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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. I don't know where you're from, and I'm not a gun expert either, but I'm pretty sure AK47s are still legal in the US... and some of us are still alive, so it's nothing to be too shocked about. :)

    All assault weapons are legal in the USA but only semi-automatic models unless you have a license for full automatic. All you need to buy an AK-47 or AR-15 (M-16) is to be 18 years old, have valid ID and no criminal record, you have to be 21 to buy a hand gun because it is easily concealed.

    I agree what the OP saw had to be a BB gun you can only buy the real version of this type of weapon on the black market in Thailand.

    Correct me if I am wrong, the "AK-47's" availible in the US are not real AK's....the US "version" is a 5.56mm cal, while a "pukka" Russian/Chinese AK-47 is a 7.62mm Cal. And also believe they are all semi-auto, and it is illegal to modify these assault rifles to fully automatic, license or not....

    AK-47 is a 7.62 the real deal however it is not full automatic for public sale unless you have an FFL (federal firearms license) for about $100 you can buy the kit to convert the semi-auto to full-auto but don't get caught.

    Thank so much for posting and I am a gun owner. Wow?? the state of california banned AK-47 long time ago but, I know from my friends that his peers have them but, they will not reveal who own them. ( gun collectors ) I can spend the night in jail to modify or buying this baby. ( mostly in the gun show ) It is very hard to have a license for carrying gun in my state unless I have a reason. Well it is facinated machine but deadly weapon. In 1980, 5-6 kids got short and dead in Sacramento playground because, the racist teenager took others lives as I recalled.. Senator Feinstein 's law, my take and opinion.

  2. There's a report of the incident on this Australian news link


    The BK post reported that the school would not dismiss the teacher because they had no one to fill his classes before the upcoming exams.

    They also said the boy concerned was not 'angry' at the teacher and that he 'had deserved it'. Draw your own conclusions about why he might say that.

    The 'best' part of it was the teacher's reaction on being questioned; he said 'yes it was wrong, but kids get hurt a lot worse in playground fights'. That was the bit that astounded me the most. I think its fairly safe to assume that he would have got away with this action and attitude, but the publicity around the story should ensure he gets binned. (I note another poster says he's voluntarily resigned...any confirmations?).

    As a 'farang' teacher in a state institution I do witness unruly behaviour, but if you can't handle kids being kids you shouldn't be in the job. To any who may sympathise with the teacher, just ask yourself whether you would want your own kids to study in his class (apparently all the kid did was not bring his books to class, then give a smart-ass reply when told off about it. This happens almost daily to me; my answer is - "OK, good luck in the exams".).

    Hello you are the best teacher of the year..I am so honor to meet you on line..Keep posting and educating Farangs for teachers. Thai students need all of you..Farangs

    You all make your difference. They will be able to read, write and speak English when they have a good teacher like you..( outstanding, nice and compassion )

    Thank you for sharing...and please do not discourage..keep it going...

  3. The government are more concerned about a terrorist attack by southern separatists or Muslim terrorists from Indonesia or the Phillipines than the red shirts at Hua Hun and Cha-am.

    You are right on target?? 100% and thanks for posting??? I, myself really concern about the Southern Separatists and they will never go away. These people do not speak Thai and they do not want to be part of Thai poulation. ( sorry ) They will fight until the end. it is too bad that there are so many beautiful beaches and nice islands to visit. The tourists will gone nut for such wonderful places and fancy hotels...the red shirts might coming into a picture and no one knows..so many army of soldiers. Will they able to do the job?? Thailand needs more tourists and anything goes wrong will inpact the tourists industry. I hope Thailand learned from the last action that happened at the new airport. Well this is my take and opinion.

  4. My friend upgrade his Samsung nc10 to win7 and battery time go down from 8 hour to 3,5-4 hour! Good reason skip this suxx product.

    Wow - I had opposite experience.

    I upgraded from XP - formatted & installed Win 7 trial version.

    Got increased battery life, programs opened twice as fast, no memory issues, and no compatibility issues (except skype - now rectified)

    Had massive problems with XP - most notebooks have issues with drivers - as a way to move people to Vista.

