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Posts posted by xjessie007

  1. I would not recommend using e/file 3rd party companies or their software. If the 3rd party software messes up, IRS will go after you not after the 3rd party tax sw provider. There are some benefits in the 3rd party tax software, but there are also some drawbacks associated with it. Just reading forms and schedules instructions patiently and thoroughly, and you might be fine. I have run into some tax software that had mistakes. There are many sources online that provide information. For example, see here for the 1040 instructions: 1040 instructions . General advice on the federal tax return completion (rounding, sort order, etc.), here is a good page on federal tax return: federal tax return. There are many sources online, you can find everything online. Using the tax software is not a great benefit. It does not save you very much time, and by using it, you increase your risks of having it wrong.

  2. If your parents live in Spain why not to get Spanish cizizenship? Some countries allow dual citizenship, this might solve all your problems for once. :) As far as the married goes, I do not think married or unmarried makes any difference. See here for a good source of info about schengen visa: schengen visa. It does not say anywhere that married couples would have lower changes of getting the schengen visa. After all, there are many married people that go to Spain for honeymoon, no? :D

  3. sorry mate, are you Spanish?

    reason for asking is that if you are, then you would have to be in residence in a

    different EU country to obtain a free EU family permit.

    if you are Spanish and resident in Spain, then you would need the visitors visa for Spain. (not free.

    by the way, the family permit is not just for visiting, it is as good as a settlement visa, as soon as she gets it she can then travel with you to the EU for upto 5 years, including your own country.

    regarding which form to use, i suggest calling the Spanish embassy for advice.

    thanks for the reply, I am a Brit who has lived 5 years in Spain.

    I have contacted the SP Embassy and the visa is free, but they want lots of documents, police and health check , evidence of support for a year , and a certificate from UK Embassy to say marriageis legal in UK (that has cost over 2K Baht from good old money grabbing Brit FO). So getting there , thanks for the interest

    Good luck, it takes some time and money and nerves. Not, sure but I think you will need Schengen visa too if you want to live long term in Spain, no?

  4. Hi all,

    my girlfriend just got a Uk visa today and i was thinking to apply for a Schengen visa in order to obtain a new one and bring her and my daughter (double passport British and Thai) somewhere around Europe.

    I should defenitely bring her to Italy (as I'm half Italian) but I'm a bit reclutant to go to the Italian embassy unless i will have to.

    Does she has to go through all the process of getting a new Visa or will it be easier now that she's got the Uk one?

    Which embassy could be easier considering my circumstances?

    Is it possible to obtain such a Visa from the Uk?

    I'm planning to visit Italy few days and France perhaps or Spain.

    Any help will be much appreciated,


    I am a little confused, does your girlfriend have only UK visa or a passport too? In case she has UK passport, then no problem, she does not need Schengen visa. If she has only UK visa, it is no help in obtaining Schengen visa or in any other way. Check here, this site is pretty complex source of information. Schengen visa See the link "Schengen visa application", that link gives you a list of the stuff that you need to submit with your application and where to submit it. The link "Schengen visa form" provides downloadable forms. Where to apply? It depends. If your wife is located still in Thai and you have several months of time, it is better to apply for the Schengen visa here in Thai. It is also possible to apply in he UK, but it is more complicated and you need to satisfy some conditions, such as your UK visa must be valid for at least 6 months and you need at least 3 months time on it when you come back from the Schengen zone, etc. The fee is 60 EUR now and it takes some 6 weeks to get the Schengen visa. Good luck.

  5. Hello i have some changed plans. as u may notice in my other topic. but lets get strait to the case. i have a thaigirlfriend we known eachother and lived with eachother for 1year. we are NOT married and we are currently in bangkok. i am a swedish citizen registered in sweden with home address. how can my gf get a resident visa to sweden.?how many weeks,months will it take?and what do i need to proof that i have address in sweden etc.. is it possible at all for her to get a residence visa without traveling back to thailand anymore?. does anyone know about the 30000euro insurance.? how much does it cost? or should she take a tourist visa and then we can try to get the residence visa while in sweden?. ive been to the swedish embassy here in bangkok. i called the swedish embassy. i do not find it useful in anyway. and the phone booth is a joke. the lady says okay i get u to consular. and no one is there. everytime. so i tried to keep her on the line but she connected me to a dead phone anyway. impossible to deal with. hope anyone out there have any answers what we should do.


    Man, you have many questions. :) Let me give you two links, and see if that helps. Here is the first link to a site where they have lots of information about Schengen visa. See the "Pages Related to Schengen Visa" section on this page for links to other pages about stuff related to Schengen visa such as application checklist, downloadable forms, questions and answers, etc. Speaking of the insurance, it can be purchased online, depending on your age and other parameters, you can expect some 10-20 eur per day. Here is a page that provides details about the health EU mandatory Schengen visa insurance. I hope this helps.

  6. Why not try and reapply at the French Embassy saying how much you love France and then just go to Norway.

    It may be a case of the Norwegians not really wanting Asians into the country, or you have just hit a jobs worth person.

    My partner has only had one Schgen Visa and she got that from French Embassy in Bangkok and it ws no problems.

    Hmmm... yes, thanks for that, but the problem we have now is that I am in England while the wife is in Thailand, far from Bangkok, and unable to fill in forms in English (or French) by herself. She will soon travel to England on her UK visit visa, and the embassies in London will nowadays only grant visas to foreigners who have a permanent settlement visa in UK. That's why my thoughts have been turning towards the idea of trying to invoke Directive 2004/38/EC and going without any visa at all. Not sure if it would work, though, and I'm wondering if a) anyone else has tried it and :) which country would be safest.

