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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. American cars vs. Japanese cars. Not much of a fight. Americans have never been able to build a superior car. I have owned both over the years, and at this stage, I would never pick and American car over a Japanese car. Same goes for motorcycles. I am talking about safety, build quality, maintaining value, and longevity.


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  2. Having kids is really the most meaningful and fulfilling thing that can happen to anyone's life (in my opinion), i feel rather sorry for those people who don't.

    Nah. Only if you are really feeling it. And only if you are prepared to really be there for your kids. For many of us there are dozens of other ways to get our fulfillment in life. For many of us having kids is so overrated. And so conventional. Nothing wrong with it, but one of the greatest aspects of the western mind, is the ability to make choices in life that are apart from the pre-set limitations and impositions that society has deemed necessary for us. Deciding to NOT have kids is chief amongst those decisions. For me, it was singularly the wisest, and best decision of this lifetime. Perhaps if I had wanted them, and had them earlier in life, it could have worked. But, at this stage of my life there is zero interest, and I am so comfortable with that wonderful decision. Kids are fine, but they are overrated.


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  3. I guess the reason that the cost of living is higher is to a large extent due to the steep rise in minimum wage. If so, raising the minimum wage further might not have the desired effect.

    What a complete load of horse manure. Inflation was present here long before the workers started getting their 300 baht per day. The increase in the minimum wage had a very minimal effect on why oranges are now 60-90 baht per kilo, or why prices keep rising. I would say the disastrous policies of the incompetent Yingbat were more to blame than rising wages. Can you imagine living on 300 baht per day?


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  4. I guess his fellow inmates believe in the death penalty. Good on them. Lovely. He simply did not deserve to live. He moved past the point of having the right to breathe oxygen, when he assaulted his relative. 


    Pol.Cpt. Methee claimed that the fight was not related to Mr. Prasin's rape charge, but failed to provide an explanation for the beating. He said the police are investigating the incident. Pure nonsense, from a guy who is not a particularly deep thinker. He did not know what else to say. He is a dimwitted guy who should not have access to the press. People like this should be kept away from anyone who can pass on these thoughts. 

  5. It depends on so many variables. What about the artistic content? If a plain site, without much real design as little as $1000US for a decent site with e-commerce. I had a $40,000US site designed, as it had over 500 programming hours, at US rates, along with 250 design hours. It is absolutely gorgeous. But, it can be done for a fraction of that. Depends on the purpose. If it is just a utilitarian site, no need for a lot of art, and design. In my case, I needed it to be very impressive. And I had a designer willing to offer me major discounts, as she wanted to develop it as a template that she could then market.

  6. How about a 40% discount on all Thai Airline tickets for the next 12 months? It is called a proactive marketing strategy. How about the arrest of all the jet ski scammers in Pattaya, Phuket and Samui? That would be something these neophyte marketing guys could promote. How about relaxing, rather than tightening the tourist visa policies? Free multiple entry visas. How about offering a very good, and well priced national insurance policy for tourists, to take the place of the ones they cannot get now, due to the military takeover? How about doing something positive, anything positive, and real, rather than traveling all over the world jaw boning? Words only have so much impact. Real action, a real demonstration of the awareness of the extent of the problem, and the willingness to fix it, might go a long way towards making a sincere statement to the world. I think that is what people are looking for. Sincerity instead of BS.

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  7. After all's done in Phuket, let's hope the clean-up task-force moves on to Samui next ....

    Spot on. So far, Samui has remained untouched. The same multi millionaire families are running the island as if nothing happened. The same mafia taxi rackets continue to charge 200 baht for 1 km. The same inept police roam the island looking for a payday. Still no traffic safety whatsoever, even though the island has the unique distinction of having the highest death rate on the roads per capita, as nearly anyplace on this planet, and certainly the highest in Thailand. The ambulance companies, and the hospitals love it, but is that a good reason to make it so? Samui needs so much work. The mayor has been trying, and to be fair, he has accomplished a lot. But, he is up against a lot of criminals, and a lot of entrenched interests. Some of which need to be tried, convicted, and sentence to long terms in prison, before any of this will be cleaned up. Not to mention the environmental catastrophe Samui has become. But, that is for another post.

