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Posts posted by puchooay

  1. 3 hours ago, Hereinthailand said:

    Issan language is more akin to lao than thai. The sad thing is I have met many people from bkk that are offended by people from issan speaking their native language. But bkk people forcing their will on others is normal.

    You really should modify your first sentence to read " one of the Issan languages". There are several, you know. 

  2. 4 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    You don't have a clue what you are talking about. English probably has similarities to Chinese right? 


    Who was talking about learning the language? Not me, so why make up stories?


    "Reality is, the Isaan dialect has many similarities with central Thai, particularly the number system" and I am sure running around Isaan talking about numbers is something of value?


    You are a complete idiot. 


    In reality Thai is spoken throughout Issan. 


    Issan in general is populated by bilingual and trilingual people. Absolutely no reason why you won't be understood speaking "Central Thai".

  3. 9 hours ago, james1995 said:

    Living Isaan for more than a few weeks is tough.  There are ways to generate an income, but will you be happy living in a village with roosters and no 7/11?  I find it difficult because there are no farang conveniences and you must know Thai to get around.

    The whole of Issan is village, roosters and no 7/11???


    Were you sitting in a Pattaya bar when you wrote that? 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Squeegee said:


    This guy seems pretty clueless, quite frankly.


    "You won't understand one word..."


    Spoken like a typical foreigner who never worked hard to learn the language: if he had done so he may have had something useful and worthwhile to say rather than misinformation.

    Reality is, the Isaan dialect has many similarities with central Thai, particularly the number system. If you can speak some Thaiyou will already have a start on Isaan dialect. A little of both can really open doors and result in unique and amazing experiences beyond thes cope of people like the fellow in the quote.


    What that guy calls 'an educated person' is, by his own description, someone with no inner resources or interests in life to inspire himself.



    If you are like him, stay in Pattaya or on Sukhumvit, but if you are interested in languages like you say you have the potential to experience some of the best things Thailand has to offer.




    Don't invest what you can't afford to lose and don't burn your bridges with back home.


    Agreed in part but you need to add and "s" to the word "dialect".

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 04/08/2017 at 1:21 PM, Russell17au said:

    I agree that there is an attitude problem here with farangs. I regularly go to the shopping centres and when I pass another farang I always say hello in greeting them but a large majority of then stick their nose in the air and ignore me as if I am a piece of rubbish. Maybe these are the ones who have an attitude problem with the Thai's, maybe they think they are better than anyone else. Which they are not.

    I've seen similar posts many times and with differing opinions. 


    I have been here 19 years. At that time there were no shopping centres. There were hardly any expats. When ever one encountered another expat a greeting came naturally at it was almost a shock to meet. 


    Nowadays it is almost inevitable that you are going to see multiple expats when out and about, especially if you are in places like BigC, Robinsons, etc. 


    Would it really be deemed an attitude problem if one did not greet everyone? Should we also greet every Thai? Would anyone greet every countrymam/woman they encountered in a supermarket in their home country? 

  6. 4 hours ago, sinbin said:

    The fact I've lived here 12 years. Obviously you don't see the same as I do? 

    I'd hate to get into a phishing contest but I have been here 19 years.


    I guess the difference is that I show respect to my family and neighbours and , hence, get the respect back.


    My gate is always open, as it were.

  7. 1 hour ago, happylarry said:

    For your interest i have just done a search on google maps and there is no such place.

    There is a Ban Kruat, which is in Buriram province, but I think you need to check your address mate.


    It's all down to phonetics.


    The OP is spelling it as it sounds, the correct spelling.


    Agreed though, that it is probably best to spell as per road signs as that is the way it is likely to be recognised by people who live there or nearby.

  8. 1 hour ago, sinbin said:

    Are you suggesting they should be made to? When Thailand  shows me respect instead of making it blatantly obvious they don't want us here then all well and good.

    What exactly brought you to this conclusion? 


  9. 1 hour ago, MarcIssan said:

    Nasa123 has a point.  Here is a counterpoint.  She is my wife of 11 years not my GF but still I've been divorced 2x already and didn't get married thinking I would also get divorced and give half my stuff away.  So I entered into a 30 year lease of the land with my wife and added supplemental clauses and superficies.


    So if my wife gets pissed and wants to separate, she kicks herself out of the house and the lease and additional documents assures my continued use of the land no matte who owns it. She can sell it but the lease goes with the land and the new buyer must honor the lease until I die, then deal with my heirs after that.


    The Superficies state that my heirs will inherit the use of the land on a continually renewable basis.  So if she divorces me and I remarry (like I ever would ...right?) , my new wife has the use of the land etc etc., thus making it hard to get rid of me.


    All legally done before we started building anything and filed with the land office and all taxes on the lease paid in full for 30 years.


    If we stay married then she is my heir and nothing for her to worry about.



    Superficies and land lease

    The right of superficies can be registered as a separate right or in combination with a land lease. Normally superficies is used by someone (e.g. a foreigner) who acquires a lease interest in titled land and uses the land for the construction of a building. A registered right of superficies is a strong supporting right to a lease agreement, e.g. you could loose your lease (termination upon death) but your superficies remains in full force and can be transferred to your heirs.


    That's all well and good but, if your wife gets seriously upset or annoyed I'm sure she would not worry about any legal standing. With the family nearby they could make the house a very intimidating place to be. I'm sure many people on here have seen that happen. 