    Also had many dramas with vista (first release, and then an upgrade) - until my laptop got stolen - then the new laptop I had to buy with Vista SP2 was fine.

    My concern is that nobody in Thailand is gonna sell a registered copy.

    All are pirated knock offs.

    The ones who do have no idea about computers and sell them unopened from the box - so you cannot look at the laptop or use it first.

    I wouldn't upgrade to win 7.

    Format and get a clean version, or buy a laptop with it already installed and all drivers complete and ready.

    It is an awesome OS that should make up for the twin disasters of win 2000 and vista

    My friend??

    I like your comment and don't kid yourself..Right now Silicon Valley has many problem with Pirate knock offs but, no one comes forward..( long time ago but, now it is a hot topic )

    I am sure some company use the knock off without noticing...Right now the Sanfrancisco customs are monitoring the pirate products....

    One of my friend's friend came from Hongkong trip and he brought 5 sofware CDs...the custom demanded him to pay $3500 or spend the nights in jail...take a pick?? The guy had to pay with credit cards. It was a talk of town. I warn everyone at this point??? This is a real story and it is serious in the Valley at this moment...my point and opinion.

    This is another good reason to stay away from nasty regimes that claim to support free markets and the freedom of the individual but simply like to put people in jail because they have a bootleg copy of something. In many countries it is IMPOSSIBLE to buy software or DVDs that are NOT bootleg!

    Wow?? Bootleg DVDs are all right if they can not buy the real one. But, Hackers that steal people identification is the issue that the Regime is fighing about??? 9 years ago some guy was able to steal $20,000 from my husband account. Luckily I was quick got the police, credit bereau, and the bank within one month deal. We wer off zero dollars from the obligation. Right now it takes 3-5 years to clean up the credit account.. In my case, this person was able to get only crdit card number. Immagine about SSI, bank saving, stocks and options morgage and etc... if he or she was able to wipe all the transaction from your or my home??? You and I can be homeless. Americans are living with fear when they use computers??? There are so many time trying someone to steal my banks and pay pal account That is not a freedom on the net??? I am not stupid but, I turn it in everytime. These hackers are not welcome in my personal opinion...and I stand tall....and I myself am very very happy staying in the Nasty regime society. By the way, I can flip my bird and no one kills me if I do it in other part of the world. No comment about what country???

  5. My friend upgrade his Samsung nc10 to win7 and battery time go down from 8 hour to 3,5-4 hour! Good reason skip this suxx product.

    Wow - I had opposite experience.

    I upgraded from XP - formatted & installed Win 7 trial version.

    Got increased battery life, programs opened twice as fast, no memory issues, and no compatibility issues (except skype - now rectified)

    Had massive problems with XP - most notebooks have issues with drivers - as a way to move people to Vista.

    Also had many dramas with vista (first release, and then an upgrade) - until my laptop got stolen - then the new laptop I had to buy with Vista SP2 was fine.

    My concern is that nobody in Thailand is gonna sell a registered copy.

    All are pirated knock offs.

    The ones who do have no idea about computers and sell them unopened from the box - so you cannot look at the laptop or use it first.

    I wouldn't upgrade to win 7.

    Format and get a clean version, or buy a laptop with it already installed and all drivers complete and ready.

    It is an awesome OS that should make up for the twin disasters of win 2000 and vista

    My friend??

    I like your comment and don't kid yourself..Right now Silicon Valley has many problem with Pirate knock offs but, no one comes forward..( long time ago but, now it is a hot topic )

    I am sure some company use the knock off without noticing...Right now the Sanfrancisco customs are monitoring the pirate products....

    One of my friend's friend came from Hongkong trip and he brought 5 sofware CDs...the custom demanded him to pay $3500 or spend the nights in jail...take a pick?? The guy had to pay with credit cards. It was a talk of town. I warn everyone at this point??? This is a real story and it is serious in the Valley at this moment...my point and opinion.

  6. "Wait until the bugs are ironed out"????

