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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Was I not reading on TVF that if a coup were to occur, the Isaanites would rise up on mass and violently overthrow the junta? But now, that the Shinawat mafia tentacles are being chopped off and the oh-so pursuasive local puuyai baans and kamnans are unable to intimidate and cajole the locals to vote for Shin, we are seeing a logical progression that people don't want the return of Shin. The mouse that never roared?

    They were talking up a big rap while they were still holding the reins of power. How many risked life and limb, after the coup, to take to the streets? I said a long time ago, that a show of power and strength would be all it took. Quiet as a moth.

  2. The is an obvious lack of grace, in the soul of this man. It is not enough to be making a million dollars or so, per month. When faced with a crisis, how does this half man handle himself? Like a man child. Spoiled, rich, shallow, and devoid of integrity. Wow.

  3. Is Riesling wine? The Thais make better stuff. Carrefour had some decent wine before they were bought by Big C but regular Big C's are diabolical.

    Most people find an Australian Chardonnay acceptable at the price, around 500 baht.

    Obviously spoken by someone who has never tasted a decent Riesling.

    " Riesling is a light-skinned, aromatic grape of German origin which is - if the majority of topwine critics are to be believed - the world's finest white-wine grape variety."


    One of the worlds most collectable wines. Even at the cheaper end of the market Australia does some pretty decent Rieslings, New Zealand some very good ones. Not the sweet s**t that people associate with the name but a superb dry white.

    Now the cheap Chardonnay that you mention, well the Thai's can compete with that. Both foul.

    ATF is right on one point: I drank several wines from Big C, which were terrible. Worst the french wines. Not drinkable at all. But the cheap Chardonnay from Australia was drinkable....not an amazing experience but drinkable as every day wine.

    My guess is, that it is either the transportation (Container, heat??) or the stock?

    Either the cheap Chardonnays from Australia can handle it better or they are shorter on stock?

    I just think the Aussies are better at making cheaper wine. French wines tend to be overpriced, relative to their quality. The excellent French wines start at $50US, in the US. That is $200 or more here. The $5 bottles in the US are 600-900 baht here. Those are really poor wines. No reflection on the French wines, just that you are drinking the bottom of the rung. Swill that they would not bother drinking in France!

    Not sure what the Thais can compete with. It is very, very low quality wine. it makes no sense that they govt. would even consider taxing wines at the current level, to keep them from competing with Thai wines. A truly asinine policy designed by corrupt children without common sense or reason.

  4. Is Riesling wine? The Thais make better stuff. Carrefour had some decent wine before they were bought by Big C but regular Big C's are diabolical.

    Most people find an Australian Chardonnay acceptable at the price, around 500 baht.

    Obviously spoken by someone who has never tasted a decent Riesling.

    " Riesling is a light-skinned, aromatic grape of German origin which is - if the majority of topwine critics are to be believed - the world's finest white-wine grape variety."


    One of the worlds most collectable wines. Even at the cheaper end of the market Australia does some pretty decent Rieslings, New Zealand some very good ones. Not the sweet s**t that people associate with the name but a superb dry white.

    Now the cheap Chardonnay that you mention, well the Thai's can compete with that. Both foul.

    Blue Nun destroyed forever the name of Riesling, but as you say I have never tasted a "decent" Riesling and doubt I ever will, maybe with the exception of Alsace, but sweet of course. Germans should stick to beer not wine. I'm certainly not a fan of Chardonnay or Thai wines, but the OP seemed to be more concerned about price and what Big C had to offer.

    For myself the best white wine in the World is Sancerre. It's a wine that only the French could produce and I only drink French with rare exception and that exception would be Spanish. They make some rare but wonderful bold whites. New World wines don't interest me in the slightest.

    Chablis is made from the Chardonnay grape and no other country has come close in my opinion to produce anything resembling a decent Chablis.

