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Posts posted by spacemand

  1. I just don't understand the mentality of guys who won't accept the bad news about their "girl" and get angry. I would want to know. If I find out that a real friend has kept the truth from me, that would be a serious breach of trust, as others point out. I would hope, too, that my friend understands me well enough that he knows I would accept the truth of the matter. Now, I would add that anything my friend tells me needs to be founded on the certainty of the situation. Given that qualification, I would, upon being told, thank him, and remove myself from the relationship. I don't get angry with him and I don't get angry with her. I just walk. Yes, I mean that because I understand how loose things are in this environment. I'm not condemning ALL Thai girls. It has to be said, Thai girls and farangs are equally untrustworthy, with few exceptions, in my experience. Thai girls, especially those from the bar world, learn soon enough that farangs are hardly pillars of piety.

    The real answer in avoiding this kind of cuckolding situation, as much as possible, is in a tough-minded vetting procedure early on. I can hardly hold out myself as good example (having made some minor mistakes), but it took me nine years of visiting and living in Southeast Asia before I had my first (current) Thai GF. Of course, that's no guarantee of a happy future. But it gives one a good start.

    At the same time, if I have a GF or wife, I do not play around. But many Thai girls know farangs, who see their girl off on an upcountry visit, turn right around and (shamefully) head for the short-time streets. So it's a two-way street. Both sides have to earn trust. I think trust and honesty reap a fair share of reward.

    For me it would not be a friend if he did not tell me if my wife screwed around. If someone had knowledge about something like that and did not tell me, they are not my friend and I would never talk to them again.

    What I would do I would trust my friend (friend not some nut case just trying to stir up shit) and then confirm it on my own.

    The OP story where he asked his friend and he asked because he know things were going on and then turn the friend, what a wanke_r.

  2. No reason to build a new airport for the planes 319 and 737 both have ranges of more than 5000km so runway length shouldn't be a problem I doubt there will ever be a direct route from Ubon to the states or Europe.

    Terminal and parking could use a touch up, left from there a couple of weeks ago and only one of the the 3 food places were open!

  3. I did Don Muang to Suvarnabhumi for 321 baht + tolls + airport tax took about 45 minutes.

    I then did my business at Suvarnabhumi and went down the to taxi line and got into a taxi taking me 5 minutes to my hotel, Meter started at 35 and went up about 2 baht per 2 seconds until it hit 201 then slowed down to the normal speed so I ended up paying 227 baht for 5 minutes.

    I asked him about it and compared to my reason trip fro DM and he got aggressive and said always minimum 200 from the airport, what can you do on the free way around midnight so I just gave up on it.

    First time in around 100 rides I have had an issue.

  4. Never registered when I got mine a few years ago but I agree with the law to prevent people using a prepaid to haress someone else or similar.

    For expiring credits I never have an issue but the kids phone sometime has and then we just buy a few more days using Dtac its easy and cheap to buy 30 or more days. There is a limited number of numbers so the companies have to have some way to recycle them.

  5. What about Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Light, or (in Thailand) Pepsi Max?

    Many of us prefer sugar-free Pepsi, in cans. Some of us cannot consume large amounts of sugar.

    Also in the news is a new artificial sweetener to replace NutraSweet in Diet Pepsi, coming on line in early-2013.

    I used to prefer Pepsi Max but switched to Coke Zero when its available after they switched their sweetener.

    I live in Sisaket and Big C or Tesco most of the time have the 1.24-1.45 bottles of either product so when I see it I stock up for a while.

    Went to Ubon Makro and no Pepsi products at all then went to Big C Ubon and plenty of Pepsi and Pepsi Max.

    Pepsi seems to have a distribution problem but in the last few weeks it have gotten better.

    • Like 1
  6. Sitting in Savannakhet using Savan Vegas deal and have them assist with the visa handed in my papers this morning I were asked for the bank book and I said its not necessary and I did not bring it. Just got a call from the reception saying the consulate would need the bank book with 300K.

    Is this a very new rule? In my past visas it were never necessary and I know someone who did not have to show his bank book when he did the trip on his own in early December.

