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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to decide how to arrange the disks on windows 8.1.

    I had windows 7 before this and because I don't use the Users files I just deleted the partitions between the disks and only had a disk C.

    This was really conveniant and I would like to do it

    to my windows 8.1 aswell.

    So I have 2 questions.

    1-would this afect the performance(is it a good idea}......and

    2- how do I do it.

    Thanks in advance

  2. O.K.......I've got macroschedular but cannot for the life of me figure out how to use it..

    I just need to set single key comands for simple things like volume and fulscreen.

    So some instructions for macro scheduler or the name of a more simple progran or app would be great.

    Thanks for the help so far.

  3. Hi

    I want to set certain keys on my keyboard to Scroll

    Full screen

    and volume.

    I have windows 8.1 on a lenova notebook.

    Lenova allready does scrolling by the arrows.

    I have 3RVX doing the vulume but the program keeps closing.

    I think I can go to my media players and set them to fullscreen on a hotkey.

    But is there a way to do this in one go.If not I need to make 3RVX stop closing.

    Thanks for your time.

  4. O.k,

    I've got TIXATI and it's downloading.........great.

    I'm still having trouble with the window,the TIXATI downloading window, I can reduse the with but cannot reduce the hight and the hiegh is too much for my screen.

    As I said the problem is probably to do with the way I have set up my computer.

    Does anybody know how I can remedy this.

  5. Hi,

    I have downloaded Utorrent from the original site and when I open

    the instalation wizard the windows are too big for my screen so that the buttons I need to press are not on my screen and I can't proceed.

    I have a 10 inch screen and windows 8.1,both of which I'm new to.

    I've tried right clicking but nothing happens.

    I'm stuck on the first page of the wizard and it's telling me to click next to continue but the next botton is not on the screen.This is the second time I've tried and it's actualy worse this time.

    My windows is 64 bit if that means anything.

    All advice wellcomed

  6. I prefer it as my default program for videos because you can set it so that when you

    you double click on a file it opens that file and also puts all the other files in that folder

    on a playlist so that if you change your mind about what video you want to watch you

    can change with just one click.

    I use VLC for trining videos.

  7. Hi,

    I have a new notebook with Windows 8.1 wich is also new to me.

    I tried to download and install Duam potplayer but couldn't get it working.

    I've tried "run programs that ran on previous versions of windows" in the control panel but no luck.

    It shows in the "unininstall a program"in the control panel but with no publisher.

    Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong

    would be welcome

  8. O.K,

    When do I do a 90 day reporting, is it on the same day I do the extension or after 90 days,

    Also my wife's address on her tabian bahn is her mothers hose even though we live together in a different town.

    Please reply promptly because if this is true I should be heading for Laos tonight.

    If the worst comes to the worst can I still go and get 15 days at the boarder.

    Awaiting your reply.

  9. Hi,

    My one year Non O on the grounds of marriage is finished on Nov 26.

    I have stretched it out for 15 months as advised on this forum.

    Now I want to extend it for 2 months.

    I was told that I could go to immigration and get a two month extension for

    60 days and pay 1900bt for it.

    Is this correct and if so .........What do I have to bring............

    Does my wife have to come with me............

    And what are my options when the 60 days are finished.


  10. So I've just got this computer and can't do any thing until I find the right Firefox.

    My computer is runing WINDOWS 8.1 64bit

    I would love a link for a version of Firefox that goes with this and that can suport

    the zoom by touchscreen.

    If anybody is runing this version and the zoom by touch screen is working

    please send me a link or the number of that you are using,thanks

  11. I presume I have the origonal windows,the notebook came with it allready insatlled.

    It's a 10inch lenova from Invadeit.

    when I tried to increase the text size it only had small and medium but I see some versions on utube had large and extra large this would sugest that it might be a special edition for asia only.

    A link to where you got your firefox would be great

  12. Hi,

    Some of you will know me.........I have a new Lenova 10 inch notebook touch screen and keyboard with windows 8.1 on it.

    On windows 7 I used the Firefox browser and liked it.

    My windows 8.1 has Internet explorer already.....should I stick with that or try to put a better browser on it.

    Can I use the old Firefox or do I kneed to get the version for windows 8.1

    Which ever one I use I will have to learn how to use it so I want to decide on the browser before I start.

    Can I use the standard Firefox or should I try something else.

    Thanks for your time.

  13. O.K

    I've gotten over the desk top problem.

    from the videos on YouTube it seems like I have a problem

    with the drivers.

    Does the program Slimdrivers work on windows 8.1

    which is the version I have.

    Again the problem is that the notebook lists my neighbors'

    wi-fi as available but not my wi-fi conection,

    even though this Laptop is recieving it fine and is in the same room

  14. Hi,

    I have a new notebook with windows 8.

    I turned on the notebook for the first time and downloaded Original Shell.

    So it now doesn't go to the windows 8 start page any more,it goes to the desktop.

    Any way I started to have reception problems and found that I was connected to the neighbors WiFi and that my WIFI wasn't on the available networks list.

    I then went to YouTube and found lots of videos on this problem but they showed how to fix it from the Windows 8 start page.

    Does any one know how to fix this problem from the desktop or how I can get to the windows start page from the desktop

  15. 35k is way out of my price range

    I've been looking at these convertible windows 8 touch and keyboard notebooks,

    Lenova flec10 and flex2.

    what would suit me best is a tablet that takes windows which could be used

    with an external keyboard.

    the editing I need is just trimming videos and audiobooks.

    As I do with VCL record.record a section and delete the old file.

    VCL for android doesn't have the record fungtion.

    How do these convertibles or tablets manage for leaving them on all night downloading

  16. I come to CR every so often and stay a night or two.

    I usually stay in Jed Yod Rd but I feel out when I'm with the back packers.

    Does any body know a place in the 400/500 hundred baht bracket with Wi-fi.

    A nice quiet airy room off the back packer trail,in or out of town.


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