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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 16 minutes ago, DavisH said:

    They are only testing suspected cases of covid for those that turn up at the hospital. Thailand has done 24474 tests for 2169 positive cases. That is an 8.8% positive rate. Other countries positive rates vary widely - very low in Australia, but over 50% in the Philippines. Sure, some people may have mild cases and never bother going to the doctor, but this is the same in every country. 

    I'm not sure Thailand has the capacity to do mass testing, especially for those with mild symptoms. They tried using teat kits from China but they were unreliable - they were givign both false positive and false negative readings - info from my wife who is a Nursing college director and works closely with BIDI - one hospital treating covid patients. 

    Better if they spent some of the $60 billion to help the local economy, on testing equipment from Taiwan, South Korea, Germany, but then all these creepy agreements with communist China, probably stops them from doing that, already the men in green are putting out excuses into their controlled media, saying the strain here is a weaker one, than the the Italian strain, that’s the excuse for weaker numbers, you can see in a matter of weeks, they are going to have to re-open the local economy

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  2. How much so far, 2 trillion baht, to help the local economy, surely it would cost less than 1 billion baht to test 70,000 a day, but they test 1% of what Germany tests every day, and Germany tests 70,000 a day 


    They spend vast amounts, to keep the country virtually closed, and millions losing jobs, doesn’t make any sense, if you believe the numbers they hand out daily


    no conspiracy theories, like what we saw from the Chinese communists and their lies, for losing face for Wuhan virus, but surely this motley crew are up to another game, nothing to do with health of a nation 

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  3. 37 minutes ago, fourpack said:

    Love a good conspiracy theory wondered how long it would take for one cheers. Enjoyed the read

    If you think these Han Chinese communists are telling the truth, then match the public record of national deaths, March 2019 total death counts to March 2020 total death counts, if you are able to read thai, that way you can see, if it’s a normal total of deaths for 70 million people, or a huge spike in deaths, that way you can back up your theory

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  4. numbers are not matching lockdowns on this scale, you are already seeing rebellion  articles in Europe, here with no human rights, meaning no mass testing same Germany, US, S.Korea, then they will be looking, and knowing they can’t keep the lockdowns in this way for too long, easing up will have to happen April into May,


    it will still take,  weeks/months for people overall to get used to post-Wuhan virus, but this game of restricting people and controlling cash handouts for popularity stakes will become tiresome to the masses very quickly

    that’s not to downplay those at high risk, or forget hygiene practices and safe distance practices, those things, I am

    sure will stay will people for a lot longer,


    this anti-human rights regime will never care enough, for people to actually keep on top of a virus spread like this, they will be too much questioning of job losses, crashing of economy for it to keep like this for much longer,


    all they did was hide behind the more media popular pandemic places of Iran, Italy, London and New York, they faked caring for 1 month with these procedures copying other countries, and still the numbers everyday are comical, it’s sad for those that have lost lives, or infected


    living with copy cat communists will never see fair systems in the country, let’s hope the new dawn will eventually bring about a change of system by the masses 

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  5. same hospital that ten years ago, refused to treat anyone who didn’t wear a light color, something creepy is going on,  no way can you say it’s down to 1.5 infection rate, when they will never care about large testing like Germany, they know they are fooling the population, in parroting the instructed information to keep the lockdown going, they must be believing their research, lockdowns keep millions begging for handouts, saviors score well in popularity marks 

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  6. 5 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

    I think the biggest problem is that we are not being updated like we would be if we were in our original countries. I can't find any clear information about the situation in Rayong, I'm not scared of the virus but I am wary and would like to be appraised of the infections in our state. Up until Saturday night the bars and restaurants were still open as normal here and even still today there were Bangkok tourists who had driven here, there is so much conflicting information such as Bangkok being in lockdown and travel between states being restricted. I realise there is a difference in education here and what the government tell their citizens but I would prefer the truth.