    Windows 7 first beta had less bugs and was alot more stable then both windows XP and vista. I've been using Windows 7 RC for a while now (thats probably the one sold in pantip :) ). It's faster then vista (and xp) and a lot easier to use as well.

    I have 5 computers with vista and xp with windows 7 as the second operating system on them. A family pack with windows 7 already on the way.

    No doubt i'm going to change to 7 afther using the RC version (release candidate - last test version before it's out in the shops) .

    Another thing that is important to me is the security when you are online. That as well is far better on windows 7. I wouldn't dare use windows 2000 online today :D

    Hello my friend??

    I use window 2000 and have the virus protection year in year out...So far I am all right with 700 e-mails a day..no problem at this point??? Ready for window 7 anytime...those hackers will work day in and day out..I wish we have the international law that sending these pp to jails for life from stealing others identifications....my point...and opinion.

  7. The REAL FORCE ... for Productivity, Security and Performance is called "Mac OS"

    i stop using windows at NT 4.0 already .. and so far it did not getting better at all until vista :)

    Really, Really?


    Ups! Anyone can see anything in "Mac OS".

    Good Luck for you! Don't take osx outside your home...

    Wow?? I wish you were here?? I live not far from Steve's Jobs Apple Company...8 months ago he went to my city Hall ( 6 months ago he was at home...sick??? ) for his new campus...the North Vallco..I did a study for him and the city hall. I heard so much good thing about Steve Jobs...very very down to earth person. By the way, you own a new Mac computer yet?? It is a real thin one..and very very cute...Well I am a fan of Bill Gate so I will not trade my window for Apple...Good luck for all the techgies....enjoy what you have and 2000 window is not so bad?? my opinon...thanks to everyone...

  8. Got the RTM version since July and it's runing well. I'm using Windows

    7 Ultimate 64bits. I do not notice so much difference with Windows

    Vista 64Bits on my desktop. Well, it takes less memory and boot a bit


    My specifications :

    Q6600 @ 3.2GHz<br>8GB RAM PC8500 GSKILL

    3To combined Hard Disk<br>GC HD3870 (soon will be replaced by HD5850)

    Anyway, there was more improvement on my Laptop and gain much more battery life. For light use as internet, some Photoshop use, I get over 4Hrs (3h15 with Vista 64bits) and when watching FULL HD Movies I get about 3h20mn (2h30 with Vista 64Bits).

    For now I don't have nay bad thought about Windows 7. It's running very well as good as Vista 64bits on desktop, but much better than Vista on Laptop.

    Thanks for telling and I hope you enjoy your Window 7 ( WOW ).. I like Bill and Malinda Gate..Both are doing so much for India and Africa..unlike others CEOs in US opp I forget to mention CEO Nike did give Stanford for 100 millions for undergraduate students first year admission...my take and opinion...

  9. Windows 7 hits the market


    NEW YORK: -- Although the official U.S. launch event is still some hours away, Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system has hit the market, going on sale in a number of countries across the globe.

    Executives from Microsoft have fanned out to celebrate the launch of the company's core product upon which the rest of Redmond's empire has been built. The software giant is counting on favorable reviews and new features to help Windows rebuilt its image in the face of a disappointing response to Windows Vista.

    Microsoft is touting the value of Windows in the face of a resurgent Apple. As part of the launch, Microsoft is celebrating seven days of deals in a number of key markets, including the United States. Among the specials is a $1,200 package from Hewlett-Packard and Best Buy that includes a Netbook, laptop, desktop, monitor and router as well as in-home installation.

    "The Best Buy offer is a home makeover," Microsoft Vice President Tami Reller told CNET News. "For the price of a Mac you have a new notebook, a new Netbook, a new desktop, and a new router to bring it together with the help of the Geek Squad."

    In addition to landing on new PCs, Microsoft will also sell stand-alone versions of Windows 7 that can be used to upgrade an existing PC. Although Microsoft still offers a half-dozen different flavors of the operating system in all, Redmond is focusing its energies around two versions--the Home Premium and Professional versions.

