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Everything posted by brommers

  1. Chiang Mai has cancelled the use of CM Chana as per a meeting on March 2nd. So no downloading and registration is required. It is possible that Vietjet have not yet been informed but you could refer them to the relevant article on the CM108 website, www.cm108.com. It is in Thai but you can get Google to translate it for you.
  2. Methinks that Uncle Sam had a word with Uncle Too and told him to remember that his is only holding on to the title of PM because the US has put no pressure on him to return the country to true democracy. But this could change very easily if Thailand goes soft on the war criminal Putin and his gang of oligarch louts.
  3. The DDC\CCSA are simply trying to create a fog of numbers that they can use to continue their stranglehold on Thai people. In Chiang Mai the current figures show that Covid has a lower rate of morbidity\mortality than does common influenza, and so the authorities will cease to issue daily numbers & only report every two weeks. The central government is terrified of losing its controls on the population because they know that very soon there will be a return to political demonstrations. So they will hide behind the health issue until there is the inevitable run up to a greatly needed election.
  4. When are the likes of Prayuth & Anutin going to concede that inbound tourists and dirty farangs are in fact not the cause of community hotspots? Huge outbreaks in cities across this country are only caused by local transmission but measures to prevent this and cope with the outbreaks are pitiful. The huge resources devoted to tourist T&T should be switched immediately to deal with these major hotspots instead of pandering to Thai xenophobia.
  5. Thai politics is a snake pit, just like everywhere else in the world. As such politicians deserve zero respect, non more so than the self appointed coup leader who displays little more than a thin skin, no economic literacy and zero understanding of the lives of real people. In coming months we will see more rats leaving the sinking ship that is the ruling party as they scurry for self preservation. The sooner there is another revolution and power returned to the people the better for this deeply damaged country.
  6. And while the DoE is busy preparing to traffic Thai labour to a country where it's people are well known for abuse of indentured labour who is busy with preparations to provide legal protection and the prevent physical abuse & mental which is guaranteed to happen? This government should be ashamed if itself for seeing it's citizens as a commodity to be sold into slavery.
  7. So who is responsible for maintaining surveillance and correcting wrongdoing? Where is the almighty jackboot of Prayuth when you need him!
  8. So they arecallowing infectious Yanks to enter just to play war games. Japan has 85000 new cases acday because American bases did not follow Covid regulations and yet Thailand cooses to ignore this. The words 'military: and 'intelligence' obviously should not be used in the same sentence.
  9. When there's a cluster in a a couple of bars in Thonglor they close down the whole industry for a year but when it's a market there is virtually no restriction. So much for having the best interests of the population in their minds.
  10. Sandeman Fino Sherry in stock at Rimping Meechok today February 3rd!
  11. Restaurants can now serve alcohol along with meals until 11pm.
  12. There are a few that have converted to serving food in an attempt to survive but the vast majority are closed and some closed for ever. What is more pertinent is are there many places that attract many customers and so have a lively atmosphere. And the answer if very few because locals are not going out in any numbers and there are virtually no visitors. The old city is a graveyard as is the Night Bazaar, so only parts of the Nimmanhaemin area are attracting younger people in numbers. However even there the lack of adherence to regulations and large virus outbreaks led to a police crack down. A daytime stroll down a few sois showed some areas where 50% of businesses have gone under. So any visitor will have an interesting time hunting down places that are open.
  13. Strategy, what strategy? This country was a total shambles thanks to the idiotic minister and his dullard boss. It was reduced to buying expensive and near useless Chinese stuff which is now proven to give zero protection against Omicron. And as for Pfizer, he obviously has not read the reports that show is is less effective against Omicron than Moderna and will need a modified vaccine to be used in the near term. This silver haired smooth talker is a media hound not a believable authority.
  14. By the time you have schlepped out to San Khamphaeng & wasted hours searching it would have been easier to go to Food Hall & get a cheap sharpener in their kitchen section. I got a very nice diamond coated electric sharpener in Central that does an excellent job.
  15. Until you find and eliminate the nest your problem will not be resolved. Tops sell a Bayer product that the ants will take back to the nest and poison the colony. Follow the instructions and it works, or at least it did for me.
  16. It's nothing but a pathetic attempt to portray themselves in a positive light. They spent gazillions on opening up, bringing in a ludicrous Opera singer and running a myriad of promotions only to slam the door shut within weeks. Clearly no one in the tourism industry has any confidence in anything done by TAT or this gang of so called government ministers.
  17. It's about time that Anutin apologised to everyone who was forced to take a double dose or even a single dose of Sinovac. The Chinese vaccines are utterly useless, have no long lasting benefit and cost the same as a high quality mRNA vaccine and many times more than Az or Janssen. His stupidity has cost this country billions of baht and thousands of people who have become positive. A friend of mine who had Dinovac and caught Dekta is now Omicron positive. Her life has been ruined by this because she cannot work.
  18. Just a load of hot air from an organisation that does well nigh nothing for British overseas, and indeed regards any Brit living outside the UK as a near traitor. And he represents a PM who is an utter disgrace and should be removed immediately.
  19. So you plan to fly and spread the virus across your journey. Very considerate, not. Irresponsible, yes.
  20. Seems like this spokesman would like to see Thailand follow the Chinese example of total lockdown and isolation. This strategy will fail in time because the vaccines used in China are well nigh useless against Omicron so the population has no induced or aquired immunity. So once the variant has spread, as it is already doing, to cities across China there will be an almighty epidemic. And Thailand having used so much Chinese junk is highly vulnerable to a similar out of control explosion of new infections. Anutin's chickens are coming home to roost.
  21. The CM Blue zone was defined last year and includes Muang Chiang Mai as well as Mae Rim. So any bona fide restaurant in these areas can serve food until 11pm and sell alcohol until 9pm nightly. It remains to be seen if there is any business now that the Bangkokians have gone home and the foreign visitors can be counted on one hand. My partner is guaranteeing all staff employment until the end of the month. After that it is anyone's guess as to whether it will be possible to operate at all.
  22. My partner runs a restaurant in Muang CM & has received a letter from the BiB saying that alcohol can be sold until 9pm. It appears that the blue zones are being treated differently from the rest of the province, but all will be finally confirmed in another letter expected on Sunday.
  23. Quite simply there is an unspoken acceptance by the health authorities that the Chinese junk that gazillions of people were forced to accept was as good as having an injection of water. So all these people, at huge extra cost to the taxpayer, are basically going back to square one and restarting with the vaccines that Anutin should have bought in the first place. And in 3 months time we will see these same people getting a 5th shot.
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