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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. But do you agree that the RED can round up as many protesters as the YELLOW when they take the airports?

    PAD will never have this number of people turning up in one meeting.

    And the reds do not plan to block airports. Those who do that are fake reds.


    I hope the RED block the airports. I want to know how the Kangaroo court will say this time. Legal or illegal.

    You know what the court say the last time - protesters have the RIGHTS.

  2. The reds were in front of Parliament House to wait for him to walk through them to go inside announcing policies after hearing he said he is Prime Minister of every Thai.

    The problem was he did not dare to walk through the reds.


    I wouldn't walk through them and I'm not him.

    Self-preservation comes to mind.

    But he claims he is the Prime Minister of every Thai. Should he change his slogan "Prime Minister of every Thai, as long as you are with the Yellow/PAD".

  3. When i attended the classes in Sukhumvit LTD they told me that you should not cross the intersection or drive into the intersection if it's blocked. I.e. even if the light is green you are to wait until it's clear to cross over without having to stop in the middle of busy intersection. Amazingly it also helps with the general flow of traffic. Free lessons available in the city of Singapore for anyone interested :o

    Actually the lessons in Singapore can be very expensive if you are not careful, and this is one of the reasons why the driving is so much better. I think I read in the Straits times that police were concerned because they had arrested 18 drivers for drink driving offences over the Christmas holiday...... sounded like a rising trend..

    Talk about S'pore. They even put camera infront of bus, controlled by bus driver. Conviniently, they will take your photo if you enter the bus lane in front of them. I must say it is a very good idea. I hope there is a token for the driver for every valid photo taken. This might add up to a big bonus.

  4. Can we keep politics out of this thread please.

    This whole case is about politics! The politics of money, if the family didn't have that the retrobate would have been doing jail time ages ago.

    With money, you can get away with murder. It is well know that you can pay some to go to jail on your behalf, by way of paying someone to confess on the crime. It is a a big and known industry. Poor people are queuing up to do that. Or sell heir kidney, etc etc.

  5. Four major policies unveiled by the PM were: protecting and honouring the monarchy, fostering political unity and reconciliation, reviving the economy and developing and stabilising democracy.

    Very concrete policies indeed.

    Pretty boy and 'elite' mouthpiece Abhisit goes blah blah blah, nothing new here. See what they do, not what they say.

    I think Thailand will need to fix the pubs first.

  6. Deputy Police Commissioner-General Pol Gen Jongrak Juthanon said the Metropolitan Police was opposed to the operation of Santika Pub but the pub was allowed to operate by an injunction of the Administrative Court.

    Jongrak said.

    He said the Metropolitan Police did not allow the pub to be open in 2004 on grounds that the place did not conform to standard but the injunction allowed the pub to operate pending a ruling in the case.

    The Nation

    Unfortunate but true. There are so many loops holes in Thai law. However the judges will give verdict to those that favours them. We have seen these so many time already. No wonder why some Farang in ThaiVisa are saying that the Thai courts are run by Kangaroos.

    The Airports seize is another good example. How many months now since the initial capure of Phuket airports (followed by Krabi, HatYai, Swampy, and Don Muang). At every occasions AOT file a complaint, the courts rule that is it OK to close them. Not to mention the PM office.

  7. Suthep assigned to bring back Thaksin

    Deputy PM Suthep Thuagsuban will initially coordinate with relevant people to bring back ousted PM Thaksin Shinawatra to the country, PM Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Thursday. Mr Abhisit said the government is ready to negotiate with all sides based on the principle of justice, so the country can progress forward. Thaksin should not be concerned that the government will mistreat him, the PM added. Deputy PM Suthep, meanwhile, admitted that he was assigned to approach Thaksin's close associates. He said the negotiation is aimed at restoring order to the country. The government already contacted his close associates and it is waiting for their response, Mr Suthep revealed. He insisted the government only wants the ex-premier to fight his graft charges in the country and does not want to aggravate

    Continued here:


    Why don't Suthep send Thaksin a first class one way ticket Dubai-Bangkok on TG. That might help. However, the Thai piolt might not want to take take-off again, with people of TRT/PPP/PTP in it.

  8. Abhisit vows to bridge political divide, fix economy

    BANGKOK: -- Sympathetic to protesters but insists his government legitimately formed

    He also hinted there may be political reforms later that may require a change to the constitution. He added, however, that the process would be overseen by outsiders accepted by all sides.