    There are some outstanding Rieslings out there. World class. But, they are expensive, and you have more than likely never had one. The Rhinehessen ones are the best. But, the Mosel Rieslings can also be great. You will never find one here. Due to the silly wine policies in place. The junk you see here is not indicative of the great Rieslings at all. Most Australian Chardonnay is over oaked and unimpressive. But, as is always the case with Australian wines, there are some exceptionally good ones out there. Although my favorite Aussie wines are still a great McLaren Shiraz, or a Clare Valley Grenache.

    The poster is right about Chablis. Nobody is capable of producing a great Chablis, other than the French. In my opinion they still produce the best white wines on the planet. Nothing compares to a great Mersault, Chassagne, Corton, or Le Montrachet. But, the issue is affordability. Most of us do not have $150 to $500 to spend on a bottle of wine. And that is pricing in NY, or LA. Four times that price here. So, for the money, I think Santa Barbara County, Monterey County, the Central Coast, or Sonoma County have the best Chardonnays. But having said that, the French and Spanish wines have a lot more personality.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  5. I married a Myanmar lady in Yangon (march 2014 ) , it was a complete waste of time . I wasn't allowed in the courtroom ,or building for my own wedding . Then the government wouldn't certify or issue a statement that she was never married before (required in Thailand ) or certify the marriage by the judge . Remarried in Thailand after red tape . Now on the way to Kuala Lumpur to get a Thai non o so she can be a dependent on my retirement visa . Given a hard time at Malaysia for a tourist visa too . Other governments seem to help the Junta that doesn't do anything for their people .

    The US embassy refused to let her affirm that she was never married , they are worse than the Junta .bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    Yes, very, very little has changed in Burma. Mostly window dressing. From what I hear the US agreed to go along with the reform scam, in order to allow the Chinese companies to buy equipment and supplies at more competitive prices, now that the sanctions have been lifted. That is all there is to this so called reform. The generals are still the same billionaire pigs they always were. They are still dealing in heroin, and smuggling rubies to the UK. Do not believe the bullsh**.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  6. I'm not saying that if she's guilty, she shouldn't be held accountable, but:

    "The EC will swiftly complete the three cases, because they are of great interest to the people," Mr. Somchai said. "I believe all of the cases could reach a verdict by August."

    So that means a verdict in 2 months or so. Meanwhile cases against PAD and their leaders for taking over Government House and occupying the airport are still sitting on a shelf somewhere gathering dust.

    If you're going to apply justice, apply it evenly and equally to all.

    Maybe that would be a nice concept in some parallel universe, where all is grand, and just and perfect. But in this world we live in, we take as it comes. In this case, it is glorious that some justice is being applied. It is lovely when laws are applied, especially to people that are essentially above the law, like the Yingbat. Make her accountable. But, the real question is, will the famously weak and cowardly judiciary hand out real, meaningful fines, or sentences? It would be fun to see some of these hooligans serve time.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  7. Maybe she realised you were too insecure and needy and wants nothing to do with you this time round ?

    Funny. It always pays to have the heart of a lion, and the skin of an alligator. Who cares anyway? Does it really make any difference to you? You have a lot going on in your life right? So, this is just a tiny blip on the screen. Not like you have a lot invested in this friendship. Let her be. Who knows what is going on in her life, or her mind or her heart. Why have such expectations of people. Remember, disappointment usually comes from thwarted desires and expectations. Why expect so much. Have you thought of where those expectations come from?


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  8. I always say, do not even consider getting married, unless you have lived together for at least 12 months. Many rush this, and are sorry later. It is always in the interest of a Thai woman to rush things, and move up the agenda. It is always in our interest to slow things down, and let them develop in a more organic fashion. Take your time. Time is your ally. If it is good, it is only going to get better with time. If there are problems, they are going to reveal themselves with time. So use the time in a positive manner, and push back if she creates a sense of urgency. If you have a lot of money, and you have been together long enough to truly know who she is, what the hell? If she is from a poor family, there is an expectation of this kind of assistance. Most women are looking for financial security no matter where they are from. But be prudent.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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    The 'your time advice' is always going to be good advice. However, living together before marriage is not always possible - I certainly was not permitted to live with my Girlfriend until we were married, I have a number of friends who also married ladies from respectable backgrounds who's Parents would permit them to live with their boyfriend until they were wed.

