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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. This discussion of Thai farmers is more stimulating than the stimulus package is likely to be!

    Hang on here. Who say money is for poor farmers? It is suppose to be for the RICH BANGKOK ELITE and it has already started.

    1. Increase Tax Cut on property (poor people hardly buy property, they build themselves)

    2. Extend FREE electric & water (poor people don't even have access to electricity & piped water).

    3. Extend tax cut on Gasohol (who drive the big new car that can take gasohol? poor people most drive old car & motocyle which CANNOT take gasohol as it swell their engine rubber parts)

    4. Tax incentive for investing in stock market (OK, the increase of LTF limit was PPP idea, original idea was TRT to push up SHIN & ADVANC stock price before the SOB sold it to the S'porean who is stuip enough to see their investment halfs almost immediately)

    5. Etc etc.

    OK, some meatless bone might be left for the poor farmers.

  2. Let's just see if he has the guts to go up to Issan.

    Let's just see if if the RED will throw SHlT at him.

    you like shit so much that's why you like reds. red means blood,means agression do you know?

    Read means love and prosperity. In Chinese wedding, eveything is red. Have you seen the Chinese stock market? Red mean up (not down).

    Have you heard "The East is RED".

    The east is red, the sun is rising. China has brought forth a Mao Zedong. He amasses fortune for the people, Hurrah, he is the people's great savior. Chairman Mao loves the people, He is our guide, To build a new China, Hurrah, he leads us forward! The Communist Party is like the sun, Wherever it shines, it is bright. Wherever there is a Communist Party, Hurrah, there the people are liberated!

  3. OK, reopen the case. However things have to be done legally. This is Thailand.

    First, it has to go throught the parliment, have some debate, and change the law (assume it pass). Then they can print the currency. Before that, another found using those illegal currency could be arrested.

    I am not anti a new local currency, but I think it is very important to respect the law. Don't like the law, or if the law is outdated, change it. Else every man & his dog can do things as he see fit, even if he breaks the law of the land.

  4. But I wonder whether this sort of local barter-system voucher might be viewed, as an extension of the self-sufficiency economy, and therefore get official commendation ?

    Hi Ricardo,

    You're more "on the money" :o than you realise - except that the scheme's proponents refer to it more often as "self-reliance". Long report, but the following link to it will show you what I mean:


    "In July 2000, at a meeting of the Board of the Bank of Thailand, it was finally concluded that the use of Bia Kud Chum violated Article 9 of the Currency Act of 1958. This article ‘forbids anyone from making, distributing, using or issuing any material to replace currency, except where permission has been granted by the Minister of Finance’. In addition, the Bia bank was said to violate Article 9 of the Commercial Banking Act of 1962, which ‘forbids individuals other than commercial banks from using the word ‘bank’ or other words with the same meaning’. As a result, the Bia Kud Chum working committee decided to change the name of the system from ‘Bia Bank’ to the ‘Self-reliant Community Development Group’. In July 2001, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) announced that they agreed with the BoT that Bia violated the law and should not be allowed."

    If this is illegal, anyone found using it can be arrested. Just like the 1,000 Baht fake bank note. Case close.

  5. from what i can find out, they are more of a smoke bomb than an explosive device.

    Maybe a bit of karma?

    "A ping pong bomb exploded inside the Government House complex Thursday afternoon while the prime minister was chairing a meeting of senior security officers"......................... "The bomb was believed to be hidden when the People's Alliance for Democracy seized the Government House last year."


    Not possible that it was planted by the YELLOW because the YELLOW are peaceful unarmed protesters made up of mostly children, woman and the elderly from the Bangkok Elite. Could be from the other side (mainly poor and uneducated farmers), trying to scare the Bangkok Elite.

  6. No pubs inspected in year since law took effect

    Not one pub or entertainment venue in Bangkok has been inspected for compliance with building safety codes since new inspection requirements took effect on Dec 29, 2007.

