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Posts posted by TomAikins

  1. I think the time has come to tell the NCPO to bugger off. Enough is enough.

    The General's true colors are now on display and most are not happy.

    Time to end the charade and call for open civilian elections and send the boys in green back to the barricks. The coup has turned out to be mostly a total failure. The only thing it achieved was to put a halt to the impending red/yellow civil war. But only temporarily.

    You actually think there should be an election in this country? You must be joking.

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  2. Lewinsky was a Republican plant. They knew he wouldn't be able to resist her if she came on to him which she certainly did. He screwed everything he could get his hands on while a governor and this was well known at the time. He even had a woman on his staff whose only job was "bimbo control." Lewinsky did her job well and was probably well compensated for it.

  3. This latest protest activity just shows what many of us have known for a long time. There is no law in this country. Anyone with enough money can do whatever they want here. The red shirts did it four years ago and now these idiots are doing it. In the meantime, a lot of people are losing a lot of money because their businesses are suffering. Suthep is on a massive ego trip and could care less about anyone. And, everyone knows that any real solution to this mess is going to be negotiated in a back room somewhere with these "protests" having no effect on the outcome. What a waste.

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