    It will sell both a full version of the operating system that can be used on any hardware as well as an upgrade version to be used on existing PCs. Although both Windows XP and Windows Vista can be upgraded to Windows 7, only Vista can be done without backing up and reinstalling both programs and data.

    A huge marketing blitz will accompany the debut of Windows 7, with Microsoft continuing its "I'm a PC" campaign, by featuring average users who point to various aspects of the new operating system as representing their idea.

    Microsoft plans to formalize the launch with an event here with CEO Steve Ballmer (CNET News will cover the 11 a.m. ET event live). The software maker is also opening its first retail store, in Scottsdale, Ariz., as well as a "Windows Cafe" in Paris.

    Steven Sinofsky, the divisional president who has spearheaded the development of Windows 7, is presiding over the Japanese launch of the product, while designer Julie Larson-Green is at an event in London.

    Microsoft employees in Redmond's Building 37 plan to remotely ring the bell to open Nasdaq trading on Thursday, while Microsoft and its computer maker partners will ring the closing bell.

    The product has already gone on sale in Australia.

    -- CNET 2009-10-22

    Yep I will upgrade for my new computer. So far 2000 is working okay?? Thanks for posting and you are sooo awesome...Have a good night...US time...

  10. Dumb decision, he's one of the most famous figures in history, good reason to have a wax carricature. It's unfortunate a few imbeciles can choose what the rest of us can and can't see. The museum just needs to ensure that his portayal is done in a tasteful manner, which the comment probably didn't do but that's an easy fix and doesn't require him removed.

    It's odd that nazi sensitivity has grown with time rather than fallen, a sure sign people (you know who) are milking it.

    Below are 2 good reasons why a placard of Hitler displayed in all his glory should be taken down.

    My grandfather during WW1 and my Dad during WW2.

    British, proud and of Jewish ancestry.

    For them knowing that if the Germans would have invaded Britain they would have ended up as lining for a storm troopers Jack boots gave them even more reasons to fight and defend their country at all costs.

    For many people who lost family and friends during the 2 world worlds, these images still hold painful memories.

    The 2 world wars are still in living memory and for many is a sensitive subject.

    The feelings of the old war veterans and for those who lived through it should be considered.

    Quite right to take down that poster and let it be thrown into the dustbin of history, where it belongs.

    Twice we did the Germans down.

    Rule Britannia.

    Thanks so much for posting you and your family history, with all respect I am so proud of you and your ancestors who fought the World War I and stopped Hitler to invage the world...

    My heart and soul always go with the loss of others...I am sorry to all people who died in the World war I II. I hope we can stop what is going on in the world at this point...my regard and opinion.

  11. I assume that the authorities will also remove/cover up anything re George W. Bush and Tony Blair who collectively waged an unlawful war (on the pretext of WMD which never existed) and which led to the death of thousands of innocents in Iraq.

    Agreed wholeheartedly!

    I Love the comment and stand tall with your opinion...I read from Yahoo News about 80,000 Iraqs died after the first month of the war not counting the first month fighting...because, it was so crucial and no one counted the bodies at that time...

    By the way, Chairman Mao also killed 50 millions in China I just found out from a book not too long ago..My take and opinion.

  12. ...Thailand was not officially invaded, and gave right of passage to the Japanese so that they could enter Burma and Malaysia. It is also worth noting that Thailand did declare war on Britain and the United States after signing a treaty of alliance with Japan, so maybe you should have listened a little more carefully. :)

    Japan did invade Thailand, and Thailand was on both sides of the war at the same time. See "Slice of Thai History: The Japanese invasion of Thailand, 8 December 1941 (part one)" at http://www.pattayamail.com/504/columns.shtml#hd6

    To read more, change the digits 504 to those in front of the colon:

    Japanese invasion of Thailand

    504: Background

    505: 8 December 1941: 0105 hours

    506: [9 December 1941 - 25 January 1942]

    See also:

    Foreign Journalist's view [1935]

    514: Did Japan dominate Thailand?

