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Posts posted by paahlman

  1. On 3/31/2024 at 12:35 PM, ChaiyaTH said:

    I'm not sure what you mean, you can simply deposit cash by inserting your ATM card in it, no need for any ID card. I still used both Bangkok Bank and Kasikornbank recently without needing it at least. Random places too.


    The ID thing should only be if you want to deposit cash, and choose a bank account you send it to, to avoid laundering.

    No.. Actually not. It is required to punch in a thai ID to your own account. Not other accounts if you did not bring with you your ATM card. If you have the card you do not need ID. That said.. 15 years ago we could use the passport number, That is now over. I find it strange that they can not send you an sms or something or even better.. Request deposit in the bank app same way as you take out money and do the ID there.

  2. 21 hours ago, ThaiSpaceNeedle said:

    Hello all,

    I hope you are all staying fairly cool in this heat. 🙂

    I just received my new USA Passport in the mail and will be going to the Govt. Complex Immigration @ CW next week to link the new with the old and was wondering if I should be expecting any surprises.

    1. My marriage extension is not up until June 2024, so I understand nothing needs to be done with that. My wife doesn't need to go to link the 2 passports, does she?


    2. I will print all of the pages from my old passport (color or black & white - does it matter?).


    3. I don't see anything on the immigration website about having to make a 'queue online' appointment. I can just walk in, right?


    4. Does anything need to be done about my TM.30? The house is in the wife's name & I have a 30-year lease if that matters. Does she need to make a new TM.30 with my new passport?


    5. Am I forgetting anything?


    I also printed out that 'Notification of cessation linkage letter' from the USA Embassy. I haven't had an entry/departure card for some time now, so I'm guessing nothing needs to be done there.


    * A little off topic but....


    My '90-Day Notification' (TM.47) was up on February 16, as I entered (with re-entry permit) on November 18, 2023. I sent that in by post at the end of January, but I have still not received it back. This is the first time I have not received it within a month (aside of The Great Flood & Protests), so I'm not exactly sure what to do. I still have my receipt of registered mail from the post office as well as a printout of proof that it was received at the Govt. Complex already. I called the immigration hotline 1178, and the girl basically said to just come in with my passport and they will take care of it. She wasn't sure if I would be 'fined' as she said it was up to the officer. Do I need to prepare anything else special for this?


    Finally, I am hoping to take care of both my new/old passports as well as my 90-day issue on the same day. Should I do one before the other, or does it not matter?


    Thank you all for your time and helpful information & take care.

    I did this a couple of months ago in phuket.. Handed over the two passports with copies of every page from both. Then it took the clerk 20 minutes to use 4 pages of my new passport to transfer all details.. Done.. And free.. I did not fill any forms.

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  3. On 1/25/2024 at 11:27 AM, arick said:

    What when you leave the country and you come back into the country you have to show a bank book

    Never heard about that. and i have never shown one. I might be wrong if rules have changed of course.. Let me be specific. Not all go by the 800 000 rule. Some show papers guaranteeing pension for example. However. they can not possibly know why you are permittet to stay in the drive through or can they? Anyway.. Personally i have never in many years or ever been asked a bankbook. I can see they could do that if you sit down in immigration office somewhere. If i remember correctly you have to show no less than 400k after you are approved(possibly then by showing bangkbook on first 90 day report).. and 800 again from minimum 2 or 3(depending on first or second excemption) months before re applying.

  4. 15 hours ago, bob smith said:

    I've been busy doing a lot of planning recently.


    In light of these new world order tax laws that are coming down the pipeline and will be enacted on January 1st 2024, looking after numero uno is the order of the day...


    I will be spending no more than 178 days inside Thailand in any calendar year. The remaining 187 days will be spent abroad. Probably Cambodia mostly, with a sprinkle of Vietnam, Phils, Laos and Nepal thrown in for good measure. 


    I have multiple women already lined up at all but one destination, so getting my feet under the table shouldn't be an issue.


    Tighten the screws they may, but you are going to have to try a damn sight harder if you want to get your grubby little mits on my dosh.


    bob smith, well dressed 21st century nomadic gigolo at your service. 

    with love x


  5. 19 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Or cutting and removing 1000 ton stone blocks at Baalbek, but archaelologists would have us believe this was done with manpower and primitive tools. Or the Inca stonework. That kind of workmanship wouldn't be achievable today with our technology.


    In Egypt They have now found a bigger stone. at the "monoliths of minya 2000 tons.. Insane. Besides that.. They have also found a bigger stone besides "The pregnant Woman" stone buried beside it. 1224 tons.



