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Posts posted by hermespan

  1. I use an iphone5 for my bread and butter. I am starting to have serious doubts whether the portability and integrated factor is worth the hassle in finding accessories and service in the second and third world (Apple is great if you are wealthy and live long term in international capitals such as Tokyo and New York - I am neither), but that's another thread.

    As every videographer, blogger, journalist and anyone trying to create high quality images and sound knows (especially if you are a digital retard like me who can hardly operate a toaster) the biggest hassles with all devices are BATTERY POWER and AUDIO, especially audio. Images, at least the functional non-aesthetic part, is a no-brainer by comparison.

    I am having huge problems using my iphone5 as an audio recorder, especially in conjunction with video. I bought an ATR3350 lavalier mic at Hung Brothers in Singapore only to finally get a response from the Audio Technica distributor for southeast Asia that it doesn't work with iphone without a special adapter. The retailer neglected to tell me that. I get blank stares when I explain the challenge in any Apple-centric shop.

    Apple 'premium resellers' shops in Bangkok don't sell any/many third party accessories and the stuff sold in MBK and Panthip is mostly garbage. Sure, I can mail order top-end and good value from USA, which has plenty but I am in and out of the country. I need stuff here and now.

    I also bought a Smartlav by Rode at Fotofile here in BKK. It too doesn't work without a hiss.

    I am about to contact the local reps for both Audio Technica and Rode but today is yet another holiday (monarchist) just after Singapore's long weekend (Islamic and then political). Sometimes I just want to scream trying to accomplish anything fast and efficient in southeast asia. Is it just me or is technology and business not the forte of the region except Vietnam which is more Chinese-like?

    Anyway, can anyone recommend shops that are professionals in audio/video with iphone combination? So far I have two leads, the reps for Rode and Audio Technica respectively...

    Vichai Trading


    419/2 Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekamai))

    KDM Trading


    1939/57-58 Ramkamhang, Soi 21

    Perhaps I am expecting too much. Even in Seattle, USA, audio is an esoteric niche with only specialist shops really knowing anything about sound, bring closed on Sundays and commanding premium prices. Just like the west too has more fashion than protective cases and stores in malls are staffed by bored teenagers earning minimum wage instead of owner-operators out in the 'fresh air'. Add to the challenge two separate manufacturers (Apple and whatever mic one uses) and this is a recipe for delays and even disaster.

  2. This is completely creepy. Apparently one has to move around from computer to computer like a criminal if you want anonymity. The computer never forgets, so although I found an email service that does not require verification by mobile SMS, and I successfully registered a new AppleID (just in case that solves the problem) when I go to itunes (downloaded to net cafe PC) and open the itunes store I keep getting one nation I once logged into twenty minutes ago. And that itunes store requires an address in that nation. I have to go to an entirely different net cafe to continue I suppose. And I probably blew it by connecting the old and new AppleIDs in this way. This is a HUGE effort to keep their sticky fingers out of my identity.

    It is tempting to dump all my computer stuiff in a landfill and go completely unwired. It appears to be either impossible or takes so much work it's not worth it unless privacy is an obssession. I have spent three hours just trying to accomplish this little task. And this is going to continue every step of the way no doubt. Computers are a great tool for Big Brother. Big change for the worse since 1997.

  3. Ah finally some progress... In the ITUNES store rather than that other Apple site, Apple Store I think it is, I sign in and lo and behold...

    It won't even take me to the correct page to change billing info. I keep getting change orders (Canada) page though I didn't click on change order option nor did I specify Canada (maybe fifteen minutes ago i did by I have since moved on in the globe.

    Sri Lanka, Geermany... the list goes one, same BS

    What am I doing wrong that 'none' never appears?

  4. Mike45 wrote: "Using your computer go and download the itunes program and install."


    "When setting it up use your new apple Id."

    As in I have to make a new one? What is wrong with my old one I registered at the Canadian store to a bogus address in another nation? BTW, I do not view this as fraud. Fraud is giving false information to decieve someone *who has a right to know*. Apple does NOT have a right to know. They have unreasionable expectations and I will not play by their rules.