    517: Rise of state-sponsored militarism and socialism

    494: Tarutao: island of prisoners and pirates [1937-1949]

    Thai invasion and occupation of Shan States

    507: 1942

    508: 1943-45

    Death Railway

    489: Background-Fall of Singapore [1942]

    490: From Changi to Kanchanaburi [1942-43]

    500: Construction of Chiang Mai-Burma Road [1942-1945]

    Air war over Thailand, 1941-1945

    512: Japan moves into Thailand, December 1941

    513: Allies attack Thailand, 1942-1945

    Escape from Bangkok 1945

    557: Shot Down and Rescued

    558: (Continued)

    559: To Bangkok

    560: The First Escape

    562: The Final Escape

    Thanks for posting, and now everyone knows about the history of Thailand...

  13. Nothing upset´s me anymore when it comes to Thai´s .. you just have to love them! 555 :)

    Little did i know about Thailand and Thai culture 10 years ago so how could they know about this .. told GF about Hitler , WWII etc. couple of years ago and she had never heard about it so dont blame Thai People , blame the regime! :D

    Thai people are very free and positive about the way they see the world, they are so easyt about their lives, and you Farangs who live in Thailand many years should know better...Just tell the Thai and let them know about your hurtful feeling. After that they will do the appropriate action for you...

    After 911 incident I got a call from my Thai friend who wanted to send me Bin Laden Tee shirts. She said they sold them in the markets...I was not too happy about this but, could not laugh so hard about her well intention, she really meant no harm just want to give me stuffs...after I explained to her she apologized

    and felt so bad. I knew she did not mean no harm...well that is my take and opinion.

  14. Nothing upset´s me anymore when it comes to Thai´s .. you just have to love them! 555 :)

    Little did i know about Thailand and Thai culture 10 years ago so how could they know about this .. told GF about Hitler , WWII etc. couple of years ago and she had never heard about it so dont blame Thai People , blame the regime! :D

    Thai people are very free and positive about the way they see the world, they are so easyt about their lives, and you Farangs who live in Thailand many years should know better...Just tell the Thai and let them know about your hurtful feeling. After that they will do the appropriate action for you...

    After 911 incident I got a call from my Thai friend who wanted to send me Bin Laden Tee shirts. She said they sold them in the markets...I was not too happy about this but, could not laugh so hard about her well intention, she really meant no harm just want to give me stuffs...after I explained to her she apologized

    and felt so bad. I knew she did not mean no harm...well that is my take and opinion.

    Opp I forgot to add about my story when I was young living in Thailand..we had neighbors who lived around us practicing different religions. The Muslim gentleman near by had 2 wives and they went to the Mosque and we heard they called their members to pray every week. They also invited everyone to see their beautiful Mosque. One Thai policeman had 3 wives but, his women lived far apart from each others. The two Avantist old maids never worked on Sunday because they went to church and rested the rest of their day, but, the Thai police attended the Buddhist temple almost every 2 weeks. Plus I saw the family cooked lunch for ther monks as well. The Farang Canadian was a Catholic who always laoned my dad his old truck when my dad needed it. We did not attend the same church with him but, my dad and him got along so well. My dad always avoided the Protestant church function except my Mom who made sure her children never missed any...including myself. The Chinese merchant lived down the road. He went to the Chinese temple with his family on and off. He was so kind to let my family seeing the Grand Opera during his temple festival....without paying the fancy price.We got food from him during Chinese New year, and my Mom baked him her famous cake during a Thai New Year.

    We all lived near by each others, our town had many Buddhist temples,a mosque, chinese temples, a Catholic worship place, a Protestant church, a Seven day avantist church, the worship buildings all closed by, and no harm done. I had the best of life, and experience as such...

    I never think negative about others' religion until I heard several hateful comments toward others' belief when I was in America...and traveled around the world....Well I did ask the Thai about WWII and their feeling toward Japanese people. They knew about WWII and Hitler. They just forgave about what happened...I never saw any hostile toward Japanese or German tourists or Japan as a country... Most Thais I have known were very kind and peace in nature except the bad Thais who cheated tourists and did sell drug on the streets...or muged, stole, and robbed Farangs. In another sense to these bad guys they were conducting their bad business deal not personal. I really did not understand them at all. ( shamed )

    This is my personal opinion and I stand tall.

