for an hours


    Yes I know it is a bit out of topic, but if it wasn't for that stupid law for owning land....

    How much does a lawer cost in your country?

  4. The Thai text is from Manager.com

    The English translation is done by my gf, for the benefit of non-Thai readers. Her english is quite good. Thanks for the slight collection is red.

    Basically, Kasit claiming that they are with "Democracy and Monachy" while the other group is NOT. Kasit is very smart is his choice of words, to imply that the red is against the Monachy, byt did not directly say it:

    1. He use the phase "the other group" and not "red shirt, or UDD or Thaksin, etc".

    2. He never said the the other group is against the Monachy; he just said that his group is, but the other group "don't want these"

  5. If you position yourself near to the airline lounges a scan of the wi-fi network should give some opportunities for free wi-fi. In the past I have used those around the E + F gates - 3rd floor.

    That's right. At the E-F-G junctions or A-B-C junction on the 3rd floor. You can pick airport lounge free WiFi like SQ, CX, CIP, etc. All are free.

  6. It would be interesting to know which brand of car the PM owns and drives. Imported with extreme taxes included or made in Thailand showing a little sufficiency and a modicum of support for Thai industry?

    Is he walking the walk?

    I don't know. But he keeps flying to the UK. Good thing Mark has 2 passport (like Giles). It would be handy one day if he has to get away quick (like Giles).

  7. It all seems to be getting a bit too much for Foreign minister Kasit , who even whilst in the govt. seems to be reverting back to the good old days on the stage at at Swampy


    Partial translation at Bangkok Pundit

    Please don't shoot the translator. I followed that link to manager.com and found this message interesting:

    แต่ผมขอเปิดใจว่า วันนี้เป็นการต่อสู้ของ 2 อุดมการณ์ คือ เราต้องการมีประชาธิปไตย มีสถาบันพระมหากษัตริย์ มีรัฐธรรมนูญ แต่อีกฟากไม่ต้องการมีสิ่งเหล่านี้ ดังนั้น เราต้องถามตัวเอง ว่า เราต้องการให้มีสิ่งเหล่านี้หรือไม่ มันถึงเวลาที่เราต้องออกมาแล้ว เพราะวันนี้มันเป็นเรื่องความอยู่รอดของสิ่งที่เราอยู่กันมานายหลายร้อยปี เราต้องสู้แล้ว เพราะเรื่องนี้ไม่ใช่แค่เรื่องการชิงอำนาจทางการเมือง วันนี้ต้องบอกว่า เป็นเรื่องที่อันตรายอย่างใหญ่หลวงที่มีกลุ่มบุคคลที่พยายามดำเนินการบางอย่าง ก็ขอฝากประธานสาขาพรรคประชาธิปัตย์ในที่นี้ด้วยให้ช่วยกัน แต่วันนี้ผมพร้อมจะลุยเองในเรื่องนี้”

    Kasit: "This is a fight between 2 groups of thinkings. We (I suppose PAD) want Democracy and Monachy. But the other group don't want these (I suppose he mean Democracy and Monachy). We have to ask ourselves if we want this or not (I suppose he mean Democracy and Monachy). It is time that we should step out. Becasue it is the survival of these (Democracy and Monachy) which we have lived with for many centuries. This is not a fight for political power. We are in great danger before the other group (I suppose UDD) is trying to do something (stop short of saying what?). I pass this matter the Democrate party chairman now, but I am ready to flight on this matter now.

  8. I find it hilarious that all the PAD loving yellow bellies are calling this the "do or die moment" - the "last rally" - "all or nothing" and are trying to talk it up so they can hammer it down when it ends.

    This is not a do or die.......its not the "last effort".

    This is just a continuation of protests that will go on and on until justice is done.

    How can justice be done if Thaksin is hiding outside?

    He shall come back and stay his 2+ many more cases years in jail...

    I think one of the points the reds are making is that justice is justice, its not a one way thing.

    Many PAD people are clearly recorded on Video breaking many laws - and yet "no justice", "no convictions".

    That is one simple example of why the reds will keep going until justice is done.

    If the Democrats continue to "hide" and not seek proper and swift justice of those PAD people well, they will lost any credibility they have. There are no excuses - if they wanted to start the trials next week they could, but it looks like some "dark hand" is applying pressure to slow down and halt the process so that its all "delayed", delayed so long it will not be ready for trial for another 5 years or more.


    You mean this guy? And the guy behind him holding the King's portrait's behind the gunman? PAD has already said their behavior were not acceptable, and had been asked to leave the PAD guard.

    These guy has already lose his job. No job, no 2,000 Baht cheque. What else do you want from them?

    My guessing, they are now paid by the red-shirts doing the same thing.

  9. The reds strategy is quite clear, it is only the liars who try to portray them as "last attempt" each time.

    Their strategy is to not break the law, and keep holding protests, every few weeks. As more and more lose their jobs and become unemployed, whilst watching the government waste money and go from one scandal to another, they will start to join the reds, and more and more will join the reds, so that by the end around September time the reds rallies will draw hundreds of thousands to the streets each and every time.

    Why do you think the biased people keep trying to say its all "do or die" this time. The last protest. This is their misinformation, but the reds will keep on demonstrating, and each time more and more will join. Its going to be a long battle for them, but time is on their side.............not the Democrats.

    It's certainly one way to look at it. On the other hand, the previous red demo wittled out on the second day and reds had to adjoirn for a month.

    What were the numbers today? For the big Thaksin speach that was postponed? No media reports as far as I can see.

    If reds can't keep the demo running beyond Moday, they are finished.

    "Each time more and more will join" is not going to happen. In fact even the peak numers are either flat or falling. Without sustainable pressure they can't achive anything.

    Are you suggesting to strike while it is still hot? Take the airports now?

  10. Giles comment about a western mindset is perfectly rational.

    It was in Paitip's post, on the second page here, number 33:

    "IMHO, I am quite sure they would put Giles in jail, max sentence, and no pardon. Because his thinking is Western, not Thai."

    I thought that was complete nonsense - put in jail, max sentence, no pardon, because he has Western thinking.


    Did you read it? If so, why do you think it's rational?

    Paitip was right. The only crime Giles committed was that he thinks differently from the Thai people, who are blind from years of propaganda.

    Can anyone tell me why Giles' father had to run away to England and never allowed back by the Thai government? His father's crime was almost the same; western style thinking (even an English wife), which was against the grain of the blind and conservative Thai people.


  11. They have talked on the red stage this morning and until now that they heard Abhisit government may announce State of Emergency before the video link talk tonight of Khun Thaksin.

    Does anyone have any news?


    Govt 'to avoid clashes,' protect airport

    "Meanwhile, some 2,000 people dressed in blue, consisting of police and troops plus health volunteers, gathered at a building at Suvarnabhumi yesterday in case an effort is made to seize the airport." -The Nation / Asia News Network

    - - ----

    See a sea of blue, I hope AOT do not press the panic button like last time.

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