    -- The Nation 2008-12-31

    Dem & PAD had always against PPP wanting to change the constitution. And new the Dem wants to do it. I'm sure the RED will protest any changes now, just like what the Dem and PAD also advocated. Krama?

    The reason why the Dem wants the constitution changes be overseen by outsiders is that the Dem will not get a majority vote to change it unless that pay off the defectors again (cash or other non-cash means). It is a burden to the Dem, now that the defectors is demanding more and more randsom from the Dem at every opportunities.

  9. The RED should now go home and enjoy the New Year holiday. After than start planning their next move. If I am their leader, I will be planning on taking all the airports during ASEAN meeting. Since it is not a crime to peacefully protest and block off airports, I would take the airports after all the ASEAN PMs have arrived. So that they cannot go home. This will convey a very powerful message to all the ASEAN leaders, why PAD can do it, and still walks.

    So, there is a possibility you will be their leader? It won't be so easy the next time. Different government with army and big guns.

    No chance.

    I agree thier is no chance that the army or police will allow it to happen, at least not now.... They should have stopped the first four airport closers and did not, but I can almost garuantee that they will not allow it to happen again, unless its the YELLOWS doing it.

    But do you agree that the RED can round up as many protesters as the YELLOW when they take the airports? Just imagine, 20,000 people go to Swampy at the same time. What will happen. The police & army will block off the roads leading to the airports, and will selectively allow only cars that have some form of air-tickets through. The tail back will goes for miles. Worst, some of the RED will just park their cars/pickups there, blocking some lanes. Although not many will want to part their vehicle, just a few will cause lots of inconvinience. What if the taxis join the blockage. They don't own the vehicle, rent rent it on a day to day basis, and they don't care if they just dump the taxi there to block the roads. All other passengers are stuck in between and behind. Very few passengers (say 10%) will get through, the airport is effective non-operatable. Also, as flight arrived, more and more passengers pour in, and cannot be get themselves out of the airports because the exits lanes are also blocked by taxis and the RED. The trains are not in operation yet.

  10. Maybe now the BIB will do something about all the cars and motors that drive around without number plates

    If not This will only increase the number of cars that remove the rear numberplate so that they than can not be fined..

    ..and in the USA they sell a 'reflector plate*' just for this purpose.

    *A semi-clear piece that fits over the license plate and allows the plate number to be visible but when the flash of the camera hits it the number is not visible.

    I watch Mythbuster once on the refflector plat (and other devices, including clink film). Save your money, they all do not work.

    Hmmmmmm.... Now I wondering whether the episode of Myth Busters you watched tested every model and manufacturer of these reflector plates? I would probably have to agree that they are like anything else that is produced in this world, some are good and some of them are not so good.

    The real solution is not to break the law.

    Mythbusters TV show Episode 73: Speed Cameras

    Take two self-confessed speed freaks -- yeah, that would be Adam and Jamie -- .... How about using license plate protectors or changing lanes to avoid the camera's eagle eye? Adam and Jamie put the pedal to the metal to crack these myths.

    Premiere: March 7, 2007

    They are right this product does not work. An the company will not refund your money even if you ask for it with in 30 days. Buyer be ware [..]



  11. Maybe now the BIB will do something about all the cars and motors that drive around without number plates

    If not This will only increase the number of cars that remove the rear numberplate so that they than can not be fined..

    ..and in the USA they sell a 'reflector plate*' just for this purpose.

    *A semi-clear piece that fits over the license plate and allows the plate number to be visible but when the flash of the camera hits it the number is not visible.

    I watch Mythbuster once on the refflector plat (and other devices, including clink film). Save your money, they all do not work.

  12. The RED should now go home and enjoy the New Year holiday. After than start planning their next move. If I am their leader, I will be planning on taking all the airports during ASEAN meeting. Since it is not a crime to peacefully protest and block off airports, I would take the airports after all the ASEAN PMs have arrived. So that they cannot go home. This will convey a very powerful message to all the ASEAN leaders, why PAD can do it, and still walks.

  13. Policy delivered!

    Let's move on!

    Someone red-faced today?

    and by the way, the "red's", minions of the fugitive, are demanding that this government steps and dissolves, so did the "yellow's" with 2 previous governments, then these governments claimed they were legitiate, well then this one is - som nam nah!

    What goes around, comes around!


    Sorry, Policy is not officially delivered and cannot move on.