  15. Nothing upset´s me anymore when it comes to Thai´s .. you just have to love them! 555 :)

    Little did i know about Thailand and Thai culture 10 years ago so how could they know about this .. told GF about Hitler , WWII etc. couple of years ago and she had never heard about it so dont blame Thai People , blame the regime! :D

    Thai people are very free and positive about the way they see the world, they are so easyt about their lives, and you Farangs who live in Thailand many years should know better...Just tell the Thai and let them know about your hurtful feeling. After that they will do the appropriate action for you...

    After 911 incident I got a call from my Thai friend who wanted to send me Bin Laden Tee shirts. She said they sold them in the markets...I was not too happy about this but, could not laugh so hard about her well intention, she really meant no harm just want to give me stuffs...after I explained to her she apologized

    and felt so bad. I knew she did not mean no harm...well that is my take and opinion.

  16. I gave the book to her - ผมให้หนังสือเธอ(very common in spoken language) or ผมให้หนังสือแก่เธอ (mostly used in written langauge).

    I gave the book to her to give to her daughter - ผมให้หนังสือเธอเอาไปให้ลูกสาว

    I gave the book to her to give to her daughter to give to her friend. - ผมให้หนังสือเธอไปให้ลูกสาวเอาไปให้เพื่อน. I don't know if it makes sense or not in English, but this would be said in Thai. :)

    Fantastic my friend...I am so glad you all want to learn Thai...Good luck for helping everybody.



  17. I received this online banking message from Chase Bank U.S. earlier this week...

    Maybe they don't like their customers trying to avoid their hefty international wire transfer fees....

    I have had Chase change the rules of a credit card unfairly and I would never trust them again. I used one of their low interest teaser rates. I figured 3.99% for the life of the loan so I paid the minimum monthly and used the money for investments. Chase has decided that they want to get these teaser loans off their books and since they can't unilaterally raise the agreed interest rate they instead raised the minimum monthly payment from 2% of the loan to 5% of the loan on any of these loans in which people were just making minimum payments. That is a pretty shady way of doing business in my opinion. I have no intention of using any service of Chase in the future.

    Luckily I have a small regional bank that appreciates my business and they now get all of it.

    Go for it my friend....After 911, I know the US Government is monitoring any money activity around the world...Plus the offshore bankings as well. In United States 7500 persons already came forward and took Amnesty recently...Be careful, these banks will do anything for Money to pay back from the last Bail out.....in another sense the American tax payers own the Bailed out Banks..as such Bank of America, Chase, Citi, ...etc...my take and opinion.

  18. sorry im lazy so ill cut and paste this from somewhere else.

    these stories are true.

    "Had a prettty rough day a few days ago when i remember getting out of a taxi in soi sukhamvit 3 soi 6? in bankok to meet my friends at the lido hotel. no bars no booze

    next thing i knew i came to in hospital about 19 hours later. the nurse woke me with an injection which was pretty scary as i was still unconscious till she jabbed me so didnt even see if the needle was new. any how too late . i was a bit scared i asked why she was injecting me, why i was in hospital .

    she said i'd had a blood sample taken and analyzed and i'd been drugged with a massive dose and the injection wud "stop the drug/ get healthy" so i let her get on with it.

    turns out id arrived at the hospital at about 3pm and been unconscious till about 9am the next day. the nurses and 2 social workers were very nice and they were concerned as the dose was enough to kill someone older/ weaker or female. . total amnesia since about 2.-3pm, like falling off a cliff into a big black hole. im not insured and was scared of the bill but i think they just let me off without paying.

    bizarrely they 1st asked for 100, 00 bhat then 10, 000 then ok, "no money" obviously id had my thai bhat and 2 cards stolen

    so i just left that morning as i felt alright but they said i shuda stayed longer.

    any1 know what the drug/ mickey finn/ knock-out drop was? i think it knocked me out almost instantly. i forgot to ask the hospital wot drug it was plus language issues etc.

    are there long-term health implications? i feel okish

    apparently its rampant here in Bangkok but they r not usually so retarded as to use such a massive dose."

