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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. That would be Baht 1,538 per Thai.

    Considering the average income for labor workers in agriculture (some 49% of the Thai population = 18 million people) is less than Baht 3,500/month it's a welcome extra.

    If it will help -long term- is another thing but I assume that most of the Baht 100 Billion is pumped into the economy straight away because, if people get that money cash they will spend it immediately; so we can expect a short but shocky ''economy boom'' in March/April; a lot of that money is taxed as well and will flow back into the wallet of the ministry of finance; after that.......who knows ?


    Will the cheque be in the post, or do I need to queue up at Mark's office to get it?

  2. Hua Hin will be a smart choice:

    1. The RED will have to spread their numbers (which is already thin) into 2; to Swampy & Hua Hin.

    2. Hua Hin is in the South, Dems ground (Chiang mai will be unthinkable)

    3. The palace is there, so the RED will have to think twice doing anything funny.

    4. If the BKK-HH road is block, or Swampy is block, Mark can still fly the delegates down to HH airport.

    5. Many RED in BKK are taxi drivers, which can block road, airport etc. They are unlikely to join the protest in HH.

    6. Border army is there. Most import, there is a big Navy base there, easy to mobilise without being stuck in BKK traffic.

    7. Any incident will have minimum casulty in HH. Too many innocent by-standers in BKK might get hurt if conflict in BKK.

    Now, the RED muct re-plan. Capture Swampy. This is a sign that Mark government is on a run.

  3. Jet airways is the best airline in India (I heard). Flights from BKK are all in the newer narrow body 737 with TV screens for all classes.

    My wife flew them once lat November, and it is OK. However they change last minute (without telling us) the domestic connection to a Jet Lite, which is their low cost airline. At the connecting airport, they provide her a credit note for use for future booking, which is not transferable, and needless to say, we just toss it into the bin.

    Bags don't check through on the outward journey which is understand able, as it have to go through customs. However, they also refuse to check through bags on the return journey, which I find it unresonable.

    Don't forget you can collect miles. She put in into her NorthWest program.

  4. "We will write to all nine Asean ambassadors to ask them to convey our message that the red-shirts will not allow Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya to host the ASEAN meeting," core pro-Thaksin leader Jatuporn Prompan told AFP.

    "We will not allow the terrorist Kasit to host the summit. We will mobilise hundreds of thousands to rally to show that the majority of Thai people do not accept him," said Jatuporn, who is also an opposition lawmaker.

    - AFP / 2009-01-06

    There is a high chance that the said rally may be targetted at Swampy. I have put my travel around those key dates on hold.

  5. PAD has confronted many government ministers in the South, not once any incident of throwing eggs or anything at them was reported.

    And then there's the image of Chuan - he's not Samak or Chalerm who most of the time just ask to be abused back.

    You guys argue lack of democracy when here we have lack of civility.

    The Dems are testing the water again by sending Chuan.

    I think Mark is using Chuan as a human shield. How long can he hide behind Chuan back, the only person in his team that is uncorrupted. Time for him to travel up North, or is he a chicken, that do not dare to visit the other half of Thailand. Calling himself the PM for all Thais. What a joke.

  6. I see Abhisit the phoney's nephew is also a toff at Eton.

    What a fantastic message that sends out...

    Wonder if he will get a vote,...at least he will be able to learn all about the ignorant and uneducated rural thai poor.

    As I have often mentioned it's almost impossible to underestimate the chippy class sensitivity of the English lower middle classes.As though being an Etonian was some sort of crime.

    If I'm not mistaken Abhisit's nephew won a King's Scholarship a couple of years ago to Eton from his Bangkok school, a fantastic achievement since it is a highly demanding and rigorous exam.I would have thought all those who have Thailand's interests at heart should be very proud of him.

    Ex Thaksin spokman / ex-Foreign Minister also won a King's Scholarship to study law in Oxford. Should we be proud of Noppadon Pattama too?

  7. Yup. One of the problems with the justice system here is that it is widely perceived that justice is selectively meted out - one law for the rich and so on. It is crucial that the yellows and reds are held up to the same standards within the law; otherwise not even the ridiculous contempt charges that can me thrown around by the courts will be enough to protect the judiciary IMO.

    However contempt charges is taken very seriously in Thailand. Once cannot even have doubt on court ruling in Thailand, not to mention challeng it, even though it looks obvious that the judges have be bribed, or the rulling is so <deleted> stupid.

  8. Chuan attacked with eggs in Lampang

    Lampang: -- Democrat Party chief advisor Chuan Leekpai was Tuesday attacked with eggs and water bottles while helping his party campaign in a by-election here.

    The campaign was immediately halted following the attacks.