    "You can then choose to select "none" as a payment option."

    No 'none' option.

    "Because both devices are linked to your apple id your apple devices will accept your new choice."

    How would the internet device and my own iphone be linked?

  5. Mooris7 wrote: "The option to register a new apple ID with no credit card by selecting the none option is only available when creating an Apple ID or changing the payment information of an apple ID on your PC or MAC using iTunes. So your answer is to use your PC and iTunes to do it!"

    Hmm, changing payment info? Check

    Hmm, on PC or Mac? Check

    Hmm, using itunes? Check

    Cannot do it.

  6. OK, that was painless, although I don't see why I should have to install software just to change my billing information. Computer keeps asking me questions - do i want to share this and that. NO! The software I was looking for shows up in a search whereas it didn't on 'free apps store'.

    But now I am in a quandry - how to I get the app into my iphone? Ah yes, I am not here to do that, I am here to go from zero billing info given to the option of none as an alternative to VISA and Mastercard, and presumably other cards used here and there such as Union Pay and Discovery and that Japanese card.

    Somewhere along the way I chose a nation I spend some time in that is not where I bank or work. The default in the case there is no store is USA not the closest nation with an Apple store nor those with trade links.

    Store (top left) -> account-> change default shipping or billing info

    What do I get? Just two more card options (Discovery and AMEX). No 'none'.

    Hmm, I read somewhere on this forum that going to a computer that is not apple, downloading itunes and going to the app site I would be able to register without a credit card. Nope.

  7. Well, now I have a working AppleID but I have not yet succeeded in adding billing information to be 'none' (no credit card) because every nation site of Apple I go to, none of them have that option. I am at an internet cafe as suggested by someone (he suggested not using an Apple device).

    The Indonesia site of Apple Apps has several nation options in its dropdown menu, viz. Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, USA, and Thailand) All list only MC and VISA.. One can change the nation at this page...


    This is strange because earlier today...


    It gives the option of 'Asia, other' but apple page above does not but lists specific countries only

    OK, to move on...

    It is not obvious in the octopus of Apple sites where to go to take the next step. I try opening various Apple sites but none take me to an Apple store. It appears that it is necessary to Download A SOFTWARe to be able to peruse apps. Weird. OK, I download itunes one apparanetly can't do it on the web. The compuiter keeps asking me questions like every move is being logged and analyzed. Wants to know my email addreess (bugger off) and which nation I am in (bugger off - I put something else). I install it on this anonymous net cafe compute.

    To be continued

  8. no good, used in pAst year. yeah probably me. <deleted>? choose another yeah that worked, Only 30 minutes of my life wasted so far

    OK, so I want to use my icloud address. as my email contact instead. <deleted> not allowed "Apple ID must... not use a domain owned by Apple" More delays like registering an rnail address having to be verified bh a mobile phone SMS. What happened to the wild west of the internet

    OK, next step I don't like my digital life connected to the state of the passport which I bear but Apple has its system set up onto separate jurisdictions, only where Apple operates, for example no Cuba or North Korea.

    I click on other Asia Then I sign out and go to rhe itunes store to get a free app. I search and nothing shows up.

    I have a life TO BE CONTINUED.

  9. no good, used in pAst year. yeah probably me. <deleted>? choose another yeah that worked, Only 30 minutes of my life wasted so far

    OK, so I want to use my icloud address. as my email contact instead. <deleted> not allowed "Apple ID must... not use a domain owned by Apple" More delays like registering an rnail address having to be verified bh a mobile phone SMS. What happened to the wild west of the internet

    OK, next step I don't like my digital life connected to the state of the passport which I bear but Apple has its system set up onto separate jurisdictions, only where Apple operates, for example no Cuba or North Korea.

    I click on other Asia Then I sign out and go to rhe itunes store to get a free app. I search and nothing shows up.

    I have a life TO BE CONTINUED.