    These gangsters will never do mass free testing, or even mass testing on a par with Germany, US, Taiwan, S.Korea, forget the gangsters in CCP China, their numbers are a joke too 


    so you have Thailand for 10-12 weeks of known public infections, true infections could go back to December, that means already lightly infected, meaning people who won’t know they even have the virus, and never need hospital treatment, are already in 100’s of thousands, or touching low millions,


    it’s much better now to allow ‘herd immunity’, that means the virus will find it difficult to gain new hosts, when so many have had the virus from tiny to serious infections, better to protect the older generation, or those most at risk, prepare more icu beds, and put out public awareness messages constantly with hygiene practices, and open up the economy


    this hiding behind the news of New York and London, and giving out cash handouts, hoping to be a savior and game more followers, cannot last into May, they are now pushing 20-30 million to the brink of bankruptcy, and every day issuing roughly 100 new infections and 9 deaths in 10 weeks, it’s becoming twisted


    I would never want to downplay any infectious virus, especially from virus capital China, but just playing with peoples minds and livelihoods, and letting rumors go crazy, will just send people into constant meltdowns, they either take it seriously with testing and protecting those at most risk, or just stop the pretense and let the virus run it’s course 

  7. 1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    I haven't actually seen the ICU section here but I imagine it would be rather limited and severe cases of anything would be shipped of to bigger hospitals like Ubon,Khon Kaen or Ratchasima but if this virus starts up here they will just be shipped off back home as is the norm for these parts.I'll let you know if there's an increase in local funerals.

    They should prepare extra icu beds in every hospital, and follow free testing in the 10,000’s every day, try to follow Taiwan or S.Korea, that way they could also have a plan to try and protect the elderly

    the problem is, they are doing none of these things, only locking down an economy, and producing numbers every day, that no one believes, 10 weeks in, and you have to try a different path, as herd immunity will happen eventually, even if some don’t believe that way, as a vaccine for this regime is a long way of, unless you can pay fortunes at the private hospitals, when they arrive

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  8. 17 hours ago, christophe75 said:




    The cognitive dissonance is just huge.


    Conformism is the rule here


    But at one point, it won't work anymore.


    This circus started beginning of january. Thailand was the first country to announce a confirmed case outside China.


    In january, almost 1 million of chinese tourists visited Thailand.


    In january we have had 6 daily flights between Wuhan and Thailand...


    3 months later... We have :


    5 deads. And 1000 cases. Even 5000 (if we assume that the gvt is using the subgroup of "PUI" to hide the cases)...


    And the whole economy has been shutdown. And the borders have been closed.


    For this ?


    Again, most of you have lost any common sense.


    So 2 solutions 

    -very quickly, the gvt will do a "reverse drive" thai style... Like next week "ok folk, it worked, it's over. We won the war [as usual, thai style] life is going back to normal. Thailand su su, we are the best !"


    -or the gvt will use... curfew to crash the dissent... because the dissent and the anger will grow.


    But something must happen.


    People are like children. But even children can understand that something is seriously fxxxx up here.


    The government's actions do not make any sense.

    This can’t go on for months in a shutdown, people have panicked themselves in false reality, this gangster regime will have to loosen up, and tear away the lockdowns, if they keep repeating the fake numbers, 7 people dead today, you can’t ask 20-30 million people to lose money, jobs, homes, livelihoods all because 7 people have died in nearly 3 months, they must be looking at it as a way of survival, with the cash handouts and savior mode, even countries going through their peaks, are looking at weeks to open up

  9. 33 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    It was also an H1N1 flu back in 1918, as found after analysis. They got samples from buried corpses.


    The H1N1 for the last century has caused so much destruction, modern day, we still have countries using outdated ways in diets, bushmeat, live animals, Sars virus from civets, Wuhan virus likely from bats, some believe pangolins, latest studies show it has a strong resemblance to bats in Zhoushang, China, then you have nipah virus from India, Ebola virus from Africa

  10. 17 minutes ago, 0815 said:

    Looks like any country has "gangsters in charge" nowerdays...

    These gangster regimes in SE asia are quite different to the free societies,


    their problem will be, how to keep people not earning for more weeks, without reacting/revolting, too difficult, even for these anti-human rights gangsters, sooner or later, they will have to loosen the  lockdowns and accept ‘herd immunity’, It has to be close for these countries


    Jan 13th first reported case, let’s say Dec, first unreported cases on this land, over 3 months, you are looking at millions of people who have very light symptoms, and don’t even realize anything is wrong, once you get to 50% to 80% of population depending on which study you read, ‘herd immunity’ kicks in


    that still means, extra icu beds, more testing, better messaging on how to be more responsible, knowing many won’t listen

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