  10. 1 hour ago, tonray said:

    Of course the rent here is only 1/5 of what the rent is in Virginia too.

    Not to mention the deductions from salary. Prices of ameneties. 


    It does make me laugh when people make these comparisons. 


    My last teaching salary was less than 40000. With my wife working too we were banking more money in a month than anyone of my ex collegues living in the UK were. 

  11. 6 hours ago, ozmeldo said:

    Yes, as  I recall you should cancel the wp before leaving - but as stated, I believe this cancels your visa immediately. I've heard you get a week to get out as well but I think I've heard you become overstay from the second it's cancelled in reality. I'd go to visa section and ask UbonJoe. You'd really want to fly to the out. 


    Then there is the question whether Immigration will require a letter to issue you a new visa. Maybe just bc you jumped the border and nulled your visa won't fly with them. Presume this is also CW not say, Nonthaburi.


    I'm absolutely, positively certain that if you cross by land you will need a letter from your school. Been like that for years now. All land borders in North, you might try Sadao but that's a crapshoot. It's not a given you won't be questioned when exiting airport either.


    Letting them fire you is a novel, ballsy approach. Call in sick for a week and show with no note. If you're not fired, do it again. Trouble is if you've no replacement, they might keep you until you can be replaced no matter which complicates your end.


    I feel for the kids but if you're done, you're done. I've been there and both terminated without notice (after the farang director pissed me off to no end, guess who...) and stuck it through. Sticking it out was worth it only bc I'd had such a good relationship with my kids. In hindsight, I should have left that bs job and that bs agency. I'm still burned out from that job, it took a piece of my soul and every shitty person at that school was happy I was doing the work they should have been doing.


    Why the fkuc would you sign a contract with 90 days? That's a signal right there unless you're at a top flight school and judging by your initial post, doubtful.


    Visas do not get cancelled. Only extention of stays. There is no 1 week grace period. You must leave the day you cancel your work permit. 


    The OP has already stated he is on a Non B 90 day visa so no problem in this case. The OP can stay until his visa expires. 

  12. 11 hours ago, Grubster said:

    I was there a few weeks back and I don't know the roads but I can say this. If you are driving into town from all the shopping centers you will come to a stop light just after the Home Pro store. One kilometer or so after that on your right is Dans Sports bar and restaurant, I met a bunch of guys there. Good food too.

    I think you'll find it's Jimmy's bar. Not Dan's. 


    When you reach the traffic lights, with PMart on the right, you can turn right to the Roma which is about 500m on the right or you can turn left and go to 218 Harley Bar which is about 500m on the left. 



  13. 3 hours ago, stubuzz said:

    They lied to you.

    I believe foreigners can take the money ( a lump sum)  when they hit 55.  Thai's have the option of taking a monthly payment, but a call to 1506 will give a definitive answer.

    Indeed you have to wait until you are 55. You can also chose to take a monthly sum. The rules are the same for Thais and Foreigners.


    The 750 a month is the top end. The deductions are 5% of salary or 750 baht, which ever is the least. The school also match the payments. If you decide to stop work you can go to the SS office and start paying it yourself. You have to do this within 3 months of leaving. The new monthly fee is 432 baht a month. This gives you free health cover at a designated hospital.


  14. 26 minutes ago, cooked said:

    There is so much variation between from one private school to another and between one governm99ent school and an other that it is difficult to give a coherent answer. | have seen primary schools where all they seem to learn is songs and walking (and standing) like soldiers, others that are excellent.

    We heard about the local, expensive, Catholic school in Buriram and decided to avoid it, standards have apparently gone down in recent years, the classes are too big. Our granddaughter goes to another private school which also has disadvantages but on the whole is preferable. Here again, we noticed that they got rid of the two security guards recently and the toilets are disgracefully badly maintained - money again raises its ugly head, expecting a price hike next year.

    I take your point about how schools can be so drastically different regardles of the origin. Some schools are great others are terrible. 


    By the way....... Buriram is very lucky as it has one of the best Government primary schools I have ever seen. No need to send your kids private. 

  15. Most of the dyed hair happens during the school holidays. The regs at school are so strict the kids like to have a bit of fun when they are off. 


    Once they get back to school they wi likely be inspected and ordered to have a hair cut. 

  16. Thanks UbonJoe. 


    Only ten days lefy on current entry. Would the usual walk into clinic and get a medical cert work? 


    Would police clearance come from Thai police and if so can it be done locally or is it a trip to Bangkok? 


    Bank passbook ok to show 800k? I am in Issan but bank is in Bangkok. Would rather not have to take a trip there for a bank letter. 


    Sorry for all the questions. 



  17. On 02/07/2017 at 6:00 PM, ozmeldo said:



    Even the better publishers are now using yobspeak in their audios. I guess they see it as real world. It's often practically incomprehensible to me.


    Demand the American versions. 


    No one wants to listen to it, model their speech after it or bother spelling British English.


    In the four years I've taught English the only kids using British spelling are the ones with some British family connection. Yet even with UK parents, their kids here speak with a neutral accent.

    Only 4 years??? I've been teaching here 19 years and find your comments rather off centre. In fact almost funny to the extent of unbelievable. 


    Thanks for the laugh. I'm still trying to decipher where a neutral accent might come from. 


    Going to tape my ribs up. 

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