    He might as well delivered in his bedroom's toilet, boardcaste it, and said it is done.

    The opposition will call it VOID (I am waiting to here how the court rule on this case); Because other that the govt, no one else have enough time to get to themselves to that meeting, which is against the rule.

  14. Now the boot is on the other foot, the red-shirts are making their legal & mainly-peaceful protests, hopefully without generating too much adverse publicity for Thailand, in the international media. Good Luck to them ... it is their right to protest ! And I wouldn't wish the police to go in mob-handed, with tear-gas or whatever-else, and hospitalise them. :o

    I hope the red will take al the Thai airports peacefully. It is their right to take the airports, just like it is the right of the PAD to take the airports. DM, Swampy, Phuket, HadYai & Krabi.

  15. Yes, old picuture... like last week old...

    and it's 'Red Shirts at Parlement' just like today was forecast.

    Completely relevant.

    It's not relevant to todays protest, it is of an earlier protest.... But don't put an old violent picture up with an article about today's so far peaceful protest. It gives the viewer the impression that things are violent, and currently that is not the case.

    Also it's "red shirts at parlement", but the old picture he used does not even have a red shirt :o

    Now if it turns violent today, then put up todays violent pictures with a story about the protest today....

    I wish you would read the accompanying text before blasting off.

    It was in trepidation of a recurrance, not insinuation that this was now happening.

    Nice try.

  16. I think the media knows more about Thaksin money than he himself does.

    I hide money from my wife, all over the place and forgot about some of them. It is amazing that my wife know exactly where they all are and how much they are.

    Try a safety deposit box.

    The only way wifey would know is if you told her or if you wanted her to know :o

    Kind of like when someone comes on TV forever spouting off how much money they have....normally a sign if insecurity :D

    It is a small seaside town. My wife seems to know the bank clerk in ever bank here, frequently buy small snack to please them in the morning. She even have a sister working in one of the bank, which I avoided. They call her "mea farang" (farang's wife). In less than a week after I open an account, my wife will gets the information. The bank clerk even tell her the balance, falling short of printing her the statement. She once ask me why don't I move X Baht money from bank A to bank B becuase bank B pays more interest. But I was hiding some money in bank A away from her, open that account without her knowing. Once she informed me that Y USD has been wired-in, before the bank told me.

    I once needs a few thousand Baht, but was lazy to go to ATM down town. She suggest I use the money hidden under the ///// first. How the hel_l did she know? I have hidden it there so long, I didn't even remember I have hidden it there.

  17. Don't get caught without a jump wire. I bought a cheap one (200 Bahts) from hyper market and keep it together with my spare wheel. Very useful when your battery has become week and cannot start, or when you accidentally drain it like forgot to off the head lights.

    Automatic gear car can no longer push start.

  18. BBC Monday, 22 December 2008
    Mr Abhisit has already come under criticism from business leaders and even some members of his own party for his cabinet appointments.

    Two powerful ministries - interior and transport - have gone to the faction whose defection from the previous government swung the balance of votes in Mr Abhisit's favour.

    Mr Abhisit has pledged to ease political tension and revive Thailand's economy

    That faction is led by a notoriously mercenary local politician, says the BBC correspondent in Thailand, Jonathan Head.

    He adds that it is also difficult to deny deals were done with the smaller parties who joined the coalition; for example the important commerce portfolio has been given to the politically-inexperienced owner of a large massage parlour.

    But the biggest controversy surrounds Mr Abhisit's choice of foreign minister, Kasit Piromya, our correspondent says.

    Ok so who's the mamasan then ?

    Pornthiwa Nakasai owner of Poseidon. OK it is still the father that owns it, but it is a family business, and she runs it.



  19. FM Kasit apologises to Thai people over his airport remarks

    By The Nation

    "I would like to divide my life into two phases -- before and after December 22, the day I am appointed as foreign minister. I don't want to erase or defend what I said before December 22. However there was attempts to misinterpret them," he said.

    I walk into a bank to apply for a Bank Manger job. The Bank ask if I have a record?

    "I would like to divide my life into two phases -- before and after December 22, the day I am released from jail. I don't want to erase or defend what I have done before December 22, which was a vicious banks robber. However I am a changed man now".

    Do you think I would get the job? What it I give the interviewer 80 Bahts under the table?

    If the Bank don't hire me, can I sue them for discrimination against by private and personal history, which in no way hinder my performance in the future.

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