  7. EU citizen married to a Thai national living in Thailand for 5 years married 3+ years, I go to the US on business 2-3 times a year and I want my wife to experience LA or LV.

    My wife never went outside SE Asia, is it a lost cause to get her a visa for a 7-10 day trip?

    I get my visa on arrival based on tourism or business when I arrive in the US but I want to show my wife other parts of the world.

    My initial thoughts are it would be impossible for her to get a visa to come with me but just in case if anyone have any past experiences I would love the input. I can provide docs, from the company I work for and the company hosting the trade show.

  8. The Kbank recommendation outside of the airport is a good one. There are only a couple of banks in the airport, and they paid a bloody fortune for the right to offer you a very uncompetitive rate. Exchange there only as a last resort. Not a good rate, ever. Better to do it outside of the airport.

    KBank advertise the best rate over the 2 other banks there and they only have one place in the basement on the level for the train into the city.

    I will be back in 10 days and will do the photos and other things to try to convience the people always taking the oppoursite opinion :D

  9. I really doubt those girls were tricked into what they were doing.

    I agree they were not tricked into it, they were forced into it.

    99.95% of the white or black women you see in Thailand hooking are forced into it, for them its not a choice.

    One of the reasons Thailand is popular as a sex destination is that the vast majority of Thai women involved in the business is they do it voluntarily and most reasonably guys do care about the trafficked women.

    You do realise that 99.95 is a pretty big percentage? Love to know where you source that......................ermm.gif

    I am not anti prostitution or anything like that. I believe women have the right to choose themselves and I support that I have been to plenty of prostitutes so thats not an issue for me I am very much pro prostitution under the right circumstances.

    Ask yourself how can someone from the middle of nowhere in Nigeria or Uzbekistan can afford a ticket to Thailand? If they can afford the ticket why not go somewhere they can make a lot more money.

  10. 99.95% of the white or black women you see in Thailand hooking are forced into it, for them its not a choice.

    You are kidding right? Forced?...you believe all that NGO drivel?

    No just a realist.

    A Uzbek women would make a lot more in Prague, Amsterdam, Middle East or any European country than they would in Thailand.

    In my home country we have a lot of Eastern European women coming to make a fair amount of money without having a lot of issues since prostitution is legal but its illegal for someone to profit of a prostitute ie a pimp.

    When ever there is a story about trafficking/pimping its street walkers from Africa, gypsys or the lower Eastern Europe where the women are more ulnerable. Ask yourself where did this Nigerian/Uzbek woman get 40K+ baht to get to Thailand and still have money enough for accomodation and protection?

    Call me naive but I believe most Thai women involved in the farang part of the industry are there by choice, they choose to do it they don't have someone threatning there kids/family. It often because of financial issues they choose to do it but that the same everywhere in the world and if its deadbeat husbands/boyfriends then they still have a choice unlike women forced into prostitution.


  11. I was in there today for the first time. The host was really good. I ate a burrito for the first time in my life. I have to say it was ok, but not something that I would rush back for. The menu is very limited. But because other places in Sisaket have closed down, the owner has the chance to cash in on the good food franchise

    "Uncle Willies" has gone, and also, the French place. And I can't believe that anyone thinks that the other eating hole, I think it is called Franks, is any good. Years ago I went there before he moved and the food was great, but in the last 6 months I have taken visitors there, and every time he has said sorry we are not serving food, ( and by the way this was only at lunch time), but the place was full of his friends (cronies) eating food. The man is a idiot.

    I sincerely hope that the "Cuckoos Nest" succeeds, but I think that he will really have to expand his menu in order to do so. In my opinion, and what do I know, he would have been better looking for a double unit, where he would have had the room to have a bigger kitchen area, so that he would be comfortable in the space, and would be able to provide a very good menu. I doubt he will succeed in the cramped space that he now occupise.
    But I do wish him, and his wife, the best of luck in their new venture.

    I agree with you in certain points. I pretty much doubt that Frank's got many friends. The food- if he's got some- is most of the time not even worth to take a look at. The definition of German food there does not fit......

    But that's up to him, he's been here long enough to understand what customers want. Or better said: What they don't want.