    Of course, these are relationships between similarly aged, socially-economically-edcuationally compatible couples, who's country differs, but with a fundamentally similar upbringing with regards to ethics, respect and moral values.

    I suspect your comments handle a specific and more 'needy' female demographic in which a case additional caution needs be advised...

    That said, in any relationship regardless of background, upbringing or origin, taking their time is the best advise anyone will encounter...

    What he means OP is , if your girls of a lower class ( a brass you met in a bar ) you must be a mug buying her a house.

    There are many examples of a guy meeting a gal from a lower class, who is not a bar girl. Bar girls make up about one half of one percent of the population, at most. So, let us not generalize too much. Many of us are too cautious, and careful to choose a bar girl. Nothing wrong with that per se, just seems like a risky choice to me. Any gal from a family that is less than middle class is going to have big financial needs. Part of the equation. As long as you know that going in, and take your time getting to know her, so be it.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  9. Does anyone have any good recipes for sorbet? Low sugar, or maybe no sugar? Here in the tropics we have a lot of great fruit. And some of us do not eat much dairy, for a variety of reasons. So, a natural, home made tropical fruit sorbet seems like such a natural. And yet, it is incredibly difficult to find. Most of the ones I do find are either junk quality, or overpriced, such as the Haagen Daz stuff. And ideas, or recipes? Thanks.

  10. Dump your childish beliefs in the supernatural and embrace non-belief. And bacon is delicious by the way!

    what about dumping dumb opinions presented by irrelevant and childish remarks? huh.png

    What is this obsession some people have with Muslims and Pork!!!?

    I am reminded of a story from many years past. A university pal of mine was dating his childhood sweetheart. She was a truly sweet and innocent country gal. On occasion, my pal behaved abominably towards her. The belittlements and bullying always centred around meat.

    For you see, the sweet and innocent country gal was a vergetarian. Oh, the apparent crime of choosing not to eat meat!

    When we ate out for dinner as a group or at each other's house, he would inevitably order a meat dish of some sort. Steak was usually somewhere in the frame. At these times my pal always had the need to tell his girlfriend how good meat tasted, even holding the meat up to her face with his fork and making 'yum yum yum' sound effects, telling her she was missing out on this great tasting food.

    Why was my pal so threatened by a vegetarian? His GF accepted his meat eating, why could he not accept her vegetarianism?

    Whenever I hear the 'Pork' comment I am reminded of this story. Why do the actions of others bother some people so very very much?

    Because those people are not comfortable in their own skin, perhaps?

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  11. Dude it was a joke and meant to point out your silly dietary rules. (There is a theory that proscribed meats in various religions came about to combat a reversion back to cannibalism among adherents as said meats have a taste similar to human flesh.) I don't give a whit what you, or anyone else, chooses to eat. It's just funny to point out all the silliness in religious beliefs...like why do you Muslims also hate dogs? Was Mohamed chased down the block and bitten by a dog in his street preaching days...did a dog once pee on a Quran...what?

    I do not accept you made the pork comment in good taste or as a humorous anecdotes. What is 'silly' to you is not silly to others.

    Bigots and bullies like to make snarky verbal attacks like these then when called out on the matter say 'oh I was joking'.

    Sorry dude, that dog don't hunt here.

    As Jules, from Pulp Fiction liked to say "I avoid eating the flesh of an animal who does not have the good sense to avoid its own feces".


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  12. It is all the fault of US. There will be a protest in BKK over this on Sunday.

    Well, we all need a bogeyman. I always like to say it is Dick Cheney's fault. He caused this. He is and was responsible for all the worlds problems. Now, it is Obama. He is causing all this! Global warming. Food shortages. Disease. Famine. Pestilence. Crime. Greed. It is all his fault!