    i will add that i wudnt go home with any stranger and consider myself fairly savvy/ cynical. my only attention was to meet my friends who'd just flown in at their hotel.

    some other weird things, i can remember up to about 2.30 or so and i was in hospital the nurses said somewhere around 3 or 4. plus there was still dollars in the backpocket of my money belt. i think i had passed out so quickly ( in public?) they only opened the one pocket that had bhat phone and cards in. that makes me suspect they had seen me buy sth or been the seller. who knows?

    i read up a bit and it sounds alot like GHB or scolpomine

    was concerned id beeen taken to an atm as i cant remember anything at all, so anythingt possible but crappy free ANZ cvambo card i think doesnt work here. i hope. and chinese bank account ponly had a few hundred bucks. neither have credit function.

    And apparently... you are still on :)

    Wow?? you are lucky?? I can't believe people now at all especailly in Bangkok. When I was young we never allowed to visit the city..there were so many bad people near the train station and now seem every where in the city..Sorry and I hope you feel better soon. let's tell the international police and hope you let everyone knows by posting more sites..so pp will be aware...thanks for sharing???

  19. My wife has been the target of pickpockets twice this last month. First time was at our local market in Saphan Mai. She lost her ID, all CC's, Debit cards and some cash. We just got all the cards replaced, then a week later, same thing happened at Victory Monument. She's Thai.

    Yes, the Recession is really starting to bite in Thailand. But at least pickpockets are less violent than the motorcycle bag snatchers.

    I urge all Farangs to fight back by carrying a plong ( a small thick wood ) and when the thief mortorcycle runs by, you should be able to smack his or her body. Then you know the rest of my story...in America now every home has so many guns and the responsible gun owners will not allow the bad guy to rape, rob or harm the home owners....because some state the intruders will get shot and the homeowner is free from any wrong doing. Well, my advice for Farang is a crazy idea but, it is practical and I take a stand...

  20. wow, the topic has been going for nearly 2 hours and there is not yet a mention of the preverbial "nail and coffin"...... are the cynics all sleeping today.

    Sad story though that an elderly gent can be taken off like this, yes he should have had more common sense but thought he was doing a good deed. Tales like this just add to people putting up their guard and is why people will not stop and help those in need these days.


    I agree with you 100% and people now are looking for a fast lane. No one wants to earn an honest living anymore?? Especially the Phillipines who can master English language and they can find easily good earning jobs in Thailand. Farangs should turn this ugly people in and deport them from Bangkok if the Thais will not do. Even in America as you all know we are experiencing cheat and lie ( day and night??? ) People will not put up for long. Well, the fitness is the one who survives??? I will take this quote for my advice...I do not blame anyone who rides on his or her high horse. Amazing things happen everyday and night in America and I am suprized we become a Nation of Action..my take and opinion.

  21. Next is we will have Nigerians trying to scam us into sharing their deceased uncle's $55m inheritance, via email


    You are very right, and let's not forget the Westerners making phone calls to people all over the world to invest in companies that do not exist.

    Now the people in Ameica went to get even with the Nigerian gangs, and they can not fool anybody as much as they used to..my take and opinion.

  22. Drugged and mugged in Bangkok

    On the morning of July 7 I left my hotel in Sukhumvit Road to walk into central Bangkok. A young woman of perhaps 30 and a Filipino man of about 50 approached me in a friendly manner. Finding I was English, the man said that his sister was coming to London to work as a hospital nurse.

    As she was apprehensive about living in Britain, he asked if I would come to his home to reassure her. I said I would be happy to help as, by coincidence, my grandson was also a nurse in London.

    He called a taxi and after 15 minutes we arrived at an attractive bungalow set in a garden. I accepted a soft drink and the sister came and sat beside me. I spoke to her about nursing in London and she listened politely.

    Then the man asked me to come into another room, where he produced a pack of cards and said he would educate me in the secrets of card play.