  8. Everything will recover. Every industry across the board will recover. Gold, tourism, airlines, gems, automobiles, and all other manufacturing. Why will it recover? Because we say so. Because we think so, because we do not know what else to tell the public. We do not want to give them bad news. It might make it look like we are not doing our jobs correctly. And besides, if we tell them, they will believe us.


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  9. You are lucky, they are hanging around the toll booths in Bangkok and telling you you were speeding after you pay the toll. I worked it out, while you pay the toll, a traffic cop on foot writes down your plate number on his clipboard and a speed he comes up with next to it, blocks you from getting much past the toll gate, shows his clipboard to you and points to your plate number and a photo-copy of something in Thai aside from the Bht 1,000 that is on it twice. Then asks for your license and says "camera, 7 days police station" "Or Bht 1,000 now" with his hand out.
    My reply would be please lock me up, unless you can show me proof (a radar gun) that I was speeding. Otherwise I have your job officer, and you will have to answer to General Prayuth. Have you forgotten that I have his number and you are now answerable for all of your crimes? Things are different. There is a new sheriff in town. You are not going to purchase a new villa, or BMW with my money, so unless you have proof, lock me up now, you toad of a man. Or do the right thing and let me go, and then go out there and fight crime. Oh, I forgot you do not fight crime. You just collect money. Good job.


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    Will you be wearing your spider-man costume when you lay in bed dreaming you say that?

    When is the last time you heard of the Thai police kicking someone's ass for questioning a traffic violation? I think you confusing the Thai cops with the cops from South Africa during apartheid, or the Russian police. It is common for them to back down if given a hard time. Let us not forget they are not really enforcing any laws. They are just out to try to make some quick cash. They do not want a battle. Just an easy mark. It is our responsibility to give them a hard time.


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    It is our responsibility to give them a hard time.

    You didn't answer the question....AGAIN..;Will you be wearing your spider-man costume when you lay in bed dreaming you say that?giggle.gif

    Really no need to be so cynical. Do you really consider the Thai cops to be that mighty and omnipotent? I am not suggesting a full takedown. LOL. I am suggesting a polite refusal. I have employed this tactic here with success. They do not like the pushback and will often wave you off. Again, they are looking for suckers and easy marks. You guys cannot seem to comprehend that concept.


    I for one can comprehend the ''concept''.., but as i posted earlier:

    Hope spiderman has a great lawyer available for the day [that will come for sure] that a cop retaliates to the mouth he's being given and take him away for a reality check..well overdue for one if you believe anything thats been posted here by him...w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif

    What you do or say you do is up to you 007 but the time will come when you will be posting after the above happens...and happen it will..sooner or later.sad.png

    Are you trying out for comedy hour? Trying to get a spot on the comedy channel? That is really funny stuff. You seem to think I am encouraging some sort of police assault. I am talking about pushing back, and fighting the rampant police corruption. I am not referring to the police reacting to an actual traffic violation. I am talking about the made up crap. The fund raising crap. I would think they would almost expect some of us to stand up to the police robbery nonsense. And you do not think so? What do you do, just stand there and say, officer how much would you like today? I would be thrilled to make a donation to your enrichment fund. Not my approach. Sorry if my bravado offends you guys. Police committing robbery offends me.


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  10. Sorry but you're squatters and you bribing the local government to let you build your restaurants there doesn't make it legal. It's time to take out the trash!

    Go Army!

    Exactly. Just because you have gotten away with it for years, by bribing the Patong mayor, and his mafia crew, does not mean it is right, legal, or allowed. Those clowns have been making up the rules for decades, buying villas with the cash, squirreling away millions of dollars overseas, and living like princes, with their ill gotten gain. Patong is one of the worlds cesspools. Someone needs to clean it up. One of the reasons the military took over was because things were out of control. This restaurant owner was part of the problem. What on earth is wrong with the rule of law? A foreign concept here, I will admit, but not a bad one, as long as it is not overdone.