    Sorry to hear about your experience, especially considering your wife already had 3 visas, and they do not see it. My suggestion, I would not go to the border without being sure in advance that you will make it through. You might get through with the Directive in hand, but if not, you wasted a lot of time and money. Does the Norwegian embassy have email? If yes, you could email them with your question. You could also contact other government offices in Norway, I do not know what they call them, but all the embassies have to report to someone, usually they call it the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and such. Try contacting them. Maybe you could google up some contact to the border patrol office. If everything fails, then applying for a visa at another state embassy could work.

  7. My girlfriend is pregnant (junior's due to arrive in October) - can the baby be added to my girlfriend's passport or is another passport required - inwhich case how do you go about the photo ?

    I do not know about Thai, but having experience from some other countries, I know there is some age limit within which the child can be in her mothers passport. I think calling your passport office would be the best source of information.

  8. Is it possible to get a US green card for Thai spouses of US citizens while the couple still resides in Thailand?

    And if yes, are there any reputable agencies out there that can assist in the process?


    I have a friend how is planning on marying US citizen, and she was debating whether she should mary him while still in Germany or whether they should do it in the USA. They found out that if they apply for the marriage green card while still in Germany, the process takes only about 1/2 year compared to years in the USA. Just wanted to share this experience, perhaps it helps...

  9. I am really confused by all this stuff. It says 3 months for the category C visa on this page The http://www.euro-dollar-currency.com/scheng..._categories.htm, but when you look at the "Holder of Switzerland student visa, can I visit Schengen zone?" here http://www.euro-dollar-currency.com/scheng...a_questions.htm, it says 4 months for the L-type residence permit. Do they have a mistake there, or are the permits valit for longer than the C visas? Tx.

  10. We wish to spend a week in Monaco, and then 10 days or so more traveling throughout the EU.

    Does the UK fall under the Schengen Visa?

    I do not see visa requirements on the France Thai Consulate site in English. Any idea of where I can find the English translation? Do they need the original tambien baan or just a copy?

    edit: I realize the instructions have english at the bottom of the french writing.

    they say that they want to see the original return flight plane tickets, not a copy. Where am I supposed to get original tickets from, the airport? What is this 1992? I have been using E-tickets for years now.

    they also say they do not want a third party hotel booking... A bit ridiculous.

    Guys above provided the answers, so I just want to add two things. Here is a site where you can download the Schengen visa forms in many languages including English, French, German, etc. I do not see Thai but I think you say English would be ok.

    Advice two, if you have troubles with French embassy, contact some other embassy of some other state. You can get Schengen visa from Germany and enter the Schengen zone in France no problem.

  11. Soooo, some twenty, thirty, fifty years after the fact, the now government decides to construct some barriers to immigration, all of this at a time when unemployment is sky rocketing and this of course has nothing to do with appeasing the local residents and gaining votes in the future, <deleted>!

    Government never listens to those down below. Money, money, that is what they listen to and what makes the rules.

  12. I had an embarrassing experience during a foot massage. The woman was massaging an area of my foot linked to my sphincter muscles and I had an accident in my pants. Luckily I was wearing jeans at the time so managed to salvage some solids into the nearest toilet.

    I have not had a foot massage since.

    Actually I don't believe all this 'reflexology' stuff. There is no way doing something to your foot can result in having an accident in your pants. You may have irritable bowel syndrome which can be triggered by something you recently ate.

    I don't have IBS and I did not have an upset stomach at the time.

    Manipulation of a certain area of the sole of the foot triggers a direct relaxation of the parasympathetic nerves, causing loss of control of the sphincter muscles.

    If you look at the large colour sign of a human foot they use as display and arrowed indicating different organs of the body. There is an arrow pointing to the upper left side of the sole indicating 'anus' it is my opinion that the masseure was concentrating on this area by mistake.

    I think foot massage is a weaker form of accupuncture. You can do a lot of damage with accupuncture too. I would not believe any of those folks that try to heal you with massaging your legs unless the guy is certified and has really good reputation. The same like with ear piercing. Many people get by with a needle heated over candle. But there are cases where you poke some dangerous spot and get into trouble.

  13. Another thought -

    Can you wrap your suitcases in plastic if heading to the USA?

    With the TSA rules it would seem that what ever you use must be easily removable by the TSA with one of their special keys.

    I suppose they just cut off the plastic upon arrival in the states and stick a note in your bag.


    I think that is what they do. They cut off the plastic the same way like they remove locks.

  14. Thank you very much, Scouser and Mahout Angrit. The information you have provided is excellent. I have found the "Long Stay" visa application form here and will print a copy so it can be sent to the French guy for him to investigate.

    Thanks again for all your help.

    I have a question about this too. Is the Long Stay "Carte de séjour à solliciter à l'arrivée en France" the same thing like the "long-term L-type permit"? Sorry, I know almost none French, so I do not understand the Carte..... thing, just judging from the context. This website (www.euro-dollar-currency.com/schengen_visa_questions.htm) talks about some kind of "long-term L-type permit" (scroll down, it is about in the middle of the page - Holder of Switzerland student visa...). From the text, it looks like the L-type thing is for stays over 4 mos, no?

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