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  13. "Meanwhile, Somsak Praneetatyasai, president of Thai Shrimp Association, said his association wanted the public sector to speed up explaining to the US government and consumers that the Thai fishing industry neither employed illegal migrant workers nor engaged in human trafficking."

    Comment deleted.

    Has he checked with all the fishing fleets in the land, before issuing this blanket denial? Has he sent inspectors out to inspect every boat? Nobody is employing illegal workers? That is a strong denial. I would certainly hope there are some facts to back it up. Before explaining to US consumers, I would want to have some facts to work with, and not just this mans request to revive his industry, back to the level it was at, prior to these developments. I understand Thailand is the worlds leading exporter of shrimp. That means it is a huge industry with thousands employed. None are illegal? If that is the case, this guy, and this group deserve some sort of award.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  14. I find it ironic and funny that one railing against cultural imperialism would use a cultural technique ("Tromp loy") to illustrate his point!

    I myself like this way of looking at things:

    'Do not believe anything merely on the authority of your teachers and priests. But, whatever, after thorough investigation and reflection, you find to agree with reason and experience, as conducive to the good and benefit of one and all of the world at large, accept only that as true, and shape your life in accordance with it.' -Buddha

    Sounds like western values to me. Oh, I am a bodhisattva too, in case you were wondering.

    Oh damn you and your logical truth. So case closed. Even Buddha said its OK to learn from falangs. Hooray for logic and learning.

    A fascinating quote from the Buddha. And a great deal of truth reflected in it. The part that makes for complication is the mention of reason. It is a quality I do not see expressed that consistently here. I hope I am not being "imperialist" for saying that. I have had Thai people tell me that they have reason, but it is a Thai form of reason!


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  15. There have been clean up activities taking place in Angeles City this year making the atmosphere very different, including the recent widely reported arrest/transport to Manila and detention of bar customers, that may be leading to some previous travelers flying to different locations.

    For the specific Bangkok leg suspect the months of security warnings have not played a positive role for travel either.

    1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif"detention of bar customers"? for what? drunken drving? indoor smoking? prostitution?hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

    Yes, I have heard this many times, from many different forum users. The police there run a dozen different extortion schemes and are notorious for busting foreigners. It appears that the heyday of AC is in the past? Anyone been there recently who can report on current status? Seems a shame. What a place. Pattaya times ten!


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  16. Malaysia MH370 jet hunt will move south, Australia says

    The next phase of the hunt for missing Malaysian jet MH370 will move hundreds of miles south, officials have said.

    The search will focus on an area 1,800km (1,100 miles) off the city of Perth, Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) chief Martin Dolan said.

    Nearby areas were previously surveyed from the air, but the undersea hunt was directed north after pings were heard.

    The jet vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8 March with 239 passengers on board.

    Experts had hoped that the pings detected shortly after the plane vanished were from its flight-data recorders.

    But after weeks of searching the ocean floor, it was concluded that the noises were unrelated to the plane.

    Read More: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-27936167


    -- BBC 2014-06-20

    So far, I have not heard any calls for a better quality ping device to be mandatory on all commercial jets. The company that makes this piece of crap should be ashamed of itself. It is 1950's technology. I hear a better device with satellite tracking is available but it costs $100,000 extra, and obviously MA did not feel the need to spend the money. This should be mandatory. Why is it not?


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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  17. Sorry but this is typical Thai posturing - When faced with criticism, they in turn become critical of the person - or nation - criticizing them, and spin the whole story with a nationalistic twist of Thailand the (couragous and proud) victim standing up for itself against the foreigner the bully.

    But the persistent underlying problems remain. They just can't hear them anymore because they are all to busy screaming nationalistic sentiments.

    Very true. There is something about face, that makes cowards out of men and women. Let us not face up. Let us not man up. Let us deny. Let us not look within, let us criticize those who criticize us. Very childish, churlish, and a gutless reaction. Yes, the US has tremendous problems and issues. But, I am not sure that is the point. Thailand had an essentially broken government for the past year or two. Something needed to be done. The US is so hung up on what it refers to as so called democracy, that it is unable to see the forest beyond the trees.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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