  11. You are lucky, they are hanging around the toll booths in Bangkok and telling you you were speeding after you pay the toll. I worked it out, while you pay the toll, a traffic cop on foot writes down your plate number on his clipboard and a speed he comes up with next to it, blocks you from getting much past the toll gate, shows his clipboard to you and points to your plate number and a photo-copy of something in Thai aside from the Bht 1,000 that is on it twice. Then asks for your license and says "camera, 7 days police station" "Or Bht 1,000 now" with his hand out.
    My reply would be please lock me up, unless you can show me proof (a radar gun) that I was speeding. Otherwise I have your job officer, and you will have to answer to General Prayuth. Have you forgotten that I have his number and you are now answerable for all of your crimes? Things are different. There is a new sheriff in town. You are not going to purchase a new villa, or BMW with my money, so unless you have proof, lock me up now, you toad of a man. Or do the right thing and let me go, and then go out there and fight crime. Oh, I forgot you do not fight crime. You just collect money. Good job.


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    Will you be wearing your spider-man costume when you lay in bed dreaming you say that?

    When is the last time you heard of the Thai police kicking someone's ass for questioning a traffic violation? I think you confusing the Thai cops with the cops from South Africa during apartheid, or the Russian police. It is common for them to back down if given a hard time. Let us not forget they are not really enforcing any laws. They are just out to try to make some quick cash. They do not want a battle. Just an easy mark. It is our responsibility to give them a hard time.


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    It is our responsibility to give them a hard time.

    You didn't answer the question....AGAIN..;Will you be wearing your spider-man costume when you lay in bed dreaming you say that?giggle.gif

    Really no need to be so cynical. Do you really consider the Thai cops to be that mighty and omnipotent? I am not suggesting a full takedown. LOL. I am suggesting a polite refusal. I have employed this tactic here with success. They do not like the pushback and will often wave you off. Again, they are looking for suckers and easy marks. You guys cannot seem to comprehend that concept.


  12. Thailand reminds me a bit of Brazil. One month to go before the world cup, and we are still working to get six stadiums ready for the event. And how long did they have to plan for this? And what exactly is this brainiac Permanent-secretary for Labour Jirasuk Sugandhajati doing to promote labor skills besides jaw boning? Advanced technical institutes paid for entirely by the state? Or?

  13. You are lucky, they are hanging around the toll booths in Bangkok and telling you you were speeding after you pay the toll. I worked it out, while you pay the toll, a traffic cop on foot writes down your plate number on his clipboard and a speed he comes up with next to it, blocks you from getting much past the toll gate, shows his clipboard to you and points to your plate number and a photo-copy of something in Thai aside from the Bht 1,000 that is on it twice. Then asks for your license and says "camera, 7 days police station" "Or Bht 1,000 now" with his hand out.

    My reply would be please lock me up, unless you can show me proof (a radar gun) that I was speeding. Otherwise I have your job officer, and you will have to answer to General Prayuth. Have you forgotten that I have his number and you are now answerable for all of your crimes? Things are different. There is a new sheriff in town. You are not going to purchase a new villa, or BMW with my money, so unless you have proof, lock me up now, you toad of a man. Or do the right thing and let me go, and then go out there and fight crime. Oh, I forgot you do not fight crime. You just collect money. Good job.


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    Will you be wearing your spider-man costume when you lay in bed dreaming you say that?

    When is the last time you heard of the Thai police kicking someone's ass for questioning a traffic violation? I think you confusing the Thai cops with the cops from South Africa during apartheid, or the Russian police. It is common for them to back down if given a hard time. Let us not forget they are not really enforcing any laws. They are just out to try to make some quick cash. They do not want a battle. Just an easy mark. It is our responsibility to give them a hard time.