  10. Thanks you for your generous offer. I am online right now at a net cafe trying yo do this. Oc course I don'g know what I am doing.

    first FInally I found a page called appleID. My appleID and password didn't work so I requested something ghat was supposed to send me a verification. Fifteen minutes later ig hasn't arrived. Upon buying device in Canada I broke my security protocol and gave my real email address as well as created an icloud address. I gave Canada as my country though K owe my allegiance to any one nation state and live overseas constantly travelling. I don't see see why I should betided down to any one nation to do business. I bank, live, love and explore all over. I resent even having a passport.

    Anyway, to the technical matter at hand...

    Unless Apple is really anal and they make a big deal out of caps or not (gmail doesn't) they got my email to verify bug nothing showed up. Not even in spam box. OK, I give up I will try doing it again with no cap - that worked. Geeez I get taken to a page of secret words or email verification

    it arrives and I click. xhoose new password

  11. St. John M wrote... "I recently set up a UK based Apple ID for apps exclusive to that store, there's no CC registered on that account & never has been, I buy gift vouchers from Apple Stores in the UK to charge it with credit when I want to make purchases."

    You are traceable. Unless one is requesting credit at a bank or applying to ge a babysitter where one sleeps or banks is none of anyone's business unless of course payment not in cash is required. 'Free apps' is therefore deceitful.

  12. I expect sellers of digital , financial and ALL. services to respect my privacy. Whatever the product or service , Whether I am paying for shoes, a bank account, a blowjob, of software I expect to be in control or at least on equal terms as the seller. Imagine this...

    You go to buy s pair of shoes, and the conversation goes like this...

    I'd like to buy a pair of shoes

    Got some ID ?

    Huh ?

    Shoes can be used to commit crimes. We can't have that. Just today a man robbed a bank. He was wearing shoes. What do you intend pn doing with these shoes? Have you ever worn a pair of shoes before and where did you buy them?

    You tell him to go to hell and you buy your shoes.

    Ads start showing up on your heels. Your shoes start talking to you 'Isn't it time you. polished me? Your roommate wears your pair of shoes and you go to jail for that. Zone day your shoes stop letting you walk. Company rules have changed. You can walk a maximum of 10 kilometers a day

  13. i am not happy with BKK Bank but figure it's good to keep an account open there. Some facts from today...

    1. minimum balance to not pay monthly fee THB2000

    2. Debit card (MC) can be used yo pay for a ticket with any airline except THAI AIR and AIR ASIA. Hmm, only the most important ones)

    3. As a tourist without any residency status I CAN get internet banking... if the HQ manager signs to guarantee me. Yeah right. Sounds like. 'yes, but no' And I had to press for that detail, so the info was misleading,

    4. Sala Daemg branch clerk spoke no English to er , speak of so I wrote my two questions down like I was a bank robber .

    5. Had to ask for s printout of current balance after making a deposit. Struck me as odd.

    So, I prefer SCM or Kasikorn but BKK Bank has a few advantages making it worth keeping.

  14. i must do some simple and brief audio work with basic equipment and do not have a stufio. Finding a room wifh thick carpet, long drapes NO tiles, few mirrors etc is my challenge. It can be ANYWHERE in Bangkok convenient to a BTS. or MRT as long as long as it is under THB2000 and has no exterior noise such ad traffic leaking in.

    i know from experience creating a room for making voiceover that it requires lots of pillows. mattresses etc. It doesn't even have to be a hotel room, just a supersoft location that is ultra quiet.

  15. At least you have to look very carefully and test. When I was a kid Scholl's shoes were like Clark's or brands nowadays like Rockport - but with more of a foot health than quality emphasis. Perhaps this is true in Canada as well and indicative of the times, but I am recently reminded that Scholl's sold in Thailand at the department store in Banglampoo are not investments but fashion.