    I had been at another place where they sold steaks near Kasikam bank. Guess it's Kantharalak road?

    . We were alone, this guy, guess he's Swiss couldn't even say hello to us.

    One of us had to go to the bathroom, the toilet in the middle of his kitchen and a unlock able door made the desire to empty the digestive system impossible.

    I'm very sure that even two or three farlang places would make good money, if.................................coffee1.gif

    This guy is from Frankfurt.
    Frank has nothing in common with East-Germans. He never made a lot of german food. The only german meals he is doing is schnitzel (great) , german bratwurst (nothing wrong) the last 2 month he starte with peasoup but thats all the rest of his food are pizza,pies, a great chilli con carne, a fantastic stew and sandwiches or rolls. He is not doing art cuisine, if you wont this you are better in Bangkok or other places. If you check google images about frank's german dishes. I can't see any different.
    His toilet is not in the middle of the kitchen he cooks outside. The door I agree he must find a solution but also before he had a lock and some kids locked themselfs .
    And by the way I think that he has many friends he helped a lot of people and allways he had been listen to their problems.
    Just sometimes he is in a funny mood but who not. He runs a one man show and for this he doing well.

    Does anybody know that there’s also a Frankfurt in East Germoney?

    How do you now that he’s got nothing to do with East Germans? He never made a lot of food sounds funny in my eyes. Try a “Schnitzel” my wife’s cooking.

    People who like Bratwurst should try the Nuernberger version, available at Tesco’s TGM place in Ubon. Not different to the German version.

    Peesoup isn’t really a German dish, to be honest. Personally, I don’t like Bangkok, because it’s so polluted.

    His almost cheese less Pizzas would make Italians cry. I don’t understand why he’s got to make his food outside of the kitchen. I googled and googled but couldn’t find images,

    Are the kids still locked in the bathroom? I’m very sorry to hear that. Hope they’ll be rescued soon.

    Guess you meant being drunk with funny mood? Hope he’s getting well soon.

    I’ve googled and actually found a photo. Hope it's not from his outdoor kitchen. Auf Wienerschnitzel..............

    Your posts here against Frank is definately a person attack, it shows easily for anyone living in Sisaket and I suggest you crawl back under the rock you have been hiding under.
    I like both Frank and Brian and since I do not go out much I try to share my business between them because both a great guys.
    Frank supplies me with my ham cheaper than I can find it in Sisaket, serves a Pizza where my wife says there might be a little to much cheese on it for her Thai preference and I can get some good english style pies. I love eating at Franks when I go there I know I can get Pizza, Schnitzel or German Sausages and always leave happy.
    I love Brian the same, good Mexican/farang food, makes a great burrito/meat ball sub and the company is always great.

    Being a cynical person and if I get bad/sub par service once I never come back but both places is worth a visit they are different and have very different foods but still very good..

    If you have the balls to do it send me a pm with your number and we can do a visit to both places trying my preferred dishes at Frank's (Pizza or Pie) and my preferred dishes at Brian's (Burrito/Meatball Sub) and I will pay for it but you are just one of those sad xxxxx with no life sitting behind the keyboard projecting your life on everyone else but this is your chance to prove me wrong.
  12. I really doubt those girls were tricked into what they were doing.

    I agree they were not tricked into it, they were forced into it.

    99.95% of the white or black women you see in Thailand hooking are forced into it, for them its not a choice.

    One of the reasons Thailand is popular as a sex destination is that the vast majority of Thai women involved in the business is they do it voluntarily and most reasonably guys do care about the trafficked women.

    • Like 2
  13. I used a local travel agent here in Thailand.

    I missed a flight because I over slept and gave her a call she managed to get a non-refundable ticket rebooked on the same flight the next day for a minimal fee, had I booked direct with the airline I would have been out of luck.

    On top she finds flights at the same price or cheaper than I can find myself, even AirAsia she gets me a little bit cheaper than booking online.

    Its not always possible to book the flights I want (intra Europe) with her but when I need to go somewhere I email her date and destinations and she emails me back with 3-4 different itiniaries.

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