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  14. Coincidence. I know this guys brother. He is a neighbor of my sister in law. Actually not a nice guy...always angry if someone parks to near his house... most neighbors are scared of him...

    Safe to say the guy has some serious issues. I wonder if the psychological/medical community here is advanced enough to pick up on things like this? Sounds like this might have been a fairly functional individual if he was properly medicated? Biploar? Schizophrenia? Manic depressive? Is that kind of diagnosis relatively uncommon here? You just do not hear about many Thais that are on meds for psych disorders. Is it a financial issue? Or does the state not take these kinds of things seriously? Anybody with info on this area?

  15. But, said Mr Somboon, a former senior police officer of Phuket had his eye on the 423 rai of land occupied by the 20 people and had tried to buy it from them.

    So glad they mentioned this rat by name. Lovely to see insects outed like this. Hope he suffers severe consequences over this outrageous behavior. Intimidation, threats of assault. These are serious charges. Maybe life in prison might be a good place to start?

    Did they mention him by name?

    Location between Kata-Karon and Chalong, so why does it go to Kathu district office?

    Well yes, they do at least mention Mr. Somboon. So, at least there is some exposure, potential embarrassment, perhaps eviction from a country club or two, etc. Maybe even the army will go after this hooligan? One can only hope.

    From the OP

    Somboon Jeamsakul, 63, said that he and the others had SorPorKor farming rights on the land.

    SorPorKor papers allow people to occupy the specified piece of land for farming only. The land may not be sold or rented out, and the rights may be assigned only to the holder’s heirs.

    Mr Somboon in NOT the ex policeman whose name had not been mentioned.

    Thanks for the clarification. Those nasty defamation laws continue to wreak havoc on this land, and make calling out the parasites quite difficult. Everyone cowers from the laws, written to protect cowards, and the corrupt, by the corrupt and cowardly Thai lawmakers, and enforced by a both a corrupt and cowardly judiciary and prosecutors office. What a shame.

  16. But, said Mr Somboon, a former senior police officer of Phuket had his eye on the 423 rai of land occupied by the 20 people and had tried to buy it from them.

    So glad they mentioned this rat by name. Lovely to see insects outed like this. Hope he suffers severe consequences over this outrageous behavior. Intimidation, threats of assault. These are serious charges. Maybe life in prison might be a good place to start?

    Did they mention him by name?

    Location between Kata-Karon and Chalong, so why does it go to Kathu district office?

    Well yes, they do at least mention Mr. Somboon. So, at least there is some exposure, potential embarrassment, perhaps eviction from a country club or two, etc. Maybe even the army will go after this hooligan? One can only hope.

  17. But, said Mr Somboon, a former senior police officer of Phuket had his eye on the 423 rai of land occupied by the 20 people and had tried to buy it from them.

    So glad they mentioned this rat by name. Lovely to see insects outed like this. Hope he suffers severe consequences over this outrageous behavior. Intimidation, threats of assault. These are serious charges. Maybe life in prison might be a good place to start?

  18. I think term limits are always a good thing. There is little in the way of continuity of policies from one administration to the next here anyway, so there appears to be no benefit to society, by having these guys continue getting elected one term after the next. If they were going to use their experience to benefit the Thai people, that would be ok. But, they demonstrate one term after the next, that they have no concern for the people. Especially the masses, which are so far beneath them, in terms of socio economic levels. Get rid of the pests. Clean the place out. Term limits are a beautiful thing.

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  19. If there are multiple eyewitnesses, and if there is scientific evidence to support it, when a rape and murder has been committed, I think the death penalty is totally justifiable. I have had many debates with my liberal friends about this over the years. I just think there are certain acts that you commit, and once you commit them you have revoked your right to breathe oxygen. I do think breathing oxygen is a gift, and to do something that heinous is simply stepping over the line. So, no sympathy here. A man has to have some twisted wiring to think it is ok to rape a woman, under any circumstances. But a 13 year old girl? And then to kill her? To just dump her out the window like a piece of garbage? What about her family? Was there no consideration for anything or anybody?

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