    I bought three pair because there was a 10-15% sale on. I regret buying ANY of them. I took an hour going through the huge selection trying to find the perfect pair. One pair I really wanted because they had excellent arch support had construction that was slightly uncomfortable so I didn't get them. Although my Rockport runners are comfy they give no arch support (I insert) and in Asia where I am constantly taking my shoes on and off they are impractical. But the shoes priced between 900 and 1200 before discount (so not cheap street stsll shoes) they all have major faults. The best of the bunch have PLASTIC soles - I presimed they were rubber. I slipped three times in the rain, so useless in rainy season. The other two tear up my feet making me wear bandaids - presumably because of the cheap materials and poor design.

    is there any Thai brand of weather suitable strap on velcro sandals that are Mercedes quality? I am not going to buy imported shoes more suitable to London, Berlin snd New York. I am not trying to press women with my wealth nor do I requirer even 'casual' shoes. I see cheap shoes, fashion shoes, luxury shoes, disappointing 'health' shoes but no tropical weather shoes for durability, safety, comfort and support. My budget is THB2000.

  16. Or even a private shop unrelated to Apple in any official way but staff are whiz kids and if you're willing to pay their service price they can solve your problem fast.

    I have bern to multiple Apple licensed (?) shops in BKK. and the usual answer is 'I don't know'. It's not like I expect free advice. I am happy, even eager, to pay for the hour for experienced efficient technical service and troubleshooting.

    Yet the first question get asked is 'where did you buy your iphone?' And technicians when they see the problem is a combination of Audio Technica (US company, sold in Singapore) and Apple and requires tinkering for which I am happy yo pay by the hour, successful result, they just won 't touch my problem.

  17. in MBK. I found the big end of thd mall shop with professional equipment like Manfrotto tripods to be exceptionally helpful, English fluent, knowledgeable, keen, low pressure and in for a lonf term business relationship. i will post their name later. who was HORRIBLE was FOTOFILE not far away. Both staff members were sour, bored, inhlepful, seemed to have the attitude 'don't bother us'. And the guy dropped my iphone.

  18. i don't mind payinv more for ser i e but I would prefer to talk yo the proprietor who is an ecpert rather than to a salesman. the department stores appear to have better quality like Belkin but the staff is fisinterested or ignorant (rather than interested and ignorant like me). MBK has more informed stass but because there is no way a ZMOPHIE. juice pack can sell for THB960 the management is less honest. plus almost everybody sells 99% the very same thing.

  19. my old powerbank (battery pack) reads the followong...

    brand: On Time

    model: 015

    Capacity: 8000 Mah

    DC in: 6.0V-1000mA

    DC out: A. 5.3V-1000mA

    B. 5.3V-2000mA

    Presomg I buy a pair of glasses to read whether A or B, which one is best?

    Thd biggrst surprise when I bougjt these at Pantip Plaza about five years ago is Zi thought they would goll up the device like a blood trsnsfusion or filling up the gas, but in fact ig is more like plugging on s lawn mower - you have yo keep them plugged in to work.

    what I like aBout 'On Time' is the shape. They fit the human body/fanny pack. I not square. I see upon closer inspection that the A And .B are large enough to read. One Time shows how far charging is going ong by four blue lights. it uses a mini USB to getcharged up from the wall anx has an LED. light.

    once I used them yo power up an MP3 player with a non rechareable battery and although it didn't kill the device it did erase All content as if I sent it into shock.

  20. i gave up nought nothing because I found the selection so confusing and very few of the brands available Pantip Plaza and M K. match the USA and UK-oriented review websites. Plus some (most) seem to be knock offs and fakes of knock offs. i don't mind if the vendor tells you that often they don't. it'sreally buyer beware. Regarding a related product search I found a wall outlet cable that suits the thicker prongs for India, only to discover that the Nepali-Burmese salseman didn't know or didn't care that according to the product number it is for the ipad not iphone.

    there are some shops that soecialize in powerbanks, but I just don't know whether to trust them.

    so, I am going to stay with my old 'One Time' ergonomic (curved) medium grey powerbanks as they worked fine on my samsung tablet. the only problem (other than the fiddly small) adapters for various devices, is that I don't know which USB out to use - presumably one is for faster and o e for slower charge. thr numbers are written so small I can't read them. I can use my Apple or knockoff USB. to lightening cable instead of the one that comes with the three year old product yes? i am concerned about frying my ecpensive ($1300) iphone buy I also don't want to be locked in to using Apple products.

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