    By this time I seemed to be floating in a dreamlike place. I started giggling, which annoyed the man. He asked to see my wallet and roughly went through it. Other people came and went. We played cards but I had no idea what I was doing. He then took my camera and put it in a cupboard. I was incapable of saying or doing anything.

    Finally, I was told to get into a taxi and taken to a modern shopping complex by the man and his "nurse" sister. I was told to hand my bank card to a shop assistant. I remember signing the till printouts and seeing the man and his sister head off with shopping bags. The taxi driver then took me back to my hotel.

    It was not until I reached my room that my brain seemed to clear and the enormity of what I had done dawned on me. It was clear I had been drugged. I phoned my bank to cancel my debit card but three transactions totalling £2,550 had already been cleared and the money taken from my account.

    The following morning the Filipino man rang my hotel room and made it clear that I should tell nobody. He said if I told the police then we would both go to a Thai jail (I had already informed the police and the British embassy). Fortunately, I did not hear from him again.

    It was such a frightening experience that I want to warn other travellers to Bangkok. I will not be able to recover any of the £2,550 because I had voluntarily signed for the sums being taken from my account.

    Name and address supplied

    Gill Charlton replies

    Bangkok is known for its sophisticated ways of parting tourists from their money and this appears a particularly elaborate swindle.

    Beware people who befriend you on the street and ask favours or offer taxi tours. As this male senior citizen discovered, it can prove a life-threatening encounter.


    I am so sorry for your bad experience in Thailand and wish you get over soon. Do not feel being alone at this matter. My cousin got mugged by 2 black guys in New York and luckily he did not get kill. My friends from Thai Airways went to Spain and hanged out at Mcdonald. They parked 6 handbags on their chairs while eating and enjoyed their chatting Opp??? the theives ran by and fled the scene with all handbags. My friends had to spent the night at the Embassy. My aunt and her cousin lost 2 hangbags while they were busy choosing the tops in London store. Their hangbags were on their feets and were gone within a second. No clue??? My other aunt and her husband lost wallet and handbag to French gypsy gangs..this aunt almost lost her purse in Bangkok, luckily she was awake and the thief was not able to steal. My husband lost 50 bucks at the fancy hotel $2000 a night (coperate paid for ). Money at a safe deposite box and it was gone when he claimed from the front desk. I myself was so excited at the London airport, left my Burberry coat on a bench, and it was gone after I went back from the restroom.... only a second. Well, there were so many bad stories happened to many tourists especially at the Airports etc...be aware and be alert..the suckers born every second..shamed and these are the people who do not know how to earn honest living...Sad and amzing??? these scum bags can walk on the streets and hold his or her head high in our society.....without conscious. Most cases never get results and we should have laws to hang them in Public. Wow??? I am so sick and tired to breath the same air.. This is my personal opinion and I stand tall. * will not apologize for my comment *

  23. The 15 roads and locations at greatest risk of flash floods are Chan, Sri Ayutthaya, Soi Sukhumvit 39, 49, 66 and 103, Lat Phrao, Nawamin, Ratchaphisek road at Robinson mall and at Lat Phrao intersection, Phetchaburi road from Banthad Thong to Ratchathewi roads, Nikhom Makkasan, Rama VI, Phetkasem, Yen Arkas, Sri Nakharin and Sanam Chai-Maha Raj road.

    Good marketing! Remember if looking for a place to live in. Choose one of these locations... :D

    Well, more seriously speaking, I lived for awhile at Lad Phrao and one morning the condominiums downstairs was flooded up to 1,5 meters so that people could not get to work. Nice! And we are not talking about an old unit, it was brand new one.

    And, of course, Thais are in denial saying that global changes in sea levels will not affect Bangkok when at the same time sea line is declining - was it 60 meters a year ??? :)

    Go away! There's nothing to see here. Heheh.

    Wow?? it is about time Farangs educate the Thais about Global symptom that will never go away...I urge you all write Thai or English newspapers. At the same token,we need to advocate Thais on the streets, universities, high schools, temples, markets, super markets and churches. Farangs who live in Thailand know the situation beforehand and we all will save Bangkok...the land of smile....thanks for Posting and I urge all of us make our difference...my take and opinion...

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