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  6. 1 hour ago, Emdog said:

    Elon is showing you can have serious mental shortcomings and still be rich

    There is no good commercial reason to drop the bird (or "flip the bird"?). Recognizable and instantly understood to mean Twitter. And to replace it with an "X"? Homage to Malcolm? Agents Scully and Muldaur?

    Im guessing it has more to do with Space X. Makes sense.

  7. On 6/15/2023 at 6:32 AM, BritTim said:

    At one time (well over a decade ago) the change in visa status could only be done in Bangkok. For a time, it was Bangkok or some other major immigration offices. For a long time, it has been possible to do it at any immigration office. The application is taken under consideration and sent to division headquarters for endorsement.

    Makes sense.. 

  8. Depend if you have an exemption visa(30 days) or a tourist visa or even better a non Im. However.. if any of the latter you do not have to leave the country. Replace bangkok from my cut and paste to phuket also. Its possible.
    Requirements and procedures:
    Can I change tourist visa to non-B visa in Thailand?
    International Relations Office: Changing Visa Status. Foreigners who have been holding tourist visa coming to Thailand can notify to change from tourist visa to Non-Ed (for educational purposes), or Non-B (for working). They have to proceed their changing visa status in person at the Immigration Bereau in Bangkok.
  9. On 5/14/2023 at 12:00 PM, DrDave said:

    I don't recall ever seeing a villa renting for 150,000 or more until just a few months ago. Occasionally I'd see a high-end one for 75-80,000 but even those were quite rare. I'm guessing the villas we're now seeing at 150,000 - 300,000 were previously priced around 60-70,000.

    3-400 k is totally normal and has been for many years. Here it starts on 2 mill a month.



  10. 14 hours ago, rbpeters said:

    If you buy through a company you may then want to consider putting the building freehold in your name and keeping land (as you have to ) in the Thai company. This should stop you having to pay rent to the company and thus reduce tax expense.

    Correct and a viable choice..Just make sure you trust the thai company..(normally the builder or the property management) does not go out of business.. Normally they do.. Not of of bankruptcy but other thing.. Like giving up .. resold or similar.. If so.. its not always granted its an easy transfer process.

  11. Taxes on the thai company has to be paid two times a year along with the accounting expenses. Maintenance should be calculated to maybe around roughly 100 000 a year.. That is for paint.. Repair of pipes.. , toilets.. , sprayers.. new tables.. revarnishing.. , oiling up doors.. , windows... Changing tiles.. etc.. It depends if you want to keep it spiffy or not. Gardeners... 2-5000 baht a month.. Pool same.. So there goes around 10k.. then a maid set you back around the same.. So then.. electric, maid, gardener, pool care, and maintenance funds... Around 50 a month or a little less hopefully.... Then there is the new land tax that is around 1-2-3% (depending on ownership and type of house, villa, hotel , business etc..) Then with a villa of this size.. Ecxpect electric pr. airconditioner to be around 1500 pr. month so with 5 airs blasting its 7500.. plus washing machines.. speakers.. tvs.. etc.. garden .., pumps.. all that.. Its easy 10k a month.. If you only use one aircondition 8 hours a night.. of course.. much less. This was a rant.. sorry about that.. , But its more or less.. Put off 200 000 for all expenses a year or a little more.. and you will be on the safe side ... Normally. Renting is cheaper.. but more expensive in the long rund since one normally gain value of the house and land over time.. However.. That is of course not a sure thing. Build and buy if you dare.. It normally comes out cheaper.. But i know people have different needs and different budgets.. and some simply dont care which is fine.. You have to weigh in your own personal requirements and needs. 

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  12. 23 hours ago, arick said:

    My pool is roughly the same size for years we just throw a few scopes of chlorine in every week after cleaning and dump a bag of salt once a month not rocket science but it works 

    correct.. Even with saltwater chlorination it is useful and if not mandatory to now and then "shock chlorinate" it a little bit now and then .. Depending on rain etc.. The weather in other words... Salt should be main source though for the chlorinator to do its work.


  13. On 9/15/2022 at 10:54 PM, Eddie45 said:

    I am in contact with an office manager who's in charge of renting out Condo's. I am trying to rent a condo that has good internet. I know in Thailand it's not going to be good 100% of the time. The last Condo I stayed in Phuket the internet would stop working a few times a week, but this was a few years ago now so hopefully its improved. The office manager has said the internet service is from TOT and 3BB, are they in a partnership or is this incorrect info.

    Believe it or not. Thailand’s broadband internet speed is ranking number 1



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