    This is despite the fact that entertainment venues are among the nine types of buildings subject to mandatory inspection by Bangkok Metropolitan Authority (BMA) officials.

    Safety concerns about nightspots have risen to the fore since the New Year's Eve blaze that killed 64 people at the Santika club in Bangkok.

    Chollachai Thammaviwatnukoon, president of the Building Safety Inspectors and Officers Association (BSA), said the association did not find one pub or entertainment venue on the list of inspected buildings.

    The Interior Ministry is responsible for the Building Control Act nationwide but enforcement is the responsibility of each province and district.

    According to the BMA, a total of around 5,900 buildings in Bangkok were required by law to be inspected. Though 3,000 were inspected, only 200 received inspection certificates (Ror. 1).

    Question is, what has Apirak, the previous governor has been doing all this time?

    he has been BMA all along (only until recently). No inspection done that is required by BMA?

    Or is he busy in providing mobile toilet to PAD protestor at the Govt House.

  7. Murder, assault, kidnapping, insurrection, vandalism, theft etc is all acceptable to the police if done by the PAD, but don't anyone non PAD throw eggs or they will be arrested.

    One could be forgiven for thinking there is less than a balanced approach to the two sides, no doubt though someone will clear up this silly misconception for me though... :o

    Not to mention shut the airports. Swampy, DM, Phuket, HatYai & Krabi. PAD will always walk FREE. You have a problem what that?

  8. Frankly, the way I see it, is that BMA wants a share in the corruption pie which is now mainly pocket by the police, and maybe, to a smaller extend, the admin court.

    What's next? The club owner also have to pay the fire department under the table as well (to get a cert of approval every 3 months), and the local council (any cert of approval every 1 month), ..., etc. The list could go endless.

  9. Mark policy on the crackdown doesn't seems to be very popular.

    I guess discussion about the abuse of crack down to silence human rights view should be OK.

    Any discussion related to the monachy must not be discussed here.

    = = = = = = =

    Thai govt is under fire for Internet crackdown

    BANGKOK: Rights activists accused Thailand's new government yesterday of stifling freedom of speech and silencing its political opponents under the guise of a crackdown on Internet pages criticising the m...

    The Democrat-led government's plans to add 400 web pages to 2,300 already blocked for les maj was ironic given the party's frequent championing of freedom of expression while in opposition, said Sunai Phasuk of US-based Human Rights Watch.

    It was also similar to the tools used by its arch rival, ousted leader Thaksin Shinawatra, to gag dissent, he added.

    "The Democrat-led government must not hypocritically use the les maj law to further undermine the state of human rights and democracy in Thailand," he said.

    Full news here

    http://www.newsmeat.com/news/meat.php?arti...;channelId=2951 (source from Reuters)


  10. I see Abhisit the phoney's nephew is also a toff at Eton.

    What a fantastic message that sends out...

    Wonder if he will get a vote,...at least he will be able to learn all about the ignorant and uneducated rural thai poor.

    As I have often mentioned it's almost impossible to underestimate the chippy class sensitivity of the English lower middle classes.As though being an Etonian was some sort of crime.

    If I'm not mistaken Abhisit's nephew won a King's Scholarship a couple of years ago to Eton from his Bangkok school, a fantastic achievement since it is a highly demanding and rigorous exam.I would have thought all those who have Thailand's interests at heart should be very proud of him.

    Ex Thaksin spokman / ex-Foreign Minister also won a King's Scholarship to study law in Oxford. Should we be proud of Noppadon Pattama too?

    You betray your ignorance.King's Scholars at Eton are named after the founder, Henry VI of England.The name has nothing to do with Thailand's system of King's Scholarships.

    Indeed, two separate scholarships.

    Sorry, I did not know that there is more than 1 king scholarship. However, Thai king is praised as the king of kings during the last major celebration in Thailand where many kings attended. Long live the king(s). Please accept my apologies.

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