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Posts posted by arthurwait

  1. I drive a couple of Hi-aces occasionally on a standard Thai licence gained from a UK one. Yes there is a picture of the van on the licence - 5 and 1 year ones.

    I don't think there are varying speed limits for them, maybe on some toll or express roads where they have some signs of different vehicles.

    The previous post about speeding is spot on.

    Remember minibuses running commercial routes crash on a very frequent basis and are repaired unless a complete right off and also thrashed by morons driving them so check it out very carefully.

  2. Hardware house sell fuses. I think Thai watsadu as well.

    Homepro, global house and Hardware house sell car battery chargers. Thai watsadu I think as well.

    Hardware house and Thai Watsadu sell terminals.

    The fuses and terminals do seem overpriced compared to the Uk but then I haven't seen UK prices for nearly 10 years.

  3. As above I've seen them in hardware house. They do have another branch on the Bang Na - Tradt around Bang Plee - Bang Na (southbound side of the road), but I've never been in that branch, it does look smaller than the motorway branch.

    Regarding the branch above (motorway/ Sri Racha) , you will se the big Thai watsadu sign before you see hardware house come off the main road onto the side road when you see it or almost immediately after the bridge you will go over if you don't come off by the sign.

  4. Ask the Lawyer. He knows everything, but fails to accept work!

    I don't know if he fails to accept work, but he definitely fails to offer complete / clear answers to many questions. I have asked several and found it useless. I don't read it anymore because the info is so rarely of any use.

    And there is no option to offer replies. More often than not, TV members can answer or have already answered the question.

    Lawyers don't work for free.

  5. Is there any parts guarantee and have all the gearbox problems been sorted now ?

    Were Ford hit by the floods ?

    Is there any parts guarantee

    3 year parts and labour ... you can extend to 4 or 5 years for a small fee if you do it before the car is 9 months old.

    have all the gearbox problems been sorted now ?

    Well they have updated the software, other than that I don't know ... but they have had years to solve the problem, so should have.

    Were Ford hit by the floods ?

    the 2010 flood? ... Yes, but the cars should have dried out by now. Anyway the car we ordered wasn't built then.

    PS ... google the problem ... looks like it was fixed ..

    Thanks. The second car could do with replacing, preferably something with airbags. It's tempting.

  6. I occasionally drive the vans (Toyota commuter) my MIL has and have never been stopped. Never more than 3 people in it, usually alone.

    It is illegal for you to drive other people in a van for money. I know you aren't doing this , but if a money hungry cop sees an opportunity.

    It is good though how loads of people get right out your way though when they see a van coming.

    Licence wise yes you can, there is a picture of the van on your licence ( a 5 year one anyway not sure about a 1 year one).

    Go with a reputable company. Not sure what company my friend used, but the front suspension on one side collapsed on the motorway resulting in a crash.

  7. I was going to post that there was a truck or bus driver nicked maybe last year for wearing flip flops, but maybe it was the story above. I thought the cops said he should be driving barefoot. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Driving barefoot unless you are one major sweaty person is safer than most shoes, much more feel of the pedals. Race drivers wear shoes due to fire protection rules which have incredibly thin soles.

    Legal/illegal ? Does it matter? If the cops want your money they just make it up. I doubt most have actually bothered to learn actual laws. 200 baht or the cost of a lawyer.

  8. http://www.one2car.com/for-sale/ford-mustang-2dr-bangkok-metropolitan-on-nut/2179364/


    The second one isn't the correct year and the 2.5 liter mentioned in the ad, is maybe a 2.5 liter Toyota engine, i guess.

    Soooooooooooo over priced. The first one is nice, 351ci engine but 3.5 mi;;ion baht for a 70 Mustang. That would be a little over 100,000US. At best in the US that car would be $30,000. And that second car is a laugh. It's advertised as a 76 and it is a 69. Has a 2.5 liter Toyota 6 cylinder and they want 1.85 million. That car wouldn't;t bring more than $10,000 in the US.

    It's not in the US.

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