    Chuan was on a campaign vehicle with the candidate when about 100 red-shirted people followed him in other vehicles and shouted abusive words at him and threw bottles and eggs at him.

    -- The Nation 2009-01-06

    Good thing Mark is there too. It could get much worst.

  9. trespassing, intimidation, criminal damage, assault, at least one murder or manslaughter, refusing officials access to investigate crime-scenes, slander

    Just seen the list. Thanks.

    Trespassing is hardly a terrorism charge. Were they in any areas of the airport where public is not supposed to be? Don't tell me "the lawns", or "Stuff only" doors to cleaner's closets.

    Intimidation - I agree their presense was intimidating, but did they actually threaten airport authorities in any way? Prior to airport closure?

    Criminal damage - like damage to what? Property? The airport was up and running in no time after they left. How much criminal damage was really there?

    Assault - what assault specifically?

    Murder - you can only link it to the leaders if they were aware of it.

    Refusing official access to crime scenes - I'm not aware the police even tried to access crime scenes there.

    Slander - how about someone sued you for calling them terrorists? Would it be fair?

    Fine. If the YELLOW goes un-punnished, what is stopping the RED (or other protest group) of doing the same.

    In many incidents, factory workers not satisfied with bonus block highways. What if they go and block the airport instead?

  10. They didn't block the runway, for example, as those British protesters. They didn't break into the control tower, I'm not even sure they went pass manned immigration checkpoints.

    In the case of Phuket Airport, PAD did block the runway.

  11. Abhisit vows to bridge political divide, fix economy

    BANGKOK: -- Sympathetic to protesters but insists his government legitimately formed

    He also hinted there may be political reforms later that may require a change to the constitution. He added, however, that the process would be overseen by outsiders accepted by all sides.

    -- The Nation 2008-12-31

    Dem & PAD had always against PPP wanting to change the constitution. And new the Dem wants to do it. I'm sure the RED will protest any changes now, just like what the Dem and PAD also advocated. Krama?

    The reason why the Dem wants the constitution changes be overseen by outsiders is that the Dem will not get a majority vote to change it unless that pay off the defectors again (cash or other non-cash means). It is a burden to the Dem, now that the defectors is demanding more and more randsom from the Dem at every opportunities.

    Everyone acknowledges that the latest constitution has flaws.

    The difference is how are they going to make adjustments

    and do it by stealth and deceit as PPP was attempting,

    or in an open and straight forward manner with observers.

    This in itself is a but difference.

    Yes, they were against PPP changing the constitution ot exponerate Thaksin

    and their own fauz pas retroactively.

    Vs change the constitution for things looking foward.

    Another big difference in aims and intent.

    Why release it in 2006 if the constitution has flaws.

    Why don't just call it working-in-progress.

    In comparison, the Bible also have many flaws. Should the pope have it amended every 2 years? Or the 10 commandments, etc?

    Enough is enough. The way I see it, any government in power will want to change it to suit themselves. Doesn't matter if it is PPP or Dems. The Thai people should them them filling in the bank cheque themselves.

  12. NEVER take the airport train (35RM) if you are going to/from LCCT (AirAsia mostly & Tiger Airways) and KL city. From KLIA you will need to catch a shuttle (1.50RM, don't let the drive cheat you) to/from LCCT. It is a 10 min drive plus maybe 20 min waiting for the bus.

    2 bus companies Skybus (9RM, offical AirAsia bus) and Aerobus (8RM, compete on price) compete for the same business. They leave half hourly to and from LCCT and KL Sentral. Journey time 75 min. I usually skip the booth and buy the ticket on the bus (same price), so that I can see which bus is leaving first, and jump on that one. Both depart & arrive at exactly the same stop, so they are almost killing each other trying to get you into their buses.

    There is also Star Coach which takes you straight to your hotel for 15RM. Departure is when they are full, or when they feel like it. You could wait up to 1 hr. They have a booth at the arrival hall too. If you are luckly, you hotel is early on the drop off route. Else expect an additional hour city drive around tour, especially if the traffic is heavy. Typically, other than Jalan Ipon (their office) & Chinatown (Puduraya bus terminal), they will drop off passenger in about 7 to 8 hotels per trip.

    Budget taxi is about 70 to 80 RM, pay at the counter (not driver).

  13. Okay, well come on now, Plus. Are you saying that the 'hallowed halls' don't jump to the master of the day? The master of TODAY? Or yesterday or whenever?

    If this were true, surely he would not have been found guilty of anything, when his nominee-government was in power ?

    The decision to leave, via China & the Olympics, was made after Thaksin had discovered that he wasn't as imune or untouchable, as he had thought he was. :o

    Question is, why did the court allow him to leave after they (the court) hand him a 2 yr jail sentence.

    Maybe it is